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Assault Rifle Camos

From Arks-Visiphone
Revision as of 21:23, 7 March 2025 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (added drop info to Strauss & Astral Riser)
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Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (NGS)
SwordSword Camos Wired LanceWired Lance Camos PartizanPartizan Camos Twin DaggersTwin Dagger Camos Double SaberDouble Saber Camos KnucklesKnuckle Camos KatanaKatana Camos Dual BladesDual Blade Camos GunslashGunslash Camos
Assault RifleAssault Rifle Camos LauncherLauncher Camos Twin MachinegunsTwin Machine Gun Camos Bullet BowBullet Bow Camos
RodRod Camos TalisTalis Camos WandWand Camos Jet BootsJet Boot Camos TaktTakt Camos

Assault Rifle Camos

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
7 UIItem*GuitarCase.png *Guitar Case
Assault Rifle Phantasy Star Series 25th Anniv. Concert Sympathy 2013
Visitor item code (3/30/2013~Current Date)

Phantasy Star Series 25th Anniv. Concert Sympathy 2013
Live Memorial Album item code (9/25/2013~9/24/2015)
7 UIItem*BlastSniperRenshiki.png *Blast Sniper Renshiki
Assault Rifle Cougar NX (Lv. 61+)
7 UIItem*SnakeGuitarCase.png *Snake Guitar Case
Assault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
7 UIItem*PineSniper.png *Pine Sniper
Assault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
7 UIItem*PureBlanca.png *Pure Blanca
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange
9 UIItem*ShagBortol.png *Shag Bortol
Assault Rifle Monthly Famitsu Connect!On February 2015 Issue
item code (12/27/2014~12/31/2015)
Gavas Exchange Shop (11/9/2016~12/7/2016)
7 UIItem*Strix.png *Strix
Assault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
7 UIItem*Yasminkov5000SD.png *Yasminkov 5000SD
Assault Rifle Title Reward
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*GravisPunisher.png *Gravis Punisher
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 6 (4/24/2019~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*AssaultMikoshi.png *Assault Mikoshi
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Memories of Summer (7/27/2022~8/10/2022)
8 UIItem*SpreadNeedle.png *Spread Needle
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 5 (4/24/2019~Current Date)
PSO2es: (Spread Needle) Present Gauge Reward
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*ArkumamiRifle.png *Arkumami Rifle
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 2 (4/24/2019~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*TonerKaiguru.png *Toner Kaiguru
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Holiday Memories (12/14/2022~12/28/2022)
8 UIItem*BattleRifle.png *Battle Rifle
Assault Rifle Battle Coin Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*GramFagan.png *Gram Fagan
Assault Rifle Previously Available
PSO2es: Record Material/Red Exchange
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*VitaBlaster.png *Vita Blaster
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Assault Rifle Emergency Quest Rush Campaign (4/29/2017~5/7/2017)
7 UIItem*60mmGatlingGun.png *60mm Gatling Gun
Assault Rifle AC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica (6/17/2017~7/5/2017)
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
7 UIItem*BroomBlaster.png *Broom Blaster
Assault Rifle AC Scratch: Eccentric Girls (6/21/2017~7/26/2017)
AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble (11/24/2020~12/23/2020)
8 UIItem*GiradGattle.png *Girad Gattle
Assault Rifle Battle Arena Scratch Reward
13 UIItem*VilantzActor.png *Vilantz Actor
Color Variant (NGS) Matches colors to Fashion
Assault Rifle Campaign Quest Event
Battle Arena Scratch Reward
The Guides of Creation (UH)
8 UIItem*VintageRifle.png *Vintage Rifle
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
7 UIItem*SilentViolet.png *Silent Violet
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Assault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
7 UIItem*Sumrera.png *Sumrera
Assault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
7 UIItem*KaiSchulensSniperRifle.png *Kai Schulen's Sniper Rifle
Assault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
8 UIItem*M25SEMissouri.png *M25SE Missouri
Assault Rifle PSZERO Memory Exchange
This item is Account Bound
9 UIItem*Blackbull.png *Blackbull
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Assault Rifle PSO2 EPISODE6 Start Guidebook item code (4/24/2019~4/30/2021)
PSO2 NGS: New Registration Campaign (6/9/2021~TBA)
13 UIItem*SidLechwitt.png *Sid Lechwitt
Color Variant (NGS) Matches colors to Fashion
Assault Rifle Descente Draal (Lv. 91+)
Ultra Exploration: Lillipa
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
Remade in NGS
10 UIItem*StarGunHarriet.png *Star Gun Harriet
Assault Rifle Previously Available
SG Scratch: PSO2 SG Collection (4/7/2021~12/31/2037)
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItem*CoatAssault.png *Coat Assault
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Assault Rifle Campaign Quest Event
Limited Quests
Featured Quest: Piper Of Disharmony (XH+) (3/4/2020~Current date)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
Emergency Quests
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
7 UIItem*PositronRifle.png *Positron Rifle
Assault Rifle AC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch (11/20/2019~12/18/2019)
8 UIItem*WarriorRifle.png *Warrior Rifle
Assault Rifle Battle Arena Scratch Reward
9 UIItem*Exacronov.png *Exacronov
Assault Rifle Previously Available
Special Scratch Exchange (4/10/2024~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 ChurrosterIcon.png *Churroster
Assault Rifle PSO2es Limited Reward
PSO2 11th Anniversary Login Bonus (7/5/2023~8/2/2023)
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange (5/15/2024~6/12/2024)
8 CarmeliAliceIcon.png *Carmeli Alice
Assault Rifle PSO2es Limited Reward
PSO2es: Extreme Survival quests
PSO2es: (Carmeli Alice) Present Gauge Reward
NGS: Ordinal Tower (Rank 1)
8 AvengerIcon.png *Avenger
Assault Rifle PSO2es: Record Material/Red Exchange
8 FirearmsIcon.png *Firearms
Assault Rifle PSO2es: Record Material/Yellow Exchange
NGS: Geometric Labyrinth (Rank 1)
8 Yasminkov7000VIcon.png *Yasminkov 7000V
Assault Rifle PSO2es: Record Material/Purple Exchange
NGS Retem Devastators (Rank 1+)
8 StraussIcon.png *Strauss
Assault Rifle Previous PSO2es Limited Quests
PSO2es: Quick Altar Investigation (SH) (2/12/2025~3/5/2025)
PSO2es: Preparation Express White Day (SH) (3/5/2025~3/26/2025)
8 FrozenShooterIcon.png *Frozen Shooter
Assault Rifle PSO2es: Record Material/Yellow Exchange
NGS: Ordinal Tower (Rank 5)
8 InfiniteCorundumIcon.png *Infinite Corundum
Assault Rifle PSO2es: Record Material/Purple Exchange
8 AstralRiserIcon.png *Astral Riser
Assault Rifle Previous PSO2es Limited Quests
Anniversary SP Scratch (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
PSO2es: Limited-Time Task (3/5/2025~3/12/2025)
PSO2es: Preparation Express White Day (SH) (3/5/2025~3/26/2025)
This item is Account Bound

Multi-Type Camos

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
7 UIItem*Revenant3.png *Revenant 3
Assault RifleGunslash AC Scratch: Eccentric Party (7/8/2015~8/5/2015)
7 UIItem*Revenant3R.png *Revenant 3R
Color Variant (NGS) Matches colors to Fashion
Assault RifleGunslash AC Scratch: Eccentric Party (7/8/2015~8/5/2015)
7 UIItem*Revenant3D.png *Revenant 3D
Color Variant (NGS) Matches colors to Fashion
Assault RifleGunslash AC Scratch: Eccentric Party (7/8/2015~8/5/2015)
7 UIItem*MissTraviller.png *Miss Travailler
Assault RifleGunslash AC Scratch: Versus Guilty Gear (8/26/2015~9/24/2015)
AC Scratch: Versus Cross Battle (1/13/2021~2/10/2021)
9 UIItem*FreyFiora.png *Frey Fiora
Twin MachinegunsAssault Rifle Phantasy Star Online 2 EP4 Deluxe Package item code (4/20/2016~Current Date)
PSO2es: (Frey Fiora) Present Gauge Reward
8 UIItem*PhantomBullet.png *Phantom Bullet
Assault RifleTwin Machineguns Zieg (Embodied Weapon Camo Exchange)
Remade in NGS
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*ZigLauncher.png *Zig Launcher
*Zig ランチャー
Assault RifleLauncher Virtual-On Battle Arena Collaboration (2/21/2018~3/7/2018)
8 UIItem*MisakaZigLauncher.png *Misaka Zig Launcher
*御坂専用Zig ランチャー
Assault RifleLauncher Virtual-On Battle Arena Collaboration (2/21/2018~3/7/2018)
7 UIItem*MimoriTogosGun.png *Mimori Togo's Gun
Assault RifleTwin Machineguns AC Scratch: Blooming Courage (2/21/2018~3/22/2018)
7 UIItem*SegmentRifle.png *Segment Rifle
Assault RifleTwin Machineguns AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style (11/22/2023~12/19/2023)
7 UIItem*PalletRifle.png *Pallet Rifle
Assault RifleTwin Machineguns AC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch (11/20/2019~12/18/2019)
7 UIItem*EM9Luxation.png *EM-9 Luxation
Assault RifleTwin Machineguns Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
7 UIItem*MatriarchsMachineGun.png *Matriarch's Machine Gun
Assault RifleTwin Machineguns Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
9 UIItem*VolcanFalva.png *Volcan Falva
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Assault RifleLauncher Mission Pass Season 5 Reward (3/3/2021~4/21/2021)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*SHTrident.png *SH Trident
Twin MachinegunsGunslashAssault Rifle AC Scratch: Irregulars Summer (8/13/2014~9/10/2014)
7 UIItem*MamorusCosmoGun.png *Mamoru's Cosmo Gun
GunslashAssault RifleTwin Machineguns AC Scratch: Cosmo Fleet Hero (12/17/2014~1/28/2015)
7 UIItem*DreamMegaphone.png *Dream Megaphone
Assault RifleGunslashWand AC Scratch: Mega Dimension Heroines (9/24/2015~10/28/2015)
AC Scratch: Hyperdimension Game (3/17/2021~3/31/2021)
7 UIItem*AkarisMicroUzi.png *Akari's Micro Uzi
Twin MachinegunsGunslashAssault Rifle AC Scratch: Scarlet Detective (11/25/2015~12/22/2015)
AC Scratch: Scarlet Bullet (4/14/2021~5/12/2021)
7 UIItem*GorgeousGunsBrunhilde.png *Gorgeous Guns Brunhilde
Twin MachinegunsGunslashAssault Rifle AC Scratch: Devil Wars History (12/22/2015~1/29/2016)
7 UIItem*DenialOne.png *Denial One
Assault RifleKatanaBullet Bow Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
8 UIItem*Sleipnir.png *Sleipnir
SwordGunslashAssault Rifle Virtual-On Battle Arena Collaboration (2/21/2018~3/7/2018)
8 UIItem*KamijouSleipnir.png *Kamijou Sleipnir
SwordGunslashAssault Rifle Virtual-On Battle Arena Collaboration (2/21/2018~3/7/2018)
7 UIItem*DesperadoCase.png *Desperado Case
LauncherAssault RifleTwin Machineguns Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
8 UIItem*VitaBlaster.png *Ranger's Order
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Assault RifleGunslashLauncher Weapons Badge 2019 Exchange Shop (1/1/2019~1/8/2020)
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 2 (1/8/2020~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*TwinAssault.png *Gunner's Order
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Twin MachinegunsGunslashAssault Rifle Weapons Badge 2019 Exchange Shop (1/1/2019~1/8/2020)
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 2 (1/8/2020~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*GrimAssassin.png *Grim Assassin
KatanaAssault RifleRod Previously Available
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
NGS SG Scratch Bonus: Refined Form 3 (5/17/2022~6/15/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 LavaSeekerIcon.png *Lava Erz
Twin DaggersAssault RifleWand Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 AmberSeekerIcon.png *Amber Erz
Twin DaggersAssault RifleWand Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*TrackingNeon.png *Tracking Neon
RodKatanaAssault Rifle Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
8 UIItem*SchriftBilden.png *Schrift Bilden
GunslashAssault RifleTwin Machineguns PSO 20th Anniversary Campaigns (2/17/2021~3/31/2021)
NGS Reward Box Jul'24 (7/17/2024~7/31/2024)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*BlitzHorizon.png *Blitz Horizon
Assault RifleTwin DaggersLauncherTwin Machineguns Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 3rd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver] (5/15/2024~6/19/2024)
8 UIItem*VitaFolones.png *Phantom's Order
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
RodKatanaGunslashAssault Rifle Weapons Badge 2019 Exchange Shop (4/24/2019~1/8/2020)
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 2 (1/8/2020~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItem*BulletRaise.png *Bullet Raise
Twin MachinegunsSwordKnucklesAssault Rifle Descente Draal (Lv. 91+)
Ultra Exploration: Wopal
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
NGS Reward Box Oct '24 (10/9/2024~11/5/2024)
7 UIItem*TrimmindRyvit.png *Trimmind Ryvit
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Twin MachinegunsKnucklesAssault RifleLauncher Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
8 GridEdiaIcon.png *Auster Flage
SwordAssault RifleTwin MachinegunsWand Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 FalastEdiaIcon.png *Zephyr Flage
SwordAssault RifleTwin MachinegunsWand Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
9 UIItem*StarsForge.png *Stars Forge
PartizanDouble SaberAssault RifleRod V Jump February 2020 issue item code (12/21/2019~12/31/2020)
8 UIItem*SoliteWeihen.png *Solite Weihen
SwordAssault RifleRodJet Boots Xie (20th Anniv.)'s Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
NGS Reward Box Oct '24 (10/9/2024~11/5/2024)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*ChevalierPledge.png *Chevalier Pledge
SwordAssault RifleTwin MachinegunsTalis Xie (20th Anniv.)'s Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop
Weapons Badge 2021 Camo Exchange Shop (3/3/2021~Current Date)
NGS Reward Box Apr'24 (4/24/2024~6/5/2024)
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItem*AddictCharm.png *Addict Charm
GunslashTwin DaggersAssault Rifle
Bullet BowTakt
Quest Trigger: Specter of Tragedy (XH+)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
Requiem of the Specter's Grudge (UH)
8 RuinMirageIcon.png *Nornir Retage
SwordDouble SaberAssault Rifle
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 RuinLoweIcon.png *Lazwar Retage
SwordDouble SaberAssault Rifle
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 FreyuccaIcon.png *Flare Raca
KnucklesKatanaAssault Rifle
WandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 RoseAssassinIcon.png *Rose Ornament
Assault RifleSwordTwin Machineguns
PSO2 Memorial Twitter Campaign (3/31/2021~4/28/2021)
PSO2es: (Rose Skewer) Present Gauge Reward
Story Quest Clear Campaign (7/21/2021~8/4/2021)
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay (7/20/2022~8/31/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 RossoRingerIcon.png *Rosso Blut
SwordKnucklesAssault Rifle
Twin MachinegunsRodTalis
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 VerdeRingerIcon.png *Vert Blut
SwordKnucklesAssault Rifle
Twin MachinegunsRodTalis
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 SkullSorcererIcon.png *Skull Dalera
Assault RifleKnucklesKatana
GunslashTwin MachinegunsTalis
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
13 ValkyrieR25Icon.png *Areus M23
Twin MachinegunsTwin DaggersKatana
Dual BladesGunslashAssault Rifle
Divide Quest - Earth Stages
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Rewind Collection Dec '24 (12/1/2024~12/11/2024)
13 UIItem*GardinasVario.png *Gardinas Vario
Twin DaggersKatanaDual Blades
GunslashAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
PSO2es: Extreme Survival Reward
7 UIItem*ImperialArmyStdEquipment.png *Imperial Army Std. Equipment
KatanaSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberDual BladesAssault Rifle
Twin MachinegunsWand
AC Scratch: Alternative Selection (6/12/2019~7/10/2019)
8 UIItem*Gryfftorus.png *Gryfftorus
NGS Field Race Only sellable in NGS
Wired LanceDouble SaberAssault Rifle
Twin MachinegunsBullet BowRod
WandJet Boots
NGS Treasure Scratch Vol.5 Scratch Bonus (9/18/2024~10/9/2024)
7 UIItem*GunbladeLance.png *Gunblade Lance
PartizanSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberDual BladesGunslash
Assault RifleRodWand
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica (6/17/2017~7/5/2017)
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style (11/22/2023~12/19/2023)
13 DalzSoleidIcon.png *Dalz Legein
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
GunslashAssault RifleBullet Bow
TalisWandJet Boots
Rebirth of Desire (XH+)
Campaign Quest Event
13 UIItem*CoatEdge.png *Coat Weapon
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
SwordDouble SaberKatana
Dual BladesAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
Zieg (Weapon Camo Exchange)
This item is Account Bound
9 CoatEdgeDIcon.png *Coat Weapon D
SwordDouble SaberKatana
Dual BladesAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
PSO2 EP6 Materials Collection item code (4/28/2021~4/30/2024)
Remade in NGS
8 UIItem*ReppleLaMer.png *Repple La Mer
PartizanWired LanceDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowTalisWand
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*SolisLaMer.png *Solis La Mer
PartizanWired LanceDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowTalisWand
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItemLandedorOrb.png *Caliente Orb Megis
PartizanDouble SaberKatanaGunslash
Assault RifleTwin MachinegunsRod
WandJet BootsTakt
Limited Time Arks Mission Reward (11/20/2019~12/18/2019)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItemLandedorDusk.png *Iltheon Dusk Megis
PartizanDouble SaberKatanaGunslash
Assault RifleTwin MachinegunsRod
WandJet BootsTakt
The Sixth Angel (UH) (11/20/2019~2/5/2020)
Title Reward No longer Available
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
7 UIItem*MegaSlashEdge.png *Mega Slash Edge
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
GunslashSwordPartizanTwin Daggers
Double SaberKnucklesKatanaDual Blades
Assault RifleBullet BowWand
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
NGS AC Scratch: Frame Arms Style (11/22/2023~12/19/2023)
13 UIItem*EvilShioinaruyanpe.png *Evil Shioinaruyanpe
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Campaign Quest Event
The Cosmic Calamity (Limited Quest)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+) (5/12/2021~6/22/2024)
NGS AC Scratch: Rewind Collection Feb '25 (2/1/2025~2/12/2025)
13 KeenCyclerIcon.png *Wilk Sente
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
The Desert Nightmare
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+) (5/12/2021~6/22/2024)
8 BioGlionIcon.png *Bio Celluar
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 LiveGlionIcon.png *Live Celluar
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 MomijihimeIcon.png *Akikaze Ichiyo
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Drago Rappy (Lv. 1+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 1+) (5/12/2021~6/22/2024)
This item is Account Bound
13 DainsleifOrbitIcon.png *Randle Orbit
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Base Defense Training: VR (UH)
PSO2es: (Tryvin Orbit) Present Gauge Reward
ARKS Ship Fire Swirl (UH)
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+) (5/12/2021~6/22/2024)
13 UIItemDainsleifMirage.png *Randle Mirage
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Base Defense Training: VR (UH)
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+) (5/12/2021~6/22/2024)
13 UIItemDainsleifNova.png *Randle Nova
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Base Defense Training: VR (UH)
ARKS Ship Fire Swirl (UH)
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+) (5/12/2021~6/22/2024)
13 InvadeCaliburIcon.png *Invade Destroy
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Emergency Quests
Featured Quests
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
AC Shop (12/26/2024~1/8/2025)
13 AustereCaliburIcon.png *Austere Lightness
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Emergency Quests
Featured Quests
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Type 1 Costume Revival (7/24/2024~8/7/2024)
8 UIItem*ReiganRearm.png *Reigan Rearm
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Arks Autumn Function 2020 Web Panel Reward (12/9/2020)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange
8 UIItem*ArakazeJunanaha.png *Arakaze Jushichiyo
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2 Station! Plus Secret Phrase (3/26/2021~4/7/2021)
PSO2es: Record Material Exchange
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25 (1/15/2025~1/29/2025)
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItemAculdDiene.png *Aculd Crypt
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Limited Quests
Emergency Quests
Featured Quests
PSO2es: Nightmare Tower
PSO2es: Eternal Tower (61st floor and higher)
13 RigZeredderIcon.png *Rig Physio
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Emergency Quests (UH)
Treasure Scratch Vol.4 Scratch Bonus (7/10/2024~8/7/2024)
13 KvelleArionIcon.png *Crytz Arion
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Emergency Quests (UH)
Treasure Scratch Vol.2 Scratch Bonus (12/6/2023~12/26/2023)
13 UIItemRaeteKvelle.png *Raete Crytz
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Emergency Quests (UH)
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
13 UIItemAletheiaLamina.png *Aletheia Salyut
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Emergency Quests (UH)
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
Remade in NGS
13 UIItemNebulosPanific.png *Nebulos Mutecia
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Emergency Quests (UH)
Treasure Scratch Vol.1 Scratch Bonus (8/9/2023~9/13/2023)
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
13 SigmaZeredderIcon.png *Sigma Physio
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Weaponoid Stone Exchange
13 UIItemSwordDominacio.png *Physio Dominacio
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Nightmare Tower
PSO2es: Eternal Tower (61st floor and higher)
PSO2 Global 4th Anniversary Login Gift (3/6/2024~4/10/2024)
13 UIItemSwordInclusio.png *Physio Inclusio
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Nightmare Tower
Xiemmy's SG Recycle Exchange (4/24/2024~6/12/2024)
8 UIItem*KadlinTeagle.png *Kadlin Teagle
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
PSO2es: Nightmare Tower (31st floor or higher)
9 UIItem*StealthWeapon.png *Stealth Weapon
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Previously Available
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Type 2 Costume Revival (7/24/2024~8/7/2024)
13 UIItemNemesisCalibur-NT.png *Nemesis Celica
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Emergency Quests
Limited Quests
Featured Quests
2 Big Campaigns to Support Beginners (6/7/2023~TBA)
13 UIItemSlaveCalibur-NT.png *Slave Celica
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Emergency Quests
Limited Quests
Featured Quests
2 Big Campaigns to Support Beginners (6/7/2023~TBA)
13 ZeinesisCaliburIcon.png *Zeinesis Angajima
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Emergency Quests
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Remade in NGS
13 QliphadCaliburIcon.png *Qliphad Ressentiment
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Emergency Quests
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Remade in NGS
13 UIItemProfoundDimenxion.png *Profound Sinixion
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Emergency Quest Rush Campaign
Primordial Enmity from the Void
The Desert Nightmare (UH)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
13 UIItemCelestialDimenxion.png *Celestial Pleaxion
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Emergency Quest Rush Campaign
Primordial Enmity from the Void
The Desert Nightmare (UH)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
13 UIItemLightstreamDimenxion.png *Lightstream Creaxion
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift
Limited Quests
Primordial Enmity from the Void
The Desert Nightmare (UH)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
13 AresSwordIcon.png *Ares Krieger
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Merry Christmas on Ice 2020 (12/23/2020~1/27/2021)
Limited Quests
The Beckoning Darkness (UH)
Primordial Enmity from the Void
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
13 UIItemAtlasFarderEx.png *Atlas Relic Ex
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Limited Quests
The Beckoning Darkness (UH)
Primordial Enmity from the Void
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
13 UIItemLiberateSword.png *Liberate Armory
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Limited Quests
Primordial Enmity from the Void
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Remade in NGS
13 UIItemGenStil.png *Graf Stil
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Limited Quests
Cradle of Darkness (UH)
Primordial Enmity from the Void
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
13 UIItemLightweaverCrasEdge.png *Lightweaver Cras Tail
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Limited Quests
Primordial Enmity from the Void
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 1 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Featured Quest: Special Training: Episode 2 (UH) (6/9/2021~Current date)
Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (NGS)
SwordSword Camos Wired LanceWired Lance Camos PartizanPartizan Camos Twin DaggersTwin Dagger Camos Double SaberDouble Saber Camos KnucklesKnuckle Camos KatanaKatana Camos Dual BladesDual Blade Camos GunslashGunslash Camos
Assault RifleAssault Rifle Camos LauncherLauncher Camos Twin MachinegunsTwin Machine Gun Camos Bullet BowBullet Bow Camos
RodRod Camos TalisTalis Camos WandWand Camos Jet BootsJet Boot Camos TaktTakt Camos