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Accessories Chest

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PSO2 Fashion Directory
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Accessory (NGS) Accessories (Accs.)
Hairstyle (NGS) Accs. (Upper Head) Makeup (NGS) Accs. (Middle Head) Hairstyle (NGS) Accs. (Head Accessories) Basewear (NGS) Accs. (Neck and Shoulders) Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Chest)
Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Back) Arm Parts (NGS) Accs. (Hands and Arms) Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Waist and Hips) Leg Parts (NGS) Accs. (Legs and Feet) Eyes (NGS) Accs. (Around)
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Accessories (Chest) N-Accessories (Chest)

Accessories, not to be confused with Costume Decorations which are toggleable costume parts, are cosmetics that can be attached on the character and repositioned and resized. Accessories are mainly gotten through FUN Scratch and AC Scratch as well as some Exchange Shops. Accessories also have a cost based system.

This section covers Accessories that attach to your Chest such as Brooches, Armors, Pads, & Ect.

AC Scratch

Preview Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
UIFashionSugaryBellRibbonB.png Sugary Bell Ribbon B
3 1/6/2021 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Rising Dragon (1/6/2021~2/10/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories (12/28/2022~1/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
File:UIFashionMelterBroochB.png Melter Brooch B
3 12/23/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice (12/23/2020~1/27/2021)
UIFashionWrigglingGoopGreen.png Wriggling Goop Green
蠢く粘性体 緑
3 11/11/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
Reward Box Feb '24 (2/28/2024~4/10/2024)
File:UIFashionWrigglingGoopPulple.png Wriggling Goop Pulple
蠢く粘性体 紫
3 11/11/2020 PSO2 AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
UIFashionSFBreastsPadWhite.png SF Breasts Pad White
SF風爆乳パッド 白
3 7/8/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png Reflects skin glow with skin color sync AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C (7/8/2020~8/5/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionSFBreastsPadBlack.png SF Breasts Pad Black
SF風爆乳パッド 黒
3 7/8/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png Reflects skin glow with skin color sync AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C (7/8/2020~8/5/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch (7/14/2022~8/3/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
UIFashionEnormousBreastsPadB.png Enormous Breasts Pad B
3 6/24/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png Reflects skin glow with skin color sync AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B (6/24/2020~7/21/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionKimonoBreastsPadWhite.png Kimono Breasts Pad White
和服風爆乳パッド 白
3 6/10/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png Reflects skin glow with skin color sync AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A (6/10/2020~7/8/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Nov '23 (11/29/2023~12/13/2023)
UIFashionKimonoBreastsPadBlack.png Kimono Breasts Pad Black
和服風爆乳パッド 黒
3 6/10/2020 UICheckMarkIcon.png Reflects skin glow with skin color sync AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A (6/10/2020~7/8/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Accessory Collection (7/14/2021~8/4/2021)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Revival Jun '24 (6/26/2024~7/10/2024)
UIFashionSugaryBellRibbon.png Sugary Bell Ribbon
3 12/18/2019 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Etoile Operation (12/18/2019~1/20/2020)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories (3/2/2022~3/16/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories (12/28/2022~1/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Collection Jun '23 (6/14/2023~6/28/2023)
UIFashionMelterBrooch.png Melter Brooch
3 12/4/2019 PSO2 AC Scratch: Christmas Casper (12/4/2019~1/8/2020)
UIFashionEnormousBreastsPad.png Enormous Breasts Pad
3 5/29/2019 PSO2 Reflects skin glow with skin color sync AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side A (5/29/2019~6/26/2019)
UIFashionFlowerBroochC.png Flower Brooch C
4 6/27/2018 PSO2 AC Scratch: Seraphic Android (6/27/2018~7/25/2018)
UIFashionBreastSkullB.png Breast Skull B
3 2/21/2018 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Blooming Courage (2/21/2018~3/22/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: Accessory Memories 2 (3/30/2022~4/13/2022)
UIFashionLutzEmblem.png Lutz Emblem
3 9/6/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Attract Crow (9/6/2017~10/11/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories (9/28/2022~10/12/2022)
NGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories (7/12/2023~8/9/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver] (7/12/2023~8/9/2023)
UIFashionBlackBodyCorsage.png Black Body Corsage
ボディコサージュ 黒
3 5/24/2017 PSO2 AC Scratch: Fresh School Days (5/24/2017~6/21/2017)
UIFashionInvadeBodyCorsage.png Invade Body Corsage
4 5/10/2017 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Bonus: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
NGS AC Scratch: Rewind Collection Dec '24 (12/1/2024~12/11/2024)
UIFashionAustereBodyCorsage.png Austere Body Corsage
4 5/10/2017 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Bonus: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
Reward Box Oct '24 (10/9/2024~11/5/2024)
UIFashionBreastSkull.png Breast Skull
3 2/22/2017 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Winter Symphony (2/22/2017~3/22/2017)
Reward Box Oct '24 (10/9/2024~11/5/2024)
UIFashionLillipanBox.png Lillipan Box
3 10/5/2016 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch: Wonderland Party (10/5/2016~11/9/2016)
UIFashionHorrorLillipanBox.png Horror Lillipan Box
3 10/5/2016 UIRestrictedBlue.png
AC Scratch Gold: Wonderland Party (10/5/2016~11/9/2016)
PSO2 Treasure Shop
Reward Box Oct '24 (10/9/2024~11/5/2024)
UIFashionStethoscope.png Stethoscope
4 9/7/2016 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Medical Cure Station (9/7/2016~10/5/2016)
NGS AC Scratch: School Days Memories (4/26/2023~5/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
UIFashionAquaBodyCorsage.png Aqua Body Corsage
ボディコサージュ 水
3 5/25/2016 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Airy Elegant Summer (5/25/2016~6/22/2016)
NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories (8/10/2022~8/24/2022)
UIFashionPeachBodyCorsage.png Peach Body Corsage
ボディコサージュ 桃
3 5/25/2016 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Airy Elegant Summer (5/25/2016~6/22/2016)
Reward Box Feb '24 (2/28/2024~4/10/2024)
UIFashionWhiteBodyCorsage.png White Body Corsage
ボディコサージュ 白
3 5/25/2016 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Airy Elegant Summer (5/25/2016~6/22/2016)
NGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories (8/10/2022~8/24/2022)
UIFashionFlowerBroochB.png Flower Brooch B
4 5/7/2014 UICheckMarkIcon.png AC Scratch: Celestial Luster (5/7/2014~6/11/2014)
Reward Box Feb '24 (2/28/2024~4/10/2024)
UIFashionFlowerBrooch.png Flower Brooch
4 5/29/2013 PSO2 AC Scratch: Holy Bright Priest (5/29/2013~6/26/2013)
AC Scratch: Celestial Luster (5/7/2014~6/11/2014)

SG Scratch

Preview Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
UIFashionClarissaIDCard.png Clarissa ID Card
3 12/12/2018 UIRestrictedBlue.png SG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Select II (12/12/2018~6/12/2019)

FUN Scratch

Preview Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
UIFashionCompactCamera.png Compact Camera
4 10/19/2016 FUN Scratch: Million Arthur Collection (10/19/2016~11/24/2016)
UIFashionHangingBinoculars.png Hanging Binoculars
4 5/27/2015 FUN Scratch: Sacred Witchcraft (5/27/2015~6/24/2015)
UIFashionRedTwinMegaphones.png Red Twin Megaphones
4 10/8/2014 FUN Scratch: Knights and Battle Athlete (10/8/2014~11/5/2014)
UIFashionYellowTwinMegaphones.png Yellow Twin Megaphones
4 10/8/2014 FUN Scratch: Knights and Battle Athlete (10/8/2014~11/5/2014)
UIFashionGreenTwinMegaphones.png Green Twin Megaphones
4 10/8/2014 FUN Scratch: Knights and Battle Athlete (10/8/2014~11/5/2014)
UIFashionClassicCamera.png Classic Camera
4 9/24/2014 FUN Scratch: Luxurious Performer (9/24/2014~10/22/2014)

Exchange, Campaign, Other Obtainment

Preview Name Cost Release Date Marketable Notes Obtainment
UIFashionARKSTinBadge.png ARKS Tin Badge
3 6/11/2014 Xie (2nd Anniversary) CO Reward (6/11/2014~7/23/2014)
Xie (20th Anniv.)'s Weapons Badge 2021 Cosmetic/Mag Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~3/31/2021)
Weapons Badge 2021 Cosmetic/Mag Exchange (3/3/2021~Current Date)

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