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Quest Triggers

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A Quest Trigger is an item that enables a player to start an Emergency Quest on demand. They are typically sold through the Treasure Shop for Star Gems, but are occasionally distributed as event rewards or otherwise sold through other means.


List of Quest Triggers

Rarity Name Description Notes Purchase/Drop Area
10 UIIconTrigger.png 虚なる深遠の躯トリガー
Profound Invasion Trigger
Allows the quest Profound Invasion to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 防衛戦:襲来トリガー
Mining Base Invasion Trigger
Allows the quest Mining Base Defense: Invasion to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 防衛戦:侵入トリガー
Mining Base Intrusion Trigger
Allows the quest Mining Base Defense: Intrusion to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 防衛戦:絶望トリガー
Mining Base Despair Trigger
Allows the quest Mining Base Defense: Despair to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 防衛戦:終焉トリガー
Mining Base Demise Trigger
Allows the quest Mining Base Defense: Demise to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 鋼鉄の威信トリガー
Unleashed Prestige Trigger
Allows the quest Unleashed Prestige to be selected from the quest counter. XH doesn't count as Magisterial Onslaught. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 輪廻の徒花トリガー
Profound Darkness Trigger
Allows the quest Perennial Apocalypse to be selected from the quest counter. All players in the Quest instance are granted A.R.K.S. Lv. 3. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png トリトリ2016トリガー
Trick 2016 Trigger
Allows the quest Trick or Treat 2016 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
Out of rotation.
10 UIIconTrigger.png 戦道2016トリガー
Regiment 2016 Trigger
Allows the quest Regiment of the Wicked 2016 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
Out of rotation.
10 UIIconTrigger.png ネッキー挑戦状トリガー
Necky Challenge Trigger
Allows the quest Necky's Challenge! to be selected from the quest counter. Weekly Famitsu Novemeber 2016 Issue.
10 UIIconTrigger.png メリクリ2016トリガー
Xmas 2016 Trigger
Allows the quest Merry Christmas On Ice 2016 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
Out of rotation.
10 UIIconTrigger.png 星滅の災厄トリガー
Annihilator Trigger
Allows the quest Annihilator's Apparition to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png チョコレート2017トリガー
Chocolate 2017 Trigger
Allows the quest Where's the Chocolate 2017 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
Out of rotation.
10 UIIconTrigger.png 輝光:輪廻の徒花トリガー
Solo T: Profound Darkness
Allows the quest The Eternal Darkness to be selected from the quest counter. A.R.K.S. Level is disabled. Weapons Badge 2017 shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png ホワイトデー2017トリガー
White Day 2017 Trigger
Allows the quest A Boisterous White Day 2017 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
Out of rotation.
10 UIIconTrigger.png 幻創の母トリガー
Phantom Mother Trigger
Allows the quest Racing the Phantom Mother to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 防衛訓練:VRトリガー
Def. Training: VR Trigger
Allows the quest Base Defense Training: VR to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 雨風2017トリガー
Rain 2017 Trigger
Allows the quest In the Driving Rain 2017 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 幻創の造神トリガー
Phantom God Trigger
Allows the quest The Creator Phantom to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png ビーチ2017トリガー
Beach 2017 Trigger
Allows the quest Beach Wars 2017! to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 戦道2017トリガー
Regiment 2017 Trigger
Allows the quest Regiment of the Wicked 2017 to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 鋼鉄の進撃トリガー
Magisterial Trigger
Allows the quest Magisterial Onslaught to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png トリトリ2017トリガー
Trick 2017 Trigger
Allows the quest Trick or Treat 2017! to be selected from the quest counter. Treasure Shop
10 UIIconTrigger.png 幻惑の森トリガー
Enchanted Forest Trigger
Allows the quest T: The Beckoning Woods to be selected from the quest counter. Trigger version has a 4 Player limit and an Incapacitation Limit of 9.
Can be sold on MyShop.
The Beckoning Woods Clear Reward
10 UIIconTrigger.png 全知への渇望トリガー
Rebirth of Desire Trigger
Allows the quest Rebirth of Desire to be selected from the Quest Counter. Incarnation of Knowledge (XH)