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New Genesis: Techter

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New Genesis Classes
S-ATK (NGS) Striking Hunter (NGS) Hunter   Fighter (NGS) Fighter
R-ATK (NGS) Ranged Ranger (NGS) Ranger   Gunner (NGS) Gunner   Slayer (NGS) Slayer
T-ATK (NGS) Technique Force (NGS) Force   Techter (NGS) Techter   Waker (NGS) Waker
ATK (NGS) Hybrid Braver (NGS) Braver   Bouncer (NGS) Bouncer
Skill Simulator

Techter (also known as Techer) is a returning class in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

Class Weapon Overview


Wands are general purpose Technique casting weapons that can also be used as an melee weapon. Wands can be imbued with an element by casting a charged technique, which allows them to create Technique "explosions" when striking enemies with melee attacks that inflict additional damage and strike all enemies near the blast.

Using the Parry Weapon Action, you can block attacks and negate their damage when Guarding right before the attack hits you with a Just Guard. A Just Guard also allows you to move when successfully performed.

Wand Mechanics

  • Wand Element Change: A Passive Skill only usable on Wands when "Wand Element Change" is unlocked on the Techter skill tree. By charging a Technique, the element of the equipped Wand will change to match the charged Technique's element. A coloured orb appears at the head of the Wand, showing what element the Wand is currently.
    With "Wand Element Revoke" unlocked on the Techter Skill Tree, the current element can be reset by holding the Weapon Action Button.
  • Wand Tech Explosions: Attacking enemies with Wand melee attacks causes Technique explosions that deal additional damage. These explosions match the element of the current Wand element.
  • Wand Parry Counter Plus: A Passive Skill only usable on Wands when "Wand Parry Counter Plus" is unlocked on the Techter skill tree. After Just Guarding with a Wand, a powerful counterattack can be performed by pressing the normal attack button.
  • Step Counterattack: After successfully dodging through an attack with a Step, a unique counterattack can be performed by pressing the normal attack button right after the Step.

Skill Tree Overview (Beta)

Shifta-Deband Main Class
Shifta-Deband Party Share Main Class Wand Element Change Resta Field Techter Main Class Wand Parry Counter Plus
Wand Element Revoke

Skills (Beta)


Active Skill. Release an aura that increases damage dealt and reduces damage taken for the user and allies within range. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillShiftaDeband.png Shifta-Deband None Damage 110%
Damage Taken 90%
Duration 60s
Max Duration 60s
Cooldown 15s

Shifta-Deband Party Share

Activating Shifta-Deband applies its effect to all members of the current party regardless of their proximity to the user. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillShiftaDebandPartyShare.png Shifta-Deband Party Share Shifta-Deband Lv. 1 N/A N/A

Wand Element Change

Charge a Technique to imbue your Wand with its elemental attribute, altering the elemental damage dealt by your Tech Explosions.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillWandElementChange.png Wand Element Change Shifta-Deband Lv. 1 N/A N/A

Resta Field Techter

Using a Resta Sign increases its potency and produces an area of effect that additionally restores the HP of all allies near the user. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillRestaFieldForce.png Resta Field Techter Shifta-Deband Lv. 1 HP Recovery 140%

Wand Parry Counter Plus

After successfully Just Guarding an attack with Wand Parry, press the normal attack button to execute a powerful counterattack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillWandParryCounterPlus.png Wand Parry Counter Plus Shifta-Deband Lv. 1 N/A N/A

Wand Element Revoke

Hold the Weapon Action button to discard the elemental attribute installed by Wand Element Change.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillWandElementRevoke.png Wand Element Revoke Wand Element Change Lv. 1 N/A N/A