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Gunner (PSO2)

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The Gunner (ガンナー, "Gu") class is a specialized Ranged class that focuses on single-target combat and burst damage. Armed with their primary weapon, the Twin Machineguns, and a Skill Tree that rewards close combat and skilled play and use of mobility, the Gunner is difficult to master, but has the capability to shine and exceeds the limits when used to its fullest.

Reaching Level 75 on this class will give the following bonuses to the base stats of all classes and all characters of the same account: +2 PP, +15 S-ATKS-ATK, +50 R-ATKR-ATK, +10 S-DEFS-DEF.

Class Weapon Overview

Gunner Gunners use Twin MachinegunsTwin Machine Guns, Assault RifleAssault Rifle, and GunslashGunslash weapon types.

Twin Machine Guns

Extremely versatile ranged weapons that serves as the primary weapon of Gunner Gunners. They deal relatively small amounts of damage. However, they make up for it with the number of hits that they can deal in a given amount of time. While TMGs are considered as a Ranged weapon, their hit range is of Medium to Point-Blank range. Twin Machineguns can be powered up with the use of the Skill Twin Machineguns Gear, which grants them a damage bonus as they stay on the offensive and avoid taking damage.

Twin Machineguns' Weapon Action is Stylish Roll. Pressing the Weapon Action button will cause the wielder to flip in a direction. The direction of flip can be influenced with the directional keys, and while only backwards and sideways flips can be performed by default, the Skill Ring L/Front S Roll enables Stylish Rolling in a forwards direction. Stylish Rolling is a dodge action with several unique properties.

  • Stylish Roll has a healthy amount of invulnerability frames that enable its wielder to evade attacks Dive Roll wouldn't be able to avoid.
  • Chaining three Stylish Rolls together causes the third roll to be performed in slow motion. This is the longest dodge action in the game and has the most invulnerability, surpassing even Mirage Escape.
  • Pressing the Attack button during a Stylish Roll will cause the wielder to fire at targets, restoring PP.
  • Stylish Roll creates a Just Attack circle after being performed, allowing the wielder to chain into Arts out of dodges.

Assault Rifles

A heavy-duty rifle loaded with bullets. Possesses a high rate of attack as well as extreme precision. Its Photon Arts augment its abilities, enabling it to adapt to many battlefield situations. Assault Rifles can be further strengthened with the use of Bullet Skills, which allow the user to load in special magazines that give their attacks special properties.


These are universal weapons for all classes, which can switch between striking attacks that scale off of S-ATK S-Atk and shooting attacks that scale off of R-ATK R-Atk.

Skill Tree Overview

Gu Skill Tree.png

R-ATK Boost 1 DEX Boost 1 R-DEF Boost 1 Rare Mastery Gunner Dive Roll
R-ATK Boost 2 DEX Boost 2 R-DEF Boost 2 T Machinegun Mastery Dive Roll Advance
R-ATK Boost 3 HP Up TMG Arts S-Charge Dive Roll
Twin M.gun Gear Just Reversal
Aerial Advance Automate Deadline Showtime Chain Trigger
Zero Range
Advance 1
Showtime Star Chain Finish Chain Finish Bonus
One More Time Toughness Time Twice Chain S Roll Up
High Time S Roll Arts
Zero Range Advance 2 Zero Range Critical Attack PP Restore Perfect Keeper S Roll JA Bonus


Basic Skills

Dive Roll

Core Skill. Roll in a desired direction to dodge attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
DiveRollIcon.png Dive Roll - - -

Dive Roll Advance

Extends the invulnerability duration of Dive Roll.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DiveRollShootIcon.png Dive Roll Advance Dive Roll Duration 0.05s 0.09s 0.11s 0.13s 0.14s 0.15s 0.16s 0.17s 0.18s 0.20s

Dive Roll Shoot

Allows for an attack to be made during a Dive Roll.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
DiveRollShootIcon.png Dive Roll Shoot - - -

Just Reversal

Core Skill. Press the Jump button after landing on the ground from knockback to get up immediately.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
DiveRollShootIcon.png Just Reversal - - -


Increases your base max HP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hpupskillicon.png HP Up - Max HP +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

R-ATK Boost

Increases your base R-ATK R-ATK stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RAtkUp.png R-ATK Boost 1 - R-ATK +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
R-ATK Boost 2 R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 R-ATK +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75
R-ATK Boost 3 R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 R-ATK +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75

DEX Boost

Increases your base DEX DEX stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dexupskillicon.png DEX Boost 1 - DEX +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
DEX Boost 2 DEX Boost 1 Lv 3 DEX +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75

R-DEF Boost

Increases your base R-DEF R-DEF stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RDefUp.png R-DEF Boost 1 - R-DEF +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
R-DEF Boost 2 - R-DEF +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

Weapon Related Skills

Twin Machineguns

Twin M.Gun Gear

Enables Twin Machineguns Gear. Attack enemies to fill the Gear Gauge. As the Gear Gauge rises, damage dealt is increased. Gear Gauge resets upon being hit by an enemy attack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level Damage
1 1/3 Gear 2/3 Gear Full Gear
TwinMachineGunGearIcon.png Twin M.gun Gear R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 1 - - 105% 110% 130%

T. Machinegun Mastery

Main Class Only. When Twin Machineguns are equipped, increase PP regeneration and damage dealt by Critical Hits.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
TwinMachineGunMasteryIcon.png T. Machinegun Mastery - Critical Damage 101% 102% 103% 104% 105%
PP Gain +0.20 +0.40 +0.60 +0.80 +1.00

TMG Arts S-Charge

Main Class Only. When wielding Twin Machineguns, using any TMG Photon Art that requires charging immediately after any other Photon Art or Technique will cause it to charge immediately.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
TwinMachineGunArtsSChargeIcon.png TMG Arts S-Charge - - -


  • Only affects Aerial Shooting, Heel Stab, and crafted Infinity Fire.
  • Unlike Fighter's Tech Arts Just Attack Bonus,


Active Skill. Temporarily increase Hate Generation and Twin Machineguns Gear Gauge generation. Only available to use while wielding Twin Machineguns.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ShowtimeIcon.png Showtime R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 Hate 200% 220% 240% 260% 280% 300% 320% 340% 360% 400%
Gear 110% 120% 130% 140% 150% 160% 170% 180% 190% 200%
Duration 45s
Cooldown 45s

High Time

Main Class Only. Gain a damage bonus that increases over time while Showtime is active. Resets when a certain percentage (20%) of your maximum HP is taken as damage during Showtime.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ShowtimeIcon.png High Time - Increase
per Second
1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 3.0%
Damage Increase Limit +10% +15% +20%
Time to
Reach Limit
10s 7s 5s 8s 7s

Showtime Star

While Showtime is active, increase maximum PP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ShowtimeStarIcon.png Showtime Star Showtime Lv 2 Max PP +25 +30 +35 +40 +50

Toughness Time

During Showtime, reduces the amount of gear lost on hit. Only takes effect if Twin Machinegun Gear is learned.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
ShowtimeIcon.png Toughness Time Showtime Star Lv 3 Gear Loss 0%

One More Time

If damage was not taken during Showtime, Showtime will be reactivated once.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
OneMoreTimeIcon.png One More Time Showtime Star Lv 3 - -

Class Exclusive Skills

Chain Trigger

Active Skill. Enables you to start a Chain. Once you strike a target with any normal attack, a Chain counter will appear. The Chain can be increased by striking it with Normal Attacks, attacks from other players, or uncharged Techniques. Use a Photon Art or charged Technique to initiate a Chain Finish and increase Photon Art/Technique damage against the Chain target based on the Chain value.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ChainTriggerIcon.png Chain Trigger R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 Duration 30s
Cooldown 135s 125s 115s 105s 95s 85s 75s 65s 55s 45s
Chain count
1-8 9-18 19-28 29-38 39-48 49-58 59-68 69-78 79-88 89-98 99+
Damage multiplier
120% 130% 150% 160% 165% 170% 175% 180% 185% 190% 200%
Time until Chain stops
20s 20s 15s 15s 15s 10s 10s 5s 5s 5s 5s


  • If the enemy part in which the chain trigger was used is broken, the chain is cancelled.
  • Chain Trigger is compatible with any weapon.
  • Allies in the party can contribute to the chain with attacks, techs and PAs.
  • Once you use a PA, you have a grace period of ~3 seconds in which all PAs will benefit from the Chain Finish bonus.
  • PAPartizan Vol Graptor and PABullet Bow Banish Arrow do not benefit from Chain Finish.

Twice Chain

Twin Machineguns increase the Chain counter by 2 per hit.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
TwiceChainIcon.png Twice Chain Chain Finish Lv 5 - -

Chain Finish

Increases the damage of a Chain Finish.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ChainFinishIcon.png Chain Finish Chain Trigger Lv 3 Damage 150% 160% 170% 180% 190% 200% 210% 220% 230% 250%

Chain Finish Bonus

When a Chain Finish is activated, the cooldown for Chain Trigger will be reduced according to the accumulated chain.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level Cooldown Reduction
ChainFinishBonusIcon.png Chain Finish Bonus Chain Trigger Lv 5 - - 0.25 * chain count

Zero Range Advance

Increases the damage of Ranged attacks performed near the enemy.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RAtkUp.png Zero Range Advance 1 R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 Shooting Damage 101% 102% 103% 104% 105% 107% 109% 111% 113% 115%
Zero Range Advance 2 Zero Range Advance 1 Lv 5 Shooting Damage 101% 102% 103% 104% 105% 106% 107% 108% 109% 110%

Zero Range Critical

Increases the Critical Hit Rate of Ranged attacks performed near the enemy.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
RAtkUp.png Zero Range Critical Zero Range Advance 1 Lv 3 Critical Rate +20% +25% +32% +40% +50%

Perfect Keeper

Increases damage dealt when HP is over 75%.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RAtkUp.png Perfect Keeper Zero Range Advance 1 Lv 3 Damage 102% 104% 106% 108% 110% 112% 114% 116% 118% 120%
HP Threshold 75%

Aerial Advance

Increases damage dealt against airborne enemies.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AerialAdvanceIcon.png Aerial Advance R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 Damage 102% 104% 106% 108% 110% 112% 114% 116% 118% 120%

Automate Deadline

When HP drops below 25%, a mate will be automatically used.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AutomateIcon.png Automate Dealine R-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 Activation Rate 20% 24% 28% 32% 36% 42% 47% 62% 80% 100%

Attack PP Restore

Increases the PP restore rate of normal attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PpUpIcon.png Attack PP Restore Zero Range Advance 1 Lv 5 Restore Rate 110% 120% 130% 140% 150% 160% 170% 180% 190% 200%

S Roll Up

Increases damage dealt during a Stylish Roll.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
StylishRollIcon.png S Roll Up - Damage 130% 135% 140% 145% 150%

S Roll Arts

During a Stylish Roll, pressing the PA button will unleash a more powerful attack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
StylishRollIcon.png S Roll Arts S Roll Up Lv 2 Damage 130% 135% 140% 145% 150%
Consumed PP 10

S Roll JA Bonus

Increases the damage of a Just Attack after a Stylish Roll.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
StylishRollIcon.png S Roll JA Bonus S Roll Arts Lv 2 Damage 102% 104% 106% 108% 110%

Rare Mastery Gunner

Main Class Only. Automatically gained. Increases damage when equipped with a weapon with a rarity of 10 or greater, or any crafted weapons.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
RangedAttackRareMasteryIcon.png Rare Mastery Gunner - Damage 10%

Another S-Roll Arts Mode

Requires Class Level 85.
Main Class Only. Boost the power of S-Roll Arts and modify its range.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
Another S-Roll Arts Mode - - -