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Bouncer (PSO2)

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The Bouncer (バウンサー, "Bo") is a melee-type Class that is known for its prowess in aerial combat and its capability to weave Techniques into its fighting style. Boasting two very different types of Striking weapons, a Bouncer is capable of both instantaneous support while punishing foes and incredible burst damage, making Bouncer a valuable asset in team play.

Reaching Level 75 on this class will give the following bonuses to the base stats of all classes and all characters of the same account: +20 S-ATKS-ATK, +20 T-ATKT-ATK, +30 DEXDEX.

Class Weapon Overview

Dual Blades

A twin pair of medium-sized swords. Specializes in rapid attacks that deal minimal damage per individual hit, but hit repeatedly to build up high damage over time. Limited range, but certain Photon Arts can strike from midrange or even afar. Dual Blades can be powered up with the Skill Dual Blades Gear, which allows them to expend Gear built up by attacking to use their Weapon Action.

Dual Blades' Weapon Action is Photon Blades. By pressing the Weapon Action Button, the player will swing their right blade, or fly in a given direction if one is held, while firing a salvo of miniature Photon Blades at targets. The number of Photon Blades fired depends on the Gear Gauge level. When Photon Blades impact a target, the blades will inflict damage while recovering the player's PP. If any player then strikes a target that has been impaled with Photon Blades, they will gain increased PP recovery on hit. This ability can be augmented with Skills such as "Photon Blade Fever" and "Photon Blade Escape".

Jet Boots

Mechanized footwear that enables flight. Armed with a double jump, Jet Boots are one of the most mobile weapon classes. They are equipped with both powerful Striking-based Photon Arts while having high T-ATK, and, with Bouncer's innate Technique capability, are capable of alternating between casting Techniques and closing in on opponents on the fly. Jet Boots can be powered up with the Skill Jet Boots Gear, which allows the user to change the active Element of the Jet Boots to adapt to the enemy's elemental weakness; in addition, Jet Boots Gear can be expended to power up their strongest Photon Art, Vinto Gigue.

Jet Boots' Weapon Action is Branched Action. By pressing the Weapon Action Button during Photon Arts, the player will execute an alternate second attack. The properties of this attack vary depending on the base move; some Photon Arts are capable of casting Support Techniques when their Branched Action is used. When used during a normal attack, step attack, or Mirage Step, the player will execute a 4 hit kick combo that has high PP gain. When used without a prior move, the player will perform a flip that negates any elemental changes from charged Techniques. This flip can be chained up to three times.

Skill Tree Overview


DEX Up Craft Mastery Rare Mastery Bouncer Mirage Step
S-ATK Boost 1 T-ATK Boost Bouncer Mag Step Advance
S-ATK Boost 2
Jet Boots Gear Jet Boots Escape One More Jump Dual Blades Gear Step Attack
Jet Boots Gear Boost
Elemental PP Restorate F Critical Field Field Remain Just Reversal
J-Reversal PP Gain
Shifta Air Attack Boost Deband Attack PP Restorate Heal Share
Heal Bonus
Rapid Boost Elemental Burst Switch Strike Photon Blade Fever Photon Blade Escape
Rapid Boost JA Bonus Photon Blade Fever Boost
Elemental Stance Break Stance
Elemental Stance Boost Elemental Stance Critical Break Stance D-Bonus
Break Stance Boost Break Stance Critical


Basic Skills

Mirage Step

Starting skill. Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invincibility. Can be used in any direction.
Note: Performing Mirage Step in mid-air while equipped with Jet Boots will allow you to keep altitude, unlike Step.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
StepIcon.png Mirage Step - - -

Step Advance

Increases the invincibility time on Mirage Step.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
StepAdvanceIcon.png Step Advance Mirage Step Duration 0.05s 0.09s 0.11s 0.13s 0.14s 0.15s 0.16s 0.17s 0.18s 0.20s

Step Attack

Allows you to attack immediately after Mirage Step.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
StepAdvanceIcon.png Step Attack - - -

Just Reversal

Starting skill. When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
StepAdvanceIcon.png Just Reversal - - -

Bouncer Mag

Default Skill. A percentage of your Mag's DEX DEX is applied to your S-ATK S-ATK and T-ATK T-ATK.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
BouncerMagIcon.png Bouncer Mag - S-ATK Conversion 100%
T-ATK Conversion

S-ATK Boost 1, 2

Increases your base S-ATK S-ATK stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Strikingupskillicon.png S-ATK Boost 1 DEX Up Lv 3 S-ATK +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
S-ATK Boost 2 S-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 S-ATK +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75

T-ATK Boost

Increases your base T-ATK T-ATK stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TechUp.png T-ATK Boost DEX Up Lv 3 T-ATK +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50


Increases your base DEX DEX stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dexupskillicon.png DEX Up - DEX +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

Weapon Related Skills

Dual Blades

Dual Blades Gear

Attacking the enemy fills the gear gauge. Using Shift action will consume gear and unleash photon blades that attack the enemy and restore PP.
Normal/Step Attacking targets with Photon Blades stuck on them will gain more PP per attack.
Dual Blades PAs deal more damage with more Dual Blades Gear. In general, the damage increase is 10% at Gear 1, 15% at Gear 2, 20% at Gear 3.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
DualBladeGearIcon.png Dual Blades Gear DEX Up Lv 1 - -

Photon Blade Escape

Gain invulnerability when using the Weapon Action on Dual Blades.
Note: Invulnerability only occurs if using Photon Blades with a movement key.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
PhotonBladeEscapeIcon.png Photon Blade Escape DEX Up Lv 3 Duration 0.15s 0.19s 0.24s 0.29s 0.35s

Photon Blade Fever

For a limited time, double the number of fired Photon Blades.
Note: Despite the description, this skill doesn't actually "double" the number of fired blades. It doubles the power, PP recovery on hit and gear gauge generation but the number of hits remain the same.
Due to this, while this skill is active, provided all attacks hit their mark, it is possible to continuously use Photon Blades at maximum power.
This skill also changes the visual model of the Photon Blades to have 2 blades per shot. This is merely aesthetic.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
PhotonBladeFeverIcon.png Photon Blade Fever DEX Up Lv 3 Duration 30s 33s 36s 39s 45s
Cooldown 120s

Photon Blade Fever Boost

During Photon Blade Fever, increase Photon Blade power.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
PhotonBladeFeverBoostIcon.png Photon Blade Fever Boost Photon Blade Fever Lv 3 Damage 105% 110% 115% 120% 130%

Jet Boots

Jet Boots Gear

Attacking the enemy and charging technics will fill the gear gauge. After charging a technic, all subsequent attacks will have their elements changed to the element of that technic. Increases damage according to the gear level.
Jet Boots striking damage will increase by 5% between Gear 1 and 2 and 15% between Gear 2 and Max.
At Gear 2, Jet Boots double jump will cause a mini tech explosion based on the current element of the Jet Boots.
Note: The element will not change when charging Resta, Anti, Shifta, and Deband. Compound Techniques, Nabarta, and Namegid will also have no effect.
Note: The neutral Weapon Action will discard the elemental change.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
JetBootsGearIcon.png Jet Boots Gear DEX Up Lv 1 - -

Jet Boots Gear Boost

When equipped with Jet Boots and under the effects of Shifta or Deband, attacking will accumulate gear quicker.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
JetBootsGearBoostIcon.png Jet Boots Gear Boost Jet Boots Gear Lv 1 Rate 150%

One More Jump

When an enemy is hit during a double jump, gain an additional jump.
Note: You gain the additional jump if hitting an enemy with a jump tech explosion, normal attack, PA, or attacking weapon action.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
OneMoreJumpIcon.png One More Jump DEX Up Lv 3 - -

Elemental Burst

When an element is saved by gear, using a Shift action will cause it to burst, dealing damage and inflicting status to surrounding enemies. Only applies if Jet Boots Gear is learned.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ElementalBurstIcon.png Elemental Burst DEX Up Lv 3 Damage 200% 220% 250% 320% 400%
Status 10% 15% 18% 19% 20%

Jet Boots Escape

Adds invincibility time to shift-actions during Jet Boots PA's and normal attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
JetBootsEscapeIcon.png Jet Boots Escape DEX Up Lv 3 Duration 0.20s 0.22s 0.25s 0.29s 0.35s

Switch Strike

Changes Jet Boots striking damage to scale off your S-ATK S-ATK instead of T-ATK T-ATK. Can be activated again to toggle off.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
SwitchStrikeIcon.png Switch Strike DEX Up Lv 3 - -

Rapid Boost

While active, increases the attack speed of Jet Boots normal attacks and Jet Boots PA's and reduces the charge time of Jet Boots PA's and Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
RapidBoostIcon.png Rapid Boost DEX Up Lv 3 Attack Speed 103% 106% 109% 112% 115%
Charge Time (Technic) 97% 94% 91% 88% 85%
Charge Time (PA) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50%
Duration 45s 48s 51s 54s 60s
Cooldown 120s

Rapid Boost JA Bonus

Increases the power of Just Attacks while Rapid Boost is active.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
RapidBoostJABonusIcon.png Rapid Boost JA Bonus Rapid Boost Lv 3 Damage 105% 106% 108% 111% 115%

Stance Related Skills

Elemental Stance

Increases the damage of attacks that match enemy elemental weakness.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ElementalStanceIcon.png Elemental Stance DEX Up Lv 3 Elemental Weakness Damage 101% 102% 103% 104% 105% 108% 111% 114% 117% 120%
Non-elemental Weakness Damage 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 103% 106% 109% 112% 115%
Cooldown 5s

Elemental Stance Boost

Further increases the effectiveness of Elemental Stance.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ElementalStanceBoostIcon.png Elemental Stance Boost Elemental Stance Lv 5 Elemental Weakness Damage 102% 104% 106% 108% 110%

Elemental Stance Critical

Increases your critical hit chance when matching enemy elemental weakness while under the effects of Elemental Stance.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ElementalStanceBoostIcon.png Elemental Stance Critical Elemental Stance Lv 3 Critical Rate +10% +16% +20% +23% +25%

Break Stance

Active Skill. Increases damage dealt to enemy breakable parts while decreasing damage to unbreakable parts. Overwrites the effect of Elemental Stance while active.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
BreakStanceIcon.png Break Stance DEX Up Lv 3 Breakable Parts Damage 103% 105% 109% 112% 115% 119% 123% 127% 131% 135%
Unbreakable Parts Damage 90% 91% 92% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 100%
Cooldown 5s

Break Stance D Bonus

While using Dual Blades, attacks to unbreakable enemy parts will benefit from a percentage of Break Stance's bonus as though they were breakable parts.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
BreakSDBonusIcon.png Break Stance D Bonus Break Stance Lv 1 Conversion 50%

Break Stance Up

Further increases the effectiveness of Break Stance.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
BreakStanceUpIcon.png Break Stance Up Break Stance Lv 5 Breakable Parts Damage 102% 104% 106% 108% 110%

Break Stance Critical

Increases your critical hit chance on breakable parts while under the effects of Break Stance.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ElementalStanceBoostIcon.png Break Stance Critical Break Stance Lv 3 Critical Rate +10% +16% +20% +23% +25%

Class Exclusive Skills

Critical Field

Generate a field that moves as you do. Increases critical hit rate of all players within its boundary.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
CriticalFieldIcon.png Critical Field DEX Up Lv 3 Critical Rate +5% +10% +15% +20% +30%
Duration 30s 37s 44s 51s 60s
Cooldown 90s

Elemental PP Restorate F

Generate a field that moves as you do. Restores PP of players within its boundary whenever they attack an enemy with their elemental weakness.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ElementalPPRestorateField.png Elemental PP Restorate F DEX Up Lv 3 PP Recovery +1 +2 +3
Duration 30s 37s 44s 51s 60s
Cooldown 90s

Field Remain

Allows players who leave your strengthening fields to maintain their effects for a few seconds.
Currently only affects Critical Field and Elemental PP Restorate F.
This also affects the user, who will benefit from the field's effects for a brief time after the skill expires.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
FieldRemainIcon.png Field Remain DEX Up Lv 3 Duration 15s

Shifta Air Attack Boost

During Shifta's effect, add a damage bonus to aerial attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ShiftaAirAttackBoostIcon.png Shifta Air Attack Boost DEX Up Lv 3 Damage 101% 102% 103% 104% 105%

Deband Attack PP Restorate

During Deband's effect, increase PP recovery of normal attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
DebandAttackPPRestorateIcon.png Deband PP Restorate DEX Up Lv 3 PP Recovery +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Heal Bonus

Recover additional HP from Techniques, Potentials and Items.
Only affects the HP you recover. Other players and Pets will not benefit from this skill

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
HealBonusIcon.png Heal Bonus Heal Share Lv 5 HP Recovery 105% 106% 108% 111% 115%

Heal Share

Whenever you recover HP, nearby players will also recover a percentage of the HP you recovered.
This includes HP recovered via Techniques, Potentials and Items.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
HealShareIcon.png Heal Share DEX Up Lv 3 Recovery Rate 3% 6% 9% 12% 20%

Craft Mastery

Increases the statistics of crafted equipment you're wearing.
Does not include special abilities, potentials or set effects.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CraftMasteryIcon.png Craft Mastery - Status +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8% +9% +10%

Rare Mastery Bouncer

Main Class Only. Increases damage if equipped with a 10★ or higher rarity weapon.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
RareMasteryBouncerIcon.png Rare Mastery Bouncer - Damage 110%

J-Reversal PP Gain

Whenever you successfully perform a Just Reversal, you will recover a percentage of your PP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
JustReversalPPGainIcon.png J-Reversal PP Gain Just Reversal PP Recovery 10% 12% 14% 16% 20%

Dodge Auto Field

Requires Class Level 85.
Main Class Only. Evading an attack with Mirage Step activates all learned Field Skills. Recast Time does not activate when Field Skills are triggered by the effect of this Skill.