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Mission Pass is a new feature that was first introduced in the "Global" version of PSO2. It functions similarly to what's known as a Battle Pass in many online games.  
Mission Pass is a new feature that was first introduced in the Global version of PSO2. It functions similarly to what's known as a Battle Pass in many online games.  

ARKS Missions will now have a new category called [Tier Missions], which allows players to complete various tasks each week to earn a set amount of [Stars]. Gathering enough Stars unlocks Tiers in the Mission Pass sheet. From here, you'll have the option of collecting rewards for each Tier you've unlocked.
ARKS Missions will now have a new category called [Tier Missions], which allows players to complete various tasks each week to earn a set amount of [Stars]. Gathering enough Stars unlocks Tiers in the Mission Pass sheet. From here, you'll have the option of collecting rewards for each Tier you've unlocked. Tiers can also be unlocked at the cost of 25 SG each.

To earn even more luxurious items, players can purchase a [Mission Pass Gold Ticket] for 100 SG from the SG Shop. This will allow you to obtain "Gold" rewards from the Tiers you've unlocked.
To earn even more luxurious items, players can purchase a [Mission Pass Gold Ticket] for 100 SG from the SG Shop. This will allow you to obtain "Gold" rewards from the Tiers you've unlocked.

Revision as of 12:35, 25 April 2021


Mission Pass is a new feature that was first introduced in the Global version of PSO2. It functions similarly to what's known as a Battle Pass in many online games.

ARKS Missions will now have a new category called [Tier Missions], which allows players to complete various tasks each week to earn a set amount of [Stars]. Gathering enough Stars unlocks Tiers in the Mission Pass sheet. From here, you'll have the option of collecting rewards for each Tier you've unlocked. Tiers can also be unlocked at the cost of 25 SG each.

To earn even more luxurious items, players can purchase a [Mission Pass Gold Ticket] for 100 SG from the SG Shop. This will allow you to obtain "Gold" rewards from the Tiers you've unlocked.

To access Mission Pass, one can press shift twice from the esc menu. Also, one can press shift after selecting a Mission Tier to view the item details window.

Current Seasons

Season 6

2021/4/21 14:59:59 +0900 ~ 2021/6/2 14:59:59 +0900

Normal Mode

Tier Icon Normal Icon Gold
1 - Ticket.png
500,000 EXP Ticket
EX Experience Gained +100%
2 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x20 UIItemMissionBadge.png
Mission Badge x20
My Room 3 Days
3 - UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
Weapons Badge 2021 x50
Class Excube x10
4 BonusKeyGoldIcon.png Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] BonusKeyGoldIcon.png
Bonus Key Rappy F
EX Rare Drop Rate +100%
5 - UIFashionRAcastRepcaShadow.pngUIFashionRAcasealRepcaShadow.png
(Choose One)
[1] RAcast Repca Shadow
RAcast Head B
[2] RAcaseal Repca Shadow
RAcaseal Head B
[3] RAcast Repca C Shadow
RAcast Head B
[4] RAcaseal Repca C Shadow
RAcaseal Head B
6 GreatSuccessGrindRate50.png Great Success Grind Rate +50% x4 Pass.png
Collection Gauge Fill (Medium) x3
Ability Success Rate +45%
7 - UIItemBlank.png
A.I.S. Vega Blade x2
Half Doll
8 UIItemTriBoost150.png Tri-Boost +150% x2 UIItemTriBoost150.png
Tri-Boost +150% x3
Experience Gained +100% x4
9 - Pass.png
Free Salon Pass
EX Tri-Boost +100% x3
10 UIItemBlank.png Chimaki Cushion UIItemBonusKeyRainbow.png
Bonus Key Tokyo [Rainbow]
Rare Drop Rate Boost +250% x3
11 - Ticket.png
500,000 EXP Ticket
EX Experience Gained +100%
12 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x20 UIItemMissionBadge.png
Mission Badge x20
My Room 3 Days
13 - UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
Weapons Badge 2021 x50
Class Excube x10
14 UIItemBlank.png エターナル外ハネセミロング (Hair) BonusKeyGoldIcon.png
Bonus Key Rappy F
EX Rare Drop Rate +100%
15 - UIFashionStarCoastMUniformShadow.pngUIFashionStarCoastFUniformShadow.png
(Choose One)
[1] Star Coast M Uniform Shadow
[2] Star Coast F Uniform Shadow
[3] Star Coast M Uniform C Shadow
[4] Star Coast F Uniform C Shadow
16 UIItemCrest.png Sage Crest x100 UIItemCrest.png
Sage Crest x150
Ability Success Rate +45%
17 - UIItemBlank.png
A.I.S. Vega Vulcan x2
Grind Skip (→7)
18 UIItemLuminmechGrainneCrystal.png Luminmech Grainne Crystal x2 UIItemTriBoost150.png
Tri-Boost +150% x3
Experience Gained +100% x4
19 - Pass.png
Color Change Pass
EX Tri-Boost +100% x3
20 UIItemBlank.png バロンマスク (Head Accessory) AddSpecialAbilityS-ATK.png
(Choose One)
[1] Add Ability (Sentence P)
[2] Add Ability (Sentence S)
[3] Add Ability (Sentence T)
21 - Ticket.png
500,000 EXP Ticket x2
EX Experience Gained +100%
22 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x20 UIItemMissionBadge.png
Mission Badge x20
My Room 3 Days
23 - UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
Weapons Badge 2021 x100
Class Excube x10
24 BonusKeyGoldIcon.png Bonus Key Rappy F UIItemBlank.png
目隠しアナザーロング (Hair)
EX Rare Drop Rate +100%
25 - UIFashionARKSRappySuitMiniShadow.pngUIFashionSpottedLillipanSuitMini.png (Choose One)
[1] ARKS Rappy Suit Mini Shadow
[2] Spotted Lillipan Suit Mini
26 Pass.png Collection Gauge Fill (Medium) Pass.png
Collection Gauge Fill (Medium) x3
Ability Success Rate +45%
27 - UIItemBlank.png
A.I.S. Vega Launcher x2
Class Excube x10
28 UIItemDivineEyestoneGraeae.png Divine Eyestone Graeae UIItemTriBoost150.png
Tri-Boost +150% x3
Weapon Form Ticket x50
29 - Pass.png
Free Salon Pass
EX Tri-Boost +100% x3
30 UIItemBonusKeyRainbow.png Bonus Key Tokyo [Rainbow] UIFashionA.I.S.SuitShadow.pngAddSpecialAbilityAttackFusion.png
(Choose One)
[1] A.I.S. Suit Shadow, Add Ability (Ether S)
[2] A.I.S. Suit Shadow, Add Ability (Factor C)
[3] A.I.S. Suit Shadow, Add Ability (Omega M)
[4] A.I.S. Suit Shadow, Add Ability (Reverie C)

Overrun Mode

Tier Icon Normal Icon Gold
31 Ticket.png 500,000 EXP Ticket x4 UIFashionRAcastRepcaShadow.pngUIFashionRAcasealRepcaShadow.png
(Choose One)
[1] RAcast Repca Shadow
RAcast Head B
[2] RAcaseal Repca Shadow
RAcaseal Head B
[3] RAcast Repca C Shadow
RAcast Head B
[4] RAcaseal Repca C Shadow
RAcaseal Head B
32 UIItemEXTriBoost100.png EX Tri-Boost +100% x3 AddSpecialAbilityAttackFusion.pngAddSpecialAbilityPhotonTransfer.png
(Choose One)
[1] Add Ability (Ether S)
[2] Add Ability (Factor C)
[3] Add Ability (Omega M)
[4] Add Ability (Reverie C)
33 UIItemBlank.png バロンマスク (Head Accessory) UIFashionStarCoastMUniformShadow.pngUIFashionStarCoastFUniformShadow.png
(Choose One)
[1] Star Coast M Uniform Shadow
[2] Star Coast F Uniform Shadow
[3] Star Coast M Uniform C Shadow
[4] Star Coast F Uniform C Shadow
34 GrindCap1.png Grind Cap +1 UIItemBlank.png
(Choose One)
[1] エターナル外ハネセミロング (Hair)
[2] 目隠しアナザーロング (Hair)
35 UIItemBonusKeyRainbow.png Bonus Key Tokyo [Rainbow] UIFashionARKSRappySuitMiniShadow.pngUIFashionSpottedLillipanSuitMini.png (Choose One)
[1] ARKS Rappy Suit Mini Shadow
[2] Spotted Lillipan Suit Mini

Past Seasons

See: Mission Pass Archive.