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*Tsumikiri J-Sword

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Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (NGS)
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*Tsumikiri J-Sword
Sword camo that mirrors Orochiagito.
Made from the same material as
Agito, its blade is carved with a seal.

Rarity: 13
Weapon Types: Sword
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable: UIRestrictedBlue.png
Marketable: UIRestrictedBlue.png

Drop Info

  • Title Word (NGS) Title Reward
    ⌞Defeat 23,000 enemies with the Sword Sealed J-Sword (Base PSO2 Only)
    1. Defeat - be nearby when defeated or you dealt the killing blow.

Additional Info

  • This weapon originally appeared in Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II.
  • The title condition is a callback to PSO, where 23,000 kills with the Sealed J-Sword would turn it into Tsumikiri J-Sword.
  • The Tsumikiri J-Sword was the strongest sword in the game in terms of stats.

Related Items
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Sword Sealed J-Sword

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Dual Blades Twin Agito-NT

Weapon Camo *Tsumikiri J-Sword

Weapon Camo *Orochiagito
Weapon Camo *Agito
Weapon Camo *Twin Orochi
Weapon Camo *Twin Agito

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