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Techter (PSO2)

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The Techer Techer (テクター, "Te") class is a specialized Tech class that focuses on supporting allies and blending Tech and melee combat. Using their specialized weapon, the Wand, the Techer is able to approach the front lines of the battlefield and use Technique-augmented Striking attacks to cut down waves of foes all at once. Their Skill Tree boosts the capabilities of Support-type Techniques, as well as elemental attributes not covered by the Force class, making them incredibly viable as both a Main and Sub Class.

Reaching Level 75 on this class will give the following bonuses to the base stats of all classes and all characters of the same account: +2 PP, +15 S-ATKS-ATK, +50 T-ATKT-ATK, +10 R-DEFR-DEF.

Class Weapon Overview

Techers use the Wand Wand, Talis Talis, and Gunslash Gunslash weapon types.


Wand Wand are general purpose Technique casting weapons with a sizable amount of base T-ATK T-ATK. They also have good S-ATK S-ATK, as they are able to be used in melee combat, thanks to the Techer Techer's skills in their tree. Wands can be powered up with the Skill Wand Gear, which allows them to create Technique "explosions" when striking enemies with melee attacks that inflict additional damage and strike all enemies near the blast.


Talis Talis are Technique casting weapons that can be thrown to manipulate the focal point of technique casting. Effectively, this can allow the player to cast techs from different positions without actually moving.


Gunslash Gunslashes are a universal weapon for all classes, which can switch between striking attacks that scale off of S-ATK S-Atk and shooting attacks that scale off of R-ATK R-Atk.

Skill Tree Overview


T-ATK Boost 1 Party Assist High Level Bonus Te
DEX Up PP Boost 1 T-DEF Boost Rare Mastery Techer Mirage Escape
T-ATK Boost 2 PP Boost 2 Extend Assist Just Reversal
S-ATK Boost Long-time Assist Tech JA Addition
Wand Gear
PP Restore Shifta Advance Resta Advance Deband Advance Rebirth Bonus
Shifta Critical Shifta Strike Deband Cut Deband Toughness
Wand Lovers PP Conversion Territory Burst Super Treatment Reverser Field
Wand Reactor Wand Gear Element Wide Support
Territory PP Save
Wind Mastery 1 Light Mastery 1 Dark Mastery 1 Element Weak Hit
Wind Mastery 2 Mirage Boost Light Mastery 2 Panic Boost Poison Boost
Dark Mastery 2 Poison Ignition


Basic Skills

Mirage Escape

Default Skill. Disturb visual information and move a fixed distance while invulnerable. Innate to teching type weapons. For Techer Techer, that would include Wand Wands and the Talis Talis.

Icon Skill Name
MirageEscapeIcon.png Mirage Escape

Just Reversal

Default Skill. Allows for a quick recovery after being knocked to the ground by pressing jump as you land on the ground.

Icon Skill Name
MirageEscapeIcon.png Just Reversal

Rare Mastery Techer

Default Skill. Main Class Only. Increases damage when equipped with a Rarity 10★ or above Techer weapon.

Icon Skill Name Skill Level
RareMasteryTe.png Rare Mastery Techer 110%

High Level Bonus Te

Requires Class Level 80
Increases damage unconditionally.

Icon Skill Name Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
UISkillSuAllATKUp.png High Level Bonus Te 101% 102% 103% 104% 105%

T-ATK Boost

Increases your base T-ATK T-ATK stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TechUp.png T-ATK Boost 1 +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
T-ATK Boost 2
T-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75


Increases your base DEX DEX stat.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dexupskillicon.png DEX Up +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

S-ATK Boost

Increases your base S-ATK S-ATK.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Strikingupskillicon.png S-ATK Boost +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

PP Boost

Increases your base max PP.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PpUpIcon.png PP Boost 1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
PpUpIcon.png PP Boost 2 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

T-DEF Boost

Increases your base T-DEF T-DEF stat.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TDefUpSkillIcon.png T-DEF Boost +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

Weapon Related Skills


Wand Gear

Enables use of Wand Gear. Charge the Gear Gauge by inflicting damage with Charged Techniques. While charged, normal attacks will perform a tech-explosion dealing Striking-type damage to both the enemy and all enemies near the blast.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
WandGearIcon.png Wand Gear T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 1 240%


  • Element of tech explosions depends on the Wand's element.
  • Related Skill Ring: L/Wand E Change. It changes the Weapon element based on the element of charged Techniques.
    • Buff and healing Techniques like Shifta, Deband, Resta, Anti and unchargeable Techniques are excluded from this.
  • Scales with T-ATK T-ATK but deals Striking-type damage
    • During damage calculation it uses the enemies T-DEF T-Def stat
  • Weak Stance only boosts tech explosion damage if the element is matched.
  • Does not benefit from "Attack Advance" or it's Skill Ring
  • Since it is not a Technique, element masteries do not boost the Damage output.
    • Since 27/06/2018 Wand Gear does fill Compound Technique Gauge.
  • Since EP3 tech Explosions gain the benefit of Just Attacking
    • Hunter skill "JA Bonus 1 / 2" is applied but "Fury Combo Up" isn't

Wand Lovers

Active Skill. While toggled on, Wand Gear becomes maxed and never depletes. Increases the damage of Tech Explosions and Normal Attacks. "Mirage Escape" from Wands becomes "Step". Only works if Wand Gear is learned.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
WandLoversIcon.png Wand Lovers T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 1 105% 111% 118% 126% 140%


  • Does not affect Wand PA "Heavy Hammer" or any shockwaves produced by a Wand Potential.
  • The Dodge Action gained from Wand Lovers is a normal Step with only 0.05s I-Frames.
    • Step Advance from a subclass will increase the I-Frames.

Wand Reactor

While Wand Lovers is active, a percentage of your Wand's T-ATK T-ATK is added to its S-ATK S-ATK.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
WandReactorIcon.png Wand Reactor Wand Lovers Lv 3 40%


  • Unaffected by Affixes
  • Additional S-ATK S-ATK counts as Weapon stats and is thus unaffected by Shifta.

Wand Gear Element

Main Class Only. Active Skill. Tech explosions have a chance to inflict status ailments corresponding to the Element of your Wand.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
WandGearElementIcon.png Wand Gear Element Wand Lovers Lv 1 15%

Technique Skills

PP Restorate

Increases natural PP restoration speed. Further increases when standing still.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PpUpIcon.png PP Restorate T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 PP Recovery Rate 110% 113% 116% 119% 121% 124% 127% 130% 135% 140%
Hold Position Rate 220% 226% 232% 238% 242% 248% 256% 286% 324% 350%


  • Natural Recovery speed is 1 PP per 0.2 second or 5 PP per second. If the Skill is on Level 10 the recovery amount becomes 7 PP per second.
  • PP Recovery increases by 350% when not changing coordinates on the map for 1 second.

Resta Advance

Increases the effect of Resta.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
RestaAdvanceIcon.png Resta Advance T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 104% 108% 112% 116% 120%

Shifta Advance

Increases the effect of Shifta.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ShiftaAdvanceIcon.png Shifta Advance T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 105% 109% 113% 119% 125%


  • Level 17 Shifta boosts attack stats by 19.7%. On level 5 Shifta Advance increases that value to 24.625% (19.7 x 1.25 = 24.625%)

Shifta Critical

Increases the Critical Hit Rate of players affected by your Shifta.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ShiftaAdvanceIcon.png Shifta Critical Shifta Advance Lv 3 5% 10% 14% 17% 20%

Shifta Strike

Main Class Only. Increases the damage of players affected by your Shifta.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ShiftaAdvanceIcon.png Shifta Strike Shifta Advance Lv 3 102% 104% 106% 108% 110%


  • Acts as a damage multiplier, not a stat boost.

Deband Advance

Increases the effect of Deband.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
DebandAdvanceIcon.png Deband Advance T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 105% 109% 113% 119% 125%


  • Level 17 Deband boosts Defense stats by 19.7%. On level 5 Deband Advance increases that value to 24.625% (19.7 x 1.25 = 24.625%)

Deband Cut

Decreases damage taken by players affected by your Deband.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
DebandAdvanceIcon.png Deband Cut Deband Advance Lv 3 95% 93% 91% 89% 85%

Deband Toughness

Main Class Only. Increases the max HP of players affected by your Deband by a certain percentage.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
DebandAdvanceIcon.png Deband Toughness Deband Advance Lv 3 110% 111% 113% 115% 125%

Tech JA Addition

Charged Techniques will become Just Attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
TechJAAditionIcon.png Tech JA Addition - Recast 0.50s


  • Triggers Tech JA Advance and Tech Arts JA but not Tech Arts JA PP Save as the Technique does not count as JA when starting to charge.
  • Does not trigger Fury Combo Up unless charge is started from a Attack. For example Tech casted after a Normal Attack doesn't need to be a JA to benefit from Fury Combo Up.
  • Does not benefit Na Barta, Na Barta Type-0 and the charge portion of Gigrants Type-0.

PP Convert

Active Skill. For a limited time, reduce maximum HP and increase natural PP restoration rate.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PPConvertIcon.png PP Convert T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 PP Recovery +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Max HP 99% 98% 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90%
Duration 30s
Cooldown 120s 118s 116s 114s 112s 110s 108s 106s 104s 100s


  • Natural Recovery speed is 1 PP per 0.2 second or 5 PP per second. The Value noted in the description of PP Convert increases the 1 PP per 0.2 second recovery. A Level 10 PP Convert increases PP recovery to 6 pp per 0.2 seconds or 30 PP per second.
  • Unlike "Limit Break" it does not count as a abnormal Status.

Element Weak Hit

Increase damage dealt against elemental weakness.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
ElementWeakHitIcon.png Element Weak Hit T-ATK Boost Lv 3 Weak Element 103% 106% 112% 120%
Non-Weak Element 100% 110%

Elemental Masteries

Wind Mastery 1 / Wind Mastery 2

Increase the damage of Wind Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
WindMasteryIcon.png Wind Mastery 1 T-ATK Boost Lv 3 105% 108% 110% 112% 114% 116% 117% 118% 119% 120%
WindMasteryIcon.png Wind Mastery 2 Wind Mastery 1 Lv 2 110% 114% 116% 118% 120%


  • Does not boost Zanverse.

Mirage Boost

Increase the chance of inflicting Mirage with Wind Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
MirageBoostIcon.png Mirage Boost Wind Mastery 1 Lv 3 101% 102% 103% 104% 105% 106% 107% 108% 109% 110%


  • Multiplies the rate instead of adding on top of the Technique status ailment chance. On level 10 a Technique with 20% Mirage will be boosted to 22%, not 30%.

Light Mastery / Light Mastery 2

Increase the damage of Light Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LightMasteryIcon.png Light Mastery 1 T-ATK Boost Lv 3 105% 108% 110% 112% 114% 116% 117% 118% 119% 120%
LightMasteryIcon.png Light Mastery 2 Light Mastery 1 Lv 2 110% 114% 116% 118% 120%

Panic Boost

Increase the chance of inflicting Panic with Light Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PanicBoostIcon.png Panic Boost Light Mastery 1 Lv 3 101% 102% 103% 104% 105% 106% 107% 108% 109% 110%


  • Multiplies the rate instead of adding on top of the Technique status ailment chance. On level 10 a Technique with 20% Panic will be boosted to 22%, not 30%.

Dark Mastery / Dark Mastery 2

Increase the damage of Dark Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DarkMasteryIcon.png Dark Mastery 1 T-ATK Boost Lv 3 105% 108% 110% 112% 114% 116% 117% 118% 119% 120%
DarkMasteryIcon.png Dark Mastery 2 Dark Mastery 1 Lv 2 110% 114% 116% 118% 120%

Poison Boost

Increase the chance of inflicting Poison with Dark Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PoisonBoostIcon.png Poison Boost Dark Mastery 1 Lv 3 101% 102% 103% 104% 105% 106% 107% 108% 109% 110%


  • Multiplies the rate instead of adding on top of the Technique status ailment chance. On level 10 a Technique with 20% Poison will be boosted to 22%, not 30%.

Poison Ignition

Active Skill. When activated, all nearby enemies affected by the Poison status detonates, inflicting damage and giving a chance of spreading the Poison status to nearby enemies caught in the blast.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PosionIgnitionIcon.png Poison Ignition Dark Mastery 1 Lv 5 Power 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200% 220% 240% 260% 300%
Poison Chance 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 30%
Cooldown 120s 110s 100s 90s 80s 70s 60s 50s 40s 30s


  • Scales with T-ATK T-ATK.
  • Power notation is 100%~300% but in reality its more akin to a 1000%~3000% Photon Art / Technique.
  • The range of the Skill is short (approximately Gunslash normal attack range) but expands with Territory Burst.
  • Explosion affects enemies in range similarly to Wand Gear.
    • Two enemies detonating in range of each other will receive damage of both explosions.
  • Counts as a non-elemental uncharged Technique.
  • The poison level caused by the explosion depends on the Level it had before the detonation.
    • Detonating Poison I will inflict Poison I, detonating Poison IV will inflict Poison IV.

Other Support Skills

Party Assist

Requires Class Level 85
Main Class Only. Casting Shifta or Deband applies its effect to all players in the current party regardless of how far away they are.

Icon Skill Name Skill Level
File:PartyAssistIcon.png Party Assist -


  • Does not consume skill points upon learning.

Extend Assist

Increase the maximum effect limit of Shifta and Deband.

Icon Skill Name Skill Level
ExtendAssistIcon.png Extend Assist 180s

Long-Time Assist

Main Class Only. Increase the effect limit granted per tick of Shifta and Deband.

Icon Skill Name Skill Level
ExtendAssistIcon.png Long-Time Assist 30s


  • A regular Shifta / Deband Tick is 15s. With this Skill each tick is 45s

Territory Burst

Increase the area of effect of Support Techniques.

Icon Skill Name Prerequiste Skill Level
TerritoryBurstIcon.png Territory Burst T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 -


  • Range increases by about 1.5x
  • Boosted Techniques: Resta, Anti, Shifta, Deband, Megiverse, Zanverse, Zondeel
  • Boosted Skills: Poison Ignition, Freeze Ignition ( Force Skill )

Super Treatment

When curing a status condition, restores a percentage of the player's maximum HP and grant accelerated natural PP restoration for a limited time.

Icon Skill Name Prerequiste Effect Skill Level
SuperTreatmentIcon.png Super Treatment T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 HP Recovery 25%
PP Recovery +3
Duration 30s


  • Sol / Star Atomizer as well as Anti apply Super Treatment
  • Applies on every player cured

Wide Support

Mainclass Only Further increase the area of effect of Shifta, Deband, Resta, and Anti. Only takes effect if Territory Burst is learnt.

Icon Skill Name Prerequiste Skill Level
WideSupportIcon.png Wide Support Territory Burst Lv 1 -


  • Range increases by about 1.2x
  • Also increases Range vertically

Reverser Field

Mainclass only Active Skill. For a limited time, generate a field around yourself that revives players from Incapacitation and restores a certain percentage of their maximum HP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequiste Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ReverserFieldIcon.png Reverser Field T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 5 HP Recovery 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 35% 45% 60% 75% 100%
Duration 5s 6s 8s 11s 15s
Cooldown 600s


  • Related Skill Ring: L/R R Field. Reduces Cooldown by half

Rebirth Bonus

Applies Shifta and Deband upon reviving a player from Incapacitation.

Icon Skill Name Prerequiste Skill Level
RebirthBonusIcon.png Rebirth Bonus T-ATK Boost 1 Lv 3 180s


  • Both Moon / Cosmo Atomizers and Reverser Field apply Rebirth Bonus
  • Duration is always 180s
  • All Shifta & Deband related skills will also apply.

Sub-class Recommendation

These are following classes will complement main Techer class due to skill or boost to maintain damage.

Hunter Hunter

With Hunter class, this will boost Techer Wand Wand melee damage with Fury Stance and survive longer Automate or not flinch against mobs gather with Zondeel thanks to Massive Hunter. Techer technique damage will be weaker as there is no boost to Technique in Fury Stance.

Fury Stance:

  • 176% towards Normal Attacks
  • 190% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 160% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 110% towards Techniques

Fighter Fighter

With Fighter class, thanks to Average Stance and Tech Arts Just Attack Techer becomes very capable at both Normal Attacks and Technique damage.

Brave Stance:

  • 154% towards Normal Attacks
  • 166% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 154% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 154% towards Techniques

Brave Stance (+TAJA):

  • 154% towards Normal Attacks
  • 166% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 154% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 177% towards Techniques

Wise Stance:

  • 175,5% towards Normal Attacks
  • 189,5% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 175,5% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 175,5% towards Techniques

Wise Stance (+TAJA):

  • 175,5% towards Normal Attacks
  • 189,5%% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 175.5% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 201.8% towards Techniques

Ranger Ranger

With Ranger class you dedicate to do nothing but support your allies. Capitalizing of all class Assault Rifle Assault Rifles, Weak Bullet, Shifta Strike & Zanverse.

Weak Point Ranged-type Damage:

  • When standing still: 228%
  • When moving: 198%

Gunner Gunner

Currently the worst subclass for Techer. Not recommended.

Force Force

Currently the second worst subclass for Techer. Focuses purely on Talis Talis gameplay since it has no benefits to Tech Explosions.

Technique Damage:

  • From Wand: 133%
  • From Talis: 159,7%

Braver Braver

With Braver class, thanks to Weak Stance can boost Technique damage against mob elemental weakness.

Average Stance:

  • 170,7% towards Normal Attacks
  • 126% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 139% towards Techniques

Weak Stance:

  • 200% towards Normal Attacks
  • 148% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 163% towards Techniques

Bouncer Bouncer

Currently a very niche class combination. Focuses on Jet Boots Jet Boots gameplay as the mainclass Techer skill mesh well with the Jet Boots Jet Boots mechanics. As a pure booster for Wand Wand gameplay its currently the third worst subclass.

Elemental Stance:

  • 132% towards Normal Attacks
  • 142,5% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 132% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 132% towards Techniques

Elemental Stance (+ Shifta Air Attack Boost):

  • 138,6% towards Normal Attacks
  • 149,6% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 138,6% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 138,6% towards Techniques

Break Stance:

  • 148,5% towards Normal Attacks
  • 160% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 148,5% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 148,5% towards Techniques

Break Stance (+ Shifta Air Attack Boost):

  • 155,9% towards Normal Attacks
  • 168,3% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 155,9% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 155,9% towards Techniques

Summoner Summoner

A jack of all trades, master of none. Boosts everything Techer can do while giving access to Takt pets however due to Point assist it shines most against bosses while having mediocre mobbing. Due to a lot of skills being main class only a lot of SP are spent into HP restorate & Stat boosts making this a rather tanky class combination.

Without Point Assist:

  • 138% towards Normal Attacks
  • 149,9% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 138% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 138% towards Techniques
  • 145,4% towards Pets

With Point Assist:

  • 175,6% towards Normal Attacks
  • 189,9% towards Normal Attacks with R/Attack Advance Skill Ring
  • 175,6% towards Tech Explosions & Lavis Canon Shockwave
  • 175,6% towards Techniques
  • 184% towards Pets