Weapon Camos (NGS)

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Revision as of 03:01, 1 August 2024 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (updated recently added)
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NGS Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS)Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS)Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS)Partizan Camos Twin Daggers (NGS)Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS)Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS)Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS)Katana Camos Dual Blades (NGS)Dual Blade Camos
Assault Rifle (NGS)Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS)Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Machine Gun Camos Bullet Bow (NGS)Bullet Bow Camos Gunslash (NGS)Gunslash Camos
Rod (NGS)Rod Camos Talis (NGS)Talis Camos Wand (NGS)Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS)Jet Boot Camos Takt (NGS)Takt Camos

The Weapon Camo system allows you to change the external appearance of your weapon without changing its functionality.

The weapon's appearance can be changed when the Weapon Camo and the equipped weapon's categories are the same.

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
8 NGSUIItem*StealthWeapon.png *Patch Name
*Japanese Name
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Color Variant (NGS) Color Matches [In] / Outfit
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Weapon Types Covered Enemy Name + Level
Emergency Quests with Ranks
Areas Found with Ranks
AC/SG/SP Scratch with Dates
Exchange Shops

Recently Added

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
7 NGSUIItem*PistolaAqua.png *Pistola Aqua
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Assault Rifle (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash (7/31/2024~8/28/2024)
7 File:NGSUIItem*PistatolAqua.png *Pistatol Aqua
Assault Rifle (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash (7/31/2024~8/28/2024)
7 NGSUIItem*SombrilaVerano.png *Sombrila Verano
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Rod (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash (7/31/2024~8/28/2024)
7 File:NGSUIItem*SombrilaElcalor.png *Sombrila Elcalor
Rod (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash (7/31/2024~8/28/2024)
8 NGSUIItemRyxtalSword.png *Ryxtal Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Task Apology Gift (7/31/2024~8/31/2024)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemAeoniDecalionSword.png *Aeoni Decalion Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (7/31/2024~10/2/2024)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemCinquemSword.png *Cinquem Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (7/31/2024~10/2/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (6/7/2023~8/1/2023)
8 NGSUIItemSeigainSword.png *Seigain Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (7/31/2024~10/2/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (6/7/2023~8/1/2023)
8 NGSUIItemTrunkleSword.png *Trunkle Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (7/31/2024~10/2/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (6/7/2023~8/1/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*Zankaryou.png *Zankaryou
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Katana (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS) NGS Special Scratch (7/31/2024~TBA)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
Anniversary SP Scratch (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
8 NGSUIItem*Zankashou.png *Zankashou
Color Variant (NGS) Color Matches [In] / Outfit
Katana (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS) NGS Special Scratch (7/31/2024~TBA)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
Anniversary SP Scratch (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
8 NGSUIItem*KharnqSpiral.png *Kharnq Spiral
Color Variant (NGS) Color Matches [In] / Outfit
Rod (NGS)Partizan (NGS) NGS Special Scratch (7/31/2024~TBA)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
Anniversary SP Scratch (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
8 NGSUIItem*KeirisSpiral.png *Keiris Spiral
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Rod (NGS)Partizan (NGS) NGS Special Scratch (7/31/2024~TBA)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
Anniversary SP Scratch (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
8 NGSUIItemRoseramSword.png *Roseram Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Battledia Purple Icon Aelio Intruders (Rank 3+)
9 NGSUIItem*StealthWeapon.png *Stealth Weapon
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Type 2 Costume Revival (7/24/2024~8/7/2024)

Previously Available:
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
13 NGSUIItem*AustereLightness.png *Austere Lightness
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Type 1 Costume Revival (7/24/2024~8/7/2024)

Previously Available:
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*SummerAnnettePillow.png *Summer Annette Pillow
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Rod (NGS)Sword (NGS)Partizan (NGS)
Double Saber (NGS)Wand (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival Gift (7/24/2024~7/31/2024)

Previously Available:
PSO2: Gene (Summer 2019)'s Exchange Shop (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange (6/1/2024~7/1/2024)
7 NGSUIItem*SlimeSword.png *Slime Sword
Wand (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: The Eminence In Shadow Style (7/17/2024~8/21/2024)
7 NGSUIItem*DarkKnightSword.png *Dark Knight Sword
Katana (NGS)Sword (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Wand (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: The Eminence In Shadow Style (7/17/2024~8/21/2024)
8 File:NGSUIItem*SchriftBilden.png *Schrift Bilden
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) Reward Box Jul'24 (7/17/2024~7/31/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2: PSO 20th Anniversary Campaign (2/17/2021~3/31/2021)
⌞Team up with a newly registered player by 3/31/2021
8 File:NGSUIItem*DuelGazeTCG.png *Duel Gaze TCG
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Talis (NGS) Super Phantasy Festival Gift (7/17/2024~7/24/2024)

Previously Available:
PSO2: TCG Memory Exchange Shop
8 File:NGSUIItem*BootsofMichelle.png *Boots of Michelle
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Jet Boots (NGS) Reward Box Jul'24 (7/17/2024~7/31/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2: Xie (3rd Anniversary)'s Exchange Shop (6/10/2015~8/26/2015)
PSO2: Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 6 (4/24/2019~Current Date)
8 NGSUIItem*TougenYuusen.png *Tougen Yuusen
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Katana (NGS)Sword (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)
Double Saber (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Rod (NGS)
Reward Box Jul'24 (7/17/2024~7/31/2024)

Previously Available:
PSO2: Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange (3/1/2024~4/1/2024)
8 NGSUIItem*SummerGenePillow.png *Summer Gene Pillow
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Rod (NGS)Sword (NGS)Partizan (NGS)
Double Saber (NGS)Wand (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival Gift (7/10/2024~7/17/2024)

Previously Available:
PSO2: Gene (Summer 2019)'s Exchange Shop (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange (6/1/2024~7/1/2024)
13 NGSUIItem*RigPhysio.png *Rig Physio
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Treasure Scratch Vol.4 Scratch Bonus (7/10/2024~8/7/2024)

Previously Available:
PSO2es: The Insect Princess Crawling Through the Abyss (UH) (5/30/2024~6/4/2024)
PSO2es: Shadow that controls evil wind and lightning (UH) (6/27/2024~7/2/2024)
8 NGSUIItem*ExtaHarrietas.png *Exta Harrietas
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Katana (NGS)Wand (NGS) Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*CuentianArmati.png *Cuentian Armati
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Rod (NGS)
Wand (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Fusion of *Cuentian Sword & *Cuentian Rod from Limited Time
Buster Medal Exchange 2017
8 NGSUIItem*AletheiaArmati.png *Aletheia Armati
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Unlike the Aletheia Salyut this has a Takt
8 NGSUIItem*SchvelleArmati.png *Schvelle Armati
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/2024)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*CurioMurakumo.png *Clio Murakumo
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Katana (NGS) Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)

Previously Available:
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
Super New & Returning ARKS Call Campaign (1/10/2024~1/31/2024)
8 NGSUIItem*CurioClarissaIII.png *Clio Clarissa III
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Rod (NGS) Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
New & Returning ARKS Call Campaign (9/26/2023~10/25/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*CurioPhantomBullet.png *Clio Phantom Bullet
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*CurioCoatWeaponD.png *Clio Coat Weapon D
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
Super New & Returning ARKS Call Campaign (12/6/2023~12/27/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*CurioZeinesisAngajima.png *Clio Zeinesis Angajima
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*CurioQliphadRessentiment.png *Clio Qliphad Ressentiment
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch (7/3/2024~8/7/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
8 File:NGSUIItem*CARD.png *C.A.R.D.
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Takt (NGS) Super Phantasy Festival Gift (7/3/2024~7/10/2024)
This item is Account Bound

Previously Available:
Ragol Memory Exchange Shop
TCG Memory Exchange Shop