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Collection Storage

This storage stores chips and items when the Chip Storage is full. It has a capacity of 300, and once full it must be emptied or one will not be allowed to use features such as Quests.

Chip Storage

You can carry the chips obtained from "PSO2es". You can check the chips you have from "Equipment", "Tips Release", and "Sale" in the quick menu. The number of possessions starts from "100", and the maximum number can be expanded to "900" with rappy medals and AC / iAC.

  • Chips that can be stored in the chip pack include chips that can be installed in the chip pallete and link slot. It does not include material chips.

Material Chip Storage

Among the chips obtained from "PSO2es", this pack allows you to have a dedicated material chip to strengthen the chip. You can check the material chips you have when selecting "Tip Strengthening" or "Tip Release" in the quick menu or from Chip Sale in "Sale".

  • Displayed when "Chip Pack" is switched to "Material" on the chip list screen.

Stack of material chips The number of material chips you have is stacked, and you can have "100" of the same chips. If you expand the chip warehouse, you can expand the number of stacks up to "700" according to the number, and if the character linked with "PSO2" is valid for the premium set, "299" The number of stacks is expanded.

  • If all are valid, the same chip will be stacked up to "999".

PSO2es Storage

A special storage refreshed for 30 days of usage on every PSO2es login, that can be used for PSO2. Stores up to 100 unique items.

This Storage requires that the character be a PSO2 character. If the character was first created in PSO2es, it must be linked to PSO2 (essentially, logging into PSO2 with that character).