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Hero (PSO2)
Wielding three types of weapons, the Hero (ヒーロー, Hr) is a powerful Successor Class whose true power is being a master of all. With balanced growth in S-ATK, R-ATK, and T-ATK, as well as the ability to quickly switch between weapons even during the heat of battle, the Hero controls the battlefield with masterful strength and skill.
Unlike other classes, Hero does not provide base stat bonuses when reaching Lv75.
Properties of Hero
As a Successor Class, the Hero Class has several properties not shared by normal Classes.
Unlocking Hero
To unlock the Hero class, the player must complete a Client Order from Koffie. To complete this Client Order, the player must earn a Title which requires reaching Level 75 in any two non-Successor Classes.
Other Properties
- Hero Photon Arts do not require a Photon Art Disc to learn, and do not need to be leveled.
- The Hero cannot use Innate Photon Arts or Techniques that are pre-installed into certain Swords, Twin Machineguns, or Talises. However, Innate Photon Arts and Techniques installed onto other types of weapons may still be used.
- The Hero has alternate Client Orders for releasing the Level Cap that are separate from the normal Level Cap Client Orders. In addition, these Client Orders unlock Titles that are used to unlock the Level Cap, meaning the player only has to complete the Client Orders once per account to open the Hero Level Caps on all characters.
- The Hero cannot select a Subclass. Likewise, the Hero class cannot be chosen as a Subclass.
- Certain Potentials, such as
<span style="color:green">Sealing Dragon's Roar</span>, Skill Rings, such as R / Attack Advance, and buffs such as Elemental PP Restorate Field have no effect on Hero.
Class Weapon Overview
The Hero uses the
Twin Machine Guns, and
Talis weapons.
A heavy, powerful greatsword. Unlike the Hunter's Sword, the Hero wields its Sword in one hand, and is capable of strong, yet rapid attacks that quickly rack up damage. Hero's Sword is highly mobile, and has great single-target damage.
When used to activate Hero Time Finish, the user unleashes a flurry of advancing sword strikes, followed by an immensely powerful downwards slash.
The Sword's Weapon Action is Energy Blast. When the Weapon Action button is pressed, the user fires bullets of energy at a target. These bullets deal S-ATK damage and restore PP when they strike targets. Provided the proper Skills are acquired, this Weapon Action can be held to charge even stronger bullets that deal more damage and have a wider area of effect.
Twin Machineguns
A twin pair of semi-automatic pistols. A balanced weapon, the Twin Machineguns are capable of both single-target attacks as well as crowd control. Unique to the Hero, the Twin Machineguns boast a strong normal attack that consumes PP to activate and can be held down indefinitely as long as the user still has PP remaining.
When used to activate Hero Time Finish, the user twirls their Twin Machineguns, then releases an annihilating burst of energy that vaporizes anything near the user.
The Twin Machineguns' Weapon Action is Reload. By pressing the Weapon Action button, the user will twirl their Twin Machineguns to rapidly restore PP. The button can be held down to continue twirling and continuously restore PP. If this Weapon Action is activated during any Just Attack circle, this initiates a Just Reload and charges PP even faster than normal.
A handheld device that creates cards capable of casting Techniques. Unlike the Force and Techer, the Hero is capable of using Photon Arts with the Talis, although they lose the ability to cast Techniques using the Talis' cards as an anchor point. Hero's Talis is a more support-oriented weapon, capable of debilitating enemies with attacks while staying out of the line of fire.
When used to activate Hero Time Finish, the user generates a field of energy that pulls enemies towards it before decimating everything within its area of effect with a storm of light.
The Talis' Weapon Action is Agile Shift. When the Weapon Action button is pressed, the user throws a Talis card known as a Marking Shot, signified by a pulsing orange target marker. When the Weapon Action button is pressed again, the user instantly teleports to the card's location. The card can be free-aimed with the Third-Person Camera, is capable of targeting enemies, and will persist even if the user changes weapons.
These are universal weapons for all classes, which can switch between striking attacks that scale off of
S-ATK and shooting attacks that scale off of
Skill Tree Overview
Default Skills
Default skill. Press the Evade button to quickly dash forward while avoiding attacks.
Note: Hero's Step has much longer invulnerability than other classes. By default, this action has about 0.33 seconds of invulnerability. In comparison, other classes with Step Advance Lv10 have only about 0.25 seconds!
Icon Skill Name Step Step Attack
Starting skill. Allows you to attack immediately after Step.
Icon Skill Name Step Attack Just Reversal
Default skill. Press the Jump button right when you hit the ground after taking knockback to get up right away.
Icon Skill Name Just Reversal Hero MAG
Default skill. A percentage of your MAG's total ATK stats are converted into ATK.
What this skill actually does is sum up all of the Mag's ATK values and apply that value to all of them. For example, if a Mag has 150 S-ATK and 50 R-ATK, this skill will make it have 200 S-ATK, R-ATK and T-ATK.
Do note that this skill only works on ATK values. If your Mag has DEX or any DEF stats leveled, they will not count for this conversion.
Icon Skill Name Effect Hero Mag S-ATK Conversion 100% R-ATK Conversion 100% T-ATK Conversion 100% Stat Up
Raises base HP.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 HP Up Max HP Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 PP Up
Raises base PP.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PP Up Max PP Boost +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 All ATK Up
Raises base ATK.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All ATK Up S-ATK Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 R-ATK Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 T-ATK Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 All DEF Up
Raises base DEF.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All DEF Up S-DEF Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 R-DEF Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 T-DEF Boost +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50 Weapon Specific
Hero Weapon Bonus 1
Gain a damage bonus when wielding Sword, Twin Machine Guns, or Talis.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hero Weapon Bonus 1 Damage 105% 110% 115% 120% 125% 130% 135% 140% 145% 150% Hero Weapon Bonus 2
Gain a damage bonus when wielding Sword, Twin Machine Guns, or Talis.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hero Weapon Bonus 2 Damage 105% 110% 115% 120% 125% 130% 135% 140% 145% 150% Hero Attack Bonus
Gain a damage bonus to normal attacks while wielding a Sword, Twin Machinegun, or Talis.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Hero Weapon Bonus 2 Damage 108% 112% 116% 118% 120% Aura High Charge
Enables Spirit Bullet to be charged up to two stages and increases the damage of Spirit Bullet at full charge.
The increase in power of levels 2 and higher is only applied to the stage 2 charged version of Spirit Bullet.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Aura High Charge Damage 100% 105% 107% 109% 110% Combo Aura Short Charge
Chaining any Sword attack or Photon Art into Spirit Bullet will instantly charge Spirit Bullet to stage 1.
When using Spirit Bullet like this, it has 360° Just Guard frames when shot.
Icon Skill Name Combo Aura Short Charge TMG Attack PP Save
Reduce the PP consumption of TMG Normal Attacks.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 TMG Attack PP Save PP Cost 90% 87% 84% 82% 80% Hero Talis Charge Keep
Step while charging any Technique or Agile Shift to store the charged state.
Icon Skill Name Hero Talis Charge Keep Come Again
A Marking Shot can be used up to two times before despawning.
Icon Skill Name Come Again Hero Gear/Hero Time
Hero Gear/Hero Time
Enables Hero Gear and the Active Skill Hero Time. Attack enemies with a Sword, Twin Machinegun, or Talis to accumulate Hero Gear. Once the Hero Gear Gauge is completely filled, the Hero Time Skill can be activated. While Hero Time is active, every attack that successfully connects with a target grants an ATK bonus, up to a limit, and the rate at which Hero Boost builds is accelerated (30x).
Hero Time Finish
While Hero Time is activated, use the Hero Time Skill again to end Hero Time and execute a powerful finishing attack.
Icon Skill Name Hero Time Finish HT Counter Bonus
While Hero Time is active, restore Gear (+3s) if an attack is successfully evaded with Step.
Icon Skill Name HT Counter Bonus HT Counter PP Gain
While Hero Time is active, restore PP if an attack is successfully evaded with Step.
Icon Skill Name HT Counter PP Gain Zero Range Gear Up
Increase Gear accumulation when attacking enemies in close range.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Zero Range Gear Up Gear Rate 104% 108% 112% 116% 120% Long Range Gear Up
Increase Gear accumulation when attacking enemies from far away.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Long Range Gear Up Gear Rate 120% 130% 140% 145% 150% Combo Gear Up
Increase Gear accumulation when connecting a PA from a different Technique or PA.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Combo Gear Up Gear Rate 120% 130% 140% 145% 150% Hero Time Gear Gain
Hero Gear slowly accumulates over time while in a Quest (8min to max).
Icon Skill Name Hero Gear Time Gain Generic Skills
First Blood
Your first attack in a combo will become a Just Attack. Has no effect on Techniques.
Icon Skill Name First Blood Hero Counter
If you Step through an attack that would have struck you, press the Attack button to execute a Step Attack with increased power.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Hero Counter Counter Damage 100% 105% 107% 109% 110% Next Jump
While wielding a Sword, Twin Machinegun, or Talis, press the Jump button while airborne to execute a second jump.
Icon Skill Name Next Jump
Hero One More Jump
If an enemy is struck by Next Jump, regain a jump.
Icon Skill Name Hero One More Jump Hero Boost
Gradually gain a damage bonus over time. Resets if the player takes a certain amount of their maximum HP in damage over a short period of time.
- Gain 1% power every second, up to 60%. Resets if the player takes 20% of their maximum HP within 5 seconds.
H Flash Guard
Reduces damage taken.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H Flash Guard Damage 99% 98% 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% Hero Will
Has a chance to leave you at 1 HP if you take a hit that would incapacitate you. Does not activate if the user is at 1 HP. Only activates once per Quest.
All Tech PP Save
Reduces the PP cost of Techniques.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 All Tech PP Save PP Cost Reduction 8% 12% 16% 18% 20% Victory Cry
Active Skill. Raises Hate Accumulation for 30 seconds and restores PP based on the number of enemies near you when the Skill is activated.
Weak Attack Critical
Raises Critical Hit Rate when attacking a weak spot.
Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level 1 2 3 4 5 Weak Attack Critical Critical Hit Rate 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%