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Endeavor is the main theme of Phantasy Star Saga: Idola.


Clear, pure eyes sight set on horizon
sail out to sea a world so vast to see
Gentle a heart as big as the ocean
reach out a hand with love to share the walk
Clear, true voice the key to lead for all
an arrow of light inspire hope in words
Gallant in stand as if legends of land
shed light to path give courage strength to all

An arrow of light inspire hope in words
Clear, true voice key to all
Shed light to path give courage strength to all
Gallant in stand legends of land

World divided
our hearts are split in two
by ways upon us
times in query
a choice can change the world
of what becomes us
For every hope to grow must a hope then fall down,
on behalf of the other?
Will we ever find forever
never say never in name of the Rover
bring us together through whatever
though how unknown and treacherous to be our way to go
Forever this endeavor
may it halt never nothing is over
How to enlighten a world with no light break the darkness
we're each assigned with a star in signs above to see
Stars light our way

An arrow of light inspire hope in words
clear, true voice key to all
Shed light to path with twelve in signs of stars
gallant in stand legends of land
Clear, pure eyes sight set on horizon
sail out to sea worlds never seen