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New Genesis: Power Level
Power Level is a comprehensive quantification of player stats and equipment (weapons/units) performance. This way you can compare your progression against the challenges ahead and see if you are ready to take them on.
Power Level roadblocks
Power level affects progression, without having specific Power Level requirements, you cannot progress in the game.
Main Task roadblocks
Oftentimes during the progression of Main Tasks you will be roadblocked until you reach specific Power Level requirement. Without passing that,you will be unable to unlock new things and therefore, have meaningful progression in the game.
Here is a table presenting all of the following roadblocks from Main Tasks that HAVE to be completed to proceed.
Task Name | Chapter | Required Power Level |
The First Mission | Chapter 1 | 830 |
Preperation for Battle | 950 | |
Double Assurance | 1100 | |
The Key to Retem's Restoration | Chapter 2 | 1243 |
The Truth About the Song | 1474 | |
A Mission in Kvaris | Chapter 3 | 1813 |
On the Hunt | 1898 | |
First Steps Towards an Answer | 2049 | |
A Mission in Stia | Chapter 4 | 2647 |
Preparing for Battle | 2695 | |
Futher Battle Preperation | 2878 |
Independent Corps Main Tasks
There are also tasks related to "Independent Corps". Those are required to access higher-ranked Combat Sections, but are not neccessarly required for story continuation.
Task Name | Chapter | Required Power Level |
Retem's Independent Corps | Chapter 2 | 1633 |
Kvaris's Independent Corps | Chapter 3 | 2251 |
Quest Roadblocks
All quests with exception of Cocoons and Towers require you to reach their recommended Power Level before you can enter them. This is based on the level of enemies. However, Battledia:Purple has this recommended level requirement reduced by 2 levels, so level 24 quest will use the recommended PL of a level 22 quest. Story Quests and Cocoons + Towers can also on occasion violate this and have exceptions.
Based on that, here's the list of known Levels and their recommended Power Levels
Power Level Calculation
The Power Level calculation is done as such:
Power Level = Basic ATK Power + [Weapon ATK Power x(Top base DMG Variance + Minimum base DMG Variance)/2 ] + Weapon Potentialx10 + [DEF/2 + all Special Abilites used] + HP from base Equipment / 10 + PP from base Equipment + Skill Points allocated x 3
The attributes in brackets are calculated then rounded down before they are pushed onwards.
The respective attributes reffer to as such:
- Basic ATK Power -> Reffers to your class's current attack power without weapon. Look into Player Stats to see your Attack Power for that level.
Fighter has the highest, meanwhile
Techter has lowest.
- Weapon ATK Power -> Your Weapon's Attack Power as is.
- Top base/Minimum base DMG Variance -> DMG Variance of your weapon without taking Special Abilites into account. This creates an average Attack Power of the weapon.
- Weapon Potential -> Current Potential level of the weapon at hand. Being multiplied by 10 means each POT level is worth 10 PL points.
- DEF -> Your current total Defense, both from Player Stats and from Units. It is divided by half before added on in the calculation, meaning to gain 1 PL point you need 2 DEF.
- Special Abilites used -> this adds all the points gained from Special Abilites, both Weapon and 3 units. Reffer to the List of Special Abilites for details about each Ability's PL total.
- HP from base Equipment -> all gained HP from base stats of units. It is divided by 10, meaning to gain 1 PL point you need 10HP gained from units.
- PP from base Equpment -> all gained PP from base stats of units, earned 1PP=1PL point.
- Skill Points allocated -> this sums all of the points allocated to the skill tree, both from Main and Sub classes. Only points matter,regardless where they are put in, even in a unusable skill, they will count the same. Multiplication by 3 means that every SP point spent is worth 3 PL.
As a note, Add-On Skills and Preset Abilites do not increase Power Level in any way, even though they grant significant helpful effects
Let's assume we are a level 70 Hunter/
Fighter with
Kouklophis Sword +60, with potential level 4 and a triple set of
Ajax Armor +60, with all Skill Points spent and setup of Special Abilites worth 44 Power Level points (Power IV, Flaedal Soul IV, Gigas Power IV, Alz Secrete IV, Stira Domina) on weapon and all 3 units.
Therefore the calculation we have will be as follows:
Power Level = 1677 + [685 x(1 + 0.5)/2 ] + 4x10 + [1178/2 + 176] + 90 / 10 + 15 + 94 x 3
Let's firstly deal with the brackets. Here's the weapon attack bracket.
And here's to deal with the defense bracket
We round down the values in brackets and readd them back to the calculation. From there we can finish the maths.
Power Level = 1677 + 513 + 4x10 + 765 + 90 / 10 + 15 + 94 x 3 = 1667 + 513 + 40 + 765 + 9 + 15+ 282 = 3291
This means that we will have 3291 Power Level, therefore we can enter all of the current content as we are above 3227 requirement for the highest required Power Level quest.
The following points were applied during the calculation:
- Basic ATK Power = 1677 for a level 70 Hunter
- Weapon ATK Power = 685 for a
Kouklophis Sword +60.
- Top base/Minimum base DMG Variance = 1/0.5, for a 50-100% DMG Variance weapon
- Weapon Potential = 4, for having a Level 4 Potential
- DEF = 1178, due to 872 Hunter's level 70 DEF and 306 DEF from
Ajax Armor +60 ×3.
- Special Abilities used= 176, due to having 4 things (weapon + 3 units) having 44 PL.
- HP from base Equipment = 90, due to
Ajax Armor +60 having 30 HP and we have 3 of that
- PP from base Equipment = 15, due to
Ajax Armor +60 having 5 PP and we have 3 of that
- Skill Points allocated = 94, as we have 47 skill points and both Main and Sub class apply.