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*Austere Lightness

From Arks-Visiphone
Revision as of 22:40, 9 September 2023 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (text adjustment)
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Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (NGS)
SwordSword Camos Wired LanceWired Lance Camos PartizanPartizan Camos Twin DaggersTwin Dagger Camos Double SaberDouble Saber Camos KnucklesKnuckle Camos KatanaKatana Camos Dual BladesDual Blade Camos GunslashGunslash Camos
Assault RifleAssault Rifle Camos LauncherLauncher Camos Twin MachinegunsTwin Machine Gun Camos Bullet BowBullet Bow Camos
RodRod Camos TalisTalis Camos WandWand Camos Jet BootsJet Boot Camos TaktTakt Camos
*Austere Lightness
A purified weapon camouflage. Its mighty power saves
the weak and visits vengeance upon the wicked.

Rarity: 13
Weapon Types: SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnucklesKatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin MachinegunsBullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

Drop Info

  • NGS Quest Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
  • Limited Quests
    • NGS Quest Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (3/31/2021~4/7/2021)
    • NGS Quest Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (4/7/2021~4/14/2021)
  • NGS Emergency Quest [Mining Base Defense: Demise] (UH)
  • NGS Emergency Quest Primordial Enmity from the Void
  • Featured Quests:
    • NGS Quest Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
    • NGS Quest Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)

  • AC NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
    • ⌞Bonus for Scratching 55 Times

Additional Info

  • 3 of the 17 Austere Weapons appear as Weaponoids in PSO2es
    • Katana Austere Galland, Dual Blades Austere Savior, Assault Rifle Austere Shooter

CollapseRelated Items
Invade Series Austere Series
Sword Invade Calibur / Invade Calibur-NT

Wired Lance Invade Wing / Invade Wing-NT
Partizan Invade Spear / Invade Spear-NT
Twin Daggers Invade Fencer / Invade Fencer-NT
Double Saber Invade Edge / Invade Edge-NT
Knuckles Invade Fist / Invade Fist-NT
Katana Invade Galland / Invade Galland-NT
Dual Blades Invade Savior / Invade Savior-NT
Gunslash Invade Buster / Invade Buster-NT
Assault Rifle Invade Shooter / Invade Shooter-NT
Launcher Invade Cannon / Invade Cannon-NT
Twin Machineguns Invade Rain / Invade Rain-NT
Bullet Bow Invade Bogen / Invade Bogen-NT
Rod Invade Sorcerer / Invade Sorceror-NT
Talis Invade Arm / Invade Arm-NT
Wand Invade Axe / Invade Axe-NT
Jet Boots Invade Slider / Invade Slider-NT

Sword Austere Calibur / Austere Calibur-NT

Wired Lance Austere Wing / Austere Wing-NT
Partizan Austere Spear / Austere Spear-NT
Twin Daggers Austere Fencer / Austere Fencer-NT
Double Saber Austere Edge / Austere Edge-NT
Knuckles Austere Fist / Austere Fist-NT
Katana Austere Galland / Austere Galland-NT
Dual Blades Austere Savior / Austere Savior-NT
Gunslash Austere Buster / Austere Buster-NT
Assault Rifle Austere Shooter / Austere Shooter-NT
Launcher Austere Cannon / Austere Cannon-NT
Twin Machineguns Austere Rain / Austere Rain-NT
Bullet Bow Austere Bogen / Austere Bogen-NT
Rod Austere Sorcerer / Austere Sorceror-NT
Talis Austere Arm / Austere Arm-NT
Wand Austere Axe / Austere Axe-NT
Jet Boots Austere Slider / Austere Slider-NT

Weapon Camo*Invade Destroy Weapon Camo*Austere Lightness
NGS Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS)Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS)Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS)Partizan Camos Twin Daggers (NGS)Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS)Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS)Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS)Katana Camos Dual Blades (NGS)Dual Blade Camos
Assault Rifle (NGS)Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS)Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Machine Gun Camos Bullet Bow (NGS)Bullet Bow Camos Gunslash (NGS)Gunslash Camos
Rod (NGS)Rod Camos Talis (NGS)Talis Camos Wand (NGS)Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS)Jet Boot Camos Takt (NGS)Takt Camos