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Challenge Quests

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Challenge Quests are a category of Quests playable from the Shared Ship and Home Ship. Challenge Quests revolve around a group of players attempting to complete as many Missions as possible before running out of time.


Challenge Quest is a game mode similar to Time Attack in which players attempt to clear a series of preset maps under a time limit. Unique to Challenge Quest is the concept of "scavenging"; all players start from Level 1 with no equipment and Photon Arts, and must collect equipment from defeated enemies to progress. Challenge Quest places heavy emphasis on strategy and cooperation for maximized efficiency.


  • To participate in a Challenge Quest, the player must move to the Shared Ship. While in the Shared Ship, your Class is changed to "Challenger" and is set to Level 1. All on-hand gear is removed except for your aesthetic items. Aesthetic items cannot be removed or changed, and do not count as inventory items. All Photon Arts and Techniques are unlearned. Lobby Actions and Shortcut Words may still be accessed. When playing in Shared Ship, you will also encounter players from other Ships.
  • Your inventory size is automatically set to 100, regardless of what your actual inventory capacity is.


  • Unwanted items can be dropped on the ground by players for other players to use. Unique to Challenge Quests is that the drop will have an aura around it to be more visible.
  • Picked up items can be equipped quickly by going into the Main Menu -> Inventory/Customize -> Automatic Equip.

VR Energy

Your time is kept track of by a mechanic called "VR Energy". When playing Challenge Quest, a gauge appears at the right side of the screen below the map, signifying the VR Energy Gauge. As you spend time in Challenge Quest, the gauge depletes slowly. The gauge will gradually deplete until it becomes empty, at which point the Quest is considered completed.

Actions Affecting VR Energy

  • VR Energy depletes naturally over time. Playing with any player who is using a PlayStation Vita will cause the gauge to deplete slightly slower, based on the number of Vita players in the multi-party.
  • Collecting VR Energy Capsules restores VR Energy to the Gauge. Capsules come in three sizes: Small, Medium, and Large Capsules, which each restore varying portions of the VR Energy Gauge. Collecting more VR Energy while the Gauge is at maximum will cause all players to earn a small amount of Challenge Miles.
  • A player who becomes incapacitated will cause the VR Energy Gauge to instantly deplete by a large amount. Reviving via a Challenge Doll or Moon Atomizer will automatically replenish the lost VR Energy.

Challenge Miles

By playing Challenge Quest, you can earn Challenge Miles, a currency that can be used a the Challenge Mile Shop for valuable prizes, such as the Ideal weapons and Units. Challenge Miles can be earned in the following ways:

  • Completing a Challenge Quest awards Challenge Miles. CM earned is based on the final Mission reached, completion rate, and time remaining. In the case of a 100% completed Challenge Quest, all excess VR Energy will be converted into Challenge Miles.
  • Collecting a VR Energy Capsule while the VR Energy Gauge is full will award Challenge Miles.
  • Collecting CM Crystals will award all players Challenge Miles.
  • Zieg has a once per account Client Order, [Defensive Data Collection Request] that asks you to show him the rear, arm and leg Ideal Units from the CM2 shop. Doing so costs 60,000 CM to purchase all 3 and rewards 120,000 CM, resulting in a net increase of 60,000 CM.


  • Rankings are calculated on Monday 7am JST.
  • Rankings count the challenge miles earned, inclusive of basic results (clear ranking ~8min, mile crystals earned ~30min, party bonus ~0min and total mile bonus ~3min) and incapacitation revivals, multiplied by challenge participation rate. It does not count the boost point add on multiplier.
  • For details, see each individual Challenge Quest page.

List of Challenge Quests

Area Name Requirement Objective
Challengequest.PNG MISSION: Cataclysm
N/A Clear 5 Missions!
Challengequest.PNG MISSION: Decision
N/A Clear 5 Missions!
Challengequest.PNG MISSION: Start
N/A Clear 5 Missions!
(10 Missions Total)

Quest Comparison

<tabber> During Normal Weeks=

Name Est. Challenge Miles Est. Completion Time Est. Rate
MISSION: Cataclysm
6,920 22 minutes 6,290 CM/20min
MISSION: Decision
5,290 27 minutes 3,918 CM/20 min
MISSION: Decision
5,290+2,645 = 7,935
(50% Boost Point Event)
27 minutes 5,877 CM/20 min
(50% Boost Point Event)
13,769 57 minutes 4,831 CM/20 min
13,769+6,884 = 20,653
(50% Boost Point Event)
57 minutes 7,246 CM/20 min
(50% Boost Point Event)

|-| During Event Weeks=

Name Est. Challenge Miles Est. Completion Time Est. Rate
MISSION: Cataclysm
6,920 + 13,840 = 20,760
(200% Boost Point Event)
22 minutes 18,873 CM/20 min
(200% Boost Point Event)
MISSION: Decision
5,290 + 10,580 = 15,870
(200% Boost Point Event)
27 minutes 11,756 CM/20 min
(200% Boost Point Event)
13,769 + 27,538 = 41,307
(200% Boost Point Event)
57 minutes 14,494 CM/20 min
(200% Boost Point Event)
