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Preset Abilities (NGS)

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Preset Ability (NGS) Item Lab: Preset Abilities (NGS) Preset Ability (NGS) List of Preset Abilities (NGS)

Preset Ability (NGS) Preset Abilities are a unique type of Ability that can randomly drop on equipment obtained by defeating enemies in battle. Unlike normal Ability (NGS) Special Abilities, Preset Ability (NGS) Preset Abilities are determined when the equipment is dropped, do not take up normal Ability slots and do not contribute to Battle Power. They come in 5 levels of power, with higher levels being much rarer drops.

Preset Ability (NGS) Preset Abilities are indicated by orange text in equipment description window and a unique orange icon.

Weapon Abilities

Preset Ability Effect Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Attack
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・アタック
Damage +7.0% +8.0% +8.5% +8.75% +9.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Fatal
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・フェタル
Critical Hit Rate +14.0% +17.0% +19.0% +21.0% +22.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Termina
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・テルミナ
Critical Damage +16.0% +19.0% +22.0% +24.0% +25.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Weakas
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・ウィクス
Weakness Damage
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Unweakas
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・アンウィクス
Non-weak Point Damage
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Blastle
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・ブラストル
Photon Blast Damage
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Abundac
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・アバンダク
Damage per unique Special Ability
Max. Damage Boost (Max. 20 Abilities)
  • Fixa Termina stacks multiplicatively with the Add-On Skill Critical Power Up. For example:
    • Termina Lv. 1 (1.16) x Critical Power Up Lv. 20 (1.1) = 1.276 (27.6%)
    • Termina Lv. 5 (1.25) x Critical Power Up Lv. 20 (1.1) = 1.375 (37.5%)
  • Damage of Fixa Weakas, Unweakas, Blastle and Abundac stacks multiplicatively. For example:
    • Unweakas Lv. 5 Damage (1.02) x Non-weakness Damage (1.15) = 1.173 (17.3%)
    • Abundac Lv. 5 Damage (1.02) x 20 Abilities bonus (1.1) = 1.122 (12.2%)
  • Fixa Weakas will also boost elemental attacks that match enemy's elemental weakness.

Armor Abilities

Preset Ability Effect Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Performa
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・パフォーマ
PP Cost Reduction +3.0% +3.5% +4.5% +4.5% +5.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Natura
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・ナトゥーラ
Natural PP Recovery +5.0% +5.5% +6.0% +6.5% +7.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Enthugia
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・エンソジア
Active PP Recovery +4.0% +4.5% +5.0% +5.5% +6.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Guard
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・ガード
Damage Resistance +4.0% +4.5% +5.0% +5.5% +6.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Increasa
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・インクレサ
Natural PB Gauge Charge +7.0% +8.0% +9.0% +9.5% +10.0%
Preset Ability (NGS) Fixa Augsis
Preset Ability (NGS) フィクサ・オーグシス
Attack PB Gauge Charge +4.0% +6.0% +8.0% +9.0% +10.0%
  • Fixa Performa stacks multiplicatively. For example:
    • 3 units with Performa Lv. 5: (0.95) x (0.95) x (0.95) = 0.8574 (~14.26%)
    • 3 units with Performa Lv. 5 and Nourishing food buff Lv. 10: (0.95) x (0.95) x (0.95) x (0.92) = 0.7888 (~21.12%)