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Fighter (PSO2)

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The Fighter Fighter (ファイター, "Fi") class is a specialized melee class that focuses solely on raw power. It is capable of wielding extremely strong, but difficult to use Striking-based weaponry and is coupled with a Skill Tree that grants extremely powerful boons for landing Critical Hits and playing dangerously, making Fighters incredible powerhouses that live on the edge.

Reaching Level 75 on this class will give the following bonuses to the base stats of all classes and all characters of the same account: PP +2, S-ATK+50, T-ATK+15, T-DEF+10.

Class Weapon Overview

Fighters use the Twin Daggers Twin Dagger, Double Saber Double Saber, and Knuckles Knuckles and Gunslash Gunslash weapon types.

Twin Daggers

Short-range daggers that excel at aerial combat. Capable of extremely fast attacks with multiple hits, and multiple PAs that allow maneuvering in all directions, both horizontally and vertically. Twin Dagger attacks and PAs also have very brief frontal Just Guard frames, allowing continuous offensive play if timed right. However, because PAs are so fast, it tends to also consume PP much faster than most other weapons. Twin Daggers can be powered up with the Skill Twin Daggers Gear, which grants them a damage bonus for staying airborne and performing multiple midair "jumps".

Twin Daggers' Weapon Action is Spin. Pressing the Weapon Action button will cause the player to spin in the air. This counts as a jump for Twin Daggers Gear, deals minor damage at point-blank range, and blocks attacks with Just Guard frames.

Double Sabers

Short-range bladed weapons that are capable of dishing out a multitude of hits in a single combo. Double Saber PAs generally have multiple hits (but slower than Twin Daggers), and are capable of drawing enemies nearby with aoe attacks. Gear management is a very important part of using Double Sabers. Generally regarded as mobbing weapons for a long time, the addition of the Skill Ring L/DS Whirlwind allows Double Sabers to become an extremely effective boss killer in addition to its mobbing capabilities. Double Sabers can be powered up with the Skill Double Saber Gear to execute their Weapon Action.

Double Saber's Weapon Action is Kamaitachi. When activated with the Weapon Action button, the wielder flourishes the weapon in the air. When used in tandem with Double Saber Gear, using it while at least one Gear Level is stocked will deplete your Gear Gauge and summon a whirlwind around you that deals repeated damage to enemies close to you. This whirlwind can be stacked up to two times. The more Gear is consumed upon activation, the more damage the whirlwind deals and the longer the duration.


A twin pair of weaponized gauntlets. Knuckles possess notoriously short range, but exceed even Swords in power to compensate. Their Photon Arts can hit extremely hard if given the opportunity, and are a powerful weapon when engaging a target one-on-one. Knuckles can be powered up with the Skill Knuckles Gear, which grants its user a power boost as long as the user continues a combo.

Knuckles' Weapon Action is Sway. Pressing the Weapon Action button will cause the wielder to swiftly duck in place. This gives brief invulnerability and does not break combos for the purpose of Tech Arts and Knuckles Gear.


These are universal weapons for all classes, which can switch between striking attacks that scale off of S-ATK S-Atk and shooting attacks that scale off of R-ATK R-Atk.

Skill Tree Overview

S-ATK Boost 1 Step Jump First Arts JA Addition Air Reversal Just Reversal JA Combo Next Jump
Limit Break Insurance High Level Bonus Fi Step JA Combo
DEX Up HP Boost 1 Rare Mastery Fighter S-DEF Up Step
S-ATK Boost 2 HP Boost 2 Step Advance
S-ATK Boost 3 Critical Strike Just Reversal Step Attack
Double Saber Gear Twin Dagger Gear Knuckles Gear
Double Saber Wind Parry Twin Dagger Spin Move Knuckle Gear Boost
Brave Stance Wise Stance Adrenaline Tech Arts JA Boost
Brave Stance Up Brave Stance Critical Wise Stance Up Wise Stance Critical Tech Arts JA PP Save
Chase Advance Half Line Boost Deadline Slayer Halfline Slayer Limit Break
Chase Advance Plus Chase Bind PP Slayer Crazy Heart Crazy Beat Limit Break Photon Charge


Basic Skills


Starting skill. Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has iframes. Can be used in any direction.

Icon Skill Name
StepIcon.png Step

Step Advance

Increases the amount of iframes on Step.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
StepAdvanceIcon.png Step Advance Step Lv1 0.05s 0.09s 0.11s 0.13s 0.14s 0.15s 0.16s 0.17s 0.18s 0.20s

Just Reversal

Starting skill. When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.

Icon Skill Name
StepAdvanceIcon.png Just Reversal

Step Attack

Starting skill. Allows you to attack immediately after Step.

Icon Skill Name
StepAdvanceIcon.png Step Attack

S-ATK Boost

Increases your base S-ATK S-ATK stat.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Strikingupskillicon.png S-ATK Boost 1 +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
S-ATK Boost 2 S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75
S-ATK Boost 3 S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 +4 +9 +14 +19 +25 +31 +39 +50 +62 +75

Dex Up

Increases your base DEX DEX stat.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dexupskillicon.png DEX Up +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50

HP Boost

Increases your base max HP.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hpupskillicon.png HP Boost 1 +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50
HP Boost 2 +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50


Increases your base S-DEF S-DEF stat.

Icon Skill Name Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sdefupskillicon.png S-DEF Up +3 +6 +10 +14 +18 +23 +28 +34 +40 +50


Increases the duration per tick of Shifta and Deband.

Note: This skill only raises the duration per tick that you receive: it does not increase the maximum duration. A Shifta casted by a non-Techer will still be capped at 60 seconds, and a Shifta casted by a Techer will still be capped at 180 seconds.

Icon Skill Name Duration
AdrenalineIcon.png Adrenaline 30s

Tech Arts JA Bonus

Increases damage when chaining together successive different PAs or Techniques via Just Attack.


  • Any type of combination between Techs and PAs work:
    • PA -> PA
    • Tech -> Tech
    • PA -> Tech
    • Tech -> PA
  • Using regular attacks between PAs will not interrupt the combo.
  • Missing JA timings will not interrupt the combo, but won't update the previous JA'd PA/Tech either. For example:
    • Will work: JA Heartless Impact -> non-JA Ducking Blow -> JA Backhand Smash -> JA Heartless Impact. Only Ducking Blow won't benefit (as it wasn't a JA)
    • Won't work: JA Heartless Impact -> non-JA Ducking Blow -> JA Heartless Impact. Heartless Impact is still the previous JA'd PA, so it won't work.
Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
TechArtsJABonusIcon.png Tech Arts JA Boost S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 105% 106% 108% 110% 115%

Tech Arts JA PP Save

Reduces PP consumption when performing Tech Arts JA Bonus.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite PP Cost Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
TechArtsJAPPSave.png Tech Arts JA PP Save Tech Arts JA Bonus Lv3 Fighter PA 90% 86% 82% 78% 75%
Other Class PA/Tech 95% 93% 90% 87% 85%

Chase Advance

Increases Striking damage done to enemies with a status effect. Has no effect on Ranged attacks or Techs. Affects thrown Talis and Wand Gear. Applies to Bind status. Does not apply to Jellen status, or to enemies that have a special animation for status effects, such as frozen legs Vol Dragon, poisoned crystal Quartz Dragon, or frozen legs Golrahda.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ChaseAdvanceIcon.png Chase Advance S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 110% 111% 112% 113% 115% 117% 119% 121% 123% 125%

Chase Advance Plus

Increases damage done to enemies with a status effect.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
ChaseAdvanceIcon.png Chase Advance Plus Chase Advance Lv3 105% 107% 109% 111% 115%

Chase Bind

When attacking enemies under status effects, gives a chance to cause Bind.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ChaseBindIcon.png Chase Bind Chase Advance Lv5 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 36% 42% 54% 70%

Halfline Boost

Increases chances of causing status effects when below 50% maximum HP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
HalflineBoostIcon.png Halfline Boost S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 150% 160% 170% 180% 200%

Deadline Slayer

Increases S-ATK S-ATK, R-ATK R-ATK, and T-ATK T-ATK when below 25% maximum HP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effects Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DeadlineSlayerIcon.png Deadline Slayer S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 S-ATK +40 +44 +49 +54 +60 +67 +75 +100 +125 +150

PP Slayer

Increases S-ATK S-ATK, R-ATK R-ATK, and T-ATK T-ATK when below 50% maximum PP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effects Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PPSlayerIcon.png PP Slayer Deadline Slayer Lv3 S-ATK +50 +65 +80 +95 +110 +125 +140 +155 +170 +200

Halfline Slayer

Increases S-ATK S-ATK, R-ATK R-ATK, and T-ATK T-ATK when below 50% maximum HP.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effects Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DeadlineSlayerIcon.png Halfline Slayer S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 S-ATK +20 +22 +24 +26 +28 +34 +40 +60 +80 +100

Crazy Heart

Increases both passive and active PP regeneration when under a status effect.


  • Limit Break is considered a status effect for this skill.
  • PP Convert is not considered a status effect for this skill.
Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effects Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
CrazyHeartIcon.png Crazy Heart Halfline Slayer Lv2 Passive PP Regen 150% 160% 170% 180% 200%
Active PP Regen

Crazy Beat

Increases S-ATK S-ATK while under a status effect.


  • Limit Break is considered a status effect for this skill.
  • PP Convert is not considered a status effect for this skill.
Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effects Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
CrazyBeatIcon.png Crazy Beat Halfline Slayer Lv4 S-ATK +100 +120 +140 +160 +200

High Level Boost Fi

Requires Class Level 80.
Increase damage dealt.

Weapon Related Skills

Double Saber Gear

Hitting enemies with basic attacks or PAs will generate Gear. The more hits, the faster it fills.

Performing a Weapon Action will spend all Gear and generate a whirlwind around you that damages nearby enemies. The higher the gear, the more damage and wider the aoe. Requires at least 1/3 Gear to generate a whirlwind. The whirlwind hits themselves generate more gear, and you can have up to 2 whirlwinds up at the same time. Whirlwinds benefit from Just Attacks and status effects chances on your weapon.

Note: The Skill Ring L/DS Whirlwind allows you to activate the whirlwinds after using any PA (except for Chaos Riser and Hurricane Sender) without spending any gear.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Number of hits Damage per hit
1/3 Gear 2/3 Gear Full Gear
DoubleSaberGearIcon.png Double Saber Gear S-ATK Boost 1 Lv1 8 hits 55% 82.5% 110%

Double Saber Wind Parry

Allows Just Guard frames when activating Double Saber Gear. Requires at least 1/3 Gear to activate.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite
DoubleSaberWindParryIcon.png Double Saber Wind Parry Double Saber Gear Lv1

Twin Dagger Gear

Performing a Weapon Action while in the air, or using specific PAs will generate gear. There are 3 Gear levels. If you touch the ground, the Gear is reset.

Increases the damage of all attacks and PAs based on Gear level.

The following PAs generate Gear:

  • Gear Level +1:
    • Raging Waltz
    • Shoot Polka
    • Scar Fugue
    • Symphonic Drive
    • Facet Folia (only if the first hit connects)
  • Gear Level +2:
    • Quick March
Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Damage
1/3 Gear 2/3 Gear Full Gear
TwinDaggerGearIcon.png Twin Dagger Gear S-ATK Boost 1 Lv1 100% 120% 150%

Twin Dagger Spin Move

Allows you to move horizontally while performing the Weapon Action. Distance covered is small (about half the distance of Step), and it does not change the direction you are facing.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite
TwinDaggerSpinMoveIcon.png Twin Dagger Spin Move Twin Dagger Gear Lv1

Knuckle Gear

Performing any attack or PA will generate Gear (even if no hits connect on an enemy). There are 3 Gear levels. Each Gear level raises the attack speed of all attacks and PAs. When the Gear is maxed, it also raises the damage of specific PAs (such as Backhand Smash and Surprise Knuckle). Gear resets if you stop attacking or if you jump.

Performing a Weapon Action or Step won't generate gear, but will prevent it from reseting. Additionally, performing Weapon Action multiple times in a row will prevent it from reseting, but performing Step multiple times in a row will not (this can be avoided by using Step Attack after every Step).

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite
KnuckleGearIcon.png Knuckle Gear S-ATK Boost 1 Lv1

Knuckle Gear Boost

Doubles the amount of Gear generated per attack, requiring only 2 attacks to max it.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite
KnuckleGearBoostIcon.png Knuckle Gear Boost Knuckle Gear Lv1

Stance Related Skills

Brave Stance

A stance in which you deal increased damage while in front of an enemy. Decreases damage done while behind an enemy when below Lv5, and increases when above Lv5. Cannot be activated at the same time as Wise Stance.


  • Being in front or behind an enemy is defined by the enemy's total body, not the part you're targeting. So, for example, hitting the weakspot behind the neck of a Dark Ragne will benefit from Brave Stance, despite you being behind the neck, because you are on the front half of its body.
  • Some enemies consider the battlefield as their body. Such enemies will benefit from Brave/Wise Stance based on where you are located in the battlefield. For example:
    • Dark Falz Elder considers the entire battlefield as its body, meaning Wise Stance will work at all times, as his body is always on the back part of the arena.
    • Big Vardha's body can be walked on. Whenever you hit a part of it, the Stance that works will be based on where in its body you are located. So hitting the missile launchers on the back will always benefit from Wise Stance, while the laser cannons on the front will always benefit from Brave Stance. The core moves through its body, so it depends on where you are at the moment.
Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Multiplier Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
BraveStanceIcon.png Brave Stance S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 Front 120% 125% 130% 135% 140%
Rear 95% 96% 97% 98% 100% 110% 120% 125% 130% 135%

Brave Stance Up

Further increases your damage during Brave Stance while attacking enemies from the front.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
BraveStanceUpIcon.png Brave Stance Up Brave Stance Lv5 102% 104% 106% 108% 110%

Brave Stance Critical

Increases your critical strike chance during Brave Stance while attacking enemies from the front.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
BraveStanceUpIcon.png Brave Stance Critical Brave Stance Lv3 10% 16% 20% 23% 25%

Wise Stance

A stance that increases your damage done while attacking from behind a target. Decreases damage done while in front of an enemy when below Lv5, and increases when above Lv5. Cannot be activated at the same time as Brave Stance.


  • Being in front or behind an enemy is defined by the enemy's total body, not the part you're targeting. So, for example, hitting the weakspot behind the neck of a Dark Ragne will benefit from Brave Stance, despite you being behind the neck, because you are on the front half of its body.
  • Some enemies consider the battlefield as their body. Such enemies will benefit from Brave/Wise Stance based on where you are located in the battlefield. For example:
    • Dark Falz Elder considers the entire battlefield as its body, meaning Wise Stance will work at all times, as his body is always on the back part of the arena.
    • Big Vardha's body can be walked on. Whenever you hit a part of it, the Stance that works will be based on where in its body you are located. So hitting the missile launchers on the back will always benefit from Wise Stance, while the laser cannons on the front will always benefit from Brave Stance. The core moves through its body, so it depends on where you are at the moment.
Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Multiplier Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
WiseStanceIcon.png Wise Stance S-ATK Boost 1 Lv3 Front 95% 96% 97% 98% 100% 110% 115% 120% 125% 130%
Rear 115% 117% 119% 122% 125% 127% 129% 131% 133% 135

Wise Stance Up

Further increases your damage during Wise Stance while attacking enemies from the back.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
WiseStanceUpIcon.png Wise Stance Up Wise Stance Lv5 110% 115% 120% 125% 130%

Wise Stance Critical

Increases your critical strike chance during Wise Stance while attacking enemies from the back.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
WiseStanceUpIcon.png Wise Stance Critical Wise Stance Lv3 10% 16% 20% 23% 25%

Class Exclusive Skills

Rare Mastery Fighter

Increases Damage when using weapons of rarity ★10 or higher. Only usable with Fighter as your main class.

Icon Skill Name Damage
RareMasteryStrikingIcon.png Rare Mastery Fighter 110%

Critical Strike

Raises critical rate and critical damage. Only usable with Fighter as your main class.

Icon Skill Name Effect Skill level
1 2 3 4 5
Strikingupskillicon.png Critical Strike Critical Damage 103% 106% 109% 112% 115%
Critical Chance +3% +6% +9% +12% +15%

Limit Break

Active skill. Temporarily reduces your maximum HP by 75% and increases Striking damage. This skill counts as a status effect for Crazy Heart and Crazy Beat, and cannot be cured by any means other than death or timing out. Because your maximum HP is reduced, all other effects that rely on maximum HP (such as Halfline Slayer, Healing Guard, Just Reversal Cover, and healing items) are also affected.

Only usable with Fighter as your main class.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite Effect Skill level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LimitBreakIcon.png Limit Break S-ATK Boost 1 Lv5 Max HP 25%
Striking Damage 104% 108% 112% 116% 120%
Duration 10s 15s 20s 25s 30s 35s 40s 45s 50s 60s
Cooldown 60s 65s 70s 75s 80s 90s

Limit Break Photon Charge

Fully recovers PP after Limit Break wears off. Does not activate if you die during Limit Break.

Only usable with Fighter as your main class.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite
LimitBreakPhotonChargeIcon.png Limit Break Photon Charge Limit Break Lv3

Limit Break Insurance

Requires Class Level 85.
Main Class Only. If you take an attack that would incapacitate you while Limit Break is active, automatically cancel Limit Break and withstand the attack with 1 HP. Usage of this skill increases the Recast Time of Limit Break.

Icon Skill Name Prerequisite
Limit Break Insurance Class Level 85