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World Map (NGS)

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This section has a list of all regions on planet Halpha, and the sectors within them. Below each sector name is details about them.


Central City (セントラルシテイ)

Central City (セントラルシテイ)
Lobby Area (100 Players)

The largest city on planet Halpha. This is the location you appear at when signing in, and you also return to this location after completing an Emergency Quest.

Exploration Sections

Central Aelio (中央エアリオ)
Central Aelio (中央エアリオ)
Exploration Section (32 Players)
Recommended Power Level: 800
Average Enemy Level: Lv.1
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Tower Towers: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 31 (9 Datapods, 24 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Monotite, Vegetable (NGS) Nourishing Aelio Herb, Fruit (NGS) Refreshing Aelio Peach, Seafood (NGS) Sharp Aelio Crab, Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk, Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz, Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor
    Sub-locations: Halpha Grasslands (ハルファナ平原), Mt. Mahina Pari (マヒナパリ山)

    These are the fields found right outside of Central City's walls. With a temperate climate and easy-to-navigate terrain, this is the perfect place for new ARKS recruits to train their skills.

    Urgent Quests
    Western Aelio (西エアリオ)
    Western Aelio (西エアリオ)
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 933
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.7
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 4
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Tower Towers: 1
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Yellow
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Invincible
  • Secrets Collectables: 18 (5 Datapods, 18 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Seafood (NGS) Refreshing Aelio Snail, Mineral (NGS) Trinite, Vegetable (NGS) Sharp Aelio Tomato, Fruit (NGS) Healthy Aelio Banana, Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor
    Sub-locations: Aelio Town Ruins

    A sector that makes up the western border of Aelio. Aelio Town can be found here as well as steep cliffs and beaches.

    Lake Halphiria (ハルフィリア湖)
    Lake Halphiria (ハルフィリア湖)
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2744
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 9 (3 Datapods, 9 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: ?

    A lake area where aggressive enemies normally do not appear.

    Northern Aelio (北エアリオ)
    Northern Aelio (北エアリオ)
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1045
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.12
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Purple
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Skillful
  • Secrets Collectables: 20 (6 Datapods, 15 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Fruit (NGS) Nourishing Aelio Apple, Mineral (NGS) Trinite, Vegetable (NGS) Refreshing Aelio Mushroom, Seafood (NGS) Healthy Aelio Lobster, Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz, Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor
    Sub-locations: Halpha Marshlands (ハルファナ湿原), Alto Lani Plateau (アルト・ラニ高原)

    The marshlands found in this region feature a derelict facility built on top of them. Further north is Alto Lani Plateau, where it is said a special DOLL occasionally appears.

    Urgent Quests
    Southern Aelio (南エアリオ)
    Southern Aelio (南エアリオ)
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 835
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.3
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Tower Towers: 1
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Prosperous
  • Secrets Collectables: 24 (8 Datapods, 18 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Vegetable (NGS) Healthy Aelio Turnip, Seafood (NGS) Nourishing Aelio Clam, Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Fruit (NGS) Sharp Aelio Pear, Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk, Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor
    Sub-locations: Barflow Waterfall (パルフロウ大瀑布?/バルフロウ大瀑布?), Mt. Picott (ピコット山)

    A region well-known for its waterfalls. A coastline can also be found to the south, as well as as a mountain named Mt. Picott to the south-east.

    Combat Sections

    Mt. Magnus (マグナス山)
    Mt. Magnus (マグナス山)
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 894/?/1759/2647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.5/Lv.15/Lv.35/Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Secrets Collectables: 15 (2 Datapods, 13 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None

    Mt. Magnus is a tall mountain found to the east of Central City. Updrafters can be found scattered throughout allowing you to easily traverse the terrain.

    Vanford Laboratory Ruins (ヴァンフォード研究所跡)
    Vanford Laboratory Ruins (ヴァンフォード研究所跡)
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1009/?/1759/2647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.10/Lv.15/Lv.35/Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 8 (3 Datapods, 8 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None

    The Vanford Laboratory Ruins are the remains of a Laboratory attacked by DOLLS. The once tall walls have been torn down by past battles.

    Defeat the Dromes found throughout this sector to convert them to your side. Once on your side, they will attack nearby enemies.

    Resol Forest (レゾルの森)
    Resol Forest (レゾルの森)
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1184/1759/2647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.15/Lv.30/Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 8 (2 Datapods, 8 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None

    Resol Forest is a forest that changes its appearance at night. It is a dangerous combat sector, with powerful enemies confirmed to appear. As such, a high Power Level is required to enter.


    Retem City

    Retem City
    Lobby Area (100 Players)

    The City of Retem found between Central Retem and Southern Retem.

    Exploration Sections

    Western Retem
    Western Retem
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1223
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.17
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Invincible
  • Secrets Collectables: 38 (6 Datapods, 32 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Monotite, Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz, Vegetable (NGS) Healthy Retem Cauliflower, Fruit (NGS) Healthy Retem Strawberry, Seafood (NGS) Nourishing Retem Scallop, Mineral (NGS) Tetracite, Tool (NGS) Stellar Seed
    Sub-locations: Mt. Sagaan Pass, Steckin Lowlands

    This is the sector of Retem bordering on Aelio, featuring a road to Central and Northern Aelio. Due to the large cylindrical structures known as "Deglevs" found through the Sagaan Mountain Pass, there is a strange electro-gravitational field found throughout.

    Every day at 04:00 JST, 10 of the Tool (NGS) Stellar Seed gathering material can be found at the "Mt. Sagaan Road: East" Ryuker Device, floating in midair. They can be sold for 2,000 N-Meseta each, and are said to come from meteor showers.

    Feed the Region Mag to receive a damage buff.

    Central Retem
    Central Retem
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1263
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.19
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Yellow
  • Secrets Collectables: 35 (9 Datapods, 26 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Monotite, Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Mineral (NGS) Trinite, Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk, Seafood (NGS) Healthy Retem Hermit Crab, Fruit (NGS) Nourishing Retem Cherries, Vegetable (NGS) Refreshing Retem Cranberries
    Sub-locations: Oasis, Daalsmarb Desert, Trinitis, Tiarm Coast

    Central Retem is a large open desert. The large pyramid structure named the Trinitis is sure to catch your eye.

    There is also an oasis that is used as a staging ground for expeditions.

    Northern Retem
    Northern Retem
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1396
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.21
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Tower Towers: Skillful
  • Region Mag Region Mag: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 51 (8 Datapods, 43 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk, Vegetable (NGS) Nourishing Retem Eggplant, Mineral (NGS) Tetracite, Fruit (NGS) Sharp Retem Star Fruit, Seafood (NGS) Refreshing Retem Sea Slug
    Sub-locations: Morava Canyon, Kinraad Cape

    Northern Retem hosts the largest mining site in Retem. The scaffolds is helpful for getting around, and are also used by ARKS for training. Mining squads have also left green boxes about.

    Feed the Region Mag to receive an experience rate buff.

    Southern Retem
    Southern Retem
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1474
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.23
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Purple
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Prosperous
  • Secrets Collectables: 41 (9 Datapods, 32 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Mineral (NGS) Trinite, Seafood (NGS) Healthy Retem Hermit Crab, Vegetable (NGS) Sharp Retem Mushrooom, Mineral (NGS) Photon Scale, Vegetable (NGS) Refreshing Retem Cranberries, Fruit (NGS) Refreshing Retem Mango
    Sub-locations: Al-demmond Desert, Garneru Coast

    Southern Retem makes up the southern border of Retem.

    Feed the Region Mag to receive a Rare Drop Rate buff.

    Luf Maqaad
    Luf Maqaad
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1513
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.24
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 25 (2 Datapods, 23 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz, Fruit (NGS) Healthy Retem Strawberry, Mineral (NGS) Tetracite, Vegetable (NGS) Sharp Retem Mushroom, Seafood (NGS) Sharp Retem Sea Urchin
    Sub-locations: None

    Luf Maqaad is a tall vertically orentated gathering area, sometimes called the Dome. Use the Updrafters to reach the top to find the entrance to Lower Maqaad.

    Combat Sections

    Retem El-Nossa
    Retem El-Nossa
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1363/1633/1869/2647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.20/Lv.30/Lv.40/Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 16 (3 Datapods, 12 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None

    Retem El-Nossa is a significant location for the ARKS of Retem. While it was once used before for ceremonies, it has recently seen less use.

    Lower Maqaad
    Lower Maqaad
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1562/1633/18692647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.25/Lv.30/Lv.40/Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 16 (1 Datapods, 15 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None

    Found below Luf Maqaad, Lower Maqaad houses a facility clad in metal and tubes. Whatever resided there before is no longer there.


    Kvaris Camp

    Retem City
    Lobby Area (100 Players)

    A ARKS camp set up in Kvaris, between Southern and Central Kvaris.

    Exploration Sections

    Southern Kavaris
    Southern Kvaris
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1869
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.37
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Secrets Collectables: 39 (6 Datapods, 33 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Mineral (NGS) Tetracite, Vegetable (NGS) Sharp Kvaris Mushroom, Fruit (NGS) Healthy Kvaris Akebia, Seafood (NGS) Healthy Kvaris Lobster
    Sub-locations: Quill Mountain Pass, Danan Snowfields

    This is the sector of Kvaris bordering on Aelio, featuring a road to the Kvaris Camp.

    Western Kvaris
    Western Kvaris
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1927
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.42
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Skillful (Cold-Resistant)
  • Secrets Collectables: 40 (6 Datapods, 34 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Trinite, Mineral (NGS) Pentrite, Vegetable (NGS) Nourishing Kvaris Carrot, Seafood (NGS) Nourishing Kvaris Sea Snail, Fruit (NGS) Refreshing Kvaris Plum, Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium (only when snowing or during a blizzard)
    Sub-locations: Mt. Ihana

    Western Kvaris features steep slopes with exposed ores waiting to be smashed through with a Floating Board. When it is snowing or during a blizzard, a single Blizzardium appears at Mt. Ihana's peak. Once destroyed, it will not reappear until the next daily reset (04:00 JST).

    Feed the Region Mag to receive an experience rate buff.

    Central Kvaris
    Central Kvaris
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2018
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.42
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 3
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Yellow
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Prosperous (Cold-Resistant)
  • Secrets Collectables: 39 (9 Datapods, 30 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Monotite, Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk, Mineral (NGS) Tetracite, Fruit (NGS) Sharp Kvaris Guava, Seafood (NGS) Sharp Kvaris Squid,Vegetable (NGS) Healthy Kvaris Onion, Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid (nighttime only), Tool (NGS) Snowks
    Sub-locations: Mistra Forest

    Every day at 04:00 JST, 10 of the Tool (NGS) Snowks gathering material can be found on the slope near the "Mistra Forest: North" Ryuker Device, lined up so that you can smash them with your Floating Board. They can be sold for 3,500 N-Meseta each.

    Feed the Region Mag to receive a Rare Drop Rate buff.

    Northern Kvaris
    Northern Kvaris
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2082
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.??
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Purple
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Invincible (Cold-Resistant)
  • Secrets Collectables: 46 (5 Datapods, 41 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Monotite, Mineral (NGS) Trinite, Fruit (NGS) Nourishing Kvaris Ackee, Vegetable (NGS) Refeshing Kvaris Napa, Seafood (NGS) Refreshing Kvaris Octopus, Fruit (NGS) Notable Kvaris Ackee (daytime only)
    Sub-locations: Mt. Latva

    Feed the Region Mag to receive a damage buff.

    Rayjord Gorge
    Rayjord Gorge
    Dangerous Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2944
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.64
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 13 (4 Datapods, 9 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Seafood (NGS) Sharp Kvaris Squid, Vegetable (NGS) Healthy Kvaris Onion, Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid
    Sub-locations: ???

    Rayjord Gorge is a section in which the air is so cold that you will take Cold Damage over time just from being there. Cold Damage will strike at regular intervals, and will occasionally inflict Freeze on you.

    To reduce the damage you take, use Regional Mag Boosts, Boost Items, Quick Food, Special Ability Capsules and so on to raise your Cold Resistance.

    The Comanta Tame enemy can only be found here, and will drop several types of Tames meat.

    Combat Sections

    Bergana Ruins
    Bergana Ruins
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 1957/2251/2647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.40/Lv.51/Lv.60
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Secrets Collectables: 21 (5 Datapods, 16 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None
    Lost Central
    Lost Central
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2114/2416/2647
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.45/Lv.55/Lv.65
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 16 (1 Datapods, 15 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None


    Stia Camp

    Stia Keep
    Lobby Area (100 Players)

    A base established near the Gable Mountain Pass in the Fringe Area.

    Exploration Sections

    Stia: Fringes
    Stia: Fringes
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2833
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.62
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Tower Towers: 1
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Invincible
  • Secrets Collectables: 16 (5 Datapods, 11 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Mineral (NGS) Pentrite, Vegetable (NGS) Healthy Stia Napa, Seafood (NGS) Nourishing Stia Hermit Crab, Seafood (NGS) Refreshing Stia Sea Slug, Fruit (NGS) Sharp Stia Mango, Seafood (NGS) Sharp Stia Octopus, Fruit (NGS) Healthy Stia Plum, Fruit (NGS) Famed Stia Star Fruit (daytime only)
    Sub-locations: Grania Coast, Bulganis Island, Gable Mountain Pass, Strobol Island
    Dreisen Plant
    Dreisen Plant
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2878
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.63
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Trigger Portal Trigger Portals: Yellow
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Skillful
  • Secrets Collectables: 35 (9 Datapods, 26 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None
    Outer Mediola: Sector 2
    Outer Mediola: Sector 2
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2924
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.64
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Region Mag Region Mag: Prosperous
  • Secrets Collectables: 32 (10 Datapods, 22 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Dualomite, Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk, Mineral (NGS) Tetracite, Vegetable (NGS) Nourishing Stia Herb, Fruit (NGS) Nourishing Stia Banana, Vegetable (NGS) Sharp Stia Cauliflower, Fruit (NGS) Refreshing Stia Apple, Mineral (NGS) Hexakite, Seafood (NGS) Healthy Stia Snail, Seafood (NGS) Famed Stia Crab (only during Clear and Volcanic Ash weather)
    Sub-locations: Altera Base, Felusa Ridge
    Outer Mediola: Sector 1
    Outer Mediola: Sector 1
    Exploration Section (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2972
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.65
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 12 (2 Datapods, 10 Red Boxes)
  • Gathering: Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz, Mineral (NGS) Hexakite, Vegetable (NGS) Refreshing Stia Tomato, Mineral (NGS) Inferium (Only during Heat Wave, Hellfire or Pheonix weather)), Vegetable (NGS) Famed Stia Mushroom (nighttime only)
    Sub-locations: None

    Combat Sections

    Dext Base
    Dext Base
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 2972
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.65
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Secrets Collectables: 8 (0 Datapods, 12 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None
    Neusen Plant
    Neusen Plant
    Combat Section (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 3069
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.67
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Sub-locations: None

    Story Sections

    Halpha Mediola
    Halpha Mediola
    Story Section (1 Player)
    Sub-locations: None

    Section Info

    Ryuker Devices

    A screenshot of a activated Ryuker Device.
    A screenshot of a activated Ryuker Device.

    Ryuker Devices, represented on the World Map as green icons (Ryuker Device), can be used for several purposes, including fast travel, changing Blocks, accessing your Storage remotely, creating Quick Food, and moving to different rooms within Blocks.

    To be able to use a Ryuker Device, you must activate it first by physically visiting it. Inactive Ryuker Devices glow yellow, while activated Ryuker Devices glow blue.

    By interacting with a Ryuker Device, or by opening your World Map, you can teleport to any activated Ryuker Device. Highlight the icon for the Ryuker Device you want to teleport to, then hold the confirm button down for a few seconds to start the teleport.


    Main article: Cocoons and Towers


    Main article: Battledia Quests

    Regional Mag

    Main article: Regional Mags


    Main article: Gathering


    Main article: Collectables


    Item Containers

    A screenshot showing a green box on the left, red box in the centre, and gold box on the right
    A screenshot showing a green box on the left, red box in the centre, and gold box on the right

    There are three types of Item Containers in the field: Green, Red, and Gold. Attack Item Containers to break them and reveal the items.

    Green Containers contain Tool (NGS) N-Grinders.

    Gold Containers are rare versions of Green Containers that can potentially spawn in the place of a Green Container. They usually contain Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz, but can rarely contain a Mineral (NGS) Alpha Reactor.

    Red Containers can contain either 10,000 N-Meseta, 10 SG, or Ability Capsule (NGS) Note Abilities. Certain Red Containers contain exclusive items, like the Unit (NGS) Quarde Armor Alga, Unit (NGS) Quarde Armor Belta, and Unit (NGS) Quarde Armor Tseza units.

    The number of red containers that appear per account is limited, meaning that once a red container is destroyed on one character, it is destroyed for all characters on the account. In addition, some Red Containers are protected by a barrier, and the container cannot be destroyed without destroying the devices that are creating the barrier.

    Frozen Containers

    File:NGSTutorial FrozenContainers.png
    A screenshot showing a gold container frozen in ice

    Frozen Containers are ice-covered Item Containers. They can only be destroyed by ramming them on a high-speed Floating Board, or by hitting them with a Crystal Ice Fragment. Each commonly contains one Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb ×1. They can also very rarely contain a Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium ×1

    Invisible Boxes

    File:NGSTutorial InvisibleBoxTrails.png
    A screenshot showing the trails of light produced by Invisible Boxes

    Invisible Boxes (also known as Dazzle Boxes) are invisible Item Containers found in Dreisen Plant. They can be located by observing the trails of light they produce, or by following your Active Sonar.

    File:NGSTutorial InvisibleBoxNormalRare.png
    A screenshot showing a "Invisible Box [Normal]" on the left, and "Invisible Box [Rare]" on the right

    There are two kinds of Invisible Box: "Invisible Box [Normal]" and "Invisible Box [Rare]". Both contain one Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor ×1 in each, but can also rarely contain a Mineral (NGS) Infernium ×1, Tool (NGS) N-Excube ×1 or Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner ×1 Invisible Boxes [Rare] have a greater number of light trails around them, and have a high chance of containing valuable items.