New Genesis: World Map

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This page outlines what can be found at each location on Planet Halpha.


This section has a list of all regions on planet Halpha. Below each region name is details about them.

Central City (セントラルシテイ)

Central City (セントラルシテイ)
Lobby Area (100 Players)

The largest city on planet Halpha. This is the location you appear at when signing in, and you also return to this location after completing an Emergency Quest.

Central Aerio (中央エアリオ)

Central Aerio (中央エアリオ)
Gathering Area (32 Players)
Recommended Power Level: 800
Average Enemy Level: Lv.1
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 2
  • Secrets Collectables: 28 (7 Datapods, 21 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: Halpha Grasslands (ハルファナ平原), Mt. Mahina Pari (マヒナパリ山)

    These are the fields found right outside of Central City's walls. With a temperate climate and easy-to-navigate terrain, this is the perfect place for new ARKS recruits to train their skills.

    Northern Aerio (北エアリオ)

    Northern Aerio (北エアリオ)
    Gathering Area (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 987
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.10
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 2
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Region Mag Region Mag: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 19 (5 Datapods, 14 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: Halpha Marshlands (ハルファナ湿原), Alto Lani Plateau (アルト・ラニ高原)

    The marshlands found in this region feature a derelict facility built on top of them. Further north is Alto Lani Plateau, where it is said a special DOLL occasionally appears.

    Urgent Quests

    Southern Aerio (南エアリオ)

    Southern Aerio (南エアリオ)
    Gathering Area (32 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 831
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.3
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Cocoon Cocoons: 1
  • Tower Towers: 1
  • Region Mag Region Mag: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 26 (5 Datapods, 21 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: Barflow Waterfall (パルフロウ大瀑布?/バルフロウ大瀑布?), Mt. Picott (ピコット山)

    A region well-known for its waterfalls. A coastline can also be found to the south, as well as as a mountain named Mt. Picott to the south-east.

    Mt. Magnus (マグナス山)

    Mt. Magnus (マグナス山)
    Combat Area (8 Players)
    Recommended Power Level: 864
    Average Enemy Level: Lv.5
  • Ryuker Device Ryuker Devices: 1
  • Secrets Collectables: 16 (2 Datapods, 14 Red Boxes)
  • Sub-locations: None

    Mt. Magnus is a tall mountain found to the east of Central City. Updrafters can be found scattered throughout allowing you to easily traverse the terrain.

    Ryuker Devices

    Ryuker Devices, represented on the World Map as green icons (Ryuker Device), can be used for several purposes, including changing Blocks, accessing your Storage remotely, creating food, and moving to "Rooms".
    Ryuker Devices are also used for quick travel via teleportation. By interacting with a Ryuker Device, or by opening your World Map, you can teleport to any other known Ryuker Device. Highlight the icon for the Ryuker Device you want to teleport to, then hold the confirm button down for a few seconds to start the teleport.

    Item Containers

    Item container

    There are three types of containers in the field: white, gold, and red.

    Items can be obtained by destroying the container.

    The number of red containers that appear per account is limited.

    In addition, some barriers are created and cannot be destroyed without destroying the device that is causing the barrier.