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New Genesis: Login Bonus

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The Login Bonus is a continuation of the Login Stamps feature from Phantasy Star Online 2.

Once per day, you are awarded with a day's Regular item, as well as Premium item if you have a active Premium Set. You are able to obtain the next day's set of items after 00:00 JST. If you miss a day, your progress does not reset.

During events or other campaigns, an additional Limited Time Login Bonus sheet is provided. An archive of those that have come and gone is available here at the archive page.

Regular Daily Login Bonus

This updated Daily Login Bonus was introduced with the Retem update on the 15th of December 2021. The old Daily Login Bonus table can be found at the Archive.

Login Bonus (Week 1)
Regular Premium
Day 1 Tool (NGS) N-Grinder ×5 Tool (NGS) N-Grinder ×10
Day 2 Pass (NGS) Salon Free Pass ×1 Pass (NGS) N-Color Change Pass ×1
Day 3 SG 10 Star Gems SG 10 Star Gems
Day 4 Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +10% ×1 Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +10% ×2
Day 5 Tool (NGS) N-Grinder ×5 Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor ×15
Day 6 Pass (NGS) N-Grind Great Success +20% ×1 Pass (NGS) N-Grind Great Success +20% ×2
Day 7 SG 20 Star Gems SG 20 Star Gems
Login Bonus (Week 2)
Regular Premium
Day 8 Tool (NGS) N-Grinder ×5 Tool (NGS) N-Grinder ×10
Day 9 Pass (NGS) Salon Free Pass ×1 Pass (NGS) Special Scratch Ticket ×1
Day 10 SG 10 Star Gems SG 10 Star Gems
Day 11 Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +10% ×1 Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +10% ×2
Day 12 Tool (NGS) N-Grinder ×5 Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor ×15
Day 13 Pass (NGS) N-Grind Great Success +20% ×1 Pass (NGS) N-Grind Great Success +20% ×2
Day 14 SG 20 Star Gems SG 20 Star Gems

PSO2 11th Anniversary Limited Time Login Bonus

JP name: ?

Distribution duration: 2023-05-07 12:00 JST to 2023-08-02 11:00 JST

Limited Time Login Bonus
Day 1 Ticket (NGS) St "Hitsugi: OK!" ×1
Day 2 NGS Weapon Camo *Powerful Blow
Day 3 NGS Weapon Camo *Churroster
Day 4 Ticket (NGS) St "Lillipans: Stare" ×1
Day 5 NGS Weapon Camo *Duel Gaze
Day 6 NGS Weapon Camo *Freeze Tuna
Day 7 Creative Space Natural Objects (NGS) PH "PSO2 11th Anniversary (Ob)" ×1
Day 8 Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II A ×1
Day 9 Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II B ×1
Day 10 Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II A ×1
Day 11 Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II B ×1
Day 12 Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II A ×1
Day 13 Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II B ×1
Day 14 SG 100 Star Gems