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New Genesis: Force

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New Genesis Classes
S-ATK (NGS) Striking Hunter (NGS) Hunter   Fighter (NGS) Fighter
R-ATK (NGS) Ranged Ranger (NGS) Ranger   Gunner (NGS) Gunner   Slayer (NGS) Slayer
T-ATK (NGS) Technique Force (NGS) Force   Techter (NGS) Techter   Waker (NGS) Waker
ATK (NGS) Hybrid Braver (NGS) Braver   Bouncer (NGS) Bouncer
Skill Simulator

Force is a returning class in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

Class Weapon Overview


A long-shafted weapon augmented for Technique casting. The Rod allows Forces to freely move around while casting as well as block attacks with the Guard weapon action.

Just Guarding with a Rod

Using the Guard Weapon Action, you can block attacks and negate their damage when Guarding right before the attack hits you with a Just Guard, which also restores 30 PP when successfully performed.

Rod Mechanics

  • Rod Bullet: Returning from PSO2, upon Normal attacking with a rod, a bullet is fired that restores PP when hitting an enemy.
Rod Bullet
  • Rod Free Movement: While charging and casting techniques with a Rod as well as shooting Rod Bullets with Normal attacks, the Force is able to move freely at a reduced speed.
  • Step Counterattack: After successfully dodging through an attack with a Step, a unique counterattack can be performed by pressing the normal attack button right after the Step in the form of a more powerful Rod Bullet.
  • Rod Technique Keep: A Passive Skill only usable on Rods when "Rod Technique Keep" is unlocked on the Force skill tree. Upon using Step or the Weapon Action on a Rod while charging a Technique, the Technique is stored in the Rod, allowing the Technique to be cast later with a reduced charge time and with the PP cost negated.

Skill Tree Overview (Beta)

Photon Flare Main Class
Charge PP Recovery PP Convert Resta Field Force Main Class Rod Technique Keep
PP Convert Increase

Skills (Beta)

Photon Flare

Active Skill. Temporarily increase the damage dealt by Force weapons and maximum PP. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
NGSUISkillPhotonFlare.png Photon Flare None Damage 110%
Max PP +50
Duration 30s
Cooldown 180s

Charge PP Recovery

Natural PP recovery continues while charging Techniques with a Force weapon.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillChargePPRecovery.png Charge PP Recovery Photon Flare Lv. 1 N/A N/A

PP Convert

Active Skill. Temporarily reduce maximum HP to increase PP recovery rate.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
NGSUISkillPPConvert.png PP Convert Photon Flare Lv. 1 Max HP 80%
PP Recovery 400%
Duration 30s
Cooldown 180s

Resta Field Force

Using a Resta Sign produces an area of effect that additionally restores the HP of all allies near the user. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillRestaFieldForce.png Resta Field Force Photon Flare Lv. 1 N/A N/A

Rod Technique Keep

Using Step or Weapon Action while charging a Technique with Rod stores the charge. Recasting the same Technique after it has been stocked negates its PP consumption and shortens its charge time.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillRodTechniqueKeep.png Rod Technique Keep Photon Flare Lv. 1 N/A N/A

PP Convert Increase

Gain the ability to stock charges of PP Convert.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillPPConvertIncrease.png PP Convert Increase PP Convert Lv. 1 Max Stock 2