Titles (NGS)

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Revision as of 18:31, 24 June 2022 by Rin Keiko (talk | contribs) (remove enemy titles)
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Titles: Player Enemy Items Quest Task Communication Map Limited Time


Titles are rewarded for completing set tasks of many varied activities within New Genesis.

Meeting certain conditions will reward you with Titles, Title Points, and SG Acquisition Tickets, and sometimes other special goodies. You can check the acquisition status of titles with Main Menu -> Personal -> Title Note that the "number of titles acquired" is not the number of title tasks completed, but the total number of titles acquired

On the ARKS Card you can freely combine and set up to 3 titles. Usage of title points has yet to be implemented (as of May 2022).

Total of 556 tasks / 579 titles As of 2022/05/11

<tabber> |-|アイテム/Items=

21 tasks / 24 titles

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
アイテム強化 (タスク5種/称号6個)
Item Enhancement (5 tasks / 6 Titles)
Item Enhancement Master Ⅰ
5 Strengthen weapons and units in the Item Lab once. 強化 / VS SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Enhancement Master Ⅱ
5 Strengthen weapons and units in the Item Lab 15 times. 鍛冶屋 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Enhancement Master Ⅲ
5 Strengthen weapons and units in the Item Lab 60 times. 鍛錬 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Enhancement Master Ⅳ
10 Strengthen weapons and units in the Item Lab 200 times. 職人 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Item Enhancement Master Ⅴ●
20 Strengthen weapons and units in the Item Lab 300 times. 達人 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
限界突破 (タスク5種/称号6個)
Limit Break (5 tasks / 6 tiles)
Limit Break Master Ⅰ
5 Limit Break weapons and units in the Item Lab once. マイスター / もう SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Limit Break Master Ⅱ
5 Limit Break weapons and units in the Item Lab 5 times. 武器匠 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Limit Break Master Ⅲ
5 Limit Break weapons and units in the Item Lab 10 times. 追及 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Limit Break Master Ⅳ
10 Limit Break weapons and units in the Item Lab 25 times. 限界 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Limit Break Master Ⅴ●
20 Limit Break weapons and units in the Item Lab 50 times. 突破 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
特殊能力追加 (タスク5種/称号6個)
Special Ability Addition (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Special Ability Addition Master Ⅰ
5 Add Special Abilities to weapons and units in the Item Lab once. 追加 / ならば SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Special Ability Addition Master Ⅱ
5 Add Special Abilities to weapons and units in the Item Lab 10 times. 新たな力 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Special Ability Addition Master Ⅲ
5 Add Special Abilities to weapons and units in the Item Lab 30 times. 特殊 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Special Ability Addition Master Ⅳ
10 Add Special Abilities to weapons and units in the Item Lab 100 times. 能力 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Special Ability Addition Master Ⅴ●
20 Add Special Abilities to weapons and units in the Item Lab 200 times. 使い手 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
潜在能力解放 (タスク3種/称号3個)
Potential Release (3 tasks / 3 titles)
Potential Release Master Ⅰ
5 Release the Lvl.4 Potential of a weapon in the Item Lab once. 眠れる力 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Potential Release Master Ⅱ
5 Release the Lvl.4 Potential of a weapon in the Item Lab 10 times. 鍛造 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Potential Release Master Ⅲ●
10 Release the Lvl.4 Potential of a weapon in the Item Lab 20 times. 解放 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
クイックフード (タスク3種/称号3個)
Quick Food (3 tasks / 3 titles)
Quick Food Fighter Ⅰ
5 Create quick food at the Food Stand once. コック SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Quick Food Fighter Ⅱ
5 Create quick food at the Food Stand 30 times. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Quick Food Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Create quick food at the Food Stand 100 times. 料理人 SG10 Acquisition Ticket


132 Tasks / 133 Titles

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
クエスト (タスク6種/称号6個)
Quests (6 Tasks / 6 Titles)
Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅰ
5 Party with one or more other players and complete any quest once. パーティー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅱ
5 Party with one or more other players and complete any quest 30 times. 協力 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Rapid Response Co-Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Party with one or more other players and complete any quest 100 times. 歓迎 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Team Co-Fighter Ⅰ
5 Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest once. おなじみ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Team Co-Fighter Ⅱ
5 Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest 30 times. 友情 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Team Co-Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Party with one or more teammates and complete any quest 100 times. レギュラー SG10 Acquisition Ticket
緊急クエスト (タスク45種/称号46個)
Urgent Quests (45 Tasks / 46 Titles)
ARKS Leader Ⅰ
5 Complete any emergency quest once. 緊急 / etc. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Leader Ⅱ
5 Complete any emergency quest 10 times. トラブル SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Leader Ⅲ
5 Complete any emergency quest 30 times. デンジャラス SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Leader Ⅳ
10 Complete any emergency quest 100 times. ハード SG10 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Leader Ⅴ●
20 Complete any emergency quest 200 times. SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" once. ドールズ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" 10 times. エマージェンシー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" 30 times. スレイヤー SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) once. ファースト SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 10 times. セカンド SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Overseer-type DOLL Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 30 times. サード SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" once. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. 燃えよ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. 歴戦 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) once. 土地 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 10 times. 大地 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Nex Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Nex Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank2. or higher) 30 times. 大陸 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" once. 仲間 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" 15 times. 人脈 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" 50 times. 関係 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) once. バリア SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) 15 times. 防壁 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Contributor: Aelio Ⅵ●
10 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) 50 times. 鉄壁 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" with an S rank once. 完封 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Survivor: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Clear Wave 8 of the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" once. 守護 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Completer: Aelio Ⅱ●
5 Complete the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) with an S rank once. 堅牢 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Survivor: Aelio Ⅱ●
5 Clear Wave 8 of the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher) once. 不倒 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". 大量 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". 数多 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅲ
10 Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio". オンパレード SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Defeat 300 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). 番人 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅴ
5 Defeat 5000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). 防人 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Mining Rig Defense Battle Leader: Aelio Ⅵ●
10 Defeat 15000 enemies in the emergency quest "Resource Mining Rig Defense Battle: Aelio" (Rank.2 or higher). 城主 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" once. バイタリティ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. パワー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. エネルギー SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) once. ロック SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 10 times. ジャズ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Snidael Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 30 times. メタル SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" once. 広大 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" 10 times. でかい SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅲ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" 30 times. ワイド SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅳ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) once. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅴ
5 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 10 times. 睨む SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle Contributor Ⅵ
10 Complete the emergency quest "Lenus Vera Subjugation Battle" (Rank.2 or higher) 30 times. 眼光 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
トレイニア・コクーン (タスク4種/称号4個)
Trainia Cocoons (4 tasks / 4 titles)
Cocoon Investigator Ⅰ
5 Complete all side missions in one Trainia Cocoon. コクーン SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Cocoon Investigator Ⅱ
5 Complete all side missions in 4 Trainia Cocoons. しっかり者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Cocoon Investigator Ⅲ
5 Complete all side missions in 8 Trainia Cocoons. 几帳面 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Cocoon Investigator Ⅳ●
5 Complete all side missions in 12 Trainia Cocoons. 誠実 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
トレイニア・タワー (タスク4種/称号4個)
Trainia Towers (4 tasks / 4 titles)
Tower Investigator Ⅰ
5 Complete all side missions in one Trainia Tower. タワー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Investigator Ⅱ
5 Complete all side missions in 2 Trainia Towers. 課題 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Investigator Ⅲ
5 Complete all side missions in 3 Trainia Towers. 解決 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Investigator Ⅳ●
5 Complete all side missions in 4 Trainia Towers. 使命 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
トレニア:その他 (タスク8種/称号8個)
Trainia: Others (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Cocoon Champion: Aelio
5 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Aelio. トレイニア SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Cocoon Overlord: Aelio
10 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Aelio with all side missions completed. 完璧主義 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Champion: Aelio
5 Clear all Trainia Towers in Aelio. 覇者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Overlord: Aelio
10 Clear all Trainia Towers in Aelio with all side missions completed. 完全 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Cocoon Champion: Retem
5 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Retem. 踏破 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Cocoon Overlord: Retem
10 Clear all Trainia Cocoons in Retem with all side missions completed. 負けず嫌い SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Champion: Retem
5 Clear all Trainia Towers in Retem. 向上心 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tower Overlord: Retem
10 Clear all Trainia Towers in Retem with all side missions completed. 抜け目のない SG10 Acquisition Ticket
トライアル (タスク5種/称号5個)
Trials (5 tasks / 5 titles)
Trial Contributor Ⅰ
5 Complete any trial 20 times. トライアル SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Trial Contributor Ⅱ
5 Complete any trial 150 times. 突然 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Trial Contributor Ⅲ
5 Complete any trial 500 times. 臨機応変 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Trial Contributor Ⅳ
10 Complete any trial 2000 times. 柔軟 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Trial Contributor Ⅴ●
20 Complete any trial 4000 times. 余裕 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
ワールドトライアル (タスク3種/称号3個)
World Trials (3 Tasks / 3 Titles)
Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅰ※1
5 In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 10 Stellar Grace. ステラーグレイス SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅱ※1
5 In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 50 Stellar Grace. 回収者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Stellar Grace Recovery Operation Contributor Ⅲ●※1
10 In the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation", recover 100 Stellar Grace. 収集家 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
バトルディア (タスク30種/称号30個)
Battledia (30 Tasks / 30 Titles)
Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅰ
5 Clear "Battledia: Yellow" once. バトルディア SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅱ
5 Clear "Battledia: Yellow" 15 times. 調査 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Battledia Challenger: Yellow Ⅲ●
10 Clear "Battledia: Yellow" 50 times. 探求 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅰ
5 Clear "Battledia: Purple" once. 挑戦 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅱ
5 Clear "Battledia: Purple" 15 times. チャレンジ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Battledia Challenger: Purple Ⅲ●
10 Clear "Battledia: Purple" 50 times. 果敢 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Rapid Destroyer: Aelio
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" within 18 minutes. 速攻 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 弟子 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 師匠 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 現役 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 後継者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Aelio Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators". 皆伝 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Agile Destroyer: Aelio
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above) within 18 minutes. 迅速 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 対決 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). ライバル SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 修行 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 善戦 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Aelio Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Aelio Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). 勝利 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Rapid Destroyer: Retem
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" within 18 minutes. 瞬間 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 成功 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 栄冠 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 名誉 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 名声 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Beyond Despair: Retem Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators". 栄光 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Agile Destroyer: Retem
20 Complete the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above) within 18 minutes. 瞬速 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅰ
5 Defeat the 1st Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). モノ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅱ
5 Defeat the 2nd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅲ
5 Defeat the 3rd Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). トリ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅳ
5 Defeat the 4th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). テトラ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One Resisting Despair: Retem Ⅴ●
5 Defeat the 5th Gigantix in the Battledia quest "Retem Devastators" (Rank.2 and above). ペンタ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
トリニテス (タスク27種/称号27個)
Trinitas (27 Tasks / 27 Titles)
Trinitas Record Holder Ⅰ
5 Achieve a cumulative score of 10,000,000 points in Trinitas. トリニテス Pass (NGS)スペシャルスクラッチ券×1
Pass (NGS)Special Scratch Ticket x1
Trinitas Record Holder Ⅱ
5 Achieve a cumulative score of 50,000,000 points in Trinitas. 遺跡 Pass (NGS)スペシャルスクラッチ券×3
Pass (NGS)Special Scratch Ticket x3
Trinitas Record Holder Ⅲ●
5 Achieve a cumulative score of 200,000,000 points in Trinitas. 探検家 マグフォルム/コクシスマキーナ
Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) ブレイド SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 刺突 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Hunter Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Hunter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練狩人 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) スコープ SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) エイム SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Ranger Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Ranger score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練狙撃手 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 触媒 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 法撃 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Force Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Force score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練術士 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 連撃 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Fighter Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Fighter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練闘士 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 引き金 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 射撃 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Gunner Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Gunner score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練銃士 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) 回復 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 援護 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Techter Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Techter score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練業師 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 斬撃 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Braver Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Braver score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練勇者 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅰ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 700,000 or more(*Main Class only) ヒール SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅱ
5 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 2,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 蹴撃
Kick Attack
SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Proof of a Skilled Bouncer Ⅲ●
10 Complete the Trinitas Quest "Geometric Labyrinth" with a Bouncer score of 3,500,000 or more(*Main Class only) 熟練用心棒 SG20 Acquisition Ticket

※1: Not counted in the Seasonal World Trial |-|タスク/Tasks=

26 tasks / 29 titles

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
メインタスク (タスク5種/称号6個)
Main Tasks (5 Tasks / 6 Titles)
ARKS Narrator Ⅰ
5 Complete the main task "Victory Report". エアリオ / が SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Narrator Ⅱ
5 Complete the main task "Unusual Phenomenon". セントラル SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Narrator Ⅲ
5 Complete the main task "Return Home". シティ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Narrator Ⅳ
5 Complete the main task "Battle Report". リテム SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Narrator Ⅴ●
5 Complete the main task "Conclusion". マクアド SG5 Acquisition Ticket
サイドタスク (タスク6種/称号6個)
Side Tasks (6 Tasks / 6 Titles)
ARKS Professional Ⅰ
5 Complete 10 side tasks. 横道 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Professional Ⅱ
5 Complete 20 side tasks. サイド SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Professional Ⅲ
5 Complete 30 side tasks. 行動的 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Professional Ⅳ●
5 Complete 50 side tasks. 好奇心 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One who restored Peace: Aelio
5 Complete the side story "Hometown Memorial". SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The One who restored Peace: Retem
5 Complete the side story "Song of Restoration". 音楽 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
デイリータスク (タスク5種/称号6個)
Daily Tasks (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Daily Training Ⅰ
5 Complete 5 daily tasks 1日 / な SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Daily Training Ⅱ
5 Complete 30 daily tasks 日課 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Daily Training Ⅲ
5 Complete 150 daily tasks 毎日 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Daily Training Ⅳ
10 Complete 450 daily tasks いつでも SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Daily Training Ⅴ●
20 Complete 900 daily tasks ずっと SG20 Acquisition Ticket
ウィークリータスク (タスク5種/称号6個)
Weekly Tasks (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Continuity is Strength Ⅰ
5 Complete one weekly task. 1週間 / と SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Continuity is Strength Ⅱ
5 Complete 5 weekly tasks. 週間 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Continuity is Strength Ⅲ
5 Complete 20 weekly tasks. 習慣 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Continuity is Strength Ⅳ
10 Complete 60 weekly tasks. 大変 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Continuity is Strength Ⅴ●
20 Complete 120 weekly tasks. よくがんばりました SG20 Acquisition Ticket
ループタスク (タスク5種/称号5個)
Loop Tasks (5 tasks / 5 titles)
ARKS Advanced Training Participant Ⅰ
5 Complete 5 loop tasks that can be received from the ARKS Senior Training Instructor Ronaldine. ループ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Advanced Training Participant Ⅱ
5 Complete 30 loop tasks that can be received from the ARKS Senior Training Instructor Ronaldine. 連破 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Advanced Training Participant Ⅲ
5 Complete 150 loop tasks that can be received from the ARKS Senior Training Instructor Ronaldine. 常勝 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Advanced Training Participant Ⅳ
10 Complete 450 loop tasks that can be received from the ARKS Senior Training Instructor Ronaldine. 連綿 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Advanced Training Participant Ⅴ●
20 Complete 900 loop tasks that can be received from the ARKS Senior Training Instructor Ronaldine. 輪廻 SG20 Acquisition Ticket


7 tasks / 7 titles

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
チャット (タスク4種/称号4個)
Chat (4 tasks / 4 titles)
ARKS Speaker Ⅰ
5 Speak in any chat 5 times. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Speaker Ⅱ
5 Speak in any chat 150 times. おしゃべり SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Speaker Ⅲ●
10 Speak in any chat 450 times. 井戸端会議 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Communicator
5 Speak in a group chat 10 times. グループ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
アークスカード (タスク3種/称号3個)
ARKS Card (3 tasks / 3 titles)
ARKS Card Watcher Ⅰ
5 Browse another player's ARKS Card once. 目撃者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Card Watcher Ⅱ
5 Browse another player's ARKS Card 30 times. カード SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ARKS Card Watcher Ⅲ●
10 Browse another player's ARKS Card 100 times. 運命 SG10 Acquisition Ticket


48 tasks / 48 titles

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
ギャザリング (タスク15種/称号15個)
Gathering (15 tasks / 15 titles)
Vegetable Harvesting Master Ⅰ
5 Obtain vegetables 10 times by gathering. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Vegetable Harvesting Master Ⅱ
5 Obtain vegetables 300 times by gathering. 検知器 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Vegetable Harvesting Master Ⅲ●
10 Obtain vegetables 1000 times by gathering. シックスセンス SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Fruit Harvesting Master Ⅰ
5 Obtain fruit 10 times by gathering. 拾い手 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Fruit Harvesting Master Ⅱ
5 Obtain fruit 300 times by gathering. 嗅覚 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Fruit Harvesting Master Ⅲ●
10 Obtain fruit 1000 times by gathering. くんくん SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Seafood Harvesting Master Ⅰ
5 Obtain seafood 10 times by gathering. 素材 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Seafood Harvesting Master Ⅱ
5 Obtain seafood 300 times by gathering. リメイン SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Seafood Harvesting Master Ⅲ●
10 Obtain seafood 1000 times by gathering. サーチ SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Tames Hunting Master Ⅰ
5 Obtain tames meat 10 times by gathering. ギャザリング SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tames Hunting Master Ⅱ
5 Obtain tames meat 300 times by gathering. ディスカバー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Tames Hunting Master Ⅲ●
10 Obtain tames meat 1000 times by gathering. トレジャーハンター SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Ore Mining Master Ⅰ
5 Obtain ore 10 times by gathering. ギャザラー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Ore Mining Master Ⅱ
5 Obtain ore 300 times by gathering. ダウジング SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Ore Mining Master Ⅲ●
10 Obtain ore 1000 times by gathering. アーティファクト SG10 Acquisition Ticket
アイテムコンテナ (タスク11種/称号11個)
Item Containers (11 tasks / 11 titles)
Item Container [Green] Destroyer Ⅰ
5 Destroy the Item Container [Green] and obtain items 50 times. コンテナ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Green] Destroyer Ⅱ
5 Destroy the Item Container [Green] and obtain items 1500 times. 探索者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Green] Destroyer Ⅲ●
10 Destroy the Item Container [Green] and obtain items 4500 times. やっと SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Gold] Destroyer Ⅰ
5 Destroy the Item Container [Gold] and obtain items once. SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Gold] Destroyer Ⅱ
5 Destroy the Item Container [Gold] and obtain items 30 times. 察知 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Gold] Destroyer Ⅲ●
10 Destroy the Item Container [Gold] and obtain items 100 times. 強運 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Red] Destroyer Ⅰ
5 Destroy the Item Container [Red] and obtain items once. 発見 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Red] Destroyer Ⅱ
5 Destroy the Item Container [Red] and obtain items 50 times. 見つける物 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Red] Destroyer Ⅲ●
10 Destroy the Item Container [Red] and obtain items 100 times. ファインダー SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Red] Destroyer: Aelio
20 Destroy all Item Containers [Red] in Aelio and get items 113 times. 秘蔵 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
Item Container [Red] Destroyer: Retem
20 Destroy all Item Containers [Red] in Retem and get items 183 times. 貴重 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
メッセージパック (タスク4種/称号4個)
Message Packs (4 tasks / 4 titles)
Message Pack Reader Ⅰ
5 Browse 1 message pack. 情報 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Message Pack Reader Ⅱ
5 Browse 10 message packs. メッセージ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Message Pack Reader Ⅲ
10 Browse 20 message packs. 気になる SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Message Pack Reader Ⅳ●
20 Browse 50 message packs. 興味 SG20 Acquisition Ticket
リージョンマグ (タスク6種/称号6個)
Region Mag (6 tasks / 6 titles)
Region Mag Caretaker Ⅰ
5 Put items in any region mag and increase energy by 300 points おせっかい SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Region Mag Caretaker Ⅱ
5 Put items in any region mag and increase energy by 10000 points いいひと SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Region Mag Caretaker Ⅲ●
10 Put items in any region mag and increase energy by 30000 points 世話係 SG10 Acquisition Ticket
Region Mag Customer Ⅰ
5 Activate the R. Magboost [Individual] once. マグ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Region Mag Customer Ⅱ
5 Activate the R. Magboost [Individual] 30 times. バフ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Region Mag Customer Ⅲ●
10 Activate the R. Magboost [Individual] 100 times. ブースト SG10 Acquisition Ticket
NPC (タスク4種/称号4個)
NPC (4 tasks / 4 titles)
Well-Known ARKS Ⅰ
5 Talk to 1 resident. NPC SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Well-Known ARKS Ⅱ
5 Talk to 20 residents. 知り合い SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Well-Known ARKS Ⅲ
5 Talk to 40 residents. 友達 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Well-Known ARKS Ⅳ●
5 Talk to 70 residents. 親友 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ロケーション (タスク6種/称号6個)
Location (6 tasks / 6 titles)
Children's Favorite
5 Stand in the center between Nico Lulu and Rolo, residents of Central City. 人気者 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Behind the Scenes ARKS
5 Go to the back of the live monitor. 舞台裏 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The Pinnacle of Central City
5 Go to the highest point in Central City. 頂上 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Desert Spotlight
5 Go over the stagelights in Retem City. スポットライト SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Meeting Place on the Outskirts of the City
5 Go near the residents on the outskirts of Retem City. 街はずれ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
The Pinnacle of Retem City
5 Go to the highest point in Retem City. 天辺 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
冒険:その他 (タスク2種/称号2個)
Adventure: Other (2 tasks / 2 titles)
Rappy Observer
5 Discover the singing rappy once. ラッピー SG5 Acquisition Ticket
Lucky Collision※1
5 Collide once with the falling Stellar Gift 激痛 SG5 Acquisition Ticket

※1: The achievement will be completed if you are around at the time of impact, even if you are not directly hit |-|期間限定/Limited Time=

13 tasks / 13 titles

Task Name pts Acquisition Condition Title Other Rewards
シーズナルポイント (タスク3種/称号3個)
Seasonal Points (3 tasks / 3 titles)
[Winter '22] Point Collector
5 Collect 300,000 seasonal points during the Winter '22 event.
Available period: January 12 to February 9, 2022
冬眠中 NGS Weapon Camo *テンペスターアルマティ
SG5 Acquisition Ticket
NGS Weapon Camo *Tempestar Armati
[Spring '22] Point Collector
5 Collect 300,000 seasonal points during the Spring '22 event.
Available period: March 9 to April 6, 2022
芽生え NGS Weapon Camo *ルメイラーアルマティ
SG5 Acquisition Ticket
NGS Weapon Camo *Lumeira Armati
【『NGS』 1周年記念】 ポイントゲッター
["NGS" 1st Anniversary] Point Collector
5 Collect 300,000 seasonal points during the ["NGS" 1st Anniversary] event.
Available period: May 11 to June 8, 2022
記念日 SG5 獲得チケット
NGS Weapon Camo *オブスクラルアルマティ
SG5 Acquisition Ticket
NGS Weapon Camo *Obscural Armati
ミスチーフシンボル (タスク5種/称号5個)
Mischief Symbol (5 tasks / 5 titles)
[Christmas '21] Symbol Mania
5 Discover all Mischief Symbols during the [Christmas '21] event. (10 in Central City)
Available period: December 22 to December 31, 2021
クリスマス SG5 Acquisition Ticket
[New Year '22] Symbol Mania
5 Discover all Mischief Symbols during the [New Year '22] event. (10 in Central City)
Available period: January 1 to January 5, 2022
新年 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
[Winter '22] Symbol Mania
5 Discover all Mischief Symbols during the [Winter '22] event. (10 in Central City)
Available period: January 12 to February 9, 2022
SG5 Acquisition Ticket
[Spring '22] Symbol Mania
5 Discover 16 Mischief Symbols during the [Spring '22] event. (32 in total in Aelio and Retem)
Available period: March 9 to April 6, 2022
SG5 Acquisition Ticket
【 『NGS』 1周年記念】 シンボルマニア
["NGS" 1st Anniversary] Symbol Mania
5 Discover 16 Mischief Symbols during the ["NGS" 1st Anniversary] event.
Available period: May 11 to June 8, 2022
1周年 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
クエスト (タスク2種/称号2個)
Quest (2 tasks / 2 titles)
[Spring '22] Those who do not neglect training
5 Blue Portal: Complete the variable and orderable quest "Simulation: Horde Eradication" once.
Available period: March 9 to April 6, 2022
花吹雪 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
【『NGS』 1周年記念】 訓練を怠らぬ者
["NGS" 1st Anniversary] Those who do not neglect training
5 Blue Portal: Complete the variable and orderable quest "Subjugation: Chaotic Destiny" once.
Available period: May 11 to June 8, 2022
打ち上げ花火 SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ワールドトライアル (タスク2種/称号2個)
World Trial (2 tasks / 2 titles)
[Spring '22] Grace Collector
5 During the [Spring '22] event, collect 10 Stellar Grace in the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation".
Available period: March 9 to April 6, 2022
SG5 Acquisition Ticket
【『NGS』 1周年記念】 グレイスコレクター
["NGS" 1st Anniversary] Grace Collector
5 During the ["NGS" 1st Anniversary] event, collect 10 Stellar Grace in the World Trial "Stellar Grace Recovery Operation".
Available period: May 11 to June 8, 2022
おめでとう SG5 Acquisition Ticket
ギャザリング (タスク1種/称号1個)
Gathering (1 task / 1 title)
【 『NGS』 1周年記念】 鉱石採掘家
["NGS" 1st Anniversary] Ore Miner
5 Mine 10 Randomite.
Available period: May 11 to June 8, 2022
サプライズ SG5 Acquisition Ticket
