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New Genesis: Fighter

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New Genesis Classes
S-ATK (NGS) Striking Hunter (NGS) Hunter   Fighter (NGS) Fighter
R-ATK (NGS) Ranged Ranger (NGS) Ranger   Gunner (NGS) Gunner   Slayer (NGS) Slayer
T-ATK (NGS) Technique Force (NGS) Force   Techter (NGS) Techter   Waker (NGS) Waker
ATK (NGS) Hybrid Braver (NGS) Braver   Bouncer (NGS) Bouncer
Skill Simulator

Fighter is a class in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

Class Weapon Overview


A twin pair of weaponized gauntlets. Knuckles possess notoriously short range, but exceed even Swords in power to compensate. Their Photon Arts can hit extremely hard if given the opportunity, and are a powerful weapon when engaging a target one-on-one.

Using the Sway Weapon Action, you can avoid attacks from enemies by quickly ducking in place.

Knuckles Mechanics

  • Knuckle Attack Extra: A Passive Skill only usable on Knuckles when "Knuckle Attack Extra" is unlocked on the Fighter skill tree. Knuckles gain a 5th normal attack that can be used in your attack combo. This 5th normal attack is just as powerful as a Photon Art.
  • Knuckle Sway Counter: Pressing the normal attack button after a successful Sway Counter with Knuckles will allow for a counterattack, and if "Knuckle Attack Switch" is unlocked, jump to the 5th normal attack.

Skill Tree Overview

Limit Break Main Class Defeat Advantage Defeat PP Recovery Fighter Skip Arts
Limit Break Endurance Main Class Same Arts Skip Attack Fi Another Arts Skip Attack Fi
Dagger Attack Extra Dagger Spin Counter Deadly Archer Saber Parry Counter Knuckle Attack Extra Knuckle Sway Counter
Accel Drive Spiral Drive Saber Parry Another Counter Knuckle Attack Switch Knuckle Sway Counter Plus


Limit Break

Active Skill. Temporarily increase damage output with a Fighter weapon as well as damage taken. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
NGSUISkillLimitBreak.png Limit Break None Duration 30s
Cooldown 180s
Damage Dealt 120%
Damage Taken 150%

Defeat Advantage

Increase damage dealt against enemies that are Downed.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File:UISkillDefeatAdvantage.png Defeat Advantage None Physical Down Power (Main) 106% 107% 108% 109% 110% 111% 112% 113% 114% 115%
Elemental Down Power (Main) 106% 107% 108% 109% 110% 111% 112% 113% 114% 115%
Physical Down Power (Sub) 101% 101% 101% 102% 102% 103% 103% 104% 104% 105%
Elemental Down Power (Sub) 101% 101% 101% 102% 102% 103% 103% 104% 104% 105%

Defeat PP Recovery

Increase Active PP Recovery when attacking an enemy that is Downed.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
File:UISkillDefeatPPRecovery.png Defeat PP Recovery None Physical Down Active PP Recovery (Main) 130% 133% 136% 138% 140% 142% 144% 146% 148% 150%
Elemental Down Active PP Recovery (Main) 130% 133% 136% 138% 140% 142% 144% 146% 148% 150%
Physical Down Active PP Recovery (Sub) 110% 111% 112% 113% 115% 117% 119% 121% 123% 125%
Elemental Down Active PP Recovery (Sub) 110% 111% 112% 113% 115% 117% 119% 121% 123% 125%

Fighter Skip Arts

Activate a Fighter PA without holding a directional input to only execute the second half of the PA.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillFighterSkipArts.png Fighter Skip Arts None N/A N/A

Limit Break Endurance

Taking lethal damage while Limit Break is active cancels the effect of Limit Break and leaves the user at 1 HP. Gain temporary invulnerability upon activation. Main Class only.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillLimitBreakEndurance.png Limit Break Endurance Limit Break Lv. 1 Invulnerability 5s

Same Arts Skip Attack Fi

While using a Fighter weapon, using a normal attack after executing the same PA repeatedly with the same weapon automatically activates the 3rd normal.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillSameArtsSkipAttackFi.png Same Arts Skip Attack Fi None N/A N/A

Another Arts Skip Attack Fi

While using a Fighter weapon, using a normal attack after executing a chain of different PAs with the same weapon automatically activates the 4th normal. If the combo step is 3 or less, using a normal attack activates the final normal.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillAnotherArtsSkipAttackFi.png Another Arts Skip Attack Fi None N/A N/A

Dagger Attack Extra

Adds a 4th normal attack to Twin Daggers' normal attack combo. Deals high damage relative to other normal attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillDaggerAttackExtra.png Dagger Attack Extra None N/A N/A

Dagger Spin Counter

Press the normal attack button after successfully Just Guarding an enemy attack with Twin Daggers Spin to perform a counterattack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillDaggerSpinCounter.png Dagger Spin Counter None N/A N/A

Deadly Archer

Press and hold the Double Saber Weapon Action button while two Kamaitachi are active to dispel the effect of Kamaitachi and convert the energy into a powerful ranged attack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillDeadlyArcher.png Deadly Archer None N/A N/A

Saber Parry Counter

Press the normal attack button after successfully blocking an attack with Double Saber Guard to execute a counterattack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillSaberParryCounter.png Saber Parry Counter None N/A N/A

Knuckle Attack Extra

Adds a 5th normal attack to Knuckles' normal attack combo. Deals high damage relative to other normal attacks.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillKnuckleAttackExtra.png Knuckle Attack Extra Limit Break Lv. 1 N/A N/A

Knuckle Sway Counter

Automatically perform a counterattack after successfully evading an attack with Knuckles Sway.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillKnuckleSwayCounter.png Knuckle Sway Counter None N/A N/A

Accel Drive

Press the normal attack button with the correct timing after executing a Twin Daggers PA to perform a follow-up attack that pursues your target.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillAccelDrive.png Accel Drive None N/A N/A

Spiral Drive

While you have two Kamaitachi active, press and hold the normal attack button to dispel the effect of Kamaitachi and rush forward with a powerful blast that hits enemies twice within an area of effect.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillSpiralDrive.png Spiral Drive None N/A N/A

Saber Parry Another Counter

Press the Weapon Action button after successfully Just Guarding an attack with Double Saber Guard to execute a special counterattack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
File:UISkillSaberParryAnotherCounter.png Saber Parry Another Counter None N/A N/A

Knuckle Attack Switch

After successfully evading an attack with Knuckles Sway, the next Knuckles normal attack becomes the 5th normal.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillKnuckleAttackSwitch.png Knuckle Attack Switch Knuckle Attack Extra Lv. 1 Max Stocks 1

Knuckle Sway Counter Plus

After successfully evading an attack with Knuckles Sway, press the Weapon Action button again to perform a powerful counterattack.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill Level
UISkillKnuckleSwayCounterPlus.png Knuckle Sway Counter Plus Knuckles Sway Counter Lv. 1 N/A N/A