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Lobby Actions (ロビーアクション) are different poses that can be performed by a character.
Lobby Actions (PSO2) | Lobby Actions (NGS)
Basic Lobby Actions
EN Name | JP Name | Acquisition | Command | Shortcut | Loop |
Imitate | モノマネ | Default | /la monomane | — | |
Reaction | リアクション | Default | /la reaction | — | |
Greet | 挨拶 | Default | /la greet | [Alt] + Z | |
Wave | 手を振る | Default | /la wave | [Alt] + W | |
Bow | 礼 | Default | /la bow | [Alt] + B | |
Salute | 敬礼 | Default | /la salute | [Alt] + R | |
Yes | 肯定 | Default | /la yes | [Alt] + Y | |
No | 否定 | Default | /la no | [Alt] + N | |
Apologize | 謝る | Default | /la sorry | [Alt] + S | |
Provoke | 挑発 | Default | /la provoke | [Alt] + V | |
Praise | 褒める | Default | /la praise | [Alt] + T | |
Kiss | キス | Default | /la kiss | [Alt] + K | |
How are you? | 元気? | Default | /la howareyou | [Alt] + Q | |
Point | 指を指す | Default | /la you | [Alt] + U | |
Cheer | 応援 | Default | /la yell | [Alt] + E | |
Show Fighting Spirit | 気合を入れる | Default | /la guts | [Alt] + G | |
Laugh | 大笑い | Default | /la laugh | [Alt] + L | |
Applause | 拍手 | Default | /la clap | [Alt] + A | |
Sit 1 | 座る1 | Default | /la sit1 | [Alt] + X | |
Sit 2 | 座る2 | Default | /la sit2 | [Alt] + C | |
Pose 1 | ポーズ1 | Default | /la pose2 | [Alt] + H | |
Pose 2 | ポーズ2 | Default | /la pose2 | [Alt] + J | |
Dance 1 | ダンス1 | Default | /la dance1 | [Alt] + D | |
Dance 2 | ダンス2 | Default | /la dance2 | [Alt] + F | |
Dark Blast | ダークブラスト | Default | /la darkblast | — | |
Dark Blast 2 | ダークブラスト2 | Default | /la darkblast2 | — | |
Dark Blast 3 | ダークブラスト3 | Default | /la darkblast3 | — | |
Dark Blast 4 | ダークブラスト4 | Default | /la darkblast4 | — |
Additional Lobby Actions
No. | EN Name | JP Name | Acquisition Method | Command | Loop |
1 | Leave It To Me! | 01「任せろ!」 | Fun Scratch Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/9/2016) |
/la liveit | |
2 | Reluctance | 02「イヤイヤ」 | Fun Scratch | /la deny | |
3 | Tired | 03「不調」 | Fun Scratch | /la tired | |
4 | Delighted | 04「喜ぶ」 | Fun Scratch Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/7/2016) |
/la happy | |
5 | Angry | 05「怒る」 | Fun Scratch | /la angry | |
6 | Sad | 06「悲しい」 | Fun Scratch | /la sad | |
7 | Cheerful | 07「ウキウキ」 | Fun Scratch | /la fun | |
8 | Disgusted | 08「呆れる」 | Fun Scratch | /la disgust | |
9 | Worry | 09「悩む」 | Fun Scratch | /la worry | |
10 | Shy | 10「照れる」 | Fun Scratch | /la shy | |
11 | Surprise | 11「驚き」 | Fun Scratch | /la surprise | |
12 | Frustrated | 12「地団駄」 | AC Scratch: Summer Festival AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la frustrated | |
13 | Cry | 13「泣く」 | Fun Scratch | /la cry | |
14 | Ball | 14「ボール」 | Fun Scratch | /la ball | |
15 | Peep | 15「覗く」 | AC Scratch: Autumn Full Moon AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la peep | |
16 | Bed 1 | 16「ベッド1」 | Fun Scratch | /la bed1 | |
17 | Bed 2 | 17「ベッド2」 | Fun Scratch | /la bed2 | |
18 | Sexy | 18「セクシー」 | AC Scratch: Summer Vacation AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection |
/la sexy | |
19 | Drunk | 19「酔っ払い」 | AC Scratch: Happy Wedding AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 |
/la drunk | |
20 | Pose 3 | 20「ポーズ3」 | AC Scratch: Shop Staff Carnival AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la pose3 | |
21 | Pose 4 | 21「ポーズ4」 | AC Scratch: Halloween Night Party AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la pose4 | |
22 | Pose 5 | 22「ポーズ5」 | AC Scratch: ARKS Flag Ceremony AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la pose5 | |
23 | Back Pride | 23「背中自慢」 | AC Scratch: Happy Wish New Year | /la proudback | |
24 | Arm Pride | 24「腕自慢」 | AC Scratch: Sweet Honey Valentine | /la proundarm | |
25 | Leg Pride | 25「脚自慢」 | AC Scratch: Lillipa Wonder Caravan AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Titans Destruction |
/la proudleg | |
26 | Dance 3 | 26「ダンス3」 | AC Scratch: Happy Wedding AC Scratch: Melody on Stage AC Scratch: Titans Destruction AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la dance3 | |
27 | Dance 4 | 27「ダンス4」 | AC Scratch: White Snow Christmas AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 |
/la dance4 | |
28 | Dance 5 | 28「ダンス5」 | AC Scratch: Universe Star Collection AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance5 | |
29 | Sing | 29「唄う」 | AC Scratch: Spring Romantica AC Scratch: Titans Destruction NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sing | |
30 | Good Job | 30「グッジョブ」 | Fun Scratch | /la gj | |
31 | Unbearable! | 31「たまらん!」 | Fun Scratch Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/8/2016) |
/la pleasure | |
32 | Space Channel 5 Dance | 32「スペチャン5ダンス」 | AC Scratch: Sega Platinum Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sc5dance | |
33 | Painful | 33「苦しい」 | AC Scratch: Butler Maid Tea Time AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection |
/la pains | |
34 | Space Channel 5 Ulala | 34「スペチャン5うらら」 | AC Scratch: Sega Platinum Selection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sc5ulala | |
35 | Hoist | 35「掲げる」 | Fun Scratch | /la flag | |
36 | Pose 6 | 36「ポーズ6」 | Fun Scratch | /la pose6 | |
37 | Sit 3 | 37「座る3」 | AC Scratch: Shining Girls Festa AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sit3 | |
38 | Dance 6 | 38「ダンス6」 | AC Scratch: Holy Bright Priest AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Titans Destruction AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance6 | |
39 | Light Wave 1 | 39「ライトを振る1」 | Fun Shop | /la clight1 | |
40 | Light Wave 2 | 40「ライトを振る2」 | Fun Shop | /la clight2 | |
41 | Light Wave 3 | 41「ライトを振る3」 | AC Scratch: Sega Star Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la clight3 | |
42 | Dance 7 | 42「ダンス7」 | Fun Scratch Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/6/2016) Reward Box Jul'24 |
/la dance7 | |
43 | Dance 8 | 43「ダンス8」 | AC Scratch: A Dazzling Star Festa AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance8 | |
44 | Pose 7 | 44「ポーズ7」 | Fun Shop | /la pose7 | |
45 | Pose 8 | 45「ポーズ8」 | Fun Shop | /la pose8 | |
46 | O or X | 46「○ or ×」 | Fun Scratch | /la yesorno | |
47 | Camera | 47「カメラを構える」 | Fun Scratch NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la cam | |
48 | Stretch | 48「背伸び」 | Fun Scratch | /la hima | |
49 | Appeal | 49「アピール」 | Fun Shop | /la appeal | |
50 | Virtual-On | 50「バーチャロン」 | AC Scratch: Sega Arcade Selection AC Scratch: Eccentric Party |
/la virtualon | |
51 | — | — | — | — | |
52 | Splash | 52「水をかける」 | AC Scratch: Heroes Summer Beach AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la splash1 | |
53 | Splashed | 53「水をかけられる」 | Fun Scratch | /la splash2 | |
54 | Dance 9 | 54「ダンス9」 | AC Scratch: Heroes Summer Beach AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance9 | |
55 | Go! | 55「行くぞ!」 | Fun Scratch | /la go | |
56 | Hot | 56「暑い」 | Fun Scratch | /la hot | |
57 | Dance 10 | 57「ダンス10」 | AC Scratch: Wild Ocean Pirates AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance10 | |
58 | Bashful | 58「モジモジ」 | AC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection |
/la shy2 | |
59 | Dance 11 | 59「ダンス11」 | AC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sance11 | |
60 | Dance 12 | 60「ダンス12」 | AC Scratch: Autumn Sports Festival AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance12 | |
61 | Fold Arms | 61「腕を組む」 | Fun Shop | /la foldarms | |
62 | Yoo-hoo | 62「やっほー」 | Fun Shop | /la hello | |
63 | Animal | 63「アニマル」 | AC Scratch: Moonlight Bunny AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la animal | |
64 | Warming Up | 64「準備運動」 | Fun Scratch Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/4/2016) |
/la warmingup1 | |
65 | Boxing | 65「ボクシング」 | AC Scratch: Autumn Sports Festival AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep |
/la warmingup2 | |
66 | Waiting | 66「待機中」 | Fun Scratch | /la waiting | |
67 | Kick | 67「キック」 | Fun Scratch | /la kick | |
68 | Hitting | 68「乱打」 | AC Scratch: Ultimate Fighter AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la rush | |
69 | Dance 13 | 69「ダンス13」 | AC Scratch: Ultimate Fighter AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep |
/la dance13 | |
70 | Dance 14 | 70「ダンス14」 | AC Scratch: Magical Dark Fantasy AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance14 | |
71 | Model 1 | 71「モデル1」 | Fun Shop | /la model1 | |
72 | Model 2 | 72「モデル2」 | Fun Shop | /la model2 | |
73 | Waza | 73「ワザ」 | Fun Scratch | /la waza | |
74 | Enemy 1 | 74「エネミー1」 | Fun Scratch | /la enemy1 | |
75 | Dance 15 | 75「ダンス15」 | AC Scratch: Aerial Gunner AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection |
/la dance15 | |
76 | Dance 16 | 76「ダンス16」 | AC Scratch: Phantasm Artifact AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection |
/la dance16 | |
77 | Worship | 77「お参り」 | AC Scratch: Happy New Year Party AC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13 AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la omairi | |
78 | Manzai | 78「漫才」 | Fun Scratch | /la manzai | |
79 | Present | 79「プレゼント」 | Fun Scratch Reward Box Dec '23 |
/la present | |
80 | Dance 17 | 80「ダンス17」 | AC Scratch: Very Merry Christmas AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la dance17 | |
81 | Jest | 81「からかう」 | Fun Scratch | /la jest | |
82 | Pose 9 | 82「ポーズ9」 | AC Scratch: Dragon's Altar AC Scratch: Titans Destruction NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la pose9 | |
83 | Dance 18 | 83「ダンス18」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design Reception AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance18 | |
84 | Model Walk | 84「モデル歩き」 | Fun Scratch | /la modelwalk | |
85 | Head Tilt | 85「首をかしげる」 | Fun Shop | /la what | |
86 | Despair | 86「落ち込む」 | AC Scratch: Oriental Style Expo AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la orz | |
87 | Greet 2 | 87「挨拶2」 | Fun Scratch | /la greet2 | |
88 | Yell 2 | 88「応援2」 | Fun Scratch | /la yell2 | |
89 | Curse | 89「呪い」 | AC Scratch: Cosmic School Life AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la curse | |
90 | Pose 10 | 90「ポーズ10」 | Fun Shop | /la pose10 | |
91 | Lean | 91「よりかかる」 | Fun Shop | /la lean | |
92 | Salute 2 | 92「敬礼2」 | Fun Scratch | /la salute2 | |
93 | Dance 19 | 93「ダンス19」 | AC Scratch: Maximum Attack on Titan AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep |
/la dance19 | |
94 | Ichitaro | 94「イチタロー」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la ichitaro | |
95 | Momoi | 95「モモーイ」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la momoi | |
96 | Enomoto | 96「エノモト」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la enomoto | |
97 | Symbol P | 97「人文字P」 | Fun Scratch Secret Phrase |
/la symbolP | |
98 | Symbol S | 98「人文字S」 | Fun Scratch Secret Phrase |
/la symbolS | |
99 | Symbol O | 99「人文字O」 | Fun Scratch Secret Phrase |
/la symbolO | |
100 | Symbol 2 | 100「人文字2」 | Fun Scratch Secret Phrase |
/la symbol2 | |
101 | Backflip | 101「バク転」 | AC Scratch: Radical Laboratory AC Scratch: Year of the Sheep AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la backflip | |
102 | Inspire | 102「訴えかける」 | Fun Scratch | /la resort | |
103 | Cartwheel | 103「側転」 | AC Scratch: Celestial Luster AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 |
/la cartwheel | |
104 | Mic Performance | 104「マイクパフォーマンス」 | Fun Scratch | /la mc | |
105 | Head Banging | 105「ヘッドバンギング」 | AC Scratch: Twinkle Splash AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: Automata Revival NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la headbanging | |
106 | Wave 2 | 106「手を振る2」 | Fun Scratch | /la wave2 | |
107 | Bow 2 | 107「礼2」 | Fun Scratch | /la bow2 | |
108 | Squat | 108「スクワット」 | Fun Scratch | /la squat | |
109 | Toast | 109「乾杯」 | Arkuma Prize Shop (Untradeable) |
/la cheers | |
110 | Dance 20 | 110「ダンス20」 | AC Scratch: Sega Platinum Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance20 | |
111 | Dance 21 | 111「ダンス21」 | AC Scratch: Shining Heroes AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la dance21 | |
112 | — | — | — | — | |
113 | Ichitaro 2 | 113「イチタロー2」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la ichitaro2 | |
114 | Ichitaro 3 | 114「イチタロー3」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la ichitaro3 | |
115 | Enomoto 2 | 115「エノモト2」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la enomoto2 | |
116 | Enomoto 3 | 116「エノモト3」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la enomoto3 | |
117 | Fireworks | 117「花火」 | AC Scratch: Electronic Diva AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange |
/la fireworks | |
118 | Talking | 118「会話中」 | Fun Scratch | /la talking | |
119 | Pose 11 | 119「ポーズ11」 | Fun Shop | /la pose11 | |
120 | Banzai | 120「万歳」 | Fun Shop | /la banzai | |
121 | Victory | 121「優勝」 | Interrupt Ranking Grand Prize NGS ARKS Record Badge Exchange |
/la winner | |
122 | Dance 22 | 122「ダンス22」 | AC Scratch: Sega Arcade Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection |
/la dance22 | |
123 | Air Baseball | 123「エア野球」 | Fun Scratch Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/5/2016) |
/la baseball | |
124 | Dance 23 | 124「ダンス23」 | AC Scratch: Irregulars Summer AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance23 | |
125 | Fishing | 125「釣り」 | Fun Scratch NGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange |
/la fishing | |
126 | Yopparai | 126「ヨッパライ」 | Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la yopparai | |
127 | Ichitaro 4 | 127「イチタロー4」 | Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la ichitaro4 | |
128 | Enomoto 4 | 128「エノモト4」 | Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la enomoto4 | |
129 | Pose 12 | 129「ポーズ12」 | Fun Shop | /la pose12 | |
130 | Terminal | 130「端末操作」 | Fun Scratch | /la console | |
131 | Wish | 131「期待する」 | Fun Scratch | /la wish | |
132 | Joy | 132「大喜び」 | Arkuma's Prize Shop New registration campaign special edition! Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la joy | |
133 | Dance 24 | 133「ダンス24」 | AC Scratch: Gold Rush Fever AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015 |
/la dance24 | |
134 | Dance 25 | 134「ダンス25」 | AC Scratch: Mystic Moon AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance25 | |
135 | Dance 26 | 135「ダンス26」 | AC Scratch: Luxurious Performer AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance26 | |
136 | Air Guitar | 136「エアギター」/ | Fun Scratch | /la guitar | |
137 | Dance 27 | 137「ダンス27」 | AC Scratch: Knights and Battle Athlete AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance27 | |
138 | Mae Narae | 138「前ならえ」 | Fun Scratch | /la line | |
139 | Pose 13 | 139「ポーズ13」 | Fun Shop | /la pose13 | |
140 | Horror | 140「ホラー」 | AC Scratch: Unlimited Brave AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Titans Destruction AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection AC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la horror | |
141 | Treats Please | 141「お菓子ちょうだい」 | Fun Scratch | /la halloween | |
142 | Dance 28 | 142「ダンス28」 | AC Scratch: Noble Maid Afternoon AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance28 | |
143 | Blown Away | 143「吹っ飛ぶ」 | Fun Scratch | /la crash | |
144 | Cracker | 144「クラッカー」 | Arkuma Prize Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la cracker | |
145 | Dance 29 | 145「ダンス29」 | AC Scratch: Holy Night Christmas AC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance29 | |
146 | Pose 14 | 146「ポーズ14」 | Fun Scratch | /la pose14 | |
147 | Dance 30 | 147「ダンス30」 | AC Scratch: Cosmo Fleet Hero AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance30 | |
148 | Cold | 148「寒がる」 | Fun Scratch: Yuttari Recreation | /la cold | |
149 | Akkarin | 149「アッカリーン」 | AC Scratch: Yuttari Recreation | /la yuruyuri | |
150 | Red & Blue Board | 150「ボード赤・青」 | Fun Scratch | /la boardRB | |
151 | Green & Yellow Board | 151「ボード緑・黄」 | Fun Scratch | /la boardGY | |
152 | White & Black Board | 152「ボード白・黒」 | Fun Scratch | /la boardWB | |
153 | Dance 31 | 153「ダンス31」 | AC Scratch: Harukotan Style AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la dance31 | |
154 | Dance 32 | 154「ダンス32」 | AC Scratch: Materialize Vision AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la dance32 | |
155 | Pose 15 | 155「ポーズ15」 | Fun Scratch | /la pose15 | |
156 | Warm | 156「温まる」 | Fun Scratch | /la warm | |
157 | Taiki | 157「和服待機」 | Fun Shop | /la taiki1 | |
158 | Criminal Pose | 158「咎人ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Million Years Prisoner | /la FWPose | |
159 | Snowball Fight | 159「雪合戦」 | Fun Scratch | /la snow | |
160 | Sideflip | 160「側宙」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 2 [Side A] AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la sideflip | |
161 | Hip Hip Hooray! | 161「エイエイオー!」 | Arkumami's Prize Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la eieio | |
162 | Kick 2 | 162「キック2」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 2 [Side B] AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la kick2 | |
163 | Pose 16 | 163「ポーズ16」 | Fun Scratch | /la pose16 | |
164 | Dance 33 | 164「ダンス33」 | AC Scratch: School Days Graffiti AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection |
/la dance33 | |
165 | Fighting Pose 1 | 165「構える1」 | Fun Scratch | /la fightpose1 | |
166 | Fighting Pose 2 | 166「構える2」 | AC Scratch: Zestiria Collection AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la fightpose2 | |
167 | S Jump | 167「Sジャンプ」 | AC Scratch: Warring Chronicles AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la Sjump | |
168 | Symbol 0 (Zero) | 168「人文字0(ゼロ)」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol0 | |
169 | Symbol 1 | 169「人文字1」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol1 | |
170 | Symbol 3 | 170「人文字3」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol3 | |
171 | Symbol 4 | 171「人文字4」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol4 | |
172 | Symbol 5 | 172「人文字5」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol5 | |
173 | Symbol 6 | 173「人文字6」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol6 | |
174 | Symbol 7 | 174「人文字7」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol7 | |
175 | Symbol 8 | 175「人文字8」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol8 | |
176 | Symbol 9 | 176「人文字9」 | Fun Shop | /la symbol9 | |
177 | Soap Bubbles | 177「シャボン玉」 | AC Scratch: Imitate Phantasm AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la bubble | |
178 | Enemy 2 | 178「エネミー2」 | Fun Scratch | /la enemy2 | |
179 | Air Umbrella | 179「エア傘」 | Fun Shop | /la umbrella1 | |
180 | Real Umbrella | 180「リアル傘」 | Fun Shop | /la umbrella2 | |
181 | Dance 34 | 181「ダンス34」 | AC Scratch: Sacred Witchcraft AC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance34 | |
182 | Singer | 182「シンガー」 | Character CD ~Song Festival~II Item code Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la singer | |
183 | Eat | 183「食べる」 | Fun Scratch Story Quest Clear Campaign PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay |
/la eat | |
184 | Pose 17 | 184「ポーズ17」 | Fun Shop | /la pose17 | |
185 | Dance 35 | 185「ダンス35」 | AC Scratch: Shining Live Stage AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance35 | |
186 | Frightened | 186「怯える」 | Fun Scratch | /la fear | |
187 | Sweeping | 187「掃除」 | AC Scratch: Magical Prism Phantasm AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la clean | |
188 | Virtual-On 2 | 188「バーチャロン2」 | AC Scratch: Eccentric Party | /la virtualon2 | |
189 | Fanning 1 | 189「扇ぐ1」 | AC Scratch: Versus Guilty Gear AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection |
/la fan1 | |
190 | Volleyball | 190「ビーチバレー」 | Fun Scratch NGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange |
/la volley | |
191 | Pose 18 | 191「ポーズ18」 | Fun Shop | /la pose18 | |
192 | Crouch | 192「しゃがむ」 | Fashion Catalog 2012-2015 Item code Dengeki Badge Exchange NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus Treasure Scratch Vol.3 Scratch Bonus |
/la crouch | |
193 | Fireworks 2 | 193「花火2」 | AC Scratch: Versus BlazBlue AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la fireworks2 | |
194 | ARKS Dance | 194「ARKSダンス」 | Title Reward Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la ARKSdance | |
195 | Running in Circles | 195「ぐるぐる」 | AC Scratch: Mikagura School Sweet AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Boar AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la guruguru | |
196 | Fanning 2 | 196「扇ぐ2」 | AC Scratch: 7th Dragon Encounter AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la fan2 | |
197 | Pose 19 | 197「ポーズ19」 | Fun Shop | /la pose19 | |
198 | Dizzy Walk | 198「ふらふら歩き」 | Fun Scratch | /la furafura | |
199 | Calisthenics | 199「体操」 | AC Scratch: Mega Dimension Heroines AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la strech | |
200 | Free Kick | 200「フリーキック」 | Fun Scratch | /la freekick | |
201 | Dance 36 | 201「ダンス36」 | AC Scratch: Halloween Night Masquerade AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 |
/la dance36 | |
202 | Pose 20 | 202「ポーズ20」 | Fun Shop | /la pose20 | |
203 | Floating | 203「浮遊」 | AC Scratch: Fairy Tail Fantasia AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: Automata Revival NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la float | |
204 | Hopping | 204「ピョンピョン」 | Fun Scratch | /la hopping | |
205 | Sit 4 | 205「座る4」 | AC Scratch: Dragon Raid Chronicle AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la sit4 | |
206 | Dance 37 | 206「ダンス37」 | AC Scratch: Scarlet Detective AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Boar AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la dance37 | |
207 | Pose 21 | 207「ポーズ21」 | Fun Scratch | /la pose21 | |
208 | ARKS Pose | 208「ARKSポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Legend of Heroes AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la ARKSpose | |
209 | Wall Slam | 209「壁ドン」 | AC Scratch: Devil Wars History AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Titans Destruction AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la lean2 | |
210 | Surprise 2 | 210「驚き2」 | Fun Scratch | /la surprise2 | |
211 | Sidestep Drill | 211「反復横跳び」 | AC Scratch: Shining Live Encore AC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet |
/la sidestep | |
212 | Magic Trick | 212「手品」 | AC Scratch: Maestro Summoner AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la magichat | |
213 | Pose 22 | 213「ポーズ22」 | Fun Shop | /la pose22 | |
214 | Snowball Fight 2 | 214「雪合戦2」 | AC Scratch: Street Style Snap NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la snow2 | |
215 | Survey | 215「見渡す」 | Fun Scratch Story Quest Clear Campaign PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay |
/la lookout | |
216 | Somersault Dogeza | 216「S土下座」 | AC Scratch: TOKYO Heroine Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la Sdogeza | |
217 | Bow 3 | 217「礼3」 | Fun Scratch | /la bow3 | |
218 | Jelly Drink | 218「ゼリー飲料を飲む」 | 7-11 Jelly Drink AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la jelly | |
219 | Graduation Pose | 219「卒業ポーズ」 | Fun Scratch | /la graduate | |
220 | Petals | 220「花びら」 | Arkmami Prize Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop Reward Box Feb '24 (Untradeable) |
/la petal | |
221 | Gravure Pose | 221「グラビアポーズ」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop NGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange |
/la gravure | |
222 | Yuataso | 222「ゆあタソ」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la yuataso | |
223 | Airin | 223「あいりん」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la airin | |
224 | Yatta | 224「やったー」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la yatta | |
225 | Present Box | 225「プレゼントボックス」 | AC Scratch: Planet Explorer AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la presentbox | |
226 | Swing | 226「ブランコ」 | AC Scratch: Star Chef Galaxy AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la swing | |
227 | Fly | 227「とぶ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side A] AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la fly | |
228 | Air Iai | 228「エア居合」 | AC Scratch: Toro & Kuro Station AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Full Moon Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la airiai | |
229 | Cat Pose | 229「ネコポーズ」 | Secret Phrase EPISODE 5 Story Quest Campaign Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la nekopose | |
230 | Kancho | 230「カンチョー」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la kancho | |
231 | Bang Bang | 231「バキューン」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la bang | |
232 | Gravure Pose 2 | 232「グラビアポーズ2」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la gravure2 | |
233 | Unique Step | 233「ユニークステップ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side B] AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la uniquestep | |
234 | Dislike | 234「嫌がる」 | Fun Scratch | /la dislike | |
235 | Sortie | 235「出撃」 | AC Scratch: Airy Elegant Summer AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la sortie | |
236 | Awakening | 236「覚醒」 | AC Scratch: Kabukimono Style AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la trance | |
237 | Bouquet | 237「花束」 | Fun Scratch | /la bouquet | |
238 | Surround | 238「回る」 | AC Scratch: Assault Force AC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la turn | |
239 | Boxing 2 | 239「ボクシング2」 | Fun Scratch | /la boxing2 | |
240 | Hyur Dance | 240「ヒューランダンス」 | AC Scratch: Eorzea Selection | /la Hyurandance | |
241 | Miqo’te Dance | 241「ミコッテダンス」 | AC Scratch: Eorzea Selection | /la Miqo'tedance | |
242 | Sit Down | 242「腰掛ける」 | AC Scratch: Shiny Summer Days AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sitdown | |
243 | Watermelon Splitting | 243「スイカ割り」 | Fun Scratch | /la watermelon | |
244 | Fire Dance | 244「ファイアーダンス」 | AC Scratch: Seaside Vacation AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la firedance | |
245 | Languid | 245「気怠い」 | AC Scratch: King of Monsters AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Dog NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la languid | |
246 | Air Board | 246「エアボード」 | AC Scratch: Gurhal Collection 1 Scratch Bonus AC Scratch: Gurhal Memorial Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la airboard | |
247 | Hug | 247「ハグ」 | Fun Scratch | /la hug | |
248 | Shake | 248「揺れる」 | AC Scratch: Medical Cure Station AC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la shake | |
249 | Pose 23 | 249「ポーズ23」 | AC Scratch: Medical Cure Station Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la pose23 | |
250 | Rock, Paper, Scissors | 250「じゃんけん」 | Fun Shop | /la janken | |
251 | Itchō-jime | 251「一丁締め」 | AC Scratch: Earth Grace Coordination AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la icchou | |
252 | Flash | 252「ひらめく」 | Fun Scratch | /la flash | |
253 | Camera 2 | 253「カメラを構える2」 | AC Scratch: Wonderland Party Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la cam2 | |
254 | Vo Performance | 254「Voパフォーマンス」 | PSO2 Anime Character CD SG Scratch: Earth Memory Scratch Bonus |
/la VoPerformance | |
255 | Rappies | 255「ラッピーズ」 | Happy Rappy Campaign LINE Pay AC purchase campaign AC purchase campaign NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Remix Line Jul '23 Scratch Bonus |
/la rappy's | |
256 | Cheer 1 | 256「声援1」 | AC Scratch: Seaside Vacation Scratch Bonus AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la cheer1 | |
257 | Cheer 2 | 257「声援2」 | AC Scratch: Seaside Vacation Scratch Bonus AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la cheer2 | |
258 | Hozue | 258「ほおづえ」 | Fashion Catalog 2015-2016 Item code AC Purchase Campaign NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la hodue | |
259 | Refined Greeting | 259「品がある挨拶」 | AC Scratch: Earth Grace Coordination Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope AC Scratch: Earth Collection Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la greeting | |
260 | Dance 38 | 260「ダンス38」 | AC Scratch: Wonderland Party AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance38 | |
261 | Gymnastic Formation | 261「組体操」 | Fun Shop | /la Gformation | |
262 | Drift | 262「たゆたう」 | AC Scratch: Million Arthur Collection AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la drift | |
263 | Sulk | 263「拗ねる」 | Fun Scratch | /la sulk | |
264 | Pose 24 | 264「ポーズ24」 | AC Scratch: Million Arthur Collection Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la pose24 | |
265 | Hold Sign | 265「看板もち」 | Fun Shop | /la signboard | |
266 | Vivienne Dash | 266「ヴィヴィアンダッシュ」 | AC Scratch: Gurhal Collection 2 Scratch Bonus AC Scratch: Gurhal Memorial Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la vivian | |
267 | Cooking | 267「料理する」 | AC Scratch: Gravity Princess Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la cooking | |
268 | Flight Form | 268「飛行形態」 | AC Scratch: Brilliant Winter Scratch Bonus AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la flightform | |
269 | Tea Party | 269「どこでもお茶会」 | PSO2 ARKS Café The Best PSO2 ARKS Café 2019 Item code |
/la teatime | |
270 | Read Famitsu | 270「ファミ通を読む」 | Gavas Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la famitu | |
271 | Gravity Manipulation | 271「重力操作」 | AC Scratch: Gravity Princess | /la gravitydaze | |
272 | Emilia Pose | 272「エミリアポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Gurhal Collection 2 AC Scratch: Nova Selection AC Scratch: Gurhal Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la emilia | |
273 | Terminal 2 | 273「端末操作2」 | AC Scratch: Brilliant Winter AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la console2 | |
274 | Beckon | 274「手招く」 | Fun Scratch | /la beckon | |
275 | Snow Play | 275「雪遊び」 | 7-11 Ice Cream Campaign NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la snowplay | |
276 | PR Pose | 276「PRポーズ」 | Shimamura Collaboration #2 AC Purchase Campaign |
/la PRpose | |
277 | Dance 39 | 277「ダンス39」 | AC Scratch: Sacred Star Keeper AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance39 | |
278 | Persona 5 | 278「ペルソナ5」 | AC Scratch: Phantom & School Life AC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth |
/la persona5 | |
279 | Stroke | 279「撫でる」 | Fun Shop | /la stroke | |
280 | Vo Performance 2 | 280「Voパフォーマンス2」 | CD ~Song Festival~ Best Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance2 | |
281 | Dance 40 | 281「ダンス40」 | AC Scratch: Starship Valkyrie AC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance40 | |
282 | Circle Formation | 282「円陣」 | Fun Shop | /la circle | |
283 | Dance 41 | 283「ダンス41」 | New Year 2017 Exchange Shop April 2021 Login Campaign |
/la dance41 | |
284 | Dance 42 | 284「ダンス42」 | AC Scratch: Sweet Love Passion NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance42 | |
285 | Pardon? | 285「聞き返す」 | Fun Scratch | /la pardon | |
286 | Paper Airplane | 286「紙飛行機」 | AC Scratch: Sweet Love Passion Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus NGS Autumn '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la papercraft | |
287 | Dance 43 | 287「ダンス43」 | AC Scratch: Sparkle Fashionista AC Scratch: Titans Destruction AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance43 | |
288 | Washbasin | 288「たらい」 | AC Scratch: Sparkle Fashionista Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la tub | |
289 | Dance 44 | 289「ダンス44」 | New Year 2017 Exchange Shop |
/la dance44 | |
290 | Ready Gun | 290「銃を構える」 | AC Scratch: Winter Symphony AC Scratch: Titans Destruction AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la brace | |
291 | Mock | 291「茶化す」 | Fun Scratch | /la mock | |
292 | Upright Scooter | 292「立ち乗り二輪車 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Star Heroine Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la standvehicle | |
293 | Ochaya Anywhere | 293「どこでもお茶屋」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Star Heroine AC Scratch: Year of the Dog AC Scratch: Year of the Boar AC Scratch: Automata Revival AC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la ippuku | |
294 | Waiting 2 | 294「待機中2」 | Fun Scratch | /la waiting2 | |
295 | Kumite | 295「組手」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side A] | /la kumite | |
296 | Sliding Movement | 296「スライド移動」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side A] Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la slide | |
297 | Winner Dance | 297「ウィナーダンス」 | Battle Coin Exchange Reward Box Jul'24 (Untradeable) |
/la winnerdance | |
298 | Automata | 298「オートマタ」 | AC Scratch: Automata Replica AC Scratch: Automata Revival |
/la automata | |
299 | Watering | 299「水やり」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] AC Scratch: Year of the Dog AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la watering | |
300 | Waiting 3 | 300「待機中3」 | Fun Scratch | /la waiting3 | |
301 | Quadrupedalism | 301「四足移動」 | AC Scratch: Animal Promenade AC Scratch: Year of the Dog |
/la quadruped | |
302 | Dance 45 | 302「ダンス45」 | AC Scratch: Fresh School Days AC Scratch: Year of the Dog NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance45 | |
303 | Cat Play | 303「猫をじゃらす」 | AC Scratch: Animal Promenade Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus PSO2 10th SP Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la playwithcat | |
304 | Tasty | 304「テイスティ」 | Dengeki G's Comic (Aug. 2017) | /la tasty | |
305 | [Loser] Pose | 305「【敗者】ポーズ」 | Don Quijote Collaboration AC Purchase Campaign |
/la loserpose | |
306 | Vo Performance 3 | 306「Voパフォーマンス3」 | PSO2 Anime Character CD 2 SG Scratch: Earth Memory Scratch Bonus Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance3 | |
307 | Kabuki | 307「歌舞伎」 | PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la kabuki | |
308 | Ski | 308「スキー」 | PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la ski | |
309 | Shachihoko | 309「しゃちほこ」 | PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la shachihoko | |
310 | Haggith Phemut | 310「ハギト・フェムト」 | Phantom Yamato Model Item code NGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 5 Scratch Bonus NGS SG Scratch: Refined Revival May '24 Scratch Bonus |
/la hagito | |
311 | Flying Base | 311「フライングベース」 | AC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload NGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style |
/la flyingbase | |
312 | Look Up | 312「見上げる」 | Fashion Catalog 2016–2017 Item code NGS AC Scratch: Full Moon Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus |
/la lookup | |
313 | Mother Cluster 1 | 313「マザー・クラスタ1」 | SG Scratch: Mother Cluster Imitation SG Recycle Shop SG Scratch: Advent of Mother SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: Earth Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la mothercluster1 | |
314 | Mother Cluster 2 | 314「マザー・クラスタ2」 | SG Scratch: Mother Cluster Imitation SG Recycle Shop SG Scratch: Advent of Mother SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: Earth Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la mothercluster2 | |
315 | Mother Cluster 3 | 315「マザー・クラスタ3」 | SG Scratch: Mother Cluster Imitation SG Recycle Shop SG Scratch: Advent of Mother SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: Earth Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la mothercluster3 | |
316 | Repair | 316「修理する」 | AC Scratch: Eccentric Girls AC Scratch: Year of the Dog NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la repair | |
317 | ARKS Dance 2 | 317「ARKSダンス2」 | Title Reward Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la ARKSdance2 | |
318 | Swim | 318「泳ぐ」 | AC Scratch: Tropical Summer Ocean AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la swimming | |
319 | Surfing | 319「サーフィン」 | 5th Anniversary Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la surfing | |
320 | Dontaku | 320「どんたく」 | PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la dontaku | |
321 | Konamon | 321「こなもん」 | PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la konamon | |
322 | Hitsugi Pose | 322「ヒツギポーズ」 | 7-Eleven Sega Lucky Lottery PSO2 ~Hitsugi Awakening Edition~ AC Scratch: Earth Collection Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la hitsugipose | |
323 | Rappy Balloon | 323「ラッピーバルーン」 | Happy Rappy Campaign 2017 Merpay AC purchase campaign Internet Cafe NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus |
/la rappyballoon | |
324 | Winner Pose 1 | 324「勝利ポーズ1」 | Buster Medal Limited Time Exchange Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la winnerpose | |
325 | Blow Off | 325「吹き飛ばす」 | AC Scratch: Legendary Heroes AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la blowoff | |
326 | Hero Pose | 326「ヒーローポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Legendary Heroes Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la heropose | |
327 | Ghost | 327「心霊」 | Fun Scratch | /la ghost | |
328 | Eat Ice Cream | 328「アイスを食べる」 | 7-Eleven Collaboration | /la icecream | |
329 | Quna Pose | 329「クーナポーズ」 | QUNA CD AC Scratch: Oracle Collection Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la qunapose | |
330 | Vo Performance 4 | 330「Voパフォーマンス4」 | QUNA CD AC Purchase Campaign NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance4 | |
331 | Pole Dance | 331「ポールダンス」 | AC Scratch: Magic Knight Fairy AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la polldance | |
332 | Camera Appeal | 332「カメラアピール」 | Fun Scratch Story Quest Clear Campaign PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay |
/la cameraappeal | |
333 | Pizza-La | 333「ピザーラ」 | PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize (Untradeable) |
/la pizza-la | | |
334 | Pool Play | 334「プール遊び」 | AC Scratch: Magic Knight Fairy Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la pool | |
335 | Missile | 335「ミサイル」 | AC Scratch: Kingdom Fantasy Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la missile | |
336 | Dance 46 | 336「ダンス46」 | AC Scratch: Kingdom Fantasy AC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance46 | |
337 | Crab Walk | 337「かさかさ」 | AC Scratch: Attract Crow AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la kasakasa | |
338 | Hold Hands | 338「手をつなぐ」 | Fun Scratch | /la reachingout | |
339 | Hang | 339「吊るされる」 | AC Scratch: Attract Crow Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus NGS 2nd SP Scratch (Untradeable) |
/la hang | |
340 | Wipe Floor | 340「雑巾がけ」 | AC Scratch: Noble Fighters AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: Automata Revival NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la wiping | |
341 | Pitfall | 341「落とし穴」 | AC Scratch: Noble Fighters Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la pitfall | |
342 | Pumpkin | 342「パンプキン」 | AC Scratch: Misty Dark World AC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018 AC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la pumpkin | |
343 | Traffic Control | 343「交通整理」 | Fun Scratch | /la trafficcontrol | |
344 | Warp | 344「瞬間移動」 | AC Scratch: Misty Dark World Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la warp | |
345 | Sword Pose | 345「剣を構える」 | PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange | /la swordpose | |
346 | Atelier | 346「アトリエ」 | AC Scratch: Alchemist Replica | /la atelier | |
347 | Spear Pose | 347「槍を構える」 | PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange | /la spearpose | |
348 | — | — | — | — | |
349 | DF Warp | 349「DFワープ」 | SG Scratch: Darkness Conviction SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la dfwarp | |
350 | Dengeki Pose | 350「電撃ポーズ」 | Dengeki Badge Exchange | /la dengekipose | |
351 | Dance 47 | 351「ダンス47」 | AC Scratch: Vehicle Formers NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance47 | |
352 | Kendama | 352「けんだま」 | Fun Scratch | /la kendama | |
353 | Waiting 4 | 353「待機中4」 | AC Scratch: Vehicle Formers NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la waiting4 | |
354 | Curse 2 | 354「呪い2」 | AC Scratch: Phantasy Star Legend AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la curse2 | |
355 | Waiting 5 | 355「待機中5」 | AC Scratch: Soft Burst NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la waiting5 | |
356 | Winner Pose 2 | 356「勝利ポーズ2」 | Buster Medal Limited Time Exchange Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la winnerpose2 | |
357 | Crazy | 357「クレイジー」 | AC Scratch: Holy Night Carol AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la crazy | |
358 | Bodybuilding | 358「ボディビル」 | Fun Scratch | /la bodybuild | |
359 | Waiting 6 | 359「待機中6」 | AC Scratch: Holy Night Carol AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la waiting6 | |
360 | Mother Cluster 4 | 360「マザー・クラスタ5」 | SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope SG Scratch: Advent of Mother SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: Earth Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la mothercluster4 | |
361 | Mother Cluster 5 | 361「マザー・クラスタ5」 | SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope SG Scratch: Advent of Mother SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: Earth Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la mothercluster5 | |
362 | DOA Victory Pose | 362「DOA勝利ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Soft Burst | /la DOApose | |
363 | DOA Combo | 363「DOAコンボ」 | AC Scratch: Soft Burst | /la DOAcombo | |
364 | — | — | — | — | |
365 | — | — | — | — | |
366 | Magic Book Pose | 366「魔術書を構える」 | PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange | /la magicbookpose | |
367 | Kite Flying | 367「たこあげ」 | PSO2 Station #15 Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la takoage | |
368 | Barbecue | 368「バーベキュー」 | AC Scratch: Melty Heart Chocolate AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la bbq | |
369 | Winner Dance 2 | 369「ウィナーダンス2」 | Battle Coin Ehcange (Untradeable) |
/la winnerdance2 | |
370 | Xiera Pose | 370「シエラポーズ」 | Xiera's Report Drama CD NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la xierapose | |
371 | Laconium Sword | 371「ラコニウムソード」 | Title Reward | /la laconiumsword | |
372 | Alisa Pose | 372「アリサポーズ」 | PS 30th Anniversary Stamps NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus |
/la alisapose | |
373 | Dance 48 | 373「ダンス48」 | AC Scratch: Brave Cavalier NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance48 | |
374 | Shoji | 374「障子」 | Fun Scratch Story Quest Clear Campaign PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay |
/la shoji | |
375 | Dance 49 | 375「ダンス49」 | New Year 2018 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la dance49 | |
376 | Nori Nori | 376「ノリノリ」 | New Year 2018 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la norinori | |
377 | Hunting | 377「狩猟」 | AC Scratch: Emotional Electro Voice NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la hunting | |
378 | Dance 50 | 378「ダンス50」 | AC Scratch: Melty Heart Chocolate AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance50 | |
379 | Make Hearts | 379「ハートを作る」 | Fun Scratch | /la heart | |
380 | Lather | 380「頭を洗う」 | Scalp D Collaboration | /la headwash | |
381 | Waiting 7 | 381「待機中7」 | AC Scratch: Blooming Courage AC Scratch: Year of the Boar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la waiting7 | |
382 | Wand Pose | 382「杖を構える」 | PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange | /la staffpose | |
383 | Rhythm | 383「リズム」 | AC Scratch: Spicy Candy AC Scratch: Year of the Boar AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la rhythm | |
384 | Weapon Enchantment | 384「武器強化魔法」 | AC Scratch: Spicy Candy NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la enchant | |
385 | Bomb | 385「バクダン」 | Fun Scratch | /la bomb | |
386 | Virtual-On 3 | 386「バーチャロン3」 | Battle Arena Scratch | /la virtualon3 | |
387 | Hero System Activation | 387「勇者システム起動」 | AC Scratch: Blooming Courage | /la yuyuyu | |
388 | Nova Pose 1 | 388「NOVAポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: Nova Selection AC Scratch: Earnest Desire AC Scratch: Nova Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la psnovapose1 | |
389 | Nova Pose 2 | 389「NOVAポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Nova Selection AC Scratch: Earnest Desire AC Scratch: Nova Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la psnovapose2 | |
390 | Dance 51 | 390「ダンス51」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance51 | |
391 | Rapper | 391「ラッパー」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la rapper | |
392 | PR Pose 2 | 392「PRポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la PRpose2 | |
393 | Vo Performance 5 | 393「Voパフォーマンス5」 | PSO2 Anime Complete Best CD SG Scratch Bonus: Earth Memory Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance5 | |
394 | VR Card Game | 394「VRカードゲーム」 | TCG Memory Exchange | /la VRcardgame | |
395 | Incantation | 395「術をかける」 | AC Scratch: Start Over Zero AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la chant | |
396 | Re:Zero | 396「Re:ゼロ」 | AC Scratch: Start Over Zero | /la rezero | |
397 | Maron & Melon | 397「マロン&メロン」 | Don Quijote Collaboration 2 AC Purchase Campaign NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus |
/la maromero | |
398 | Hopscotch | 398「けんけんぱ」 | Fun Scratch | /la hopscotch | |
399 | Tai Chi | 399「太極拳」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side A] NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la taikyokuken | |
400 | Floating Movement | 400「浮遊移動」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side A] AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la floatmove | |
401 | — | — | — | — | |
402 | — | — | — | — | |
403 | Escaping Soul | 403「魂が抜ける」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side B] NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la soullost | |
404 | Greatsword Pose | 404「大剣を構える」 | PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange | /la greatswordpose | |
405 | Cowboy Shooting | 405「カウボーイ射撃芸」 | AC Scratch: Earnest Desire NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la cowboy | |
406 | Backlight | 406「後光が差す」 | Road to NGS-Item Get Campaign | /la halo | |
407 | — | — | — | — | |
408 | Yui & Shaku | 408「ユーイ&シャク」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la yuishaku | |
409 | Look That Way | 409「アッチ向いてホイ」 | Secret Phrase Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la acchimuite | |
410 | Yui & Shaku 2 | 410「ユーイ&シャク2」 | 6th Anniversary Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la yuishaku2 | |
411 | Peek-a-Boo | 411「いないいないばぁ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side B] AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la peekaboo | |
412 | High Five | 412「ハイタッチ」 | Fun Scratch | /la hitouch | |
413 | P3D Dance 1 | 413「P3Dダンス1」 | AC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage | /la P3Ddance1 | |
414 | P3D Dance 2 | 414「P3Dダンス2」 | AC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage | /la P3Ddance2 | |
415 | P3D Dance 3 | 415「P3Dダンス3」 | AC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage | /la P3Ddance3 | |
416 | P5D Dance 1 | 416「P5Dダンス1」 | AC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage | /la P5Ddance1 | |
417 | P5D Dance 2 | 417「P5Dダンス2」 | AC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage | /la P5Ddance2 | |
418 | P5D Dance 3 | 418「P5Dダンス3」 | AC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage | /la P5Ddance3 | |
419 | Dance 52 | 419「ダンス52」 | AC Scratch: Battle Line Clash NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance52 | |
420 | Henchi/Ranchi | 420「編知/乱知」 | SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection SG Scratch: Awake Administer SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la penchiranchi | |
421 | Yui & Shaku 3 | 421「ユーイ&シャク3」 | 6th Anniversary Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop |
/la yuishaku3 | |
422 | Open Umbrella | 422「傘をさす」 | AC Scratch: Sortir Break AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la umbrella3 | |
423 | Umbrella Dance | 423「傘ダンス」 | AC Scratch: Sortir Break AC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Automata Revival NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la umbrella4 | |
424 | Henchi/Ranchi 2 | 424「編知/乱知2」 | SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection SG Scratch: Awake Administer SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la penchiranchi2 | |
425 | BEATLESS | 425「BEATLESS」 | AC Scratch: Seraphic Android | /la BEATLESS | |
426 | Wedding Pose | 426「ウェディングポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Seraphic Android NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weddingpose | |
427 | Virgin Road | 427「バージンロード」 | AC Scratch: Seraphic Android NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la virginroad | |
428 | Drunken Fist | 428「酔拳ごっこ」」 | AC Scratch: Battle Line Clash NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la playsuiken | |
429 | Sit 5 | 429「座る5 | AC Scratch: Battle Line Clash AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sit5 | |
430 | Dance 53 | 430「ダンス53」 | AC Scratch: Midsummer Wave NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance53 | |
431 | Swim 2 | 431「泳ぐ2」 | AC Scratch: Midsummer Wave AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la swimming2 | |
432 | Marine Pose | 432「マリンポーズ」」 | AC Scratch: Midsummer Wave AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la marinepose | |
433 | Vo Performance 6 | 433「Voパフォーマンス6」 | Live Sympathy 2018 Blu-Ray & CD Albums Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance6 | |
434 | Elmir Pose | 434「エルミルポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Proud Monarch AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la elmirpose | |
435 | Margareta Pose | 435「マルガレータポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Proud Monarch AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Ritual Marriage NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la margaretapose | |
436 | Ninja | 436「忍者」 | Battle Coin Exchange (Untradeable) |
/la ninja | |
437 | Launcher Pose | 437「ランチャーを構える」 | PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange | /la launcherpose | |
438 | Love Kettle | 438「恋やかん」 | Dengeki G's Comic (Oct. 2018) | /la koiyakan | |
439 | Eat Butakim | 439「ブタキムを食べる」 | Butakim Collaboration | /la butakimu | |
440 | Flying Base 2 | 440「フライングベース2」 | AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style |
/la flyingbase2 | |
441 | Charger-Kun | 441「充電くん」 | AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload NGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style |
/la jyudenkun | |
442 | Weaponoid Pose 1 | 442「ウェポノイドポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose1 | |
443 | Weaponoid Pose 2 | 443「ウェポノイドポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose2 | |
444 | Weaponoid Pose 3 | 444「ウェポノイドポーズ3」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose3 | |
445 | Weaponoid Pose 4 | 445「ウェポノイドポーズ4」 | AC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose4 | |
446 | Weapon Pose | 446「武器構え」 | AC Scratch: Soul of Reincarnation AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories |
/la weaponpose | |
447 | Flo & Frau Pose | 447「フロー&フラウポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Soul of Reincarnation AC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la flowflawpose | |
448 | Two-Shot | 448「ツーショット」 | Fun Scratch | /la twoshot | |
449 | Hanging | 449「ぶらさがる」 | AC Scratch: Soul of Reincarnation Scratch Bonus SG Scratch: Awake Administer NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la holdon | |
450 | — | — | — | — | |
451 | Suwa Dance | 451「すわダンス」 | PSO2 Station #22 Secret Phrase | /la suwadance | |
452 | Chair Dance | 452「チェアダンス」 | AC Scratch: Magic Horror Night AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la chairdance | |
453 | Uly/Stella | 453「ユリィ/ステラ」 | IDOLA Point Exchange NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola Scratch Bonus |
/la yuristella | |
454 | Marui Pose | 454「マルイポーズ」 | OIOI Collaboration | /la maruipose | |
455 | Seal & Release | 455「封印と解放」 | AC Scratch: Legendary Valkyria AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sealandfree | |
456 | Sweets Paradise Pose | 456「スイパラポーズ」 | PSO2 ARKS Café 2019 Item code | /la sweparapose | |
457 | — | — | — | — | |
458 | — | — | — | — | |
459 | MHF1 | 459「MHF1」 | AC Scratch: Bravery Hunter | /la MHF1 | |
460 | MHF2 | 460「MHF2」 | AC Scratch: Bravery Hunter | /la MHF2 | |
461 | Dance 54 | 461「ダンス54」 | AC Scratch: Magic Horror Night AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance54 | |
462 | Dance 55 | 462「ダンス55」 | AC Scratch: Legendary Valkyria NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance55 | |
463 | Eat Wasabeef | 463「わさビーフを食べる」 | Wasabeef Collaboration | /la WASABEEF | |
464 | Persona 3 | 464「ペルソナ3」 | AC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth | /la persona3 | |
465 | Persona 4 | 465「ペルソナ4」 | AC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth | /la persona4 | |
466 | Lamp | 466「灯火」 | AC Scratch: Christmas Fantasy NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la light | |
467 | Table Dance | 467「テーブルダンス」 | AC Scratch: Christmas Fantasy NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la tabledance | |
468 | First Gen CC Pose 1 | 468「初代KKポーズ1」 | SG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Selection II SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la KKpose1 | |
469 | First Gen CC Pose 2 | 469「初代KKポーズ2」 | SG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Selection II SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la KKpose2 | |
470 | Wolf & Atossa | 470「ヴォルフ&アトッサ」 | SG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Selection II SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la wolfatossapose | |
471 | Vo Performance 7 | 471「Voパフォーマンス7」 | Character CD ~Song Festival~ IV Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance7 | |
472 | — | — | — | — | |
473 | Vo Performance 8 | 473「Voパフォーマンス8」 | Phantasic 3D Live Concert 2018 Phantasic 3d Live 2018 Blu-Ray Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance8 | |
474 | Vo Performance 9 | 474「Voパフォーマンス9」 | Phantasic QM Mini Album NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance9 | |
475 | Alma Pose | 475「アルマポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Miyabi Romantica AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la almapose | |
476 | Alma Ball | 476「アルマボール」 | AC Scratch: Miyabi Romantica AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la tabledance | |
477 | Rare Drop GET | 477「虹ドロ入手」 | New Year 2019 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la nijidoro | |
478 | Cross Legs | 478「脚を組む」 | Fashion Catalog 2017-2018 NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus |
/la crosslegs | |
479 | Get Attention | 479「すわすわする」 | New Year 2019 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la suwasuwa | |
480 | DanMachi 1 | 480「ダンまち1」 | AC Scratch: Familia Historia | /la danmachi1 | |
481 | DanMachi 2 | 481「ダンまち2」 | AC Scratch: Familia Historia | /la danmachi2 | |
482 | Cardboard Box | 482「ダン・ボウル」 | AC Scratch: Familia Historia AC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la cardboardbox | |
483 | Birthday | 483「バースデー」 | Fun Scratch | /la birthday | |
484 | Valentine | 484「バレンタイン」 | AC Scratch: Sweet Bitter Pop AC Scratch: Fluffy Perfume AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories |
/la valentine | |
485 | Dance 56 | 485「ダンス56」 | AC Scratch: Sweet Bitter Pop NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance56 | |
486 | Puso ni Character Pose | 486「ぷそ煮キャラポーズ」 | Puso ni Comic Volume 1 | /la psnicharapose | |
487 | Ichika & Tetra Pose | 487「イチカ&テトラポーズ」 | Puso ni Memory Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la ichikatetrapose | |
488 | Xiao Pose | 488「シャオポーズ」 | PSO2 Ep5 Setting Documents Collection (Art Book) NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus |
/la xiaopose | |
489 | Yumomi | 489「湯もみ」 | Fun Scratch Story Quest Clear Campaign PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay Reward Box Apr'24 |
/la yumomi | |
490 | Play Barrel | 490「樽遊び」 | AC Scratch: Fluent Attrait AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la taruasobi | |
491 | KOF1 | 491「KOF1」 | AC Scratch: KOF Legends | /la KOF1 | |
492 | KOF2 | 492「KOF2」 | AC Scratch: KOF Legends | /la KOF2 | |
493 | KOF3 | 493「KOF3」 | AC Scratch: KOF Legends | /la KOF3 | |
494 | KOF4 | 494「KOF4」 | AC Scratch: KOF Legends | /la KOF4 | |
495 | Nanoha Pose | 495「なのはポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic | /la nanohapose | |
496 | Fate Pose | 496「フェイトポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic | /la fatepose | |
497 | Hayate Pose | 497「はやてポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic | /la hayatepose | |
498 | VV Cushion | 498「VVクッション」 | Village Vanguard Collaboration | /la VVcushion | |
499 | Sit 6 | 499「座る6」 | AC Scratch: Fluent Attrait AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la sit6 | |
500 | Dance 57 | 500「ダンス57」 | AC Scratch: Daydream Live NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la dance57 | |
501 | Cherry Blossom Viewing | 501「桜を見る」 | AC Scratch: Daydream Live AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sakura | |
502 | Kanto Specialty | 502「関東名物」 | 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la kantospecialty | |
503 | Nagoya Specialty | 503「名古屋名物」 | 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la nagoyaspecialty | |
504 | Sapporo Specialty | 504「札幌名物」 | 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la sapporospecialty | |
505 | Phantom Pose | 505「ファントムポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Trinity Star NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la phantompose | |
506 | Arrival | 506「登場」 | AC Scratch: Trinity Star NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la appearance | |
507 | Lean Pose | 507「斜めポーズ」 | Fun Scratch | /la slopingpose | |
508 | Tantrum | 508「ダダをこねる」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side A NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la fretful | |
509 | Katana Pose | 509「カタナポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side A AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la katanapose | |
510 | Konosuba 1 | 510「このすば1」 | AC Scratch: Blessing World | /la konosuba1 | |
511 | Konosuba 2 | 511「このすば2」 | AC Scratch: Blessing World | /la konosuba2 | |
512 | Konosuba 3 | 512「このすば3」 | AC Scratch: Blessing World | /la konosuba3 | |
513 | Fukuoka Specialty | 513「福岡名物」 | 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la fukuokaspecialty | |
514 | Winner Pose 3 | 514「勝利ポーズ3」 | Medal Exchange Shop | /la winnerpose3 | |
515 | Flying Pose | 515「飛行ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Alternative Selection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la flyingpose | |
516 | Raise Ki | 516「気を高める」 | AC Scratch: Alternative Selection AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la extendaura | |
517 | Falling Act | 517「倒れる演技」 | Fun Scratch Story Quest Clear Campaign PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay |
/la downacting | |
518 | Regius Pose | 518「レギアスポーズ」 | SG Scratch: Astral Guardian SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la regiuspose | |
519 | Maria Pose | 519「マリアポーズ」 | SG Scratch: Astral Guardian SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la mariapose | |
520 | Harriet Pose | 520「ハリエットポーズ」 | SG Scratch: Astral Guardian SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (Untradeable) |
/la harrietpose | |
521 | S Laconium Sword | 521「Sラコニウムソード」 | SG Scratch: Astral Guardian SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la Slaconiumsword | |
522 | Rainfall | 522「雨が降る」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la rain | |
523 | Assault Rifle Pose | 523「Aライフルポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la Ariflepose | |
524 | Kobe Specialty | 524「神戸名物」 | 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la kobespecialty | |
525 | Merry-go-round | 525「メリーゴーランド」 | AC Scratch: Hot Summer Festa AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la merrygoround | |
526 | Frustrated 2 | 526「地団駄2」 | AC Scratch: Hot Summer Festa NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la frustrated2 | |
527 | Transform Pose 1 | 527「変身ポーズ1」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la transformpose1 | |
528 | Bell Do | 528「ハンドベル・ド」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellC | |
529 | Bell Re | 529「ハンドベル・レ」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellD | |
530 | Bell Mi | 530「ハンドベル・ミ」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellE | |
531 | Bell Fa | 531「ハンドベル・ファ」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellF | |
532 | Bell So | 532「ハンドベル・ソ」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellG | |
533 | Bell La | 533「ハンドベル・ラ」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellA | |
534 | Bell Ti | 534「ハンドベル・シ」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la bellB | |
535 | T Machine Gun Pose | 535「Tマシンガンポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Fearful Tempest AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la Tmgpose | |
536 | Dance 58 | 536「ダンス58」 | AC Scratch: Fearful Tempest NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance58 | |
537 | Lawson Sign | 537「ローソン看板」 | Lawson Collaboration | /la LAWSON | |
538 | Banana Boat | 538「バナナボート」 | AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort AC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la bananaboat | |
539 | Kick 3 | 539「キック3」 | AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la kick3 | |
540 | Transform Pose 2 | 540「変身ポーズ2」 | 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la transformpose2 | |
541 | Stratos Pose | 541「ストラトスポーズ」 | Character CD ~Song Festival~ V NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la stratospose | |
542 | Bed 3 | 542「ベッド3」 | AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la bed3 | |
543 | Photon Circle | 543「フォトンサークル」 | AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance AC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la photoncircle | |
544 | Puso ni End Card | 544「ぷそ煮エンドカード」 | Puso ni Comic Volume 2 | /la psniendcard | |
545 | Kneeling | 545「膝立ち」 | Premium Purchase Campaign LINE Pay/Nintendo eShop AC purchase campaign NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la kneeling | |
546 | Prosit | 546「プロージット」 | AC Scratch: Ein Prosit | /la prosit | |
547 | Rod Pose | 547「ロッドポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Ein Prosit AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la rodpose | |
548 | Weaponoid Pose 5 | 548「ウェポノイドポーズ5」 | AC Scratch: Material Weaponoid AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose5 | |
549 | Weaponoid Pose 6 | 549「ウェポノイドポーズ6」 | AC Scratch: Material Weaponoid AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose6 | |
550 | Weaponoid Pose 7 | 550「ウェポノイドポーズ7」 | AC Scratch: Material Weaponoid AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la weaponoidpose7 | |
551 | Quna Pose 2 | 551「クーナポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la qunapose2 | |
552 | Lisa Pose | 552「リサポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la risapose | |
553 | Twin Dagger Pose | 553「ツインダガーポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Halloween Star Night AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la twindaggerpose | |
554 | Sit Down 2 | 554「腰掛ける2」 | AC Scratch: Halloween Star Night AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la sitdown2 | |
555 | Winner Pose 4 | 555「勝利ポーズ4」 | Medal Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la winnerpose4 | |
556 | Sit 7 | 556「座る7」 | PSO2 Fashion Catalog 2018-2019 STARS and GUARDIANS Item code NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories Scratch Bonus |
/la sit7 | |
557 | Summon | 557「召喚」 | PSO2 TCG Episode Oracle | /la summon | |
558 | Drink Perrier | 558「ペリエを飲む」 | Perrier Collaboration | /la perrier | |
559 | Full Salvo | 559「全弾発射」 | AC Scratch: Silence Eliminator AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la fullburst | |
560 | Dice Throw | 560「サイコロ投げ」 | AC Scratch: Silence Eliminator NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la diceroll | |
561 | Matoi Pose 1 | 561「マトイポーズ1」 | SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la matoipose1 | |
562 | Matoi Pose 2 | 562「マトイポーズ2」 | SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la matoipose2 | |
563 | Matoi Pose 3 | 563「マトイポーズ3」 | SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la matoipose3 | |
564 | A.T. Field | 564「A.T.フィールド」 | AC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch | /la ATfield | |
565 | Talis Pose | 565「タリスポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la talispose | |
566 | EP Oracle 1 | 566「EPオラクル1」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray DVD Volume 4 Treasure Scratch Vol.4 Scratch |
/ la EPoracle1 | |
567 | Idola Chara Pose 1 | 567「イドラキャラポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: IDOLA First Anniversary AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration AC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola |
/la idolacharapose1 | |
568 | Idola Chara Pose 2 | 568「イドラキャラポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: IDOLA First Anniversary AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration AC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola |
/la idolacharapose2 | |
569 | Idola Channel | 569「イドラチャンネル」 | IDOLA Point Exchange NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola Scratch Bonus |
/la idolachannel | |
570 | Jasper/Rosa | 570「ジャスパー/ローザ」 | IDOLA 1st Anniversary Campaign NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola Scratch Bonus |
/la jasperrosalinde | |
571 | Sword Pose | 571「ソードポーズ」」 | AC Scratch: Christmas Casper AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la longswordpose | |
572 | Poke Poke | 572「つんつん」 | AC Scratch: Christmas Casper AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la poke | |
573 | Sukunahime Pose 1 | 573「スクナヒメポーズ1」 | SG Scratch: Awake Administer SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la sukunahimepose1 | |
574 | Sukunahime Pose 2 | 574「スクナヒメポーズ2」 | SG Scratch: Awake Administer SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la sukunahimepose2 | |
575 | Sukunahime Pose 3 | 575「スクナヒメポーズ3」 | SG Scratch: Awake Administer SG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la sukunahimepose3 | |
576 | Check Time | 576「時間確認」 | Premium set purchase campaign | /la timecheck | |
577 | Etoile Pose | 577「エトワールポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Etoile Operation AC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 6 Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] NGS SG Scratch: Refined Revival May '24 Scratch Bonus |
/la etoilepose | |
578 | Spinning Top | 578「独楽回し」 | AC Scratch: Etoile Operation AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la topspin | |
579 | Fortune | 579「おみくじ」 | AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Accessory Select Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/ la fortune | |
580 | Double Saber Pose | 580「Dセイバーポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Luminous Bloom AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la Dsaberpose | |
581 | Snow Play 2 | 581「雪遊び2」 | AC Scratch: Luminous Bloom NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la snowplay2 | |
582 | Zonde/Cage | 582「ゾンデ/㩜」 | New Year Festival 2020 Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la zondecage | |
583 | Barta/Statue | 583「バータ/彫像」 | New Year Festival 2020 Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/ la bartastatue | |
584 | Wand Pose | 584「ウォンドポーズ」 | AC Scratch: IDOLA Chaos Creed AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la wandpose | |
585 | Snow Gazing | 585「雪を見上げる」 | AC Scratch: IDOLA Chaos Creed NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la seesnow | |
586 | Fanservice | 586「ファンサ」 | AC Scratch: Fluffy Perfume AC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories |
/la fanservice | |
587 | DualBlades Pose | 587「Dブレードポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Fluffy Perfume AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la Dbladepose | |
588 | — | — | — | — | |
589 | EP Oracle 2 | 589「EPオラクル2」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 5 | /la EPoracle2 | |
590 | EP Oracle 3 | 590「EPオラクル3」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 6 | /la EPoracle3 | |
591 | EP Oracle Communication | 591「EPオラクル通信」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle ~The Past That Cannot Be Erased, and Now~ | /la EPoraclecall | |
592 | 2nd Gen. CC Pose | 592「二代目KKポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 2 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la 2ndKKpose | |
593 | 3rd Gen. CC Pose | 593「三代目KKポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 2 AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la 3rdKKpose | |
594 | Zeno Pose | 594「ゼノポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 2 NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la zenopose | |
595 | Launcher Pose | 595「ランチャーポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Spirial Armament AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la alauncherpose | |
596 | Ride | 596「乗る」 | AC Scratch: Spirial Armament NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la riding | |
597 | Wired Lance Pose | 597「Wランスポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la Wlancepose | |
598 | Office Chair | 598「オフィスチェア」 | AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la officechair | |
599 | Festival | 599「フェスティバル」 | AC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la festival | |
600 | — | — | — | — | |
601 | — | — | — | — | |
602 | Sonic/Tails | 602「ソニック/テイルス」 | AC Purchase Campaign | /la sonictails | |
603 | Body Pillow | 603「抱き枕」 | AC Scratch: Earnest Desire AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la bodypillow | |
604 | Khorshid & Akhtar | 604「ホルシード&アフタル」 | AC Scratch: Earnest Desire AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Halpha's Super Origin Login Gift |
/la khorshidakhtar | |
605 | Gene Pose | 605「ジェネポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Earnest Desire AC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola |
/la genepose | |
606 | EP Oracle 4 | 606「EPオラクル4」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 7 | /la EPoracle4 | - |
607 | Clock Pose | 607「時計ポーズ」 | Purchase 90 Days Premium Set Purchase Campaign | /la clockpose | |
608 | Zekt & Mitarashi | 608「ゼクト&みたらし」 | PSO2 Puso ni Komi 3 (Dengeki Comics EX) | /la zekutomitarashi | |
609 | Vo Performance 10 | 609「Voパフォーマンス10」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Character Song CD Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance10 | |
610 | Takt Pose | 610「タクトポーズ」 | AC Scratch: College Cute Looks NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la tactpose | |
611 | Egg Race | 611「エッグレース」 | AC Scratch: College Cute Looks NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories |
/la eggrace | |
612 | Partisan Pose | 612「パルチザンポーズ」 | AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la partisanpose | |
613 | Impromptu Picnic 1 | 613「どこでもピクニック1」 | AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la picnic1 | |
614 | Knuckle Pose | 614「ナックルポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la knucklepose | |
615 | Terminal operation 3 | 615「端末操作3 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la console3 | |
616 | Dance 59 | 616「ダンス59」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance59 | |
617 | PW x PSO2 | 617「PW×PSO2」 | Don Quijote T-shirt Purchase Item code | /la PWPSO2 | - |
618 | PR Pose 3 | 618「PRポーズ3」 | Don Quijote Towel Purchase Item code NGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus |
/la PRpose3 | - |
619 | EP Oracle 5 | 619「EPオラクル5」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 8 | /la EPoracle5 | - |
620 | Gunslash Pose | 620「ガンスラッシュポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la gunslashpose | |
621 | — | — | — | — | |
622 | Tea Cup | 622「ティーカップ」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la teacup | |
623 | Athletic | 623「アスレチック」 | AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la athletic | |
624 | Bubblegum Flight | 624「風船ガムで飛ぶ」 | AC Purchase Campaign NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories Scratch Bonus Only eShop, LINE Pay, and Mel Pay |
/la chewinggum | |
625 | — | — | — | — | |
626 | Et & Ph | 626「Et&Ph」 | PSO2 Episode 6 Deluxe Package | /la EtPh | |
627 | New Sakura Wars A | 627「新サクラ大戦A」 | AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue | /la newsakurawarsA | |
628 | New Sakura Wars B | 628「新サクラ大戦B」 | AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue | /la newsakurawarsb | |
629 | Bullet Bow Pose | 629「Bボウポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Ritual Marriage AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la Bbowpose | |
630 | Sliding | 630「スライディング」 | AC Scratch: Ritual Marriage AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sliding | |
631 | — | — | — | — | |
632 | Ep Oracle 6 | 632「EPオラクル6」 | PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 9 | /la EPoracle6 | - |
633 | — | — | — | — | |
634 | Jet Boots Pose | 634「ジェットブーツポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Exotic Revelry AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la jetbootspose | - |
635 | Sparklers | 635「線香花火」 | AC Scratch: Exotic Revelry AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la sparkler | - |
636 | — | — | — | — | |
637 | Shiva Pose 1 | 637「シバポーズ1」 | SG Scratch: Roots of Darkness SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la sivapose1 | - |
638 | Shiva Pose 2 | 638「シバポーズ2」 | SG Scratch: Roots of Darkness SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (Untradeable) |
/la sivapose2 | - |
639 | Varuna Pose | 639「ヴァルナポーズ」 | SG Scratch: Roots of Darkness Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la varunapose | - |
640 | Dance 60 | 640「ダンス60」 | AC Scratch: Sunshine Summer Resort NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la dance60 | - |
641 | Crouch 2 | 641「しゃがむ2」 | AC Scratch: Sunshine Summer Resort AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la crouch2 | - |
642 | Sword/Partisan | 642「大剣/長槍」 | AC Scratch: ARKS Last Stand AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la swordpartisan | - |
643 | Blown Away 2 | 643「吹っ飛ぶ2」 | AC Scratch: ARKS Last Stand AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la crash2 | - |
644 | Kneeling 2 | 644「膝立ち2」 | AC Scratch: Exotic Revelry Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la kneeling2 | - |
645 | — | — | — | — | |
646 | Katori Pose | 646「カトリポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 3 AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la katoripose | - |
647 | Euclida Pose | 647「ユクリータポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 3 AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la euclitapose | - |
648 | Luster Pose | 648「ラスターポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Integrate Luster AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la lusterpose | - |
649 | Respect | 649「尊ぶ」 | AC Scratch: Integrate Luster AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la precious | - |
650 | Diva Motion 1 | 650「ディーバモーション1」 | AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble | /la divamotion1 | - |
651 | Diva Motion 2 | 651「ディーバモーション2」 | AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble | /la divamotion2 | - |
652 | Diva Motion 3 | 652「ディーバモーション3」 | AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble | /la divamotion3 | - |
653 | Rifle/Launcher | 653「長銃/大砲」 | AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la riflelauncher | - |
654 | Gridman | 654「グリッドマン」 | AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman | /la gridman | - |
655 | Weaponoid Pose 8 | 655「ウェポノイドポーズ8」 | AC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la weaponoidpose8 | |
656 | Weaponoid Pose 9 | 656「ウェポノイドポーズ9」 | AC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid AC Scratch: Essence Revival NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la weaponoidpose9 | |
657 | Hitsugi Pose 2 | 657「ヒツギポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Earth Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la hitsugipose2 | |
658 | Aika Pose | 658「アイカポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Earth Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la aikapose | |
659 | Itsuki/Rina Pose | 659「イツキ/リナポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Earth Collection NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la itsukirinapose | |
660 | Magic Pose 1 | 660「魔術ポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: Integrate Luster Scratch Bonus NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop |
/la magicpose1 | |
661 | Impromptu Picnic 2 | 661「どこでもピクニック2」 | AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la picnic2 | |
662 | Magic Pose 2 | 662「魔術ポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la magicpose2 | |
663 | Magic Pose 3 | 663「魔術ポーズ3」 | AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la magicpose3 | |
664 | Arrival 2 | 664「登場2」 | AC Scratch: Fascination Monsters Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la appearance2 | |
665 | — | — | — | — | |
666 | Rod/Talis | 666「長杖/導具」 | AC Scratch: Fascination Monsters AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la rodtalis | |
667 | Spider | 667「蜘蛛」 | AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la spider | |
668 | PR Pose 4 | 668「PRポーズ4」 | AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la PRpose4 | |
669 | Clock Pose 2 | 669「時計ポーズ2」 | AC Purchase Campaign | /la clockpose2 | |
670 | Sword Skill | 670「ソードスキル」 | Cutscene Reward from Kirito & Asuna (Untradeable) |
/la swordskill | |
671 | Broomstick Flight | 671「箒で飛ぶ」 | AC Scratch: Rising Dragon Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la broom | |
672 | Fold Arms 2 | 672「腕を組む2」 | AC Scratch: Rising Dragon NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la foldarms2 | |
673 | Rodeo Pose 1 | 673「ロデオポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: Fascination Monsters AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la rodeopose1 | |
674 | Senran Kagura | 674「閃乱カグラ」 | AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance | /la senrankagura | |
675 | Knuckles/T Daggers | 675「双小剣/鋼拳」 | AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la twindaggerknuckle | |
676 | TMG/Gunslash | 676「双機銃/銃剣」 | AC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la TMGgunslash | |
677 | UFO Catcher | 677「UFOキャッチャー®」 | AC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la UFOcatcher | |
678 | Shichirin | 678「七輪」 | AC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la shichirin | |
679 | Stratos Pose 2 | 679「ストラトスポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la stratospose2 | |
680 | Stratos Pose 3 | 680「ストラトスポーズ3」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la stratospose3 | |
681 | Kyokuya Pose 1 | 681「キョクヤポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la kyokuyapose1 | |
682 | Kyokuya Pose 2 | 682「キョクヤポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la kyokuyapose2 | |
683 | Lucotte Pose 1 | 683「ルコットポーズ1」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la lecotpose1 | |
684 | Lucotte Pose 2 | 684「ルコットポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la lecotpose2 | |
685 | Lucotte Pose 3 | 685「ルコットポーズ3」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] |
/la lecotpose3 | |
686 | Idola Matoi Pose | 686「イドラマトイポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola |
/la idolamatoipose | |
687 | Close Friends Pose | 687「なかよしポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Rising Dragon NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la chumpose | |
688 | Elements: Fire & Ice | 688「六属性ポーズ・炎氷」 | AC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la fireice | |
689 | Elements: Lightning & Wind | 689「六属性ポーズ・雷風」 | AC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la lightningwind | |
690 | Elements: Dark & Light | 690「六属性ポーズ・闇光」 | AC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la darklight | |
691 | Wand/Takt | 691「短杖/奏具」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection IV NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival |
/la wandtact | |
692 | Oden | 692「おでん」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection IV NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la oden | |
693 | Fist Pose | 693「拳ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la fistpose | |
694 | Camp | 694「キャンプ」 | NGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer Scratch Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus |
/la camping | |
695 | Phantom Thief | 695「怪盗」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la phantomthief | |
696 | Pounding Mochi | 696「餅つき」 | AC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Accessory Select Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la mochipounding | |
697 | Moo Moo Pose | 697「モーモーポーズ」 | — | /la cowpose | |
698 | D Saber/W Lance | 698「両剣/自在槍」 | AC Scratch: Rising Dragon NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la DsaberWlance | |
699 | Good Pose | 699「グッドポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la goodpose | |
700 | One Pose | 700「「1」ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la onepose | |
701 | Lather | 701「泡立てる」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la lather | |
702 | Explain | 702「説明する」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la explain | |
703 | Dual Blades/Jet Boots | 703「飛翔剣/魔装脚」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival |
/la DbladeJboots | |
704 | Relax 1 | 704「くつろぐ1」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la relax1 | |
705 | Relax 2 | 705「くつろぐ2」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la relax2 | |
706 | Pinky Pose | 706「小指ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la littlefinger | |
707 | Katana/Bullet Bow | 707「抜剣/強弓」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival |
/la katanaBbow | |
708 | — | — | — | — | |
709 | Heart Pose | 709「ハートポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la heartpose | |
710 | Bang Bang Pose | 710「バキューンポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la bangpose | |
711 | Jump Pose | 711「ジャンプポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection IV NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la jumppose | |
712 | — | — | — | — | |
713 | Two Pose | 713「「2」ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la twopose | |
714 | Two-Finger Pose | 714「二本指ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la 2fingerpose | |
715 | Air Quotes | 715「エアクオート」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la airquotes | |
716 | Rock Sign | 716「ロックサイン」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la rocksign | |
717 | Diva Motion 4 | 717「ディーバモーション4」 | AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble | /la divamotion4 | |
718 | — | — | — | — | |
719 | Three Pose | 719「「3」ポーズ」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5 NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V NGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival NGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival |
/la threepose | |
720 | — | — | — | — | |
721 | Turkey | 721「ターキー」 | AC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice Scratch Bonus NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch NGS Special Scratch Special Scratch Exchange Shop (Untradeable) |
/la turkey | |
722 | — | — | — | — | |
723 | Meteor Fist gyu. | 723「メテオフィストぎゅ。」 | — | /la meteorfistgyu | |
724 | PR Pose 5 | 724「PRポーズ5」 | — | /la PRpose5 | |
725 | [Persona] Pose | 725「【仮面】ポーズ」 | PSO2 EP6 Materials Collection item code Super New & Returning ARKS Call Campaign |
/la personapose | |
726 | Sonic/Tails 2 | 726「ソニック/テイルス2」 | AC Purchase Campaign | /la sonictails2 | |
727 | Battle Skill | 727「極技」 | AC Scratch: Rising Dragon NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 |
/la heataction | |
728 | Rodeo Pose 2 | 728「ロデオポーズ2」 | AC Scratch: Fascination Monsters AC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] |
/la rodeopose2 | |
729 | — | — | — | — | |
730 | Vo Performance 11 | 730「Voパフォーマンス11」 | Character CD ~Song Festival~ VI Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance11 | |
731 | Hero Pose+ | 731「ヒーローポーズ+」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la heropose+ | |
732 | Phantom Pose+ | 732「ファントムポーズ+」 | AC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 Scratch Bonus NGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 3 Scratch Bonus (Untradeable) |
/la phantompose+ | |
733 | Vo Performance 12 | 733「Voパフォーマンス12」 | PSO 20th Anniv. PSO2 EP Oracle Fire Swirl CD item code Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange |
/la VoPerformance12 | |
734 | Bleachers | 734「観覧席」 | Sympathy 2021 Ticket Bonus NGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus |
/la audienceseat | |
Photon Chairs | |||||
Photon Chair Dark Green | フォトンチェア深緑 | Fun Shop | /la chair_viridia | ||
Photon Chair Green | フォトンチェア緑 | Fun Shop | /la chair_greennil | ||
Photon Chair Sky Blue | フォトンチェア水 | Fun Shop | /la chair_skyly | ||
Photon Chair Blue | フォトンチェア青 | Fun Shop | /la chair_bluefull | ||
Photon Chair Purple | フォトンチェア紫 | Fun Shop | /la chair_purplenum | ||
Photon Chair Pink | フォトンチェア桃 | Fun Shop | /la chair_pinkal | ||
Photon Chair Red | フォトンチェア赤 | Fun Shop | /la chair_redria | ||
Photon Chair Orange | フォトンチェア橙 | Fun Shop | /la chair_oran | ||
Photon Chair Yellow | フォトンチェア黄 | Fun Shop | /la chair_yellowboze | ||
Photon Chair White | フォトンチェア白 | Fun Shop | /la chair_whitill | ||
Photon Chair Black | フォトンチェア黒 | Green ARKS Badge Shop | /la chair_blackfull | ||
Photon Chair Gold | フォトンチェア金 | Green ARKS Badge Shop | /la chair_goldnum | ||
Photon Chair Rappy | フォトンチェア・ラッピー | Festa 2014 Web Panel Reward United Festival 2015 |
/la chair_rappy |