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Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (NGS)
SwordSword Camos Wired LanceWired Lance Camos PartizanPartizan Camos Twin DaggersTwin Dagger Camos Double SaberDouble Saber Camos KnucklesKnuckle Camos KatanaKatana Camos Dual BladesDual Blade Camos GunslashGunslash Camos
Assault RifleAssault Rifle Camos LauncherLauncher Camos Twin MachinegunsTwin Machine Gun Camos Bullet BowBullet Bow Camos
RodRod Camos TalisTalis Camos WandWand Camos Jet BootsJet Boot Camos TaktTakt Camos
Partizan camo which blends the range
of a spear with the force of an axe.
Requires skills with both to handle.

Rarity: 8
Weapon Types: Partizan
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

Drop Info

Additional Info

  • This Weapon shares a motif with the Male CAST Set Costume Justice A.
  • It appears in PSO2es as a Weaponoid.

CollapseRelated Items
Partizan Grandia
Weapon Camo *Grandia
NGS Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS)Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS)Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS)Partizan Camos Twin Daggers (NGS)Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS)Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS)Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS)Katana Camos Dual Blades (NGS)Dual Blade Camos
Assault Rifle (NGS)Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS)Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Machine Gun Camos Bullet Bow (NGS)Bullet Bow Camos Gunslash (NGS)Gunslash Camos
Rod (NGS)Rod Camos Talis (NGS)Talis Camos Wand (NGS)Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS)Jet Boot Camos Takt (NGS)Takt Camos