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New Genesis: Ranger

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New Genesis Classes
S-ATK (NGS) Striking Hunter (NGS) Hunter   Fighter (NGS) Fighter
R-ATK (NGS) Ranged Ranger (NGS) Ranger   Gunner (NGS) Gunner   Slayer (NGS) Slayer
T-ATK (NGS) Technique Force (NGS) Force   Techter (NGS) Techter   Waker (NGS) Waker
ATK (NGS) Hybrid Braver (NGS) Braver   Bouncer (NGS) Bouncer
Skill Simulator

Ranger is a returning class in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

Class Weapon Overview


A heavy-duty rifle loaded with bullets. Possesses a high rate of attack as well as extreme precision. Its Photon Arts augment its abilities, enabling it to adapt to many battlefield situations.

Using Sliding Shot to move to the left

The Sliding Shot Weapon Action performs an evasive slide forward, backwards, or to the sides while shooting at the same time. This allows the Ranger to keep their distance from an enemy to avoid damage as well as shoot at the same time.

Rifle Mechanics

  • Automatic Normal Fire(?): By holding down the Normal attack button, the Rifle will fire a continuous stream of bullets that restore PP when they hit an enemy. While firing in midair, you will slowly descend.
  • Rifle Distance Snipe(?): By staying a certain distance away from the target, Rifle attacks gain additional damage. Your lock-on cursor changes to a orange colour, and a shine effect is added to bullet impacts when this is active.
Automatic Fire(?) and Distance Snipe(?) in action
  • Weak Bullet: The "Weak Bullet" Active Skill is only usable on Rifles when unlocked.
  • Spread Shot: The "Spread Shot" Active Skill is only usable on Rifles when unlocked.

Skill Tree Overview (Beta)

Weak Bullet Main Class
Weak Bullet Reinforce Main Class Spread Shot Rifle Grenadier Rifle Slide Shot Advance
Spread Shot Quick Escape

Skills (Beta)

Weak Bullet

Active Skill. Load a cartridge of bullets that debilitate any enemy part they strike, temporarily increasing the damage you and your allies deal to that part. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
NGSUISkillWeakBullet.png Weak Bullet None Damage Dealt 120%
Stocks 3
Duration 15s
Cooldown 30s

Weak Bullet Reinforce

Repeatedly striking a part affected by Weak Bullet enhances Weak Bullet's effect and extends its duration. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillWeakBulletReinforce.png Weak Bullet Reinforce Weak Bullet Lv. 1 Damage 125%
Duration 15s

Spread Shot

Active Skill. Consume gauge built from attacking enemies to fire a short-range payload of bullets that strikes all targets in a wide radius.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillSpreadShot.png Spread Shot Weak Bullet Lv. 1 Damage 60%

Rifle Grenadier

Hold the Weapon Action button to deploy an explosive. Holding a direction while holding Weapon Action throws the explosive at targets, while holding Weapon Action while stationary plants the explosive as a trap on the ground below.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillRifleGrenadier.png Rifle Grenadier Weak Bullet Lv. 1 Trap Damage 500%
Grenade Damage 400%
Cooldown 30s

Rifle Slide Shot Advance

Gain invulnerability upon activating Assault Rifle Weapon Action.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillRifleSlideShotAdvance.png Rifle Slide Shot Advance Weak Bullet Lv. 1 Invulnerability 0.22s

Spread Shot Quick Escape

Gain invulnerability during Spread Shot and increase the distance moved when activating Spread Shot.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillSpreadShotQuickEscape.png Spread Shot Quick Escape Spread Shot Lv. 1 N/A N/A