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Accessories Legs and Feet

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PSO2 Fashion Directory
Costume Male Costumes Costume Female Costumes Outerwear (NGS) Male Layered Wear Outerwear (NGS) Female Layered Wear
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Accessory (NGS) Accessories (Accs.)
Hairstyle (NGS) Accs. (Upper Head) Makeup (NGS) Accs. (Middle Head) Hairstyle (NGS) Accs. (Head Accessories) Basewear (NGS) Accs. (Neck and Shoulders) Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Chest)
Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Back) Arm Parts (NGS) Accs. (Hands and Arms) Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Waist and Hips) Leg Parts (NGS) Accs. (Legs and Feet) Eyes (NGS) Accs. (Around)
Hairstyle (NGS) Hairstyles Eyes (NGS) Eyes Eyebrows (NGS) Eyebrows Eyelashes (NGS) Eyelashes
Face (NGS) Faces Makeup (NGS) Makeup Body Paint (NGS) Body Paints
Ticket Voice Tickets Ticket Lobby Actions Ticket Stickers
Accessories (Legs and Feet) N-Accessories (Legs and Feet)

Accessories, not to be confused with Costume Decorations which are toggleable costume parts, are cosmetics that can be attached on the character and repositioned and resized. Accessories are mainly gotten through FUN Scratch and AC Scratch as well as some Exchange Shops. Accessories also have a cost based system.

This section covers Accessories that attach to the thighs to the feet such as Leg Satchels, Ankle decorations, Shoes, & other items.

AC Scratch

Icon Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
UIFashionKnightBootDecorationBlack.png Knight Boot Decoration Black
騎士のブーツ飾り 黒
2 12/9/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic (12/9/2020~1/6/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionKnightBootDecorationWhite.png Knight Boot Decoration White
騎士のブーツ飾り 白
2 12/9/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic (12/9/2020~1/6/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Nov '23 (11/29/2023~12/13/2023)
File:UIFashionLegSideGuardLGold.png Leg Side Guard L Gold
レッグサイドガードL 金
3 11/11/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
File:UIFashionLegSideGuardRGold.png Leg Side Guard R Gold
レッグサイドガードR 金
3 11/11/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
File:UIFashionLegSideGuardLSilver.png Leg Side Guard L Silver
レッグサイドガードL 銀
3 11/11/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
File:UIFashionLegSideGuardRSilver.png Leg Side Guard R Silver
レッグサイドガードR 銀
3 11/11/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
UIFashionLolitaPumpsBlack.png Lolita Pumps Black
ロリータパンプス 黒
2 11/11/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories (12/14/2022~12/28/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Remix Line Jul '23 (7/26/2023~8/9/2023)
UIFashionLolitaPumpsRed.png Lolita Pumps Red
ロリータパンプス 赤
2 11/11/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionLolitaPumpsWhite.png Lolita Pumps White
ロリータパンプス 白
2 11/11/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
Reward Box Jul'24 (7/17/2024~7/31/2024)
UIFashionLoafersBlack.png Loafers Black
ローファー 黒
3 10/14/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman (10/14/2020~11/11/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories (11/30/2022~12/14/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionLoafersBrown.png Loafers Brown
ローファー 茶
3 10/14/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman (10/14/2020~11/11/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: School Days Memories (4/26/2023~5/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
UIFashionLoafersWhite.png Loafers White
ローファー 白
3 10/14/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman (10/14/2020~11/11/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: School Days Memories (4/26/2023~5/10/2023)
File:UIFashionIgnisLegThrusters.png Ignis Leg Thrusters
3 9/30/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid (9/30/2020~10/28/2020)
UIFashionGeneDeckShoes.png Gene Deck Shoes
3 8/19/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Sunshine Summer Resort (8/19/2020~9/16/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories (8/10/2022~8/24/2022)
UIFashionMechanicalHoovesB.png Mechanical Hooves B
3 8/5/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Exotic Revelry (8/5/2020~9/2/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Nov '23 (11/29/2023~12/13/2023)
File:UIFashionAnkleWingsB.png Ankle Wings B
3 7/21/2020 AC Scratch: Ritual Marriage (7/21/2020~8/19/2020)
File:UIFashionGearDWingBPink.png Gear D Wing B Pink
ギア・D・ウィングB 桃
3 7/8/2020 AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C (7/8/2020~8/5/2020)
UIFashionMFDBBoots.png MFDB Boots
3 6/24/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B (6/24/2020~7/21/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
UIFashionThighTights.png Thigh Tights
3 6/24/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B (6/24/2020~7/21/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionAnimalLegs.png Animal Legs
3 6/10/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A (6/10/2020~7/8/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionAnkleRibbonsBlack.png Ankle Ribbons Black
足首後ろリボン 黒
4 4/8/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: College Cute Looks (4/8/2020~5/13/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Nov '23 (11/29/2023~12/13/2023)
File:UIFashionAnkleRibbonsWhite.png Ankle Ribbons White
足首後ろリボン 白
4 4/8/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: College Cute Looks (4/8/2020~5/13/2020)
File:UIFashionAnkleRibbonsRed.png Ankle Ribbons Red
足首後ろリボン 赤
4 4/8/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: College Cute Looks (4/8/2020~5/13/2020)
File:UIFashionNovaLegGear.png Nova Leg Gear
3 3/25/2020 AC Scratch: Earnest Desire (3/25/2020~4/22/2020)
UIFashionTruekLegPouch.png Truek Leg Pouch
3 3/4/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png [Ba] Color linked AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar (3/4/2020~4/8/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
UIFashionTruekInjector.png Truek Injector
3 3/4/2020 PSO2 [Ba] Color linked AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar (3/4/2020~4/8/2020)
UIFashionBladeLegArmor.png Blade Leg Armor
4 3/4/2020 AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar (3/4/2020~4/8/2020)
UIFashionFluffySocksA.png Fluffy Socks A
3 3/4/2020 AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar (3/4/2020~4/8/2020)
UIFashionFluffySocksB.png Fluffy Socks B
3 3/4/2020 AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar (3/4/2020~4/8/2020)
UIFashionFluffySocksC.png Fluffy Socks C
3 3/4/2020 AC Scratch: Slightly Sugar (3/4/2020~4/8/2020)
UIFashionYellowLeatherBoots.png Yellow Leather Boots
レザーブーツ 黄
3 2/19/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Spirial Armament (2/19/2020~3/25/2020)
UIFashionCombatHolsterB.png Combat Holster B
3 11/20/2019 AC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch (11/20/2019~12/18/2019)
UIFashionCasualShoesBlack.png Casual Shoes Black
カジュアルシューズ 黒
3 10/16/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Silence Eliminator (10/16/2019~11/20/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionCasualShoesBrown.png Casual Shoes Brown
カジュアルシューズ 茶
3 10/16/2019 PSO2 AC Scratch: Silence Eliminator (10/16/2019~11/20/2019)
UIFashionCasualShoesNavy.png Casual Shoes Navy
カジュアルシューズ 紺
3 10/16/2019 PSO2 AC Scratch: Silence Eliminator (10/16/2019~11/20/2019)
UIFashionTrainingWheels.png Training Wheels
3 10/2/2019 AC Scratch: Halloween Star Night (10/2/2019~11/6/2019)
UIFashionLavisBladeLegsB.png Lavis Blade Legs B
3 9/18/2019 [Ba] Color linked AC Scratch: Material Weaponoid (9/18/2019~10/16/2019)
UIFashionSlipOnsWhite.png Slip-Ons White
スリッポン 白
3 8/21/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance (8/21/2019~9/18/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories (3/1/2023~3/15/2023)
UIFashionSlipOnsBlack.png Slip-Ons Black
スリッポン 黒
3 8/21/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance (8/21/2019~9/18/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories (3/1/2023~3/15/2023)
UIFashionSlipOnsCamo.png Slip-Ons Camo
スリッポン 迷彩
3 8/21/2019 PSO2 AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance (8/21/2019~9/18/2019)
UIFashionSlipOnsLeopardPrint.png Slip-Ons Leopard Print
スリッポン 豹柄
3 8/21/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance (8/21/2019~9/18/2019)
Reward Box Apr '24 (4/24/2024~6/5/2024)
UIFashionLegProtector.png Leg Protector
3 8/21/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Brilliant Performance (8/21/2019~9/18/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionLegWingsBlue.png Leg Wings Blue
レッグウィング 青
3 8/7/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories (3/1/2023~3/15/2023)
UIFashionLegWingsYellow.png Leg Wings Yellow
レッグウィング 黄
3 8/7/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories (1/25/2023~2/8/2023)
UIFashionLegWingsWhite.png Leg Wings White
レッグウィング 白
3 8/7/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories (3/1/2023~3/15/2023)
UIFashionLegWingsPeach.png Leg Wings Peach
レッグウィング 桃
3 8/7/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Sparkling Resort (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories (1/25/2023~2/8/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
UIFashionMechanicalHooves.png Mechanical Hooves
3 7/24/2019 PSO2 AC Scratch: Fearful Tempest (7/24/2019~8/21/2019)
UIFashionEpiriaChainsB.png Epiria Chains B
3 7/10/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png [Ba] Color linked AC Scratch: Hot Summer Festa (7/10/2019~8/7/2019)
Reward Box Aug '24 (8/28/2024~9/11/2024)
UIFashionCombatHolster.png Combat Holster
3 3/20/2019 AC Scratch: Daydream Live (3/20/2019~5/15/2019)
UIFashionDarkArmyLegBelt.png Dark Army Leg Belt
レッグアーミーベルト 濃
3 3/20/2019 AC Scratch: Daydream Live (3/20/2019~5/15/2019)
UIFashionRedTrekkingBoots.png Red Trekking Boots
トレッキングブーツ 赤
3 3/6/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: KOF Legends (3/6/2019~4/10/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
UIFashionKneeShield.png Knee Shield
3 3/6/2019 AC Scratch: KOF Legends (3/6/2019~4/10/2019)
UIFashionWhiteFringeBoots.png White Fringe Boots
フリンジブーツ 白
3 2/6/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic (2/6/2019~3/6/2019)
NGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories (3/1/2023~3/15/2023)
UIFashionBlackJewelChain.png Black Jewel Chain
ジュエルチェーン 黒
4 1/9/2019 PSO2 AC Scratch: Familia Historia (1/9/2019~2/6/2019)
UIFashionWhiteLeatherBoots.png White Leather Boots
レザーブーツ 白
3 11/21/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth (11/21/2018~12/19/2018)
UIFashionBlackCasualBoots.png Black Casual Boots
カジュアルブーツ 黒
3 10/24/2018 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Legendary Valkyria (10/24/2018~11/21/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Nov '23 (11/29/2023~12/13/2023)
UIFashionLavisBladeLegs.png Lavis Blade Legs
3 9/12/2018 [Ba] Color linked AC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid (9/12/2018~10/10/2018)
AC Scratch: Essence Revival (4/14/2021~4/28/2021)
UIFashionAldinaLegPouchB.png Aldina Leg Pouch B
3 8/29/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
UIFashionGTacticalKnife.png G Tactical Knife
3 8/29/2018 Frame Arms Collab AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
UIFashionLegThrustArmor.png Leg Thrust Armor
3 8/29/2018 Frame Arms Collab AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
UIFashionLegTankTreadUnit.png Leg Tank Tread Unit
3 8/29/2018 Frame Arms Collab AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
UIFashionEpiriaChains.png Epiria Chains
3 7/25/2018 UICheckMarkIcon.png [Ba] Color linked AC Scratch: Proud Monarch (7/25/2018~8/29/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories (7/12/2023~8/9/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] (7/12/2023~8/9/2023)
UIFashionClawBoots.png Claw Boots
3 5/23/2018 AC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side B] (5/23/2018~6/27/2018)
UIFashionBlackStripedLooseSocks.png Black Striped Loose Socks
3 5/23/2018 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side B] (5/23/2018~6/27/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
UIFashionBlackArmyLegBelt.png Black Army Leg Belt
3 5/9/2018 AC Scratch: Sortir Break (5/9/2018~6/6/2018)
UIFashionGreenArmyLegBelt.png Green Army Leg Belt
3 5/9/2018 AC Scratch: Sortir Break (5/9/2018~6/6/2018)
UIFashionBrownArmyLegBelt.png Brown Army Leg Belt
3 5/9/2018 AC Scratch: Sortir Break (5/9/2018~6/6/2018)
UIFashionBrownTrekkingBoots.png Brown Trekking Boots
トレッキングブーツ 茶
3 3/22/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile (3/22/2018~4/25/2018)
UIFashionBlackTrekkingBoots.png Black Trekking Boots
トレッキングブーツ 黒
3 3/22/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile (3/22/2018~4/25/2018)
UIFashionGrayTrekkingBoots.png Gray Trekking Boots
トレッキングブーツ 灰
3 3/22/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile (3/22/2018~4/25/2018)
UIFashionBlackFringeBoots.png Black Fringe Boots
フリンジブーツ 黒
3 2/21/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Blooming Courage (2/21/2018~3/22/2018)
UIFashionBrownFringeBoots.png Brown Fringe Boots
フリンジブーツ 茶
3 2/21/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Blooming Courage (2/21/2018~3/22/2018)
UIFashionAnkleWings.png Ankle Wings
3 1/24/2018 AC Scratch: Emotional Electro Voice (1/24/2018~2/21/2018)
UIFashionRedJewelChain.png Red Jewel Chain
ジュエルチェーン 赤
4 1/24/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Emotional Electro Voice (1/24/2018~2/21/2018)
UIFashionBlueJewelChain.png Blue Jewel Chain
ジュエルチェーン 青
4 1/24/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Emotional Electro Voice (1/24/2018~2/21/2018)
UIFashionBrownLeatherBoots.png Brown Leather Boots
レザーブーツ 茶
3 1/10/2018 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Brave Cavalier (1/10/2018~2/7/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories (11/30/2022~12/14/2022)
UIFashionBlackLeatherBoots.png Black Leather Boots
レザーブーツ 黒
3 1/10/2018 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Brave Cavalier (1/10/2018~2/7/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories (11/30/2022~12/14/2022)
UIFashionKneeHolsterL.png Knee Holster L
3 12/6/2017 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Bonus: Holy Night Carol (12/6/2017~1/10/2018)
SG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Select (6/13/2018~12/12/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
NGS Special Scratch (8/2/2023~4/10/2024)
Special Scratch Exchange Shop (4/10/2024~TBA)
UIFashionKneeHolsterR.png Knee Holster R
3 12/6/2017 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Gold Bonus: Holy Night Carol (12/6/2017~1/10/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
NGS Special Scratch (8/2/2023~4/10/2024)
Special Scratch Exchange Shop (4/10/2024~TBA)
UIFashionBrownBoaBoots.png Brown Boa Boots
ボアブーツ 茶
3 11/22/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Soft Burst (11/22/2017~12/20/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories (12/14/2022~12/28/2022)
UIFashionWhiteBoaBoots.png White Boa Boots
ボアブーツ 白
3 11/22/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Soft Burst (11/22/2017~12/20/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
UIFashionBlackBoaBoots.png Black Boa Boots
ボアブーツ 黒
3 11/22/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Soft Burst (11/22/2017~12/20/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories (12/14/2022~12/28/2022)
UIFashionLegArmor.png Leg Armor
3 11/22/2017 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Bonus: Soft Burst (11/22/2017~12/20/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (6/8/2022~10/10/2023)
Special Scratch Exchange Shop (10/11/2023~TBA)
UIFashionRabbitsGarterRingB.png Rabbits Garter Ring B
3 10/25/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Alchemist Replica (10/25/2017~11/22/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Full Moon Memories (8/31/2022~9/14/2022)
UIFashionBrownCasualBoots.png Brown Casual Boots
カジュアルブーツ 茶
3 10/11/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Misty Dark World (10/11/2017~11/8/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionBlueCasualBoots.png Blue Casual Boots
カジュアルブーツ 青
3 10/11/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Misty Dark World (10/11/2017~11/8/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
UIFashionWhiteCasualBoots.png White Casual Boots
カジュアルブーツ 白
3 10/11/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Misty Dark World (10/11/2017~11/8/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
UIFashionAldinaLegPouch.png Aldina Leg Pouch
3 8/23/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Kingdom Fantasy (8/23/2017~9/20/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
UIFashionLargeLegBalancer.png Large Leg Balancer
3 6/7/2017 Frame Arms Collab AC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica (6/7/2017~7/5/2017)
UIFashionGLargeLegBalancer.png G Large Leg Balancer
3 6/7/2017 Frame Arms Collab AC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica (6/7/2017~7/5/2017)
UIFashionPeachStripedLooseSocks.png Peach Striped Loose Socks
3 5/10/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
Reward Box Apr '24 (4/24/2024~6/5/2024)
UIFashionAquaStripedLooseSocks.png Aqua Striped Loose Socks
3 5/10/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
UIFashionWhiteStripedLooseSocks.png White Striped Loose Socks
3 5/10/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories (12/14/2022~12/28/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionGrayLegEnergyPipes.png Gray Leg Energy Pipes
動力パイプ脚 灰
3 5/10/2017 AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
UIFashionRedLegEnergyPipes.png Red Leg Energy Pipes
動力パイプ脚 赤
3 5/10/2017 AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
UIFashionWhiteLegEnergyPipes.png White Leg Energy Pipes
動力パイプ脚 白
3 5/10/2017 AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
UIFashionRabbitsGarterRing.png Rabbits Garter Ring
3 4/19/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Animal Promenade (4/19/2017~5/24/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Full Moon Memories (8/31/2022~9/14/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
UIFashionHeelTrackBelts.png Heel Track Belts
3 2/8/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Sparkle Fashionista (2/8/2017~3/10/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
UIFashionWhiteSnowGarterRing.png White Snow Garter Ring
スノーガーターリング 白
4 1/11/2017 PSO2 AC Scratch: Starship Valkyrie (1/11/2017~2/8/2017)
UIFashionBlackSnowGarterRing.png Black Snow Garter Ring
スノーガーターリング 黒
4 1/11/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Starship Valkyrie (1/11/2017~2/8/2017)
Reward Box Dec '23 (12/20/2023~1/31/2024)
UIFashionKneeEdges.png Knee Edges
3 9/21/2016 AC Scratch: Earth Grace Coordination (9/21/2016~10/19/2016)
UIFashionLuccageProtectorShadow.png Luccage Protector Shadow
3 9/7/2016 AC Scratch: Medical Cure Station (9/7/2016~10/5/2016)
UIFashionArkumaSlippers.png Arkuma Slippers
3 6/8/2016 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Bonus: Kabukimono Style (6/8/2016~7/6/2016)
UIFashionArkumamiSlippers.png Arkumami Slippers
3 6/8/2016 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Gold Bonus: Kabukimono Style (6/8/2016~7/6/2016)
UIFashionIronBallShackle.png Iron Ball Shackle
4 5/11/2016 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side B] (5/11/2016~6/8/2016)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionLuccageProtector.png Luccage Protector
3 3/9/2016 AC Scratch: Planet Explorer (3/9/2016~4/6/2016)
UIFashionProcessorUnitL.png Processor Unit L
3 9/24/2015 PSO2 Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Collab AC Scratch: Mega Dimension Heroines (9/24/2015~10/28/2015)
AC Scratch: Hyperdimension Game (3/17/2021~3/31/2021)
UIFashionProcessorUnitLB.png Processor Unit L B
3 9/24/2015 PSO2 Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls Collab AC Scratch: Mega Dimension Heroines (9/24/2015~10/28/2015)
AC Scratch: Hyperdimension Game (3/17/2021~3/31/2021)
UIFashionPhotonRingC.png Photon Ring C
3 3/11/2015 AC Scratch: Winners Design 2 [Side B] (3/11/2015~4/8/2015)
UIFashionLegDevilWings.png Leg Devil Wings
3 2/12/2015 AC Scratch: Million Years Prisoner (2/12/2015~3/11/2015)
UIFashionBlackLDevilWings.png Black L Devil Wings
3 2/12/2015 AC Scratch: Million Years Prisoner (2/12/2015~3/11/2015)
UIFashionLegHolster.png Leg Holster
3 11/19/2014 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Yuttari Recreation (11/19/2014~12/17/2014)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Nov '23 (11/29/2023~12/13/2023)
UIFashionBrownLegHolster.png Brown Leg Holster
3 11/19/2014 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Yuttari Recreation (11/19/2014~12/17/2014)
Reward Box Feb '24 (2/28/2024~4/10/2024)
UIFashionBlackLegHolster.png Black Leg Holster
3 11/19/2014 PSO2 AC Scratch: Yuttari Recreation (11/19/2014~12/17/2014)
UIFashionLegKnife.png Leg Knife
3 5/7/2014 AC Scratch: Celestial Luster (5/7/2014~6/11/2014)
UIFashionBlackLegKnife.png Black Leg Knife
3 5/7/2014 AC Scratch: Celestial Luster (5/7/2014~6/11/2014)
UIFashionWhiteCatGarter.png White Cat Garter
4 4/23/2014 AC Scratch: Radical Laboratory (4/23/2014~5/21/2014)
UIFashionBlackCatGarter.png Black Cat Garter
4 4/23/2014 AC Scratch: Radical Laboratory (4/23/2014~5/21/2014)
UIFashionHardLegPouchA.png Hard Leg Pouch A
3 4/9/2014 AC Scratch: Cosmic School Life (4/9/2014~5/7/2014)
UIFashionHardLegPouchB.png Hard Leg Pouch B
3 4/9/2014 AC Scratch: Cosmic School Life (4/9/2014~5/7/2014)
UIFashionGearDWingB.png Gear D Wing B
3 1/22/2014 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winners Design Reception (1/22/2014~3/5/2014)
Reward Box Apr '24 (4/24/2024~6/5/2024)
UIFashionRestraintBelt.png Restraint Belt
3 10/9/2013 AC Scratch: Ultimate Fighter (10/9/2013~11/13/2013)
UIFashionFootWing.png Foot Wing
3 8/21/2013 AC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection (8/21/2013~9/25/2013)
UIFashionWhiteFootWing.png White Foot Wing
3 8/21/2013 AC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection (8/21/2013~9/25/2013)
UIFashionBlackFootWing.png Black Foot Wing
3 8/21/2013 AC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection (8/21/2013~9/25/2013)

SG Scratch

Icon Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
File:UIFashionEdeaBootsB.png Edea Boots B
3 11/18/2020 UIRestrictedBlue.png SG Scratch: Battle Wear Collection (11/18/2020~1/20/2021)

FUN Scratch

Icon Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
File:UIFashionOversizedBootsBlack.png Oversized Boots Black
ぶかぶかブーツ 黒
2 11/25/2020 FUN Scratch: Melodic Ensemble (11/25/2020~12/23/2020)
File:UIFashionOversizedBootsBrown.png Oversized Boots Brown
ぶかぶかブーツ 茶
2 11/25/2020 FUN Scratch: Melodic Ensemble (11/25/2020~12/23/2020)
UIFashionFlowerFootAccessoryRed.png Flower Foot Accessory Red
フラワーフットアクセ 赤
3 1/8/2020 FUN Scratch: Luminous Bloom (1/8/2020~2/5/2020)
UIFashionFlowerFootAccessoryPurple.png Flower Foot Accessory Purple
フラワーフットアクセ 紫
3 1/8/2020 FUN Scratch: Luminous Bloom (1/8/2020~2/5/2020)
UIFashionFlowerFootAccessoryWhite.png Flower Foot Accessory White
フラワーフットアクセ 白
3 1/8/2020 FUN Scratch: Luminous Bloom (1/8/2020~2/5/2020)
UIFashionRappyBoots.png Rappy Boots
3 6/26/2019 FUN Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B (6/26/2019~7/24/2019)
UIFashionLillipanBoots.png Lillipan Boots
3 6/26/2019 FUN Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B (6/26/2019~7/24/2019)
UIFashionTravelingRappyBalloon.png Traveling Rappy Balloon
4 6/7/2017 FUN Scratch: Frame Arms Replica (6/7/2017~7/5/2017)
PSO2 Internet Café Year-end & NY Item Get Campaign (12/18/19~1/22/2020)

UIFashionChristmasBoots.png Christmas Boots
3 12/7/2016 FUN Scratch: Sacred Star Keeper (12/7/2016~1/11/2017)
FUN Scratch: Holy Night Carol (12/6/2017~1/10/2018)
UIFashionRedChristmasBoots.png Red Christmas Boots
クリスマスブーツ 赤
3 12/7/2016 UICheckMarkIcon.png FUN Scratch: Sacred Star Keeper (12/7/2016~1/11/2017)
FUN Scratch: Holy Night Carol (12/6/2017~1/10/2018)
Reward Box Dec '23 (12/20/2023~1/31/2024)
UIFashionLegWheels.png Leg Wheels
3 3/23/2016 FUN Scratch: Star Chef Galaxy (3/23/2016~4/22/2016)
UIFashionLegVerniersB.png Leg Verniers B
3 2/10/2016 FUN Scratch: Street Style Snap (2/10/2016~3/9/2016)
UIFashionLegVerniers.png Leg Verniers
3 2/12/2015 FUN Scratch: Million Years Prisoner (2/12/2015~3/11/2015)
UIFashionLegBulletBelt.png Leg Bullet Belt
3 1/14/2015 FUN Scratch: Harukotan Style (1/14/2015~2/12/2015)
FUN Scratch: Sparkling Resort (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
UIFashionHeelRollerB.png Heel Roller B
3 10/8/2014 FUN Scratch: Knights and Battle Athlete (10/8/2014~11/5/2014)
UIFashionLoopAnkletB.png Loop Anklet B
3 7/16/2014 FUN Scratch: Electronic Diva (7/16/2014~8/13/2014)
UIFashionLoopAnkletG.png Loop Anklet G
3 7/16/2014 FUN Scratch: Electronic Diva (7/16/2014~8/13/2014)
UIFashionLoopAnkletP.png Loop Anklet P
3 7/16/2014 FUN Scratch: Electronic Diva (7/16/2014~8/13/2014)
UIFashionLoopAnkletY.png Loop Anklet Y
3 7/16/2014 FUN Scratch: Electronic Diva (7/16/2014~8/13/2014)
UIFashionCasualLegPouchA.png Casual Leg Pouch A
3 7/2/2014 FUN Scratch: Shining Heroes (7/2/2014~7/30/2014)
UIFashionCasualLegPouchB.png Casual Leg Pouch B
3 7/2/2014 FUN Scratch: Shining Heroes (7/2/2014~7/30/2014)
UIFashionKneeDrillsB.png Knee Drills B
3 5/21/2014 FUN Scratch: Twinkle Splash (5/21/2014~7/2/2014)
UIFashionTripleMissilePod.png Triple Missile Pod
3 5/7/2014 FUN Scratch: Celestial Luster (5/7/2014~6/11/2014)
UIFashionRedLegScarf.png Red Leg Scarf
4 3/26/2014 FUN Scratch: Maximum Attack on Titan (3/26/2014~4/23/2014)
UIFashionBlackLegScarf.png Black Leg Scarf
4 3/26/2014 FUN Scratch: Maximum Attack on Titan (3/26/2014~4/23/2014)
UIFashionBlueLegScarf.png Blue Leg Scarf
4 3/26/2014 FUN Scratch: Maximum Attack on Titan (3/26/2014~4/23/2014)
UIFashionHeelRoller.png Heel Roller
3 9/4/2013 FUN Scratch: Moonlight Bunny (9/4/2013~10/9/2013)
UIFashionKneeDrills.png Knee Drills
3 5/15/2013 FUN Scratch: Shining Girls Festa (5/15/2013~6/12/2013)
UIFashionLegPouch.png Leg Pouch
3 4/24/2013 FUN Scratch: Butler Maid Tea Time (4/24/2013~5/29/2013)
FUN Scratch: Celestial Luster (5/7/2014~6/11/2014)

Exchange, Campaign, Other Obtainment

Preview Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
File:UIFashionAISVegaLegArmor.png A.I.S. Vega Leg Armor
4 10/28/2021 A.I.S Vega Plastic Model Item code (10/28/2021~10/31/2024)
A.I.S Vega Unit Set Plastic Model Item code (10/28/2021~10/31/2024)
File:UIFashionEdeaBoots.png Edea Boots
3 10/21/2020 PSO2 Episode Oracle Vol.9 Item code (10/21/2020~10/31/2022)
UIFashionLillipanSlippers.png Lillipan Slippers
3 9/26/2018 9/26 Premium Set Purchase Campaign (9/26/2018~10/31/2018)

UIFashionRappySlippers.png Rappy Slippers
3 6/19/2018 PSO2 6th Anniversary Item Get Campaign at Internet Cafés (6/19/2018~7/11/2018)
PSO2 Internet Café Year-end & NY Item Get Campaign (12/18/2019~1/22/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)

UIFashionBrandydosa.png Brandydos a
3 3/13/2018 PSO2 ARKS New Year Carnival 2018 Panel Reward (3/13/2018~4/14/2018)
Xie (20th Anniv.)'s Weapons Badge 2021 Cosmetic/Mag Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~3/31/2021)
Weapons Badge 2021 Cosmetic/Mag Exchange (3/3/2021~Current Date)
UIFashionClingingPolytan.png Clinging Polytan
3 11/8/2017 UIRestrictedBlue.png
Dengeki Badge Exchange Shop (11/8/2017~12/6/2017)
UIFashionKongaratenshou.png Kongaratenshou
4 12/31/2015 PSO2 Ao Onihime Shiki Figure Item code (12/31/2015~TBA)

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