Lobby Actions

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Revision as of 06:06, 16 December 2024 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (added PSO2 Fashion Directory)
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PSO2 Fashion Directory
Costume Male Costumes Costume Female Costumes Outerwear (NGS) Male Layered Wear Outerwear (NGS) Female Layered Wear
Hairstyle (NGS) Head Parts Body Parts (NGS) Body Parts Arm Parts (NGS) Arm Parts Leg Parts (NGS) Leg Parts
Accessory (NGS) Accessories (Accs.)
Hairstyle (NGS) Accs. (Upper Head) Makeup (NGS) Accs. (Middle Head) Hairstyle (NGS) Accs. (Head Accessories) Basewear (NGS) Accs. (Neck and Shoulders) Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Chest)
Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Back) Arm Parts (NGS) Accs. (Hands and Arms) Body Parts (NGS) Accs. (Waist and Hips) Leg Parts (NGS) Accs. (Legs and Feet) Eyes (NGS) Accs. (Around)
Hairstyle (NGS) Hairstyles Eyes (NGS) Eyes Eyebrows (NGS) Eyebrows Eyelashes (NGS) Eyelashes
Face (NGS) Faces Makeup (NGS) Makeup Body Paint (NGS) Body Paints
Ticket Voice Tickets Ticket Lobby Actions Ticket Stickers
Lobby Actions (ロビーアクション) are different poses that can be performed by a character.

Lobby Actions (PSO2) | Lobby Actions (NGS)

Basic Lobby Actions

EN Name JP Name Acquisition Command Shortcut Loop
Imitate モノマネ Default /la monomane
Reaction リアクション Default /la reaction
Greet 挨拶 Default /la greet [Alt] + Z
Wave 手を振る Default /la wave [Alt] + W
Bow Default /la bow [Alt] + B
Salute 敬礼 Default /la salute [Alt] + R
Yes 肯定 Default /la yes [Alt] + Y
No 否定 Default /la no [Alt] + N
Apologize 謝る Default /la sorry [Alt] + S
Provoke 挑発 Default /la provoke [Alt] + V
Praise 褒める Default /la praise [Alt] + T
Kiss キス Default /la kiss [Alt] + K
How are you? 元気? Default /la howareyou [Alt] + Q
Point 指を指す Default /la you [Alt] + U
Cheer 応援 Default /la yell [Alt] + E
Show Fighting Spirit 気合を入れる Default /la guts [Alt] + G
Laugh 大笑い Default /la laugh [Alt] + L
Applause 拍手 Default /la clap [Alt] + A
Sit 1 座る1 Default /la sit1 [Alt] + X
Sit 2 座る2 Default /la sit2 [Alt] + C
Pose 1 ポーズ1 Default /la pose2 [Alt] + H
Pose 2 ポーズ2 Default /la pose2 [Alt] + J
Dance 1 ダンス1 Default /la dance1 [Alt] + D UICheckMarkIcon.png
Dance 2 ダンス2 Default /la dance2 [Alt] + F UICheckMarkIcon.png
Dark Blast ダークブラスト Default /la darkblast
Dark Blast 2 ダークブラスト2 Default /la darkblast2
Dark Blast 3 ダークブラスト3 Default /la darkblast3
Dark Blast 4 ダークブラスト4 Default /la darkblast4

Additional Lobby Actions

No. EN Name JP Name Acquisition Method Command Loop
1 Leave It To Me! 01「任せろ!」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/9/2016)
/la liveit
2 Reluctance 02「イヤイヤ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la deny
3 Tired 03「不調」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la tired
4 Delighted 04「喜ぶ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/7/2016)
/la happy
5 Angry 05「怒る」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la angry
6 Sad 06「悲しい」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la sad
7 Cheerful 07「ウキウキ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la fun
8 Disgusted 08「呆れる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la disgust
9 Worry 09「悩む」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la worry
10 Shy 10「照れる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la shy
11 Surprise 11「驚き」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la surprise
12  Frustrated 12「地団駄」 ACAC Scratch: Summer Festival
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la frustrated
13 Cry 13「泣く」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la cry
14 Ball 14「ボール」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la ball
15 Peep 15「覗く」 ACAC Scratch: Autumn Full Moon
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la peep
16 Bed 1 16「ベッド1」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bed1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
17 Bed 2 17「ベッド2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bed2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
18 Sexy 18「セクシー」 ACAC Scratch: Summer Vacation
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
/la sexy
19 Drunk 19「酔っ払い」 ACAC Scratch: Happy Wedding
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
/la drunk
20 Pose 3 20「ポーズ3」 ACAC Scratch: Shop Staff Carnival
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la pose3
21 Pose 4 21「ポーズ4」 ACAC Scratch: Halloween Night Party
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la pose4
22 Pose 5 22「ポーズ5」 ACAC Scratch: ARKS Flag Ceremony
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la pose5
23 Back Pride 23「背中自慢」 ACAC Scratch: Happy Wish New Year /la proudback
24 Arm Pride 24「腕自慢」 ACAC Scratch: Sweet Honey Valentine /la proundarm
25 Leg Pride 25「脚自慢」 ACAC Scratch: Lillipa Wonder Caravan
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
/la proudleg
26 Dance 3 26「ダンス3」 ACAC Scratch: Happy Wedding
ACAC Scratch: Melody on Stage
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la dance3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
27 Dance 4 27「ダンス4」 ACAC Scratch: White Snow Christmas
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
/la dance4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
28 Dance 5 28「ダンス5」 ACAC Scratch: Universe Star Collection
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance5 UICheckMarkIcon.png
29 Sing 29「唄う」 ACAC Scratch: Spring Romantica
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sing UICheckMarkIcon.png
30 Good Job 30「グッジョブ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la gj
31 Unbearable! 31「たまらん!」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/8/2016)
/la pleasure
32 Space Channel 5 Dance 32「スペチャン5ダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Sega Platinum Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sc5dance
33 Painful 33「苦しい」 ACAC Scratch: Butler Maid Tea Time
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
/la pains UICheckMarkIcon.png
34 Space Channel 5 Ulala 34「スペチャン5うらら」 ACAC Scratch: Sega Platinum Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sc5ulala UICheckMarkIcon.png
35 Hoist 35「掲げる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la flag
36 Pose 6 36「ポーズ6」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la pose6
37 Sit 3 37「座る3」 ACAC Scratch: Shining Girls Festa
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sit3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
38 Dance 6 38「ダンス6」 ACAC Scratch: Holy Bright Priest
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance6 UICheckMarkIcon.png
39 Light Wave 1 39「ライトを振る1」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la clight1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
40 Light Wave 2 40「ライトを振る2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la clight2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
41 Light Wave 3 41「ライトを振る3」 ACAC Scratch: Sega Star Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la clight3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
42 Dance 7 42「ダンス7」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/6/2016)
Reward Box Jul'24
/la dance7 UICheckMarkIcon.png
43 Dance 8 43「ダンス8」 ACAC Scratch: A Dazzling Star Festa
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance8 UICheckMarkIcon.png
44 Pose 7 44「ポーズ7」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose7
45 Pose 8 45「ポーズ8」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose8
46 O or X 46「○ or ×」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la yesorno
47 Camera 47「カメラを構える」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus
/la cam
48 Stretch 48「背伸び」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la hima
49 Appeal 49「アピール」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la appeal
50 Virtual-On 50「バーチャロン」 ACAC Scratch: Sega Arcade Selection
ACAC Scratch: Eccentric Party
/la virtualon UICheckMarkIcon.png
52 Splash 52「水をかける」 ACAC Scratch: Heroes Summer Beach
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la splash1
53 Splashed 53「水をかけられる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la splash2
54 Dance 9 54「ダンス9」 ACAC Scratch: Heroes Summer Beach
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance9 UICheckMarkIcon.png
55 Go! 55「行くぞ!」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la go
56 Hot 56「暑い」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la hot
57 Dance 10 57「ダンス10」 ACAC Scratch: Wild Ocean Pirates
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance10 UICheckMarkIcon.png
58 Bashful 58「モジモジ」 ACAC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
/la shy2
59 Dance 11 59「ダンス11」 ACAC Scratch: Endless Summer Collection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sance11 UICheckMarkIcon.png
60 Dance 12 60「ダンス12」 ACAC Scratch: Autumn Sports Festival
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance12 UICheckMarkIcon.png
61 Fold Arms 61「腕を組む」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la foldarms
62 Yoo-hoo 62「やっほー」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la hello
63 Animal 63「アニマル」 ACAC Scratch: Moonlight Bunny
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la animal
64 Warming Up 64「準備運動」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/4/2016)
/la warmingup1
65 Boxing 65「ボクシング」 ACAC Scratch: Autumn Sports Festival
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
/la warmingup2
66 Waiting 66「待機中」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la waiting UICheckMarkIcon.png
67 Kick 67「キック」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la kick
68 Hitting 68「乱打」 ACAC Scratch: Ultimate Fighter
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la rush
69 Dance 13 69「ダンス13」 ACAC Scratch: Ultimate Fighter
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
/la dance13 UICheckMarkIcon.png
70 Dance 14 70「ダンス14」 ACAC Scratch: Magical Dark Fantasy
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance14 UICheckMarkIcon.png
71 Model 1 71「モデル1」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la model1
72 Model 2 72「モデル2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la model2
73 Waza 73「ワザ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la waza
74 Enemy 1 74「エネミー1」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la enemy1
75 Dance 15 75「ダンス15」 ACAC Scratch: Aerial Gunner
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
/la dance15 UICheckMarkIcon.png
76 Dance 16 76「ダンス16」 ACAC Scratch: Phantasm Artifact
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
/la dance16 UICheckMarkIcon.png
77 Worship 77「お参り」 ACAC Scratch: Happy New Year Party
ACAC Scratch: Accessory Retrospective 2012 – 13
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la omairi
78 Manzai 78「漫才」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la manzai
79 Present 79「プレゼント」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Reward Box Dec '23
/la present
80 Dance 17 80「ダンス17」 ACAC Scratch: Very Merry Christmas
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la dance17 UICheckMarkIcon.png
81 Jest 81「からかう」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la jest
82 Pose 9 82「ポーズ9」 ACAC Scratch: Dragon's Altar
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la pose9
83 Dance 18 83「ダンス18」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design Reception
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance18 UICheckMarkIcon.png
84 Model Walk 84「モデル歩き」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la modelwalk
85 Head Tilt 85「首をかしげる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la what
86 Despair 86「落ち込む」 ACAC Scratch: Oriental Style Expo
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la orz UICheckMarkIcon.png
87 Greet 2 87「挨拶2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la greet2
88 Yell 2 88「応援2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la yell2
89 Curse 89「呪い」 ACAC Scratch: Cosmic School Life
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la curse
90 Pose 10 90「ポーズ10」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose10
91 Lean 91「よりかかる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la lean UICheckMarkIcon.png
92 Salute 2 92「敬礼2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la salute2
93 Dance 19 93「ダンス19」 ACAC Scratch: Maximum Attack on Titan
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
/la dance19 UICheckMarkIcon.png
94 Ichitaro 94「イチタロー」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ichitaro
95 Momoi 95「モモーイ」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la momoi UICheckMarkIcon.png
96 Enomoto 96「エノモト」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la enomoto
97 Symbol P 97「人文字P」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Secret Phrase
/la symbolP
98 Symbol S 98「人文字S」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Secret Phrase
/la symbolS
99 Symbol O 99「人文字O」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Secret Phrase
/la symbolO
100 Symbol 2 100「人文字2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Secret Phrase
/la symbol2
101 Backflip 101「バク転」 ACAC Scratch: Radical Laboratory
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Sheep
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la backflip UICheckMarkIcon.png
102 Inspire 102「訴えかける」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la resort
103 Cartwheel 103「側転」 ACAC Scratch: Celestial Luster
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
/la cartwheel UICheckMarkIcon.png
104 Mic Performance 104「マイクパフォーマンス」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la mc
105 Head Banging 105「ヘッドバンギング」 ACAC Scratch: Twinkle Splash
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: Automata Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la headbanging UICheckMarkIcon.png
106 Wave 2 106「手を振る2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la wave2
107 Bow 2 107「礼2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bow2
108 Squat 108「スクワット」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la squat UICheckMarkIcon.png
109 Toast 109「乾杯」 Arkuma Prize Shop
/la cheers
110 Dance 20 110「ダンス20」 ACAC Scratch: Sega Platinum Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance20 UICheckMarkIcon.png
111 Dance 21 111「ダンス21」 ACAC Scratch: Shining Heroes
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la dance21 UICheckMarkIcon.png
113 Ichitaro 2 113「イチタロー2」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ichitaro2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
114 Ichitaro 3 114「イチタロー3」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ichitaro3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
115 Enomoto 2 115「エノモト2」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la enomoto2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
116 Enomoto 3 116「エノモト3」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la enomoto3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
117 Fireworks 117「花火」 ACAC Scratch: Electronic Diva
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
Recycle ShopNGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange
/la fireworks
118 Talking 118「会話中」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la talking UICheckMarkIcon.png
119 Pose 11 119「ポーズ11」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose11
120 Banzai 120「万歳」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la banzai
121 Victory 121「優勝」 Interrupt Ranking Grand Prize
NGS ARKS Record Badge Exchange
/la winner
122 Dance 22 122「ダンス22」 ACAC Scratch: Sega Arcade Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
/la dance22 UICheckMarkIcon.png
123 Air Baseball 123「エア野球」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Lobby Action Gesture Campaign (8/5/2016)
/la baseball
124 Dance 23 124「ダンス23」 ACAC Scratch: Irregulars Summer
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance23 UICheckMarkIcon.png
125 Fishing 125「釣り」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Recycle ShopNGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange
/la fishing
126 Yopparai 126「ヨッパライ」 Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la yopparai
127 Ichitaro 4 127「イチタロー4」 Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ichitaro4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
128 Enomoto 4 128「エノモト4」 Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la enomoto4
129 Pose 12 129「ポーズ12」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose12
130 Terminal 130「端末操作」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la console UICheckMarkIcon.png
131 Wish 131「期待する」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la wish
132 Joy 132「大喜び」 Arkuma's Prize Shop
New registration campaign special edition!
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la joy
133 Dance 24 133「ダンス24」 ACAC Scratch: Gold Rush Fever
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited Accessory Selection 2015
/la dance24 UICheckMarkIcon.png
134 Dance 25 134「ダンス25」 ACAC Scratch: Mystic Moon
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance25 UICheckMarkIcon.png
135 Dance 26 135「ダンス26」 ACAC Scratch: Luxurious Performer
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance26 UICheckMarkIcon.png
136 Air Guitar 136「エアギター」/ UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la guitar UICheckMarkIcon.png
137 Dance 27 137「ダンス27」 ACAC Scratch: Knights and Battle Athlete
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance27 UICheckMarkIcon.png
138 Mae Narae 138「前ならえ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la line
139 Pose 13 139「ポーズ13」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose13
140 Horror 140「ホラー」 ACAC Scratch: Unlimited Brave
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la horror UICheckMarkIcon.png
141 Treats Please 141「お菓子ちょうだい」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la halloween
142 Dance 28 142「ダンス28」 ACAC Scratch: Noble Maid Afternoon
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance28 UICheckMarkIcon.png
143 Blown Away 143「吹っ飛ぶ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la crash
144 Cracker 144「クラッカー」 Arkuma Prize Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la cracker
145 Dance 29 145「ダンス29」 ACAC Scratch: Holy Night Christmas
ACAC Scratch: 3rd Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance29 UICheckMarkIcon.png
146 Pose 14 146「ポーズ14」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la pose14
147 Dance 30 147「ダンス30」 ACAC Scratch: Cosmo Fleet Hero
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance30 UICheckMarkIcon.png
148 Cold 148「寒がる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch: Yuttari Recreation /la cold
149 Akkarin 149「アッカリーン」 ACAC Scratch: Yuttari Recreation /la yuruyuri UICheckMarkIcon.png
150 Red & Blue Board 150「ボード赤・青」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la boardRB UICheckMarkIcon.png
151 Green & Yellow Board 151「ボード緑・黄」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la boardGY UICheckMarkIcon.png
152 White & Black Board 152「ボード白・黒」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la boardWB UICheckMarkIcon.png
153 Dance 31 153「ダンス31」 ACAC Scratch: Harukotan Style
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la dance31 UICheckMarkIcon.png
154 Dance 32 154「ダンス32」 ACAC Scratch: Materialize Vision
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la dance32 UICheckMarkIcon.png
155 Pose 15 155「ポーズ15」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la pose15
156 Warm 156「温まる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la warm UICheckMarkIcon.png
157 Taiki 157「和服待機」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la taiki1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
158 Criminal Pose 158「咎人ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Million Years Prisoner /la FWPose UICheckMarkIcon.png
159 Snowball Fight 159「雪合戦」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la snow
160 Sideflip 160「側宙」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 2 [Side A]
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la sideflip UICheckMarkIcon.png
161 Hip Hip Hooray! 161「エイエイオー!」 Arkumami's Prize Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la eieio
162 Kick 2 162「キック2」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 2 [Side B]
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la kick2
163 Pose 16 163「ポーズ16」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la pose16
164 Dance 33 164「ダンス33」 ACAC Scratch: School Days Graffiti
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
/la dance33 UICheckMarkIcon.png
165 Fighting Pose 1 165「構える1」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la fightpose1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
166 Fighting Pose 2 166「構える2」 ACAC Scratch: Zestiria Collection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la fightpose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
167 S Jump 167「Sジャンプ」 ACAC Scratch: Warring Chronicles
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la Sjump
168 Symbol 0 (Zero) 168「人文字0(ゼロ)」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol0
169 Symbol 1 169「人文字1」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol1
170 Symbol 3 170「人文字3」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol3
171 Symbol 4 171「人文字4」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol4
172 Symbol 5 172「人文字5」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol5
173 Symbol 6 173「人文字6」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol6
174 Symbol 7 174「人文字7」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol7
175 Symbol 8 175「人文字8」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol8
176 Symbol 9 176「人文字9」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la symbol9
177 Soap Bubbles 177「シャボン玉」 ACAC Scratch: Imitate Phantasm
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la bubble
178 Enemy 2 178「エネミー2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la enemy2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
179 Air Umbrella 179「エア傘」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la umbrella1
180 Real Umbrella 180「リアル傘」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la umbrella2
181 Dance 34 181「ダンス34」 ACAC Scratch: Sacred Witchcraft
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Monkey Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance34 UICheckMarkIcon.png
182 Singer 182「シンガー」 Character CD ~Song Festival~II Item code
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la singer UICheckMarkIcon.png
183 Eat 183「食べる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Story Quest Clear Campaign
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay
/la eat
184 Pose 17 184「ポーズ17」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose17
185 Dance 35 185「ダンス35」 ACAC Scratch: Shining Live Stage
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance35 UICheckMarkIcon.png
186 Frightened 186「怯える」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la fear UICheckMarkIcon.png
187 Sweeping 187「掃除」 ACAC Scratch: Magical Prism Phantasm
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la clean UICheckMarkIcon.png
188 Virtual-On 2 188「バーチャロン2」 ACAC Scratch: Eccentric Party /la virtualon2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
189 Fanning 1 189「扇ぐ1」 ACAC Scratch: Versus Guilty Gear
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
/la fan1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
190 Volleyball 190「ビーチバレー」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Recycle ShopNGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange
/la volley
191 Pose 18 191「ポーズ18」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose18
192 Crouch 192「しゃがむ」 Fashion Catalog 2012-2015 Item code
Dengeki Badge Exchange
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
Rare DropTreasure Scratch Vol.3 Scratch Bonus
/la crouch UICheckMarkIcon.png
193 Fireworks 2 193「花火2」 ACAC Scratch: Versus BlazBlue
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la fireworks2
194 ARKS Dance 194「ARKSダンス」 Title Reward
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ARKSdance UICheckMarkIcon.png
195 Running in Circles 195「ぐるぐる」 ACAC Scratch: Mikagura School Sweet
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la guruguru UICheckMarkIcon.png
196 Fanning 2 196「扇ぐ2」 ACAC Scratch: 7th Dragon Encounter
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la fan2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
197 Pose 19 197「ポーズ19」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose19
198 Dizzy Walk 198「ふらふら歩き」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la furafura UICheckMarkIcon.png
199 Calisthenics 199「体操」 ACAC Scratch: Mega Dimension Heroines
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la strech UICheckMarkIcon.png
200 Free Kick 200「フリーキック」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la freekick
201 Dance 36 201「ダンス36」 ACAC Scratch: Halloween Night Masquerade
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
/la dance36 UICheckMarkIcon.png
202 Pose 20 202「ポーズ20」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose20
203 Floating 203「浮遊」 ACAC Scratch: Fairy Tail Fantasia
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: Automata Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la float UICheckMarkIcon.png
204 Hopping 204「ピョンピョン」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la hopping UICheckMarkIcon.png
205 Sit 4 205「座る4」 ACAC Scratch: Dragon Raid Chronicle
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2016 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la sit4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
206 Dance 37 206「ダンス37」 ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Detective
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la dance37 UICheckMarkIcon.png
207 Pose 21 207「ポーズ21」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la pose21
208 ARKS Pose 208「ARKSポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Legend of Heroes
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la ARKSpose
209 Wall Slam 209「壁ドン」 ACAC Scratch: Devil Wars History
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la lean2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
210 Surprise 2 210「驚き2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la surprise2
211 Sidestep Drill 211「反復横跳び」 ACAC Scratch: Shining Live Encore
ACAC Scratch: 4th Anniversary Revival Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
/la sidestep UICheckMarkIcon.png
212 Magic Trick 212「手品」 ACAC Scratch: Maestro Summoner
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la magichat
213 Pose 22 213「ポーズ22」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la pose22
214 Snowball Fight 2 214「雪合戦2」 ACAC Scratch: Street Style Snap
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la snow2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
215 Survey 215「見渡す」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Story Quest Clear Campaign
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay
/la lookout UICheckMarkIcon.png
216 Somersault Dogeza 216「S土下座」 ACAC Scratch: TOKYO Heroine Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la Sdogeza
217 Bow 3 217「礼3」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bow3
218 Jelly Drink 218「ゼリー飲料を飲む」 7-11 Jelly Drink
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus
/la jelly
219 Graduation Pose 219「卒業ポーズ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la graduate UICheckMarkIcon.png
220 Petals 220「花びら」 Arkmami Prize Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
Reward Box Feb '24
/la petal UICheckMarkIcon.png
221 Gravure Pose 221「グラビアポーズ」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
Recycle ShopNGS: Growthment II Limited Exchange
/la gravure
222 Yuataso 222「ゆあタソ」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la yuataso
223 Airin 223「あいりん」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la airin
224 Yatta 224「やったー」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la yatta
225 Present Box 225「プレゼントボックス」 ACAC Scratch: Planet Explorer
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la presentbox UICheckMarkIcon.png
226 Swing 226「ブランコ」 ACAC Scratch: Star Chef Galaxy
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la swing UICheckMarkIcon.png
227 Fly 227「とぶ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side A]
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la fly UICheckMarkIcon.png
228 Air Iai 228「エア居合」 ACAC Scratch: Toro & Kuro Station
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Full Moon Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la airiai
229 Cat Pose 229「ネコポーズ」 Secret Phrase
EPISODE 5 Story Quest Campaign
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la nekopose
230 Kancho 230「カンチョー」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la kancho
231 Bang Bang 231「バキューン」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bang
232 Gravure Pose 2 232「グラビアポーズ2」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la gravure2
233 Unique Step 233「ユニークステップ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side B]
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la uniquestep UICheckMarkIcon.png
234 Dislike 234「嫌がる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la dislike UICheckMarkIcon.png
235 Sortie 235「出撃」 ACAC Scratch: Airy Elegant Summer
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la sortie UICheckMarkIcon.png
236 Awakening 236「覚醒」 ACAC Scratch: Kabukimono Style
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la trance
237 Bouquet 237「花束」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bouquet
238 Surround 238「回る」 ACAC Scratch: Assault Force
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Rooster Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la turn UICheckMarkIcon.png
239 Boxing 2 239「ボクシング2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la boxing2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
240 Hyur Dance 240「ヒューランダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Eorzea Selection /la Hyurandance UICheckMarkIcon.png
241 Miqo’te Dance 241「ミコッテダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Eorzea Selection /la Miqo'tedance UICheckMarkIcon.png
242 Sit Down 242「腰掛ける」 ACAC Scratch: Shiny Summer Days
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sitdown UICheckMarkIcon.png
243 Watermelon Splitting 243「スイカ割り」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la watermelon
244 Fire Dance 244「ファイアーダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Seaside Vacation
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la firedance UICheckMarkIcon.png
245 Languid 245「気怠い」 ACAC Scratch: King of Monsters
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la languid UICheckMarkIcon.png
246 Air Board 246「エアボード」 ACAC Scratch: Gurhal Collection 1 Scratch Bonus
ACAC Scratch: Gurhal Memorial Collection Scratch Bonus
/la airboard UICheckMarkIcon.png
247 Hug 247「ハグ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la hug
248 Shake 248「揺れる」 ACAC Scratch: Medical Cure Station
ACAC Scratch: Beautiful Spring! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la shake UICheckMarkIcon.png
249 Pose 23 249「ポーズ23」 ACAC Scratch: Medical Cure Station Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la pose23
250 Rock, Paper, Scissors 250「じゃんけん」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la janken
251 Itchō-jime 251「一丁締め」 ACAC Scratch: Earth Grace Coordination
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la icchou
252 Flash 252「ひらめく」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la flash
253 Camera 2 253「カメラを構える2」 ACAC Scratch: Wonderland Party Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
/la cam2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
254 Vo Performance 254「Voパフォーマンス」 PSO2 Anime Character CD
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory Scratch Bonus
/la VoPerformance UICheckMarkIcon.png
255 Rappies 255「ラッピーズ」 Happy Rappy Campaign
ACLINE Pay AC purchase campaign
ACAC purchase campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Remix Line Jul '23 Scratch Bonus
/la rappy's UICheckMarkIcon.png
256 Cheer 1 256「声援1」 ACAC Scratch: Seaside Vacation Scratch Bonus
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la cheer1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
257 Cheer 2 257「声援2」 ACAC Scratch: Seaside Vacation Scratch Bonus
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la cheer2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
258 Hozue 258「ほおづえ」 Fashion Catalog 2015-2016 Item code
ACAC Purchase Campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories Scratch Bonus
/la hodue UICheckMarkIcon.png
259 Refined Greeting 259「品がある挨拶」 ACAC Scratch: Earth Grace Coordination Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
ACAC Scratch: Earth Collection Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la greeting UICheckMarkIcon.png
260 Dance 38 260「ダンス38」 ACAC Scratch: Wonderland Party
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance38 UICheckMarkIcon.png
261 Gymnastic Formation 261「組体操」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la Gformation UICheckMarkIcon.png
262 Drift 262「たゆたう」 ACAC Scratch: Million Arthur Collection
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2017 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la drift UICheckMarkIcon.png
263 Sulk 263「拗ねる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la sulk
264 Pose 24 264「ポーズ24」 ACAC Scratch: Million Arthur Collection Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la pose24 UICheckMarkIcon.png
265 Hold Sign 265「看板もち」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la signboard UICheckMarkIcon.png
266 Vivienne Dash 266「ヴィヴィアンダッシュ」 ACAC Scratch: Gurhal Collection 2 Scratch Bonus
ACAC Scratch: Gurhal Memorial Collection Scratch Bonus
/la vivian UICheckMarkIcon.png
267 Cooking 267「料理する」 ACAC Scratch: Gravity Princess Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
/la cooking UICheckMarkIcon.png
268 Flight Form 268「飛行形態」 ACAC Scratch: Brilliant Winter Scratch Bonus
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021 Scratch Bonus
/la flightform UICheckMarkIcon.png
269 Tea Party 269「どこでもお茶会」 PSO2 ARKS Café The Best
PSO2 ARKS Café 2019 Item code
/la teatime UICheckMarkIcon.png
270 Read Famitsu 270「ファミ通を読む」 Gavas Exchange Shop
/la famitu UICheckMarkIcon.png
271 Gravity Manipulation 271「重力操作」 ACAC Scratch: Gravity Princess /la gravitydaze
272 Emilia Pose 272「エミリアポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Gurhal Collection 2
ACAC Scratch: Nova Selection
ACAC Scratch: Gurhal Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la emilia UICheckMarkIcon.png
273 Terminal 2 273「端末操作2」 ACAC Scratch: Brilliant Winter
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la console2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
274 Beckon 274「手招く」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la beckon
275 Snow Play 275「雪遊び」 7-11 Ice Cream Campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories Scratch Bonus
/la snowplay UICheckMarkIcon.png
276 PR Pose 276「PRポーズ」 Shimamura Collaboration #2
ACAC Purchase Campaign
/la PRpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
277 Dance 39 277「ダンス39」 ACAC Scratch: Sacred Star Keeper
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance39 UICheckMarkIcon.png
278 Persona 5 278「ペルソナ5」 ACAC Scratch: Phantom & School Life
ACAC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth
/la persona5
279 Stroke 279「撫でる」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la stroke
280 Vo Performance 2 280「Voパフォーマンス2」 CD ~Song Festival~ Best
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
281 Dance 40 281「ダンス40」 ACAC Scratch: Starship Valkyrie
ACAC Scratch: 5th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance40 UICheckMarkIcon.png
282 Circle Formation 282「円陣」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la circle
283 Dance 41 283「ダンス41」 New Year 2017 Exchange Shop
April 2021 Login Campaign
/la dance41 UICheckMarkIcon.png
284 Dance 42 284「ダンス42」 ACAC Scratch: Sweet Love Passion
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance42 UICheckMarkIcon.png
285 Pardon? 285「聞き返す」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la pardon
286 Paper Airplane 286「紙飛行機」 ACAC Scratch: Sweet Love Passion Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
NGS Autumn '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la papercraft
287 Dance 43 287「ダンス43」 ACAC Scratch: Sparkle Fashionista
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance43 UICheckMarkIcon.png
288 Washbasin 288「たらい」 ACAC Scratch: Sparkle Fashionista Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la tub
289 Dance 44 289「ダンス44」 New Year 2017
Exchange Shop
/la dance44 UICheckMarkIcon.png
290 Ready Gun 290「銃を構える」 ACAC Scratch: Winter Symphony
ACAC Scratch: Titans Destruction
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la brace UICheckMarkIcon.png
291 Mock 291「茶化す」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la mock
292 Upright Scooter 292「立ち乗り二輪車 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Star Heroine Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la standvehicle UICheckMarkIcon.png
293 Ochaya Anywhere 293「どこでもお茶屋」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Star Heroine
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACAC Scratch: Automata Revival
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la ippuku UICheckMarkIcon.png
294 Waiting 2 294「待機中2」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la waiting2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
295 Kumite 295「組手」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side A] /la kumite UICheckMarkIcon.png
296 Sliding Movement 296「スライド移動」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side A] Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la slide UICheckMarkIcon.png
297 Winner Dance 297「ウィナーダンス」 Battle Coin Exchange
Reward Box Jul'24
/la winnerdance UICheckMarkIcon.png
298 Automata 298「オートマタ」 ACAC Scratch: Automata Replica
ACAC Scratch: Automata Revival
/la automata
299 Watering 299「水やり」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B]
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la watering UICheckMarkIcon.png
300 Waiting 3 300「待機中3」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la waiting3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
301 Quadrupedalism 301「四足移動」 ACAC Scratch: Animal Promenade
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
/la quadruped UICheckMarkIcon.png
302 Dance 45 302「ダンス45」 ACAC Scratch: Fresh School Days
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance45 UICheckMarkIcon.png
303 Cat Play 303「猫をじゃらす」 ACAC Scratch: Animal Promenade Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
PSO2 10th SP Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la playwithcat UICheckMarkIcon.png
304 Tasty 304「テイスティ」 Dengeki G's Comic (Aug. 2017) /la tasty
305 [Loser] Pose 305「【敗者】ポーズ」 Don Quijote Collaboration
ACAC Purchase Campaign
/la loserpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
306 Vo Performance 3 306「Voパフォーマンス3」 PSO2 Anime Character CD 2
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory Scratch Bonus
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
307 Kabuki 307「歌舞伎」 PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la kabuki
308 Ski 308「スキー」 PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ski UICheckMarkIcon.png
309 Shachihoko 309「しゃちほこ」 PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la shachihoko
310 Haggith Phemut 310「ハギト・フェムト」 Phantom Yamato Model Item code
SGNGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 5 Scratch Bonus
SGNGS SG Scratch: Refined Revival May '24 Scratch Bonus
/la hagito UICheckMarkIcon.png
311 Flying Base 311「フライングベース」 ACAC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica
ACAC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload
ACNGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style
/la flyingbase UICheckMarkIcon.png
312 Look Up 312「見上げる」 Fashion Catalog 2016–2017 Item code
ACNGS AC Scratch: Full Moon Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
/la lookup UICheckMarkIcon.png
313 Mother Cluster 1 313「マザー・クラスタ1」 SGSG Scratch: Mother Cluster Imitation
SG Recycle Shop
SGSG Scratch: Advent of Mother
SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la mothercluster1
314 Mother Cluster 2 314「マザー・クラスタ2」 SGSG Scratch: Mother Cluster Imitation
SG Recycle Shop
SGSG Scratch: Advent of Mother
SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la mothercluster2
315 Mother Cluster 3 315「マザー・クラスタ3」 SGSG Scratch: Mother Cluster Imitation
SG Recycle Shop
SGSG Scratch: Advent of Mother
SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la mothercluster3
316 Repair 316「修理する」 ACAC Scratch: Eccentric Girls
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Dog
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la repair UICheckMarkIcon.png
317 ARKS Dance 2 317「ARKSダンス2」 Title Reward
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la ARKSdance2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
318 Swim 318「泳ぐ」 ACAC Scratch: Tropical Summer Ocean
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la swimming UICheckMarkIcon.png
319 Surfing 319「サーフィン」 5th Anniversary Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la surfing UICheckMarkIcon.png
320 Dontaku 320「どんたく」 PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la dontaku UICheckMarkIcon.png
321 Konamon 321「こなもん」 PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la konamon UICheckMarkIcon.png
322 Hitsugi Pose 322「ヒツギポーズ」 7-Eleven Sega Lucky Lottery PSO2 ~Hitsugi Awakening Edition~
ACAC Scratch: Earth Collection Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories Scratch Bonus
/la hitsugipose
323 Rappy Balloon 323「ラッピーバルーン」 Happy Rappy Campaign 2017
ACMerpay AC purchase campaign
Internet Cafe
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus
/la rappyballoon UICheckMarkIcon.png
324 Winner Pose 1 324「勝利ポーズ1」 Buster Medal Limited Time Exchange
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la winnerpose
325 Blow Off 325「吹き飛ばす」 ACAC Scratch: Legendary Heroes
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la blowoff
326 Hero Pose 326「ヒーローポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Legendary Heroes Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la heropose UICheckMarkIcon.png
327 Ghost 327「心霊」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la ghost
328 Eat Ice Cream 328「アイスを食べる」 7-Eleven Collaboration /la icecream UICheckMarkIcon.png
329 Quna Pose 329「クーナポーズ」 QUNA CD
AC Scratch: Oracle Collection Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories Scratch Bonus
/la qunapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
330 Vo Performance 4 330「Voパフォーマンス4」 QUNA CD
ACAC Purchase Campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
331 Pole Dance 331「ポールダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Magic Knight Fairy
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la polldance UICheckMarkIcon.png
332 Camera Appeal 332「カメラアピール」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Story Quest Clear Campaign
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay
/la cameraappeal UICheckMarkIcon.png
333 Pizza-La 333「ピザーラ」 PS Festa 2017 Attendee Prize
/la pizza-la UICheckMarkIcon.png|
334 Pool Play 334「プール遊び」 ACAC Scratch: Magic Knight Fairy Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la pool
335 Missile 335「ミサイル」 ACAC Scratch: Kingdom Fantasy Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
/la missile UICheckMarkIcon.png
336 Dance 46 336「ダンス46」 ACAC Scratch: Kingdom Fantasy
ACAC Scratch: 2018 Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance46 UICheckMarkIcon.png
337 Crab Walk 337「かさかさ」 ACAC Scratch: Attract Crow
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la kasakasa UICheckMarkIcon.png
338 Hold Hands 338「手をつなぐ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la reachingout UICheckMarkIcon.png
339 Hang 339「吊るされる」 ACAC Scratch: Attract Crow Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
NGS 2nd SP Scratch
/la hang UICheckMarkIcon.png
340 Wipe Floor 340「雑巾がけ」 ACAC Scratch: Noble Fighters
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: Automata Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la wiping UICheckMarkIcon.png
341 Pitfall 341「落とし穴」 ACAC Scratch: Noble Fighters Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
/la pitfall
342 Pumpkin 342「パンプキン」 ACAC Scratch: Misty Dark World
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Limited 2018
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la pumpkin UICheckMarkIcon.png
343 Traffic Control 343「交通整理」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la trafficcontrol UICheckMarkIcon.png
344 Warp 344「瞬間移動」 ACAC Scratch: Misty Dark World Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection Scratch Bonus
/la warp UICheckMarkIcon.png
345 Sword Pose 345「剣を構える」 PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange /la swordpose
346 Atelier 346「アトリエ」 AC AC Scratch: Alchemist Replica /la atelier UICheckMarkIcon.png
347 Spear Pose 347「槍を構える」 PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange /la spearpose
349 DF Warp 349「DFワープ」 SGSG Scratch: Darkness Conviction
SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la dfwarp
350 Dengeki Pose 350「電撃ポーズ」 Dengeki Badge Exchange /la dengekipose UICheckMarkIcon.png
351 Dance 47 351「ダンス47」 ACAC Scratch: Vehicle Formers
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance47 UICheckMarkIcon.png
352 Kendama 352「けんだま」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la kendama
353 Waiting 4 353「待機中4」 ACAC Scratch: Vehicle Formers
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la waiting4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
354 Curse 2 354「呪い2」 ACAC Scratch: Phantasy Star Legend
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la curse2
355 Waiting 5 355「待機中5」 ACAC Scratch: Soft Burst
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la waiting5 UICheckMarkIcon.png
356 Winner Pose 2 356「勝利ポーズ2」 Buster Medal Limited Time Exchange
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la winnerpose2
357 Crazy 357「クレイジー」 ACAC Scratch: Holy Night Carol
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la crazy UICheckMarkIcon.png
358 Bodybuilding 358「ボディビル」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bodybuild UICheckMarkIcon.png
359 Waiting 6 359「待機中6」 ACAC Scratch: Holy Night Carol
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la waiting6 UICheckMarkIcon.png
360 Mother Cluster 4 360「マザー・クラスタ5」 SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
SGSG Scratch: Advent of Mother
SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la mothercluster4
361 Mother Cluster 5 361「マザー・クラスタ5」 SGSG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope
SGSG Scratch: Advent of Mother
SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: Earth Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la mothercluster5 UICheckMarkIcon.png
362 DOA Victory Pose 362「DOA勝利ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Soft Burst /la DOApose
363 DOA Combo 363「DOAコンボ」 ACAC Scratch: Soft Burst /la DOAcombo
366 Magic Book Pose 366「魔術書を構える」 PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange /la magicbookpose
367 Kite Flying 367「たこあげ」 PSO2 Station #15 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la takoage UICheckMarkIcon.png
368 Barbecue 368「バーベキュー」 ACAC Scratch: Melty Heart Chocolate
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la bbq UICheckMarkIcon.png
369 Winner Dance 2 369「ウィナーダンス2」 Battle Coin Ehcange
/la winnerdance2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
370 Xiera Pose 370「シエラポーズ」 Xiera's Report Drama CD
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories Scratch Bonus
/la xierapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
371 Laconium Sword 371「ラコニウムソード」 Title Reward /la laconiumsword
372 Alisa Pose 372「アリサポーズ」 PS 30th Anniversary Stamps
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
/la alisapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
373 Dance 48 373「ダンス48」 ACAC Scratch: Brave Cavalier
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance48 UICheckMarkIcon.png
374 Shoji 374「障子」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Story Quest Clear Campaign
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay
/la shoji UICheckMarkIcon.png
375 Dance 49 375「ダンス49」 New Year 2018 Exchange Shop
/la dance49 UICheckMarkIcon.png
376 Nori Nori 376「ノリノリ」 New Year 2018 Exchange Shop
/la norinori UICheckMarkIcon.png
377 Hunting 377「狩猟」 ACAC Scratch: Emotional Electro Voice
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la hunting
378 Dance 50 378「ダンス50」 ACAC Scratch: Melty Heart Chocolate
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance50 UICheckMarkIcon.png
379 Make Hearts 379「ハートを作る」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la heart
380 Lather 380「頭を洗う」 Scalp D Collaboration /la headwash UICheckMarkIcon.png
381 Waiting 7 381「待機中7」 ACAC Scratch: Blooming Courage
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la waiting7 UICheckMarkIcon.png
382 Wand Pose 382「杖を構える」 PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange /la staffpose
383 Rhythm 383「リズム」 ACAC Scratch: Spicy Candy
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Boar
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la rhythm UICheckMarkIcon.png
384 Weapon Enchantment 384「武器強化魔法」 ACAC Scratch: Spicy Candy
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la enchant
385 Bomb 385「バクダン」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la bomb
386 Virtual-On 3 386「バーチャロン3」 Battle Arena Scratch /la virtualon3
387 Hero System Activation 387「勇者システム起動」 ACAC Scratch: Blooming Courage /la yuyuyu
388 Nova Pose 1 388「NOVAポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: Nova Selection
ACAC Scratch: Earnest Desire
ACAC Scratch: Nova Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la psnovapose1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
389 Nova Pose 2 389「NOVAポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Nova Selection
ACAC Scratch: Earnest Desire
ACAC Scratch: Nova Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la psnovapose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
390 Dance 51 390「ダンス51」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance51 UICheckMarkIcon.png
391 Rapper 391「ラッパー」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la rapper UICheckMarkIcon.png
392 PR Pose 2 392「PRポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Étoile
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la PRpose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
393 Vo Performance 5 393「Voパフォーマンス5」 PSO2 Anime Complete Best CD
SGSG Scratch Bonus: Earth Memory
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance5 UICheckMarkIcon.png
394 VR Card Game 394「VRカードゲーム」 TCG Memory Exchange /la VRcardgame UICheckMarkIcon.png
395 Incantation 395「術をかける」 ACAC Scratch: Start Over Zero
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la chant
396 Re:Zero 396「Re:ゼロ」 ACAC Scratch: Start Over Zero /la rezero UICheckMarkIcon.png
397 Maron & Melon 397「マロン&メロン」 Don Quijote Collaboration 2
ACAC Purchase Campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
/la maromero UICheckMarkIcon.png
398 Hopscotch 398「けんけんぱ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la hopscotch UICheckMarkIcon.png
399 Tai Chi 399「太極拳」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side A]
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la taikyokuken
400 Floating Movement 400「浮遊移動」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side A]
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la floatmove UICheckMarkIcon.png
403 Escaping Soul 403「魂が抜ける」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side B]
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Halloween Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la soullost UICheckMarkIcon.png
404 Greatsword Pose 404「大剣を構える」 PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange /la greatswordpose
405 Cowboy Shooting 405「カウボーイ射撃芸」 ACAC Scratch: Earnest Desire
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la cowboy UICheckMarkIcon.png
406 Backlight 406「後光が差す」 Road to NGS-Item Get Campaign /la halo
408 Yui & Shaku 408「ユーイ&シャク」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la yuishaku UICheckMarkIcon.png
409 Look That Way 409「アッチ向いてホイ」 Secret Phrase
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la acchimuite
410 Yui & Shaku 2 410「ユーイ&シャク2」 6th Anniversary Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la yuishaku2
411 Peek-a-Boo 411「いないいないばぁ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 5 [Side B]
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la peekaboo UICheckMarkIcon.png
412 High Five 412「ハイタッチ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la hitouch
413 P3D Dance 1 413「P3Dダンス1」 ACAC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage /la P3Ddance1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
414 P3D Dance 2 414「P3Dダンス2」 ACAC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage /la P3Ddance2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
415 P3D Dance 3 415「P3Dダンス3」 ACAC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage /la P3Ddance3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
416 P5D Dance 1 416「P5Dダンス1」 ACAC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage /la P5Ddance1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
417 P5D Dance 2 417「P5Dダンス2」 ACAC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage /la P5Ddance2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
418 P5D Dance 3 418「P5Dダンス3」 ACAC Scratch: Dancing Night Stage /la P5Ddance3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
419 Dance 52 419「ダンス52」 ACAC Scratch: Battle Line Clash
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance52 UICheckMarkIcon.png
420 Henchi/Ranchi 420「編知/乱知」 SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
SGSG Scratch: Awake Administer
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la penchiranchi UICheckMarkIcon.png
421 Yui & Shaku 3 421「ユーイ&シャク3」 6th Anniversary Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la yuishaku3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
422 Open Umbrella 422「傘をさす」 ACAC Scratch: Sortir Break
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la umbrella3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
423 Umbrella Dance 423「傘ダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Sortir Break
ACAC Scratch: ARKS New Year Carnival 2019! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Automata Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la umbrella4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
424 Henchi/Ranchi 2 424「編知/乱知2」 SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
SGSG Scratch: Awake Administer
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la penchiranchi2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
425 BEATLESS 425「BEATLESS」 ACAC Scratch: Seraphic Android /la BEATLESS UICheckMarkIcon.png
426 Wedding Pose 426「ウェディングポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Seraphic Android
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weddingpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
427 Virgin Road 427「バージンロード」 ACAC Scratch: Seraphic Android
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la virginroad UICheckMarkIcon.png
428 Drunken Fist 428「酔拳ごっこ」」 ACAC Scratch: Battle Line Clash
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la playsuiken UICheckMarkIcon.png
429 Sit 5 429「座る5 ACAC Scratch: Battle Line Clash
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sit5 UICheckMarkIcon.png
430 Dance 53 430「ダンス53」 ACAC Scratch: Midsummer Wave
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance53 UICheckMarkIcon.png
431 Swim 2 431「泳ぐ2」 ACAC Scratch: Midsummer Wave
ACAC Scratch: Sparkling Resort
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la swimming2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
432 Marine Pose 432「マリンポーズ」」 ACAC Scratch: Midsummer Wave
ACAC Scratch: Sparkling Resort
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la marinepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
433 Vo Performance 6 433「Voパフォーマンス6」 Live Sympathy 2018 Blu-Ray & CD Albums
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance6 UICheckMarkIcon.png
434 Elmir Pose 434「エルミルポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Proud Monarch
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la elmirpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
435 Margareta Pose 435「マルガレータポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Proud Monarch
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Ritual Marriage
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la margaretapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
436 Ninja 436「忍者」 Battle Coin Exchange
/la ninja
437 Launcher Pose 437「ランチャーを構える」 PSO2es Leisure Coin Exchange /la launcherpose
438 Love Kettle 438「恋やかん」 Dengeki G's Comic (Oct. 2018) /la koiyakan
439 Eat Butakim 439「ブタキムを食べる」 Butakim Collaboration /la butakimu UICheckMarkIcon.png
440 Flying Base 2 440「フライングベース2」 ACAC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style
/la flyingbase2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
441 Charger-Kun 441「充電くん」 ACAC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload
ACNGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style
/la jyudenkun UICheckMarkIcon.png
442 Weaponoid Pose 1 442「ウェポノイドポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
443 Weaponoid Pose 2 443「ウェポノイドポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
444 Weaponoid Pose 3 444「ウェポノイドポーズ3」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
445 Weaponoid Pose 4 445「ウェポノイドポーズ4」 ACAC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose4 UICheckMarkIcon.png
446 Weapon Pose 446「武器構え」 ACAC Scratch: Soul of Reincarnation
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
/la weaponpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
447 Flo & Frau Pose 447「フロー&フラウポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Soul of Reincarnation
ACAC Scratch: Golden Week Arrival! 2019
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la flowflawpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
448 Two-Shot 448「ツーショット」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la twoshot UICheckMarkIcon.png
449 Hanging 449「ぶらさがる」 ACAC Scratch: Soul of Reincarnation Scratch Bonus
SGSG Scratch: Awake Administer
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la holdon UICheckMarkIcon.png
451 Suwa Dance 451「すわダンス」 PSO2 Station #22 Secret Phrase /la suwadance UICheckMarkIcon.png
452 Chair Dance 452「チェアダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Magic Horror Night
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la chairdance UICheckMarkIcon.png
453 Uly/Stella 453「ユリィ/ステラ」 Idola pointsIDOLA Point Exchange
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola Scratch Bonus
/la yuristella UICheckMarkIcon.png
454 Marui Pose 454「マルイポーズ」 OIOI Collaboration /la maruipose UICheckMarkIcon.png
455 Seal & Release 455「封印と解放」 ACAC Scratch: Legendary Valkyria
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sealandfree UICheckMarkIcon.png
456 Sweets Paradise Pose 456「スイパラポーズ」 PSO2 ARKS Café 2019 Item code /la sweparapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
459 MHF1 459「MHF1」 ACAC Scratch: Bravery Hunter /la MHF1
460 MHF2 460「MHF2」 ACAC Scratch: Bravery Hunter /la MHF2
461 Dance 54 461「ダンス54」 ACAC Scratch: Magic Horror Night
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance54 UICheckMarkIcon.png
462 Dance 55 462「ダンス55」 ACAC Scratch: Legendary Valkyria
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance55 UICheckMarkIcon.png
463 Eat Wasabeef 463「わさビーフを食べる」 Wasabeef Collaboration /la WASABEEF
464 Persona 3 464「ペルソナ3」 ACAC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth /la persona3
465 Persona 4 465「ペルソナ4」 ACAC Scratch: Persona Labyrinth /la persona4
466 Lamp 466「灯火」 ACAC Scratch: Christmas Fantasy
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la light UICheckMarkIcon.png
467 Table Dance 467「テーブルダンス」 ACAC Scratch: Christmas Fantasy
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la tabledance UICheckMarkIcon.png
468 First Gen CC Pose 1 468「初代KKポーズ1」 SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Selection II
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la KKpose1
469 First Gen CC Pose 2 469「初代KKポーズ2」 SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Selection II
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la KKpose2
470 Wolf & Atossa 470「ヴォルフ&アトッサ」 SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battle Wear Selection II
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Battlewear Selection
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la wolfatossapose
471 Vo Performance 7 471「Voパフォーマンス7」 Character CD ~Song Festival~ IV
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance7 UICheckMarkIcon.png
473 Vo Performance 8 473「Voパフォーマンス8」 Phantasic 3D Live Concert 2018
Phantasic 3d Live 2018 Blu-Ray
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance8 UICheckMarkIcon.png
474 Vo Performance 9 474「Voパフォーマンス9」 Phantasic QM Mini Album
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance9 UICheckMarkIcon.png
475 Alma Pose 475「アルマポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Miyabi Romantica
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Moonlight Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la almapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
476 Alma Ball 476「アルマボール」 ACAC Scratch: Miyabi Romantica
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la tabledance UICheckMarkIcon.png
477 Rare Drop GET 477「虹ドロ入手」 New Year 2019 Exchange Shop
/la nijidoro UICheckMarkIcon.png
478 Cross Legs 478「脚を組む」 Fashion Catalog 2017-2018
ACNGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
/la crosslegs UICheckMarkIcon.png
479 Get Attention 479「すわすわする」 New Year 2019 Exchange Shop
/la suwasuwa
480 DanMachi 1 480「ダンまち1」 ACAC Scratch: Familia Historia /la danmachi1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
481 DanMachi 2 481「ダンまち2」 ACAC Scratch: Familia Historia /la danmachi2
482 Cardboard Box 482「ダン・ボウル」 ACAC Scratch: Familia Historia
ACAC Scratch: 7th Anniversary! Accessory Selection
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la cardboardbox UICheckMarkIcon.png
483 Birthday 483「バースデー」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la birthday UICheckMarkIcon.png
484 Valentine 484「バレンタイン」 ACAC Scratch: Sweet Bitter Pop
ACAC Scratch: Fluffy Perfume
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
/la valentine UICheckMarkIcon.png
485 Dance 56 485「ダンス56」 ACAC Scratch: Sweet Bitter Pop
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance56 UICheckMarkIcon.png
486 Puso ni Character Pose 486「ぷそ煮キャラポーズ」 Puso ni Comic Volume 1 /la psnicharapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
487 Ichika & Tetra Pose 487「イチカ&テトラポーズ」 Puso ni Memory Exchange Shop
/la ichikatetrapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
488 Xiao Pose 488「シャオポーズ」 PSO2 Ep5 Setting Documents Collection (Art Book)
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
/la xiaopose UICheckMarkIcon.png
489 Yumomi 489「湯もみ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Story Quest Clear Campaign
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay
Reward Box Apr'24
/la yumomi UICheckMarkIcon.png
490 Play Barrel 490「樽遊び」 ACAC Scratch: Fluent Attrait
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la taruasobi UICheckMarkIcon.png
491 KOF1 491「KOF1」 ACAC Scratch: KOF Legends /la KOF1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
492 KOF2 492「KOF2」 ACAC Scratch: KOF Legends /la KOF2
493 KOF3 493「KOF3」 ACAC Scratch: KOF Legends /la KOF3
494 KOF4 494「KOF4」 ACAC Scratch: KOF Legends /la KOF4
495 Nanoha Pose 495「なのはポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Lyrical Magic /la nanohapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
496 Fate Pose 496「フェイトポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Lyrical Magic /la fatepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
497 Hayate Pose 497「はやてポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Lyrical Magic /la hayatepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
498 VV Cushion 498「VVクッション」 Village Vanguard Collaboration /la VVcushion UICheckMarkIcon.png
499 Sit 6 499「座る6」 ACAC Scratch: Fluent Attrait
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la sit6 UICheckMarkIcon.png
500 Dance 57 500「ダンス57」 ACAC Scratch: Daydream Live
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la dance57 UICheckMarkIcon.png
501 Cherry Blossom Viewing 501「桜を見る」 ACAC Scratch: Daydream Live
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sakura UICheckMarkIcon.png
502 Kanto Specialty 502「関東名物」 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la kantospecialty UICheckMarkIcon.png
503 Nagoya Specialty 503「名古屋名物」 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la nagoyaspecialty UICheckMarkIcon.png
504 Sapporo Specialty 504「札幌名物」 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la sapporospecialty UICheckMarkIcon.png
505 Phantom Pose 505「ファントムポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Trinity Star
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la phantompose UICheckMarkIcon.png
506 Arrival 506「登場」 ACAC Scratch: Trinity Star
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la appearance
507 Lean Pose 507「斜めポーズ」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch /la slopingpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
508 Tantrum 508「ダダをこねる」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side A
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la fretful UICheckMarkIcon.png
509 Katana Pose 509「カタナポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side A
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la katanapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
510 Konosuba 1 510「このすば1」 ACAC Scratch: Blessing World /la konosuba1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
511 Konosuba 2 511「このすば2」 ACAC Scratch: Blessing World /la konosuba2
512 Konosuba 3 512「このすば3」 ACAC Scratch: Blessing World /la konosuba3
513 Fukuoka Specialty 513「福岡名物」 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la fukuokaspecialty UICheckMarkIcon.png
514 Winner Pose 3 514「勝利ポーズ3」 Medal Exchange Shop /la winnerpose3
515 Flying Pose 515「飛行ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Alternative Selection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la flyingpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
516 Raise Ki 516「気を高める」 ACAC Scratch: Alternative Selection
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la extendaura
517 Falling Act 517「倒れる演技」 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Scratch
Story Quest Clear Campaign
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay
/la downacting UICheckMarkIcon.png
518 Regius Pose 518「レギアスポーズ」 SGSG Scratch: Astral Guardian
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la regiuspose UICheckMarkIcon.png
519 Maria Pose 519「マリアポーズ」 SGSG Scratch: Astral Guardian
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la mariapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
520 Harriet Pose 520「ハリエットポーズ」 SGSG Scratch: Astral Guardian
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
Scratch Super Phantasy Festival SP Scratch
/la harrietpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
521 S Laconium Sword 521「Sラコニウムソード」 SGSG Scratch: Astral Guardian
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la Slaconiumsword
522 Rainfall 522「雨が降る」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la rain UICheckMarkIcon.png
523 Assault Rifle Pose 523「Aライフルポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la Ariflepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
524 Kobe Specialty 524「神戸名物」 8th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
PS Festa 2019 Attendee Prize
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la kobespecialty UICheckMarkIcon.png
525 Merry-go-round 525「メリーゴーランド」 ACAC Scratch: Hot Summer Festa
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Bridal Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la merrygoround UICheckMarkIcon.png
526 Frustrated 2 526「地団駄2」 ACAC Scratch: Hot Summer Festa
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la frustrated2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
527 Transform Pose 1 527「変身ポーズ1」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la transformpose1
528 Bell Do 528「ハンドベル・ド」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellC UICheckMarkIcon.png
529 Bell Re 529「ハンドベル・レ」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellD UICheckMarkIcon.png
530 Bell Mi 530「ハンドベル・ミ」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellE UICheckMarkIcon.png
531 Bell Fa 531「ハンドベル・ファ」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellF UICheckMarkIcon.png
532 Bell So 532「ハンドベル・ソ」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellG UICheckMarkIcon.png
533 Bell La 533「ハンドベル・ラ」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellA UICheckMarkIcon.png
534 Bell Ti 534「ハンドベル・シ」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la bellB UICheckMarkIcon.png
535 T Machine Gun Pose 535「Tマシンガンポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Fearful Tempest
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la Tmgpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
536 Dance 58 536「ダンス58」 ACAC Scratch: Fearful Tempest
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance58 UICheckMarkIcon.png
537 Lawson Sign 537「ローソン看板」 Lawson Collaboration /la LAWSON UICheckMarkIcon.png
538 Banana Boat 538「バナナボート」 ACAC Scratch: Sparkling Resort
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Summer Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Seaside Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la bananaboat UICheckMarkIcon.png
539 Kick 3 539「キック3」 ACAC Scratch: Sparkling Resort
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la kick3
540 Transform Pose 2 540「変身ポーズ2」 7th Anniversary Badge Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la transformpose2
541 Stratos Pose 541「ストラトスポーズ」 Character CD ~Song Festival~ V
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories Scratch Bonus
/la stratospose UICheckMarkIcon.png
542 Bed 3 542「ベッド3」 ACAC Scratch: Brilliant Performance
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la bed3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
543 Photon Circle 543「フォトンサークル」 ACAC Scratch: Brilliant Performance
ACAC Scratch: Oracle Halloween Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la photoncircle UICheckMarkIcon.png
544 Puso ni End Card 544「ぷそ煮エンドカード」 Puso ni Comic Volume 2 /la psniendcard UICheckMarkIcon.png
545 Kneeling 545「膝立ち」 Premium Purchase Campaign
ACLINE Pay/Nintendo eShop AC purchase campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories Scratch Bonus
/la kneeling UICheckMarkIcon.png
546 Prosit 546「プロージット」 ACAC Scratch: Ein Prosit /la prosit
547 Rod Pose 547「ロッドポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Ein Prosit
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la rodpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
548 Weaponoid Pose 5 548「ウェポノイドポーズ5」 ACAC Scratch: Material Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose5 UICheckMarkIcon.png
549 Weaponoid Pose 6 549「ウェポノイドポーズ6」 ACAC Scratch: Material Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose6 UICheckMarkIcon.png
550 Weaponoid Pose 7 550「ウェポノイドポーズ7」 ACAC Scratch: Material Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la weaponoidpose7 UICheckMarkIcon.png
551 Quna Pose 2 551「クーナポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la qunapose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
552 Lisa Pose 552「リサポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la risapose UICheckMarkIcon.png
553 Twin Dagger Pose 553「ツインダガーポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Halloween Star Night
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la twindaggerpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
554 Sit Down 2 554「腰掛ける2」 ACAC Scratch: Halloween Star Night
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la sitdown2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
555 Winner Pose 4 555「勝利ポーズ4」 Medal Exchange Shop
/la winnerpose4
556 Sit 7 556「座る7」 PSO2 Fashion Catalog 2018-2019 STARS and GUARDIANS Item code
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories Scratch Bonus
/la sit7 UICheckMarkIcon.png
557 Summon 557「召喚」 PSO2 TCG Episode Oracle /la summon UICheckMarkIcon.png
558 Drink Perrier 558「ペリエを飲む」 Perrier Collaboration /la perrier UICheckMarkIcon.png
559 Full Salvo 559「全弾発射」 ACAC Scratch: Silence Eliminator
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la fullburst UICheckMarkIcon.png
560 Dice Throw 560「サイコロ投げ」 ACAC Scratch: Silence Eliminator
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la diceroll UICheckMarkIcon.png
561 Matoi Pose 1 561「マトイポーズ1」 SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la matoipose1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
562 Matoi Pose 2 562「マトイポーズ2」 SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la matoipose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
563 Matoi Pose 3 563「マトイポーズ3」 SGSG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la matoipose3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
564 A.T. Field 564「A.T.フィールド」 ACAC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch /la ATfield
565 Talis Pose 565「タリスポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la talispose UICheckMarkIcon.png
566 EP Oracle 1 566「EPオラクル1」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray DVD Volume 4
Treasure Scratch Vol.4 Scratch
/ la EPoracle1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
567 Idola Chara Pose 1 567「イドラキャラポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: IDOLA First Anniversary
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACAC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola
/la idolacharapose1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
568 Idola Chara Pose 2 568「イドラキャラポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: IDOLA First Anniversary
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACAC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola
/la idolacharapose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
569 Idola Channel 569「イドラチャンネル」 Idola pointsIDOLA Point Exchange
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola Scratch Bonus
/la idolachannel UICheckMarkIcon.png
570 Jasper/Rosa 570「ジャスパー/ローザ」 IDOLA 1st Anniversary Campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola Scratch Bonus
/la jasperrosalinde UICheckMarkIcon.png
571 Sword Pose 571「ソードポーズ」」 ACAC Scratch: Christmas Casper
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la longswordpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
572 Poke Poke 572「つんつん」 ACAC Scratch: Christmas Casper
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la poke UICheckMarkIcon.png
573 Sukunahime Pose 1 573「スクナヒメポーズ1」 SGSG Scratch: Awake Administer
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la sukunahimepose1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
574 Sukunahime Pose 2 574「スクナヒメポーズ2」 SGSG Scratch: Awake Administer
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la sukunahimepose2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
575 Sukunahime Pose 3 575「スクナヒメポーズ3」 SGSG Scratch: Awake Administer
SGSG Scratch: ARKS Memorial Track
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la sukunahimepose3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
576 Check Time 576「時間確認」 Premium set purchase campaign /la timecheck UICheckMarkIcon.png
577 Etoile Pose 577「エトワールポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Etoile Operation
ACAC Scratch: 8th Anniversary Celebration
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
SGNGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 6 Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
SGNGS SG Scratch: Refined Revival May '24 Scratch Bonus
/la etoilepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
578 Spinning Top 578「独楽回し」 ACAC Scratch: Etoile Operation
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la topspin UICheckMarkIcon.png
579 Fortune 579「おみくじ」 ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Accessory Select Scratch Bonus
/ la fortune UICheckMarkIcon.png
580 Double Saber Pose 580「Dセイバーポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Luminous Bloom
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la Dsaberpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
581 Snow Play 2 581「雪遊び2」 ACAC Scratch: Luminous Bloom
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la snowplay2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
582 Zonde/Cage 582「ゾンデ/㩜」 New Year Festival 2020
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/la zondecage UICheckMarkIcon.png
583 Barta/Statue 583「バータ/彫像」 New Year Festival 2020
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
/ la bartastatue UICheckMarkIcon.png
584 Wand Pose 584「ウォンドポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: IDOLA Chaos Creed
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la wandpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
585 Snow Gazing 585「雪を見上げる」 ACAC Scratch: IDOLA Chaos Creed
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la seesnow UICheckMarkIcon.png
586 Fanservice 586「ファンサ」 ACAC Scratch: Fluffy Perfume
ACAC Scratch: Sweet Memorial Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
/la fanservice UICheckMarkIcon.png
587 DualBlades Pose 587「Dブレードポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Fluffy Perfume
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la Dbladepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
589 EP Oracle 2 589「EPオラクル2」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 5 /la EPoracle2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
590 EP Oracle 3 590「EPオラクル3」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 6 /la EPoracle3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
591 EP Oracle Communication 591「EPオラクル通信」 PSO2 Episode Oracle ~The Past That Cannot Be Erased, and Now~ /la EPoraclecall UICheckMarkIcon.png
592 2nd Gen. CC Pose 592「二代目KKポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 2
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la 2ndKKpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
593 3rd Gen. CC Pose 593「三代目KKポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 2
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la 3rdKKpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
594 Zeno Pose 594「ゼノポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 2
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la zenopose UICheckMarkIcon.png
595 Launcher Pose 595「ランチャーポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Spirial Armament
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la alauncherpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
596 Ride 596「乗る」 ACAC Scratch: Spirial Armament
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la riding UICheckMarkIcon.png
597 Wired Lance Pose 597「Wランスポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Slightly Sugar
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la Wlancepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
598 Office Chair 598「オフィスチェア」 ACAC Scratch: Slightly Sugar
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la officechair UICheckMarkIcon.png
599 Festival 599「フェスティバル」 ACAC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic Scratch Bonus
/la festival
602 Sonic/Tails 602「ソニック/テイルス」 ACAC Purchase Campaign /la sonictails UICheckMarkIcon.png
603 Body Pillow 603「抱き枕」 ACAC Scratch: Earnest Desire
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la bodypillow UICheckMarkIcon.png
604 Khorshid & Akhtar 604「ホルシード&アフタル」 ACAC Scratch: Earnest Desire
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
Halpha's Super Origin Login Gift
/la khorshidakhtar UICheckMarkIcon.png
605 Gene Pose 605「ジェネポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Earnest Desire
ACAC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola
/la genepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
606 EP Oracle 4 606「EPオラクル4」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 7 /la EPoracle4 -
607 Clock Pose 607「時計ポーズ」 Purchase 90 Days Premium Set Purchase Campaign /la clockpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
608 Zekt & Mitarashi 608「ゼクト&みたらし」 PSO2 Puso ni Komi 3 (Dengeki Comics EX) /la zekutomitarashi UICheckMarkIcon.png
609 Vo Performance 10 609「Voパフォーマンス10」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Character Song CD
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance10 UICheckMarkIcon.png
610 Takt Pose 610「タクトポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: College Cute Looks
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la tactpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
611 Egg Race 611「エッグレース」 ACAC Scratch: College Cute Looks
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories
/la eggrace UICheckMarkIcon.png
612 Partisan Pose 612「パルチザンポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la partisanpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
613 Impromptu Picnic 1 613「どこでもピクニック1」 ACAC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la picnic1 UICheckMarkIcon.png
614 Knuckle Pose 614「ナックルポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la knucklepose UICheckMarkIcon.png
615 Terminal operation 3 615「端末操作3 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la console3 UICheckMarkIcon.png
616 Dance 59 616「ダンス59」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance59 UICheckMarkIcon.png
617 PW x PSO2 617「PW×PSO2」 Don Quijote T-shirt Purchase Item code /la PWPSO2 -
618 PR Pose 3 618「PRポーズ3」 Don Quijote Towel Purchase Item code
ACNGS AC Scratch: School Day Memories Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful Scratch Bonus
/la PRpose3 -
619 EP Oracle 5 619「EPオラクル5」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 8 /la EPoracle5 -
620 Gunslash Pose 620「ガンスラッシュポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la gunslashpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
622 Tea Cup 622「ティーカップ」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la teacup UICheckMarkIcon.png
623 Athletic 623「アスレチック」 ACAC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side C
ACAC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la athletic UICheckMarkIcon.png
624 Bubblegum Flight 624「風船ガムで飛ぶ」 ACAC Purchase Campaign
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories Scratch Bonus
Only eShop, LINE Pay, and Mel Pay
/la chewinggum UICheckMarkIcon.png
626 Et & Ph 626「Et&Ph」 PSO2 Episode 6 Deluxe Package /la EtPh
627 New Sakura Wars A 627「新サクラ大戦A」 ACAC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue /la newsakurawarsA UICheckMarkIcon.png
628 New Sakura Wars B 628「新サクラ大戦B」 ACAC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue /la newsakurawarsb UICheckMarkIcon.png
629 Bullet Bow Pose 629「Bボウポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Ritual Marriage
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la Bbowpose UICheckMarkIcon.png
630 Sliding 630「スライディング」 ACAC Scratch: Ritual Marriage
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sliding UICheckMarkIcon.png
632 Ep Oracle 6 632「EPオラクル6」 PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-ray & DVD Volume 9 /la EPoracle6 -
634 Jet Boots Pose 634「ジェットブーツポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Exotic Revelry
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la jetbootspose -
635 Sparklers 635「線香花火」 ACAC Scratch: Exotic Revelry
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la sparkler -
637 Shiva Pose 1 637「シバポーズ1」 SGSG Scratch: Roots of Darkness
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la sivapose1 -
638 Shiva Pose 2 638「シバポーズ2」 SGSG Scratch: Roots of Darkness
SGSG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection
/la sivapose2 -
639 Varuna Pose 639「ヴァルナポーズ」 SGSG Scratch: Roots of Darkness Scratch Bonus
/la varunapose -
640 Dance 60 640「ダンス60」 ACAC Scratch: Sunshine Summer Resort
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la dance60 -
641 Crouch 2 641「しゃがむ2」 ACAC Scratch: Sunshine Summer Resort
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la crouch2 -
642 Sword/Partisan 642「大剣/長槍」 ACAC Scratch: ARKS Last Stand
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la swordpartisan -
643 Blown Away 2 643「吹っ飛ぶ2」 ACAC Scratch: ARKS Last Stand
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la crash2 -
644 Kneeling 2 644「膝立ち2」 ACAC Scratch: Exotic Revelry Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la kneeling2 -
646 Katori Pose 646「カトリポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 3
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la katoripose -
647 Euclida Pose 647「ユクリータポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 3
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la euclitapose -
648 Luster Pose 648「ラスターポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Integrate Luster
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la lusterpose -
649 Respect 649「尊ぶ」 ACAC Scratch: Integrate Luster
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la precious -
650 Diva Motion 1 650「ディーバモーション1」 ACAC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble /la divamotion1 -
651 Diva Motion 2 651「ディーバモーション2」 ACAC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble /la divamotion2 -
652 Diva Motion 3 652「ディーバモーション3」 ACAC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble /la divamotion3 -
653 Rifle/Launcher 653「長銃/大砲」 ACAC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la riflelauncher -
654 Gridman 654「グリッドマン」 ACAC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman /la gridman -
655 Weaponoid Pose 8 655「ウェポノイドポーズ8」 ACAC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la weaponoidpose8
656 Weaponoid Pose 9 656「ウェポノイドポーズ9」 ACAC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid
ACAC Scratch: Essence Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la weaponoidpose9
657 Hitsugi Pose 2 657「ヒツギポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Earth Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la hitsugipose2
658 Aika Pose 658「アイカポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Earth Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la aikapose
659 Itsuki/Rina Pose 659「イツキ/リナポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Earth Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la itsukirinapose
660 Magic Pose 1 660「魔術ポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: Integrate Luster Scratch Bonus
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la magicpose1
661 Impromptu Picnic 2 661「どこでもピクニック2」 ACAC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue
ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Lucky Bag G
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la picnic2 UICheckMarkIcon.png
662 Magic Pose 2 662「魔術ポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Skilled Weaponoid Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la magicpose2
663 Magic Pose 3 663「魔術ポーズ3」 ACAC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la magicpose3
664 Arrival 2 664「登場2」 ACAC Scratch: Fascination Monsters Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la appearance2
666 Rod/Talis 666「長杖/導具」 ACAC Scratch: Fascination Monsters
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la rodtalis
667 Spider 667「蜘蛛」 ACAC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la spider
668 PR Pose 4 668「PRポーズ4」 ACAC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la PRpose4
669 Clock Pose 2 669「時計ポーズ2」 ACAC Purchase Campaign /la clockpose2
670 Sword Skill 670「ソードスキル」 Cutscene Reward from Kirito & Asuna
/la swordskill
671 Broomstick Flight 671「箒で飛ぶ」 ACAC Scratch: Rising Dragon Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la broom
672 Fold Arms 2 672「腕を組む2」 ACAC Scratch: Rising Dragon
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la foldarms2
673 Rodeo Pose 1 673「ロデオポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: Fascination Monsters
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la rodeopose1
674 Senran Kagura 674「閃乱カグラ」 ACAC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance /la senrankagura
675 Knuckles/T Daggers 675「双小剣/鋼拳」 ACAC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la twindaggerknuckle
676 TMG/Gunslash 676「双機銃/銃剣」 ACAC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic
ACNGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Lobby Action Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
NGS Oracle Memories SP Scratch
ACNGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la TMGgunslash
677 UFO Catcher 677「UFOキャッチャー®」 ACAC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la UFOcatcher
678 Shichirin 678「七輪」 ACAC Scratch: Prodigy Psychic
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la shichirin
679 Stratos Pose 2 679「ストラトスポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la stratospose2
680 Stratos Pose 3 680「ストラトスポーズ3」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la stratospose3
681 Kyokuya Pose 1 681「キョクヤポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la kyokuyapose1
682 Kyokuya Pose 2 682「キョクヤポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Early Spring Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la kyokuyapose2
683 Lucotte Pose 1 683「ルコットポーズ1」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la lecotpose1
684 Lucotte Pose 2 684「ルコットポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la lecotpose2
685 Lucotte Pose 3 685「ルコットポーズ3」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories
NGS Special AC Scratch: 11th Anniv Memories SP [Ticket Ver]
/la lecotpose3
686 Idola Matoi Pose 686「イドラマトイポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Idola
/la idolamatoipose
687 Close Friends Pose 687「なかよしポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Rising Dragon
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la chumpose
688 Elements: Fire & Ice 688「六属性ポーズ・炎氷」 ACAC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la fireice
689 Elements: Lightning & Wind 689「六属性ポーズ・雷風」 ACAC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la lightningwind
690 Elements: Dark & Light 690「六属性ポーズ・闇光」 ACAC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la darklight
691 Wand/Takt 691「短杖/奏具」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection IV
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
/la wandtact
692 Oden 692「おでん」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection IV
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la oden
693 Fist Pose 693「拳ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la fistpose
694 Camp 694「キャンプ」
ACNGS AC Scratch: Memories of Summer Scratch Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus
/la camping
695 Phantom Thief 695「怪盗」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la phantomthief
696 Pounding Mochi 696「餅つき」 ACAC Scratch: Year of the Ox 2021 Accessory Select Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la mochipounding
697 Moo Moo Pose 697「モーモーポーズ」 /la cowpose
698 D Saber/W Lance 698「両剣/自在槍」 ACAC Scratch: Rising Dragon
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la DsaberWlance
699 Good Pose 699「グッドポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la goodpose
700 One Pose 700「「1」ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la onepose
701 Lather 701「泡立てる」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la lather
702 Explain 702「説明する」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la explain
703 Dual Blades/Jet Boots 703「飛翔剣/魔装脚」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
/la DbladeJboots
704 Relax 1 704「くつろぐ1」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la relax1
705 Relax 2 705「くつろぐ2」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la relax2
706 Pinky Pose 706「小指ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year! Throwback Collection
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la littlefinger
707 Katana/Bullet Bow 707「抜剣/強弓」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
/la katanaBbow
709 Heart Pose 709「ハートポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la heartpose
710 Bang Bang Pose 710「バキューンポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 2
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection II
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la bangpose
711 Jump Pose 711「ジャンプポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 4
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection IV
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la jumppose
713 Two Pose 713「「2」ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la twopose
714 Two-Finger Pose 714「二本指ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la 2fingerpose
715 Air Quotes 715「エアクオート」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la airquotes
716 Rock Sign 716「ロックサイン」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 3
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection III
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la rocksign
717 Diva Motion 4 717「ディーバモーション4」 ACAC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble /la divamotion4
719 Three Pose 719「「3」ポーズ」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Renew Collection 5
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Renewal Collection V
ACNGS AC Scratch: Oracle Revival
ACNGS AC Scratch: New Year's NGS Lobby Action Revival
/la threepose
721 Turkey 721「ターキー」 ACAC Scratch: Tenderly Electro Voice Scratch Bonus
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch
NGS Special Scratch
Special Scratch Exchange Shop
/la turkey
723 Meteor Fist gyu. 723「メテオフィストぎゅ。」 /la meteorfistgyu
724 PR Pose 5 724「PRポーズ5」 /la PRpose5
725 [Persona] Pose 725「【仮面】ポーズ」 PSO2 EP6 Materials Collection item code
Super New & Returning ARKS Call Campaign
/la personapose
726 Sonic/Tails 2 726「ソニック/テイルス2」 ACAC Purchase Campaign /la sonictails2
727 Battle Skill 727「極技」 ACAC Scratch: Rising Dragon
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
/la heataction
728 Rodeo Pose 2 728「ロデオポーズ2」 ACAC Scratch: Fascination Monsters
ACAC Scratch: GW Arrival! Accessory Select 2021
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories
ACNGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
/la rodeopose2
730 Vo Performance 11 730「Voパフォーマンス11」 Character CD ~Song Festival~ VI
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance11
731 Hero Pose+ 731「ヒーローポーズ+」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 Scratch Bonus
/la heropose+
732 Phantom Pose+ 732「ファントムポーズ+」 ACAC Scratch: Oracle Collection 4 Scratch Bonus
SGNGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 3 Scratch Bonus
/la phantompose+
733 Vo Performance 12 733「Voパフォーマンス12」 PSO 20th Anniv. PSO2 EP Oracle Fire Swirl CD item code
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange
/la VoPerformance12
734 Bleachers 734「観覧席」 Sympathy 2021 Ticket Bonus
ACNGS AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23 Scratch Bonus
/la audienceseat
Photon Chairs
Photon Chair Dark Green フォトンチェア深緑 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_viridia UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Green フォトンチェア緑 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_greennil UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Sky Blue フォトンチェア水 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_skyly UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Blue フォトンチェア青 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_bluefull UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Purple フォトンチェア紫 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_purplenum UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Pink フォトンチェア桃 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_pinkal UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Red フォトンチェア赤 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_redria UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Orange フォトンチェア橙 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_oran UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Yellow フォトンチェア黄 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_yellowboze UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair White フォトンチェア白 UIFUNIcon.pngFun Shop /la chair_whitill UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Black フォトンチェア黒 Green ARKS Badge Shop /la chair_blackfull UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Gold フォトンチェア金 Green ARKS Badge Shop /la chair_goldnum UICheckMarkIcon.png
Photon Chair Rappy フォトンチェア・ラッピー Festa 2014
Web Panel
Reward United
Festival 2015
/la chair_rappy UICheckMarkIcon.png

Lobby Actions (PSO2) | Lobby Actions (NGS)