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New Genesis: Exchange Shop

From Arks-Visiphone
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Aelio: Central City Retem City Kvaris Camp Stia Camp
NGSUINPCTravis.png NGSUINPCSaetta.png NGSUINPCNeville.png NGSUINPCSakura.png
Item Trader
Item Trader
Item Trader
Item Trader

The Exchange Shop is a shop where you can trade certain items for other items.

Recycle Items

This listing can be accessed from anywhere via the Main Menu → Shop → Recycle Items. Certain Quests may limit access to this menu.

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemRDRBoostTier3.png Booster (NGS) N-Rare Drop Rate [1h] +100% x1 Tool (NGS) N-Excube x6 10 per week
NGSUIItemGrindSuccessTier1.png Pass (NGS) Add Preset Ability Lv.1 x1 Tool (NGS) N-Excube x10 3 per week
NGSUIItemNAbilityTransferPass.png Pass (NGS) N-Ability Transfer Pass x1 Pass (NGS) N-Ability Transfer Pass Ticket x100 -
NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Tool (NGS) Alpha Reactor x1 Tool (NGS) N-Excube x2 50 per week
Target Special Scratch Items x3 -
NGSUIItemStarGems10.png SG 10 Star Gems x1 Tool (NGS) N-Excube x10 5 per week
NGSUIItemGenesisPoints1000.png Genesis Points (GP) 1,000 Genesis Points x1 Tool (NGS) N-Excube x10 5 per week
NGSUIItemNGrinder.png Tool (NGS) N-Grinder x1 Tool (NGS) N-Excube x1 100 per week
Tool (NGS) N-Grinder x3 Target Special Scratch Item x1 -
NGSUIItemNEXCube.png Tool (NGS) N-Excube x1 Tool (NGS) N-Class Excube x10 -
NGSUIItemNRecycleBadge.png Tool (NGS) N-Recycle Badge x1 Target AC Scratch Item x1 -
Tool (NGS) N-Recycle Badge x2 Target Recommended AC Scratch Item x1 -
Target AC Scratch Count Bonus Item x1 -
NGSUIItemNSGRecycleBadge.png Tool (NGS) N-SG Recycle Badge x1 Target SG Scratch Item x1 -
NGSUIItemRDRBoostTier1.png Booster (NGS) N-EX Rare Drop Rate [15m] +25% x2 Target Recommended AC Scratch Item x1 -
NGSUIItemEXPBoostTier1.png Booster (NGS) N-EX Experience Gained [15m] +50% x2 Target Recommended AC Scratch Item x1 -
NGSUIItemBTriggerYellow.png Tool (NGS) B. Trigger/Common Yellow x1 Target B. Trigger/Yellow x1 -
NGSUIItemBTriggerPurple.png Tool (NGS) B. Trigger/Common Purple x1 Target B. Trigger/Purple x1 -
NGSUIItemRDRBoostTier1.png Booster (NGS) N-EX Rare Drop Rate +25% x1 Target AC Scratch Items x8 3 per week
Target SG Scratch Items x12 3 per week
NGSUIItemEXPBoostTier1.png Booster (NGS) N-EX Experience Gained +25% x1 Target AC Scratch Items x4 -
Target SG Scratch Items x6 -
NGSUIItemEXPBoostTier2.png Booster (NGS) N-EX Experience Gained +50% x1 Target AC Scratch Items x8 1 per week
Target SG Scratch Items x12 1 per week
NGSUIItemGrindSuccessTier2.png Pass (NGS) N-Grind Great Success +50% x1 Target AC Scratch Items x6 -
Target SG Scratch Items x6 -
NGSUIItemAbilitySuccessTier2.png Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +15% x1 Target AC Scratch Items x20 -
Target SG Scratch Items x20 -
NGSUIItemAbilityProtectionTier3.png Pass (NGS) N-Ability Protection x1 Target AC Scratch Item x40 1 per month
Target SG Scratch Items x40 1 per month
NGSUIItemLobbyActionTicket.png Ticket (NGS) 779 "Positioning" x1 Target AC Scratch Items x20 -
Target SG Scratch Items x20 -
NGSUIItemNMagColorResetDevice.png Mag Device (NGS) N-Mag Color Reset Device x1 Target AC Scratch Items x8 -
NGSUIItemNMagColorChangeDevice.png Mag Device (NGS) N-Mag Color Change Device x1 Target AC Scratch Items x12 -
NGSUIItemGenericTicket.png Ticket (NGS) No Sticker x1 Target AC Scratch Items x4 -
NGSUIItemNColorChangePass.png Pass (NGS) N-Color Change Pass x1 Target AC Scratch Count Bonus Item x1 -
NGSUIItemAbilitySuccessTier3.png Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +20% x1 Target AC Scratch Count Bonus Item x1 -
NGSUIItemRDRBoostTier1.png Booster (NGS) N-Rare Drop Rate +25% x1 AC Scratch Exchange Ticket x1 -
SG Scratch Exchange Ticket x1 -
NGSUIItemGrindSuccessTier1.png Pass (NGS) N-Grind Great Success +30% x1 Target Special Scratch Items x2 -
NGSUIItemMonotite.png Mineral (NGS) Monotite x3 Target Special Scratch Item x1 -
NGSUIItemDualomite.png Mineral (NGS) Dualomite x3 -
NGSUIItemTrinite.png Mineral (NGS) Trinite x3 -
NGSUIItemTetracite.png Mineral (NGS) Tetracite x3 -
NGSUIItemPentrite.png Mineral (NGS) Pentrite x3 -
NGSUIItemHexakite.png Mineral (NGS) Hexakite x3 -
NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk x3 Target Special Scratch Item x1 -
NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz x3 -
NGSUIItemNMissionBadge.png Tool (NGS) N-Mission Badge x1 Target Mission Pass Item x1 -
NGSUIItemSpecialScratchTicket.png Pass (NGS) Special Scratch Ticket x1 Tool (NGS) N-Mission Badge x10 -
Target Seasonal Special Scratch Ticket x2 -
Target Reward Box Medal x2 -
NGSUIItemGrindSuccessTier1.png Pass (NGS) Preset Ability Success +5% x1 Target Reward Box Item x1 -
NGSUIItemSpecialScratchTicket.png Pass (NGS) Special Select Ticket x1 Target Seasonal Special Select Ticket x2 -
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Endymio x 1 Sword (NGS) Gold Prim Sword II x1 -
Unit (NGS) Gold Prim Armor II x1 -

Item Exchange

This listing can only be accessed from the Exchange Shop found within cities.

Item Target Item Limit
Outfit (NGS) Arkuma Suit Mini x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Outfit (NGS) Lillipan Suit Mini x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Rappy Mask x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Rappy Backpack x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Lillipan Head x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Miraseria Headgear x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Utahime Kanmuri x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Siren Feathers x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Sukuna-hime's Horn x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Divine Decorative Fans x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Harriet's Barrette x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Queen Hair Ornament x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) DeAlma Pendant x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Luther's Scarf x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Hitsugi Ribbon x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] 10th Anniv. Exchange Ticket x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Aelio Nadar [Ba] x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x3 -
Ticket (NGS) Azmito Hair x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x2 -
Ticket (NGS) Levia Glasses x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Leviat Tattoo x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Compass Tattoo x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Compass Tattoo/B x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Bravery Looge/B [Ba] x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Aelio Nager [Ba] x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x3 -
Ticket (NGS) Azmina Hair x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x2 -
Ticket (NGS) Estive Corsage x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Estive Foot Dress x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Nagerin Sleeves x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Estive Tattoo x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Ticket (NGS) Estive Tattoo/B x1 Tool (NGS) Aelio Badge x1 -
Pass (NGS) N-Ability Success +10% x1 Sword (NGS) Gold Prim Sword x10 3 per week

[PSO2] Manga Memory Exchange

Item Target Item Limit
Ticket (NGS) Mo "Idle: Mitarashi Pose" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) Mo "Idle: §Ichika§ Pose" x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Mitarashi: Quest Clear" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Mitarashi: Emergency!" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Mitarashi: Lololol" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Tetra: No Meseta!" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Tetra: Eating Floor" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "§Ichika§: Would You Listen?!" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "§Ichika§: Threatening..." x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Zect: Rare Drop" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Makino: May I Have A Minute?" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Makino: Huh?" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St「みたらし&テトラ:たのもーっ」 x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) 796 "Flash Yamada Pose" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Don't Be Late" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Thinking" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Understood" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Smug" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: So Cute!" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Bashful" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Yes yes yes!" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Get On With It!" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Celebrate" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Ticket (NGS) St "Manimani: Are You Ready?" x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 1 per account
Booster (NGS) N-Rare Drop Rate +35% x1 Tool (NGS) [PSO2] Manga Memory x1 -

ARKS Record Badge Exchange

Until 4/2/2025

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemCarboLarousseRe-LSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Larousse Re-L Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account
NGSUIItemCarboMezanaRe-MWire.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Mezana Re-M Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account
NGSUIItemCarboEnvarsaRe-VSpear.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Envarsa Re-V Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account
NGSUIItemCarboPhoenixRe-ASlash.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Phoenix Re-A Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account

Permanent Listing

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemStarGems10.png Ticket (NGS) 10 Star Gems x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 2 per week
NGSUIItemStarGems5.png Ticket (NGS) 5 Star Gems x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 2 per week
NGSUIItemRenessaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Renessa Armati x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per week
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner2.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner II x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 2 per week
NGSUIItemAegisIntegra.png Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 5 per week
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x5 -
NGSUIItemNEXCube.png Tool (NGS) N-Excube x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x3 -
NGSUIItemRoseramSword.png ATK (NGS) Roseram Prototype Weapon x1
※ All types available
Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x30 -
NGSUIItemKaiseramSword.png ATK (NGS) Kaiseram Prototype Weapon x1
※ All types available
Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x30 -
NGSUIItemGenericTicket.png Ticket (NGS) Laurel Wreath x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x50 2 per account
NGSUIItemGenericTicket.png Ticket (NGS) 121 "Victory" x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x50 -


Icon Item Target Item Limit Time Period
NGSUIItemGreisenSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Greisen Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 8/3/2022~10/4/2022
NGSUIItemFrostelWire.png NGS Weapon Camo *Frostel Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 8/3/2022~10/4/2022
NGSUIItemPrimSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Prim Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 8/3/2022~10/4/2022
NGSUIItemFranmelSpear.png NGS Weapon Camo *Franmel Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 10/5/2022~12/6/2022
NGSUIItemTempestarSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Tempestar Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 10/5/2022~12/6/2022
NGSUIItemTsuviaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Tsuvia Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 10/5/2022~12/6/2022
NGSUIItemLumeiraSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Lumeira Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 12/7/2022~4/4/2023
NGSUIItemObscuralSpear.png NGS Weapon Camo *Obscural Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 12/7/2022~4/4/2023
NGSUIItemResurgeSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Resurge Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 12/7/2022~4/4/2023
NGSUIItemTerseusSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Terseus Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 1/25/2023~4/4/2023
NGSUIItemTrowardDaggers.png NGS Weapon Camo *Troward Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 1/25/2023~4/4/2023
NGSUIItemEvoloverSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Evolover Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 1/25/2023~4/4/2023
NGSUIItemGretiggaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Gretigga Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 4/5/2023~6/6/2023
NGSUIItemCrystiaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Crystia Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 4/5/2023~6/6/2023
NGSUIItemColdicSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Coldic Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 4/5/2023~6/6/2023
NGSUIItemCinquemSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Cinquem Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 6/7/2023~8/1/2023
NGSUIItemSeigainSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Seigain Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 6/7/2023~8/1/2023
NGSUIItemTrunkleSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Trunkle Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 6/7/2023~8/1/2023
NGSUIItemEvolcoatSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Evolcoat Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 8/2/2023~10/10/2023
NGSUIItemObsidiaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Obsidia Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 8/2/2023~10/10/2023
NGSUIItemRevitaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Revita Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 8/2/2023~10/10/2023
NGSUIItemRevolcoatSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Revolcoat Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 10/11/2023~12/5/2023
NGSUIItemArquemSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Arquem Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 12/6/2023~1/31/2024
NGSUIItemBrawnagaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Brawnaga Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 1/31/2024~4/10/2024
NGSUIItemVariocoolSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Variocool Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 4/10/2024~6/5/2024
NGSUIItemMillenniumRoundSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Millennium Round Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 6/5/2024~7/31/2024
NGSUIItemAeoniDecalionSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Aeoni Decalion Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 7/31/2024~10/2/2024
NGSUIItemRyxtalSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Ryxtal Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 10/2/2024~12/4/2024
NGSUIItemCarboLarousseRe-LSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Cambiar Re-X Armati x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 12/4/2024~2/5/2025
NGSUIItemCarboLarousseRe-LSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Larousse Re-L Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 2/5/2025~4/2/2025
NGSUIItemCarboMezanaRe-MWire.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Mezana Re-M Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 2/5/2025~4/2/2025
NGSUIItemCarboEnvarsaRe-VSpear.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Envarsa Re-V Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 2/5/2025~4/2/2025
NGSUIItemCarboPhoenixRe-ASlash.png NGS Weapon Camo *Carbo Phoenix Re-A Armati CV x1 Tool (NGS) ARKS Record Badge x10 1 per account 2/5/2025~4/2/2025

Item Exchange: Kvaris

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemIcicleCube2.png Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube II x1 Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x10
Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid x4
Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x8
25 per week
NGSUIItemIcicleOrb2.png Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb II x1 Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x10
Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid x2
Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x2
100 per week
NGSUIItemIcicleCube.png Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube x1 Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x10
Meat (NGS) Notable Kvaris Meat x3
Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x1
150 per week
NGSUIItemRoseramSword.png ATK (NGS) Roseram Weapon x1
※ All types available
Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube II x75
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb II x300
Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube x500
NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x1 Mineral (NGS) Monotite x10
Mineral (NGS) Dualomite x10
Mineral (NGS) Trinite x10
Mineral (NGS) Tetracite x10
20 per week
NGSUIItemColdResistanceTier1.png Booster (NGS) Cold Damage Resistance +20% x1 Target Gathering Materials (Kvaris) x10
Fruit (NGS) Notable Kvaris Ackee x1
Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid x1
NGSUIItemColdResistanceTier2.png Booster (NGS) Cold Damage Resistance +50% x1 Target Gathering Materials (Kvaris) x10
Fruit (NGS) Notable Kvaris Ackee x3
Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid x3
Meat (NGS) Notable Kvaris Meat x3
NGSUIItemColdResistanceTier3.png Booster (NGS) Cold Damage Resistance +100% x1 Target Gathering Materials (Kvaris) x20
Fruit (NGS) Notable Kvaris Ackee x20
Seafood (NGS) Notable Kvaris Squid x20
Meat (NGS) Notable Kvaris Meat x20
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x100
NGSUIItemCapsuleDEF.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard II x1 Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard I x10
Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube x1
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard III x1 Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard II x10
Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube x10
Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x1
NGSUIItemCapsuleStriking.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Power x1 Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard III x1
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Power III x5
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x100
NGSUIItemCapsuleRanged.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Shoot x1 Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard III x1
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Shoot III x5
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x100
NGSUIItemCapsuleTechnique.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Tech x1 Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Decold Standard III x1
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Tech III x5
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x100
NGSUIItemKaiseramSword.png ATK (NGS) Kaiseram Weapon x1
※ All types except Gunslash (NGS) Takt (NGS)
Same type Rox Series Weapon +50 x1
Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube x60
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x900
Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x150
NGSUIItemKaiseramSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Kaiseram Slash x1 Tool (NGS) Icicle Cube x60
Tool (NGS) Icicle Orb x900
Mineral (NGS) Blizzardium x150
NGSUIItemKaiseramTakt.png Takt (NGS) Kaiseram Takt x1 -

Item Exchange: Stia

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemKouklophisSword.png ATK (NGS) Kouklophis Weapon x1
※ All types available
Mineral (NGS) Inferium x15 1 per type per account every 7 days
ATK (NGS) Kouklophis Weapon x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1
※ All types available

Mineral (NGS) Inferium x30 1 per type per account every 7 days
ATK (NGS) Kouklophis Weapon x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.3
※ All types available

Mineral (NGS) Inferium x200 1 per type per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Dasha Diable IV x1 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Dahou Diable IV x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Shahou Diable IV x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Alz Secrete IV x1 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner x1 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x5 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemNEXCube.png Tool (NGS) N-Excube x1 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemNClassEXCube.png Tool (NGS) N-Hu Excube x2 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x1 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Ra Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Fo Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Fi Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Gu Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Te Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Br Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Bo Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Wa Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
Tool (NGS) N-Sl Excube x2 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemMonotite.png Mineral (NGS) Monotite x3 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemDualomite.png Mineral (NGS) Dualomite x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTrinite.png Mineral (NGS) Trinite x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTetracite.png Mineral (NGS) Tetracite x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemPentrite.png Mineral (NGS) Pentrite x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemHexakite.png Mineral (NGS) Hexakite x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk x3 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Mineral (NGS) Photon Quartz x3 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemKouklophisSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Kouklophis Armati x1 Mineral (NGS) Inferium x100 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemInferium.png Mineral (NGS) Inferium x1 Vegetable (NGS) Famed Stia Mushroom x2

Seafood (NGS) Famed Stia Crab x2
Fruit (NGS) Famed Stia Star Fruit x5

Mineral (NGS) Inferium x15 Any Kouklophis Weapon ×1 -

Item Exchange: Aegis Integra

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemNeosAstreonSword.png ATK (NGS) Neos Astreon Weapon x1
※ All types available
Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x5 1 per type per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemAegisIntegra.png Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 Any Neos Astreon Weapon ×1 -
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Aegis Soul IV x10 Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Ael Domina x5 Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 5 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Retena Domina x5 Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 5 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Kvar Domina x5 Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 5 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Stira Domina x5 Tool (NGS) Aegis Integra x1 5 per account every 7 days

Gigas Stragment Exchange

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskStrikingA.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk A/Striking x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x1 50 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskRangedA.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk A/Ranged x1 50 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskTechA.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk A/Tech x1 50 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskStrikingB.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk B/Striking x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskRangedB.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk B/Ranged x1 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskTechB.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk B/Tech x1 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Eris P.01 x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Ceres P.01 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Plutos P.01 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Makemes P.01 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Haumeas P.01 x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Eris P.02 x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Ceres P.02 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Plutos P.02 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Makemes P.02 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Haumeas P.02 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Sedonis P.02 x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Eris P.03 x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Ceres P.03 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Plutos P.03 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Makemes P.03 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Haumeas P.03 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Sedonis P.03 x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Eris P.04 x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Ceres P.04 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Plutos P.04 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Makemes P.04 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Haumeas P.04 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Sedonis P.04 x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Eris P.05 x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Ceres P.05 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Plutos P.05 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Makemes P.05 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Haumeas P.05 x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Defi Sedonis P.05 x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemCapsuleStriking.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Power IV x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemCapsuleRanged.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Shoot IV x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemCapsuleTechnique.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Tech IV x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemPhotonChunk2A.png Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II A x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x10 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemPhotonChunk2B.png Mineral (NGS) Photon Chunk II B x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemFalclaw.png NGS Weapon Camo *Falclaw x1 Tool (NGS) Gigas Stragment x500 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemDoubleCannon.png NGS Weapon Camo *Double Cannon x1 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemOrochiagito.png NGS Weapon Camo *Orochiagito x1 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTwinOrochi.png NGS Weapon Camo *Twin Orochi x1 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemFlameVisit.png NGS Weapon Camo *Flame Visit x1 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemGuldMilla.png NGS Weapon Camo *Guld Milla x1 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemPsychoWand.png NGS Weapon Camo *Psycho Wand x1 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemElysion.png NGS Weapon Camo *Elysion x1 1 per account every 7 days

Growthment Exchange

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskStrikingA.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk A/Striking x1 Tool (NGS) Growthment x1 50 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskRangedA.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk A/Ranged x1 50 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskTechA.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk A/Tech x1 50 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskStrikingB.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk B/Striking x1 Tool (NGS) Growthment x1 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskRangedB.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk B/Ranged x1 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskTechB.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk B/Tech x1 5 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Histira Domina LC x1 Tool (NGS) Growthment x5 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Hikvar Domina LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gran Dread Keeper LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Hiretena Domina LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gladier Soul LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Hiael Domina LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Halphiniria LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigas Maiste LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Ability LC x1 10 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner2.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner II x1 Tool (NGS) Growthment x25 2 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemVerschmelSword.png ATK (NGS) Verschmel Weapon x1
※ All types available
Tool (NGS) Growthment x50 2 per type per account every 7 days
ATK (NGS) Verschmel Weapon x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Termina Lv.1
※ All types available

Tool (NGS) Growthment x300 2 per type per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemOctosArmor.png Unit (NGS) Octos Armor x1 Tool (NGS) Growthment x50 6 per account every 7 days
Unit (NGS) Octos Armor x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Guard Lv.1

Tool (NGS) Growthment x300 6 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemGrowthment.png Tool (NGS) Growthment x25 Any Verschmel Weapon x1 -
Tool (NGS) Growthment x25 Unit (NGS) Octos Armor x1 -

Growthment II Exchange

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemCarboLarousseRe-LSword.png ATK (NGS) Carbo Weapon x1
※ All types available
Tool (NGS) Growthment II x50 2 per type per account every day
ATK (NGS) Carbo Weapon x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Fatal Lv.1
※ All types available

Tool (NGS)Growthment II x300 2 per type per account every day
NGSUIItemGrowthment.png Tool (NGS) Growthment x2 Tool (NGS) Growthment II x1 -
NGSUIItemGrowthment2.png Tool (NGS) Growthment II x25 Any Carbo Weapon x1 -

Dread Scale Exchange

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemTACustomizedDiskUnifiedX.png Tool (NGS) TA Customized Disk X/Unified x1
Mineral (NGS) Dread Scale x50 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemRelicEndoif.png ATK (NGS) Melekh Weapon x1
※ All types available
Mineral (NGS) Dread Scale x150 2 per type per account every day

Equipment Upgrade (Ability Transfer)

Icon Item Target Item Alternative Item Alternative Item Limit
NGSUIItemAkrocelioSword.png ATK (NGS) Akrocelio Weapon x1
※ All types available
Same type Tricelio Series Weapon x1
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt III x150
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt II x300
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt I x450
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x600
Same type Duocelio Series Weapon x1
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt III x150
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt II x450
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt I x750
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x1000
Same type Excelio Series Weapon x1
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt III x150
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt II x450
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt I x900
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x1200
NGSUIItemAkortasisArmor.png Unit (NGS) Akortasis Armor x1 Any type of Trestasis Armor x1
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance III x50
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance II x100
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance I x150
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x300
Any type of Dostasis Armor x1
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance III x50
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance II x150
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance I x250
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x500
Unit (NGS) Ektasis Armor x1
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance III x50
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance II x150
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance I x300
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x600
NGSUIItemAkortasisArmorVida.png Unit (NGS) Akortasis Armor Vida x1 -
NGSUIItemAkortasisArmorVio.png Unit (NGS) Akortasis Armor Vio x1 -
NGSUIItemTricelioSword.png ATK (NGS) Tricelio Weapon x1
※ All types available
Same type Duocelio Series Weapon x1
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt II x150
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt I x300
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x400
Same type Excelio Series Weapon x1
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt II x150
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt I x450
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x600
NGSUIItemTrestasisArmor.png Unit (NGS) Trestasis Armor x1 Any type of Dostasis Armor x1
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance II x50
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance I x100
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x200
Unit (NGS) Ektasis Armor x1
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance II x50
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance I x150
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x300
NGSUIItemTrestasisArmorVida.png Unit (NGS) Trestasis Armor Vida x1 -
NGSUIItemTrestasisArmorVio.png Unit (NGS) Trestasis Armor Vio x1 -
NGSUIItemDuocelioSword.png ATK (NGS) Duocelio Weapon x1
※ All types available
Same type Excelio Series Weapon x1
Tool (NGS) Excelavolt I x150
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x200
NGSUIItemDostasisArmor.png Unit (NGS) Dostasis Armor x1 Unit (NGS) Ektasis Armor x1
Tool (NGS) Ektasvance I x50
Tool (NGS) Progressive Grinder x100
NGSUIItemDostasisArmorVida.png Unit (NGS) Dostasis Armor Vida x1 -
NGSUIItemDostasisArmorVio.png Unit (NGS) Dostasis Armor Vio x1 -

N-Weapons Badge Exchange

Icon Item Target Item Alternative Item Limit
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gigadryl x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x50 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Hiael Domina x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x50 10 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Hiretena Domina x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x50 10 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Hikvar Domina x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x50 10 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Histira Domina x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x50 10 per account
NGSUIItemNMasterCube.png Tool (NGS) N-Master Cube x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x50 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gran Gigas Maiste x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge B x50 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gran Dread Keeper II x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge B x50 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Lux Halphiniria x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge A x50 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Gran Gladier Soul x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge A x50 5 per account
NGSUIItemNWeaponsBadgeA.png Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge A x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge B x5 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x5 -
NGSUIItemNWeaponsBadgeB.png Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge B x1 Tool (NGS) N-Weapons Badge C x5 -
NGSUIItemNGrinder.png Tool (NGS) N-Grinder x1 Tool (NGS) Target N-Weapons Badge x1 -

Previous Special Exchanges

Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket Exchange (Until: 1/25/2023 02:00)

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemEvoleclisSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Evoleclis Armati x1 Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x2 -
NGSUIItemEvoleclisSword.png ATK (NGS) Evoleclis Weaponx1
※ All types except Gunslash (NGS) Takt (NGS)
Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x6 -
ATK (NGS) Evoleclis Weaponx1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1
※ All types except Gunslash (NGS) Takt (NGS)

Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x7 -
NGSUIItemSpecialScratchTicket.png Pass (NGS) Special Scratch Ticket x5 Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner x4 Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemPentrite.png Mineral (NGS) Pentrite x20 Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Flame Weaker I x20 Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemExpeditionSpecialTicket.png Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x6 Any Evoleclis Series Weapon x1 -
Tool (NGS) Kvaris Expedition Special Ticket x2 NGS Weapon Camo *Evoleclis Armati x1 -

Stia Expedition Ticket Exchange (Until: 1/25/2023 02:00)

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItemPrimSwordLibra.png NGS Weapon Camo *Prim Armati Libra x1 Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x2 1 per account
NGSUIItemPrimSwordLibra.png ATK (NGS) Prim Libra Weapon x1
※ All types except Gunslash (NGS)
Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x3 1 per account every 24 hours
ATK (NGS) Prim Libra Weapon +40 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Vardi Soul III, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete III, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ice Weaker II
※ All types except Gunslash (NGS)

Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x5 1 per account every 24 hours
NGSUIItemSpecialScratchTicket.png Pass (NGS) Special Scratch Ticket x5 Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner x4 Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemHexakite.png Mineral (NGS) Hexakite x20 Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Ice Weaker I x30 Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x1 5 per account
NGSUIItemStiaExpeditionSpecialTicket.png Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x3 Any Prim Libra Series Weapon x1 -
Tool (NGS) Stia Expedition Special Ticket x2 NGS Weapon Camo *Prim Armati Libra x1 -

Slayer Preparation Special Emblem Exchange (Until: 6/7/2023 02:00)

Icon Item Target Item Limit
NGSUIItem*CurioTalonSchneider.png NGS Weapon Camo *Clio Talon Schneider x1 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemRelicAxeon.png NGS Weapon Camo *Relic Axeon CV x1 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTrunkleSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Trunkle Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSeigainSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Seigain Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ice Weaker II

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemCrystiaSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Crystia Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemRuggedSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Rugged Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSechstylSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Sechstyl Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemCinquemSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Cinquem Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemEvolcoatSlash.png Gunslash (NGS) Evolcoat Slash +50 x1
UINGSItemPresetAbility.png Fixa Attack Lv.1,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Doldora Soul IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Shoot IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Alz Secrete IV,
UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Ability IV, UINGSItemSpecialAbility.png Triable

Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x5 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemTrunkleSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Trunkle Armati x1 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSeigainSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Seigain Armati x1 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemCrystiaSword.png NGS Weapon Camo *Crystia Armati x1 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 1 per account every 7 days
NGSUIItemSpecialScratchTicket.png Pass (NGS) Special Scratch Ticket x10 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x1 1 per account
NGSUIItemNEXCube.png Tool (NGS) N-Excube x5 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x1 1 per account
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner x4 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x1 1 per account
NGSUIItemArmsRefiner2.png Tool (NGS) Arms Refiner II x2 Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x1 1 per account
NGSUIItem Slayer Preparation Special Emblem.png Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 NGS Weapon Camo *Clio Talon Schneider x1 -
Tool (NGS) Slayer Preparation Special Emblem x2 NGS Weapon Camo *Relic Axeon CV x1 -

Development Preparation Special Emblem Exchange (Until: 8/1/2023 02:00)

Item Target Item Limit
Creative Space Furniture (NGS) BP "NGS 1st Anniversary Poster" x1 Tool (NGS) Creative Space Prep. Special Ticket x1 1 per account
Creative Space Furniture (NGS) BP "NGS 2nd Anniversary Poster" x1 Tool (NGS) Creative Space Prep. Special Ticket x1 1 per account
Creative Space Furniture (NGS) BP "Rappy Plush" x1 Tool (NGS) Creative Space Prep. Special Ticket x1 1 per account
Creative Space Furniture (NGS) BP "Mini Regional Mag" x1 Tool (NGS) Creative Space Prep. Special Ticket x1 1 per account
Creative Space Furniture (NGS) BP "Mini Regional Mag B" x1 Tool (NGS) Creative Space Prep. Special Ticket x1 1 per account