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Related weapons of the same type. Will often all have the same model, recolored or retextured.
| sword = Sword line:
| gigush = Gigush line:
| breaker = Breaker line:
| claymore = Claymore line:
| calibur = Calibur line:
| zaxe = Zaxe line:
| advancesword = Advanced Sword line:
| tuna = Tuna line
- Space Tuna / Space Tuna-NT
- Freeze Tuna
- *Space Tuna
| firescale = Fire Dragon's Scales line
| aristin = Aristin line:
| sildinian = Sil Dinian's Sword line:
| coatedge = Coat Edge line:
- Coat Edge
- Coat Edge D
- Coat Edge Ver2
- *Coat Edge
- *Coat Edge D
| ardillo = Ardillo line:
| ruin = Ruin line:
| kvelle = Kvelle line:
| odachi = Odachi line:
| wiredlance = Wired Lance line:
- Wired Lance / Wired Lance-NT
- Alva Wired Lance / Alva Wired Lance-NT
- Vita Wired Lance / Vita Wired Lance-NT
| gain = Wired Gain line:
| over = Wired Over line:
| advancewiredlance = Advanced Wired Lance line:
| kuschanebula = Kuscha Nebula line:
| jagriath = Jagriath line:
| jirak = Jirak line:
| tesshin = Tesshin line:
| partizan = Partizan line:
| basilleon = Basilleon line:
| advancepartizan = Advanced Partizan line:
| rozan = Rozan line:
| onitoshi = Onitoshi line:
| twindagger = Twin Dagger line:
- Twin Dagger / Twin Dagger-NT
- Alva Twin Dagger / Alva Twin Dagger-NT
- Vita Twin Dagger / Vita Twin Dagger-NT
| advancetwindagger = Advanced Twin Dagger line:
| firefins = Fire Dragon's Wings line:
| saw = Saw line:
| nesis = Nesis line:
| hinotsuchi = Hinotsuchi line:
| doublesaber = Double Saber line:
- Double Saber / Double Saber-NT
- Alva Double Saber / Alva Double Saber-NT
- Vita Double Saber / Vita Double Saber-NT
| advancedoublesaber = Advanced Double Saber line:
| kingbar = King Bar line:
| coatdoublis = Coat Doublis line:
- Coat Doublis
- Coat Doublis D
- *Coat Doublis
- *Coat Doublis D
| fossil = Fossil line:
| cadina = Cadina line:
- Nox Cadina / Nox Cadina-NT
- Cadina Arion
- Raete Cadina
- *Nox Cadina
| joukasen = Joukasen line :
| knuckles = Knuckles line:
| advanceknuckles = Advanced Knuckles line:
| destime = Destime line:
| tekken = Tekken line:
| katana = Katana line:
| advancekatana = Advanced Katana line:
| sagephus = Sagephus line:
| benirenge = Benirenge line:
| dualblade = Dual Blade line:
- Dual Blade / Dual Blade-NT
- Alva Dual Blade / Alva Dual Blade-NT
- Vita Dual Blade / Vita Dual Blade-NT
| advancedualblade = Advanced Dual Blade line:
| dinas = Dinas line:
| yamakage = Yamakage line:
| gunslash = Gunslash line:
| advancegunslash = Advanced Gunslash line:
| schdyx = Schdyx line:
| fushichou = Fushichou line:
| rifle = Rifle line:
| advancerifle = Advanced Rifle line:
| tigredor = Tigredor line:
| rain = Rain line:
| shooteyr = Shooteyr line:
| toushi = Toushi line:
| launcher = Launcher line:
| gripper = Gripper line:
| tagvalve = Tagvalve line:
| raflame = Raflame line:
| pisastian = Pisastian line:
| saintkilda = Saint Kilda line:
| legacy = Legacy line:
| rappycannon = Rappy Cannon line:
| advancelauncher = Advanced Launcher line:
| goodbyefire = Goodbye Fire line:
| photonlauncher = Photon Launcher line:
| soldinian = Sol Dinian's Launcher line:
| verethragna = Verethragna line:
| adrastea = Adrastea line:
| shark = Shark line:
| ridultiv = Ridultiv line:
| grmgrenade = GRM Grenade Launcher line:
| plosion = Plosion line:
| vardhacannon = Vardha Cannon line:
| bunker = Bunker line:
| illegal = Illegal line:
| saintlauncher = Saint Launcher line:
| neck = Neck line:
| hauser = Hauser line:
| crahd = Crahd line:
| enrin = Enrin line:
| twinmachinegun = Twin Machineguns line:
- Twin Machineguns / Twin Machineguns-NT
- Alva Twin Machineguns / Alva T. Machineguns-NT
- Vita Twin Machineguns / Vita T. Machineguns-NT
| advancetwinmachinegun = Advanced Twin Machinegun line:
| chario = Chario line:
| samidare = Samidare line:
| bulletbow = Bullet Bow line:
| advancebulletbow = Advanced Bullet Bow line:
| tigrebow = Tigrebow line:
| buster = Buster line:
| lexio = Lexio line:
| senka = Senka line:
| rod = Rod line:
| advancerod = Advanced Rod line:
| dinian = Dinian's Rod line:
| lipher = Lipher line:
| kashaku = Kashaku line:
| talis = Talis line:
| advancetalis = Advanced Talis line:
| book = Book line:
| krieg = Krieg line:
| kochou = Kochou line:
| wand = Wand line:
| advancewand = Advanced Wand line:
| qucross = Qucross line:
| tomoshibi = Tomoshibi line:
| jetboots = Jet Boots line:
| advancejetboots = Advanced Jet Boots line:
| placis = Placis line:
| souyoku = Souyoku line:
| yomimusubi = Yomimusubi line:
Weapons of different types that share a theme.
| nacht = /Nacht series:
- Tradicion / Nacht
- Rocket Punch / Nacht
- Neiclaw / Nacht
- Gae Bolg / Nacht
- Bloody Art / Nacht
- Chronos Scythe / Nacht
- Drill Knuckle / Nacht
- Lord Axeon / Nacht
- Astral Riser / Nacht
- Celesta Laser / Nacht
- Anti Android Rifle / Nacht
- Gur Bazga / Nacht
- H10 Missouri T / Nacht
- Pico Pico Hammer/ Nacht
- Gal Wind/ Nacht
- Windmill/ Nacht
| licht = /Licht series:
- Phyteuma / Licht
- Twin Reaping / Licht
- Double Cannon / Licht
- Frozen Shooter / Licht
- M25SE Missouri / Licht
- Skull Sorcerer / Licht
- M&A Vice / Licht
- L&K Combat / Licht
- Hirokteri / Licht
- Rikauteri / Licht
| red = Red series:
- Red Sword
- Red Wired Lance
- Red Partizan
- Red Twin Dagger
- Red Double Saber
- Red Knuckles
- Red Katana
- Red Dual Blade
- Red Gunslash
- Red Rifle
- Red Launcher
- Red Machineguns
- Red Bullet Bow
- Red Rod
- Red Talis
- Red Wand
- Red Jet Boots
| blue = Blue series:
- Blue Sword
- Blue Wired Lance
- Blue Partizan
- Blue Twin Dagger
- Blue Double Saber
- Blue Knuckles
- Blue Katana
- Blue Dual Blade
- Blue Gunslash
- Blue Rifle
- Blue Launcher
- Blue Machineguns
- Blue Bullet Bow
- Blue Rod
- Blue Talis
- Blue Wand
- Blue Jet Boots
| dinia = Dinia series:
| sadiena = Sadiena series:
| coat = Coat series:
- Coat Edge / Coat Edge Ver2 / *Coat Edge
- Coat Doublis / *Coat Doublis
- *Coat Saber
- *Coat Glide
- *Coat Assault
- *Coat Barrel
- *Coat Stick
- *Coat Talis
- *Coat Verge
- *Coat Weapon
| coatd = Coat D series:
- Coat Edge D / *Coat Edge D
- Coat Doublis D / *Coat Doublis D
| serpent = "Serpent" series:
- Ardillo / Ardillo-NT
- Jagriath / Jagriath-NT
- Raizenolk / Raizenolk-NT
- Legzaga / Legzaga-NT
- Failnaught / Failnaught-NT
- Bietiger / Bietiger-NT
- Salizania / Salizania-NT
- Adelaide / Adelaide-NT
- Jareid / Jareid-NT
- Tigredor / Tigredor-NT
- Ridultiv / Ridultiv-NT
- Radiegle / Radiegle-NT
- Tigrebow / Tigrebow-NT
- Garland / Garland-NT
- Visburn / Visburn-NT
- Cless Digger / Cless Digger-NT
- Lezaswift / Lezaswift-NT
| lambdaserpent = "Lambda Serpent" series:
- Lambda Ardillo
- Lambda Jagriath
- Lambda Raizenolk
- Lambda Legzaga
- Lambda Failnaught
- Lambda Bietiger
- Lambda Salizania
- Lambda Adelaide
- Lambda Jareid
- Lambda Tigredor
- Lambda Ridultiv
- Lambda Radiegle
- Lambda Tigrebow
- Lambda Garland
- Lambda Visburn
- Lambda Cless Digger
- Lambda Lezaswift
| dioserpent = "Dio Serpent" series:
- Dio Ardillo / Dio Ardillo-NT
- Dio Jagriath / Dio Jagriath-NT
- Dio Raizenolk / Dio Raizenolk-NT
- Dio Legzaga / Dio Legzaga-NT
- Dio Failnaught / Dio Failnaught-NT
- Dio Bietiger / Dio Bietiger-NT
- Dio Salizania / Dio Salizania-NT
- Dio Adelaide / Dio Adelaide-NT
- Dio Jareid / Dio Jareid-NT
- Dio Tigredor / Dio Tigredor-NT
- Dio Ridultiv / Dio Ridultiv-NT
- Dio Radiegle / Dio Radiegle-NT
- Dio Tigrebow / Dio Tigrebow-NT
- Dio Garland / Dio Garland-NT
- Dio Visburn / Dio Visburn-NT
- Dio Cless Digger / Dio Cless Digger-NT
- Dio Lezaswift / Dio Lezaswift-NT
| ruins0 = Reproduction Ruins series:
| ruins1 = Recreation Ruins series:
| ruins2 = Refined Ruins series:
- Ruin Mirage
- Fossil Bower
- Foia Rain
- Akst Plosion
- Nornir Book
- *Nornir Retage
| ruins3 = Restored Ruins series:
- Ruin Lowe
- Fossil Kite
- Sfera Rain
- Vetumsion
- Lazwar Book
- *Lazwar Retage
| steam = Steam series:
- Gearfreid
- Wheel Rolen
- Valvette
- Brass Haul
- Reflexion
- Steam Knuckles / Steam Knuckles-NT
- Yatenkouga
- Rail Lander
- Purelthird
- Transvein
- Grenfernal
- Code Shaft
- Fuchisefuuen
- Trance Cylinder
- Turn Head
- Pard Whistler
- Egzaverg
| clone1 = Red Clone Weapon series:
| clone2 = Green Clone Weapon series:
| clone3 = Black Clone Weapon series:
| goldsaint = Gold Saint series:
| bluesaint = Blue Saint series:
| redpirate = Red Pirate series:
| bio = Bio series:
- Bio Glion
- Bio Radle
- Bio Staid
- Bio Sloque
- Bio Zect
- Bio Dogault
- Bio Janen
- Bio Ribzeal
- Bio Slidawn
- Bio Triner
- Bio Spat
- Bio Fanger
- Bio Beld
- Bio Rias
- Bio Biloria
- Bio Pyrus
- Bio React
- *Bio Celluar
| live = Live series:
- Live Glion
- Live Radle
- Live Staid
- Live Sloque
- Live Zect
- Live Dogault
- Live Janen
- Live Ribzeal
- Live Slidawn
- Live Triner
- Live Spat
- Live Fanger
- Live Beld
- Live Rias
- Live Biloria
- Live Pyrus
- Live React
- *Live Celluar
| lightbattle = Warrior of Light series:
- Sharp Cycler / Sharp Cycler-NT
- Full Curio / Full Curio-NT
- Knight Falx / Knight Falx-NT
- Split Schild / Split Schild-NT
- Xerc / Xerc-NT
- Strike Brute / Strike Brute-NT
- Kongou / Kongou-NT
- Ciel Rishell / Ciel Rishell-NT
- Lufnesia / Lufnesia-NT
- Cheripheed / Cheripheed-NT
- Charge Hauser / Charge Hauser-NT
- Falco Flint / Falco Flint-NT
- Hard Recurve / Hard Recurve-NT
- Overtail / Overtail-NT
- Premicheros / Premicheros-NT
- Rentaunam / Rentaunam-NT
- Rondakrus / Rondakrus-NT
| darkbattle = Warrior of Shadow series:
- Keen Cycler / Keen Cycler-NT
- Mark Curio / Mark Curio-NT
- Kaiser Falx / Kaiser Falx-NT
- Sever Schild / Sever Schild-NT
- Gliserc / Gliserc-NT
- Break Brute / Break Brute-NT
- Kurotsuchi Kongou / Kurotsuchi Kongou-NT
- Sol Rishell / Sol Rishell-NT
- Licasnesia / Licasnesia-NT
- Zonepheed / Zonepheed-NT
- Volt Hauser / Volt Hauser-NT
- Eagle Flint / Eagle Flint-NT
- Solid Recurve / Solid Recurve-NT
- Vasetail / Vasetail-NT
- Serenescheros / Serenescheros-NT
- Valzounam / Valzounam-NT
- Felkrus / Felkrus-NT
- *Wilk Sente
| nox = Nox series:
- Nox Kvelle / Nox Kvelle-NT
- Nox Jirak / Nox Jirak-NT
- Nox Rozan / Nox Rozan-NT
- Nox Nesis / Nox Nesis-NT
- Nox Cadina / Nox Cadina-NT / *Nox Cadina
- Nox Destime / Nox Destime-NT
- Nox Sagephus / Nox Sagephus-NT
- Nox Dinas / Nox Dinas-NT
- Nox Schdyx / Nox Schdyx-NT
- Nox Shooteyr / Nox Shooteyr-NT
- Nox Crahd / Nox Crahd-NT
- Nox Chario / Nox Chario-NT
- Nox Lexio / Nox Lexio-NT
- Nox Lipher / Nox Lipher-NT
- Nox Krieg / Nox Krieg-NT
- Nox Qucross / Nox Qucross-NT
- Nox Placis / Nox Placis-NT
| nemesis = Nemesis series:
- Nemesis Calibur / Nemesis Calibur-NT
- Nemesis Chain / Nemesis Chain-NT
- Nemesis Lance / Nemesis Lance-NT
- Nemesis Dagger / Nemesis Dagger-NT
- Nemesis Saber / Nemesis Saber-NT
- Nemesis Fist / Nemesis Fist-NT
- Nemesis Kuuga / Nemesis Kuuga-NT
- Nemesis Dual / Nemesis Dual-NT
- Nemesis Slash / Nemesis Slash-NT
- Nemesis Shooter / Nemesis Shooter-NT
- Nemesis Cannon / Nemesis Cannon-NT
- Nemesis Bullet / Nemesis Bullet-NT
- Nemesis Feather / Nemesis Feather-NT
- Nemesis Sage / Nemesis Sage-NT
- Nemesis Symbol / Nemesis Symbol-NT
- Nemesis Cross / Nemesis Cross-NT
- Nemesis Shoes / Nemesis Shoes-NT
- Nemesis Bar-NT
- *Nemesis Celica
| slave = Slave series:
- Slave Calibur / Slave Calibur-NT
- Slave Chain / Slave Chain-NT
- Slave Lance / Slave Lance-NT
- Slave Dagger / Slave Dagger-NT
- Slave Saber / Slave Saber-NT
- Slave Fist / Slave Fist-NT
- Slave Kuuga / Slave Kuuga-NT
- Slave Dual / Slave Dual-NT
- Slave Slash / Slave Slash-NT
- Slave Shooter / Slave Shooter-NT
- Slave Cannon / Slave Cannon-NT
- Slave Bullet / Slave Bullet-NT
- Slave Feather / Slave Feather-NT
- Slave Sage / Slave Sage-NT
- Slave Symbol / Slave Symbol-NT
- Slave Cross / Slave Cross-NT
- Slave Shoes / Slave Shoes-NT
- Slave Bar-NT
- *Slave Celica
| arion = Arion series:
- Kvelle Arion
- Jirak Arion
- Rozan Arion
- Nesis Arion
- Cadina Arion
- Destime Arion
- Sagephus Arion
- Dinas Arion
- Schdyx Arion
- Shooteyr Arion
- Crahd Arion
- Chario Arion
- Lexio Arion
- Lipher Arion
- Krieg Arion
- Qucross Arion
- Placis Arion
| revolucio = Revolucio series:
- Sword Revolucio
- Lance Revolucio
- Spear Revolucio
- Thrust Revolucio
- Storm Revolucio
- Spike Revolucio
- Saika Revolucio
- Blade Revolucio
- Slash Revolucio
- Shot Revolucio
- Cannon Revolucio
- Bullet Revolucio
- Arch Revolucio
- Shaft Revolucio
- Card Revolucio
- Edge Revolucio
- Shoes Revolucio
| stelk = Stelk Series:
| fornis = Fornis series:
- Fornis Diene
- Fornis Gulls
- Fornis Gunath
- Fornis Beset
- Fornis Gennon
- Fornis Ghennes
- Fornis Reng
- Fornis Zalque
- Fornis Halube
- Fornis Ronbell
- Fornis Lugia
- Fornis Physis / *Fornis Physis
- Fornis Esvia
- Fornis Telnaze
- Fornis Ogend
- Fornis Ratioed
- Fornis Fanado
| Val = Val Series:
- Val Farder
- Val Weiss
- Val Vict
- Val Roke
- Val Vire
- Val Body
- Val Varua
- Val Slecht
- Val Ars
- Val Drache
- Val Volare
- Val Radda
- Val Agria
- Val Zemus
- Val Retra
- Val Eyth
- Val Exocet
| raete = Raete series:
- Raete Kvelle
- Raete Jirak
- Raete Rozan
- Raete Nesis
- Raete Cadina
- Raete Destime
- Raete Sagephus
- Raete Dinas
- Raete Schdyx
- Raete Shooteyr
- Raete Crahd
- Raete Chario
- Raete Lexio
- Raete Lipher
- Raete Krieg
- Raete Qucross
- Raete Placis
| profound = Profound Xion Series:
- Profound Dimenxion
- Profound Alluxion
- Profound Adoraxion
- Profound Obsessxion
- Profound Resurrecxion
- Profound Asserxion
- Profound Floraxion
- Profound Creaxion
- Profound Intenxion
- Profound Ambixion
- Profound Vacillaxion
- Profound Execuxion
- Profound Obligaxion
- Profound Salvaxion
- Profound Oraxion
- Profound Aspiraxion
- Profound Bendixion
- Profound Canxion
- *Profound Sinixion
| homura = Homura series:
- Homura no Odachi
- Homura no Tesshin
- Homura no Onitoshi
- Homura no Hinotsuchi
- Homura no Joukasen
- Homura no Tekken
- Homura no Benirenge
- Homura no Yamakage
- Homura no Fushichou
- Homura no Toushi
- Homura no Enrin
- Homura no Samidare
- Homura no Senka
- Homura no Kashaku
- Homura no Kochou
- Homura no Tomoshibi
- Homura no Souyoku
- Homura no Yomimusubi
| guren = Guren series:
- Guren no Odachi
- Guren no Tesshin
- Guren no Onitoshi
- Guren no Hinotsuchi
- Guren no Joukasen
- Guren no Tekken
- Guren no Benirenge
- Guren no Yamakage
- Guren no Fushichou
- Guren no Toushi
- Guren no Enrin
- Guren no Samidare
- Guren no Senka
- Guren no Kashaku
- Guren no Kochou
- Guren no Tomoshibi
- Guren no Souyoku
- Guren no Yomimusubi
| shien = Shien series:
- Shien no Odachi
- Shien no Tesshin
- Shien no Onitoshi
- Shien no Hinotsuchi
- Shien no Joukasen
- Shien no Tekken
- Shien no Benirenge
- Shien no Yamakage
- Shien no Fushichou
- Shien no Toushi
- Shien no Enrin
- Shien no Samidare
- Shien no Senka
- Shien no Kashaku
- Shien no Kochou
- Shien no Tomoshibi
- Shien no Souyoku
| blood = Blood series:
- Blood Glion
- Blood Radle
- Blood Staid
- Blood Sloque
- Blood Zect
- Blood Dogault
- Blood Janen
- Blood Ribzeal
- Blood Slidawn
- Blood Triner
- Blood Spat
- Blood Fanger
- Blood Beld
- Blood Rias
- Blood Biloria
- Blood Pyrus
- Blood React
| dim = Dim series:
- Dim Sword
- Dim Lance
- Dim Partizan
- Dim Twin Dagger
- Dim Double Saber
- Dim Knuckle
- Dim Katana
- Dim Dual Blade
- Dim Slash
- Dim Rifle
- Dim Launcher
- Dim Twin Machinegun
- Dim Bow
- Dim Rod
- Dim Talis
- Dim Wand
- Dim Jet Boots
- Dim Takt
| aculd = Aculd series:
- Aculd Diene
- Aculd Gulls
- Aculd Gunath
- Aculd Beset
- Aculd Gennon
- Aculd Ghennes
- Aculd Reng
- Aculd Zalque
- Aculd Halube
- Aculd Ronbell
- {{Rarity|14}Aculd Lugia
- Aculd Physis
- Aculd Esvia
- Aculd Telnaze
- Aculd Ogend
- Aculd Ratioed
- Aculd Fanado
| chaval = Chaval Series:
| shihou = Shihou Series:
- Shihou Seiryu
- Shihou Byakko
- Shihou Genbu
- Shihou Suzaku
- *Shikou Reiju
| resonant = Resonant Series:
| anacates = Anacates Series:
| genon = Genon Series:
| dyne = Dyne Series:
| serpen = Serpen Series:
| atlasex = Atlas Ex Series:
- Atlas Farder Ex
- Atlas Weiss Ex
- Atlas Vict Ex
- Atlas Roke Ex
- Atlas Vire Ex
- Atlas Body Ex
- Atlas Varua Ex
- Atlas Slecht Ex
- Atlas Ars Ex
- Atlas Drache Ex
- Atlas Volare Ex
- Atlas Radda Ex
- Atlas Agria Ex
- Atlas Zemus Ex
- Atlas Retra Ex
- Atlas Eyth Ex
- Atlas Exocet Ex
- Atlas Tahat Ex
| oblisana = Oblisana Series:
| puras = Puras Series:
- Gen Puras
- Cruva Puras
- Rau Puras
- Dao Puras
- Presa Puras
- Forza Puras
- Petra Puras
- Karaba Puras
- Wreid Puras
- Carbine Puras
- Maul Puras
- Vai Puras
- Arco Puras
- Magi Puras
- Mehve Puras
- Vania Puras
- Dino Puras
- Ban Puras
| stil = Stil Series:
- Gen Stil
- Cruva Stil
- Rau Stil
- Dao Stil
- Presa Stil
- Forza Stil
- Petra Stil
- Karaba Stil
- Wreid Stil
- Carbine Stil
- Maul Stil
- Vai Stil
- Arco Stil
- Magi Stil
- Mehve Stil
- Vania Stil
- Dino Stil
- Ban Stil
| million = Million Series:
- Million Brand
- Million Urumi
- Million Couse
- Million Stinger
- Million Glaive
- Million Jamadhar
- Million Shrime
- Million Shamshir
- Million Deganth
- Million Musket
- Million Cannon
- Million Baraja
- Million Lyrate
- Million Aspio
- Million Chakram
- Million Mace
- Million Vimana
| krisa = Krisa Series:
- Krisa Brand
- Krisa Urumi
- Krisa Couse
- Krisa Stinger
- Krisa Glaive
- Krisa Jamadhar
- Krisa Shrime
- Krisa Shamshir
- Krisa Deganth
- Krisa Musket
- Krisa Cannon
- Krisa Baraja
- Krisa Lyrate
- Krisa Aspio
- Krisa Chakram
- Krisa Mace
- Krisa Vimana
| ayer = Darkbanisher Ayer Series:
- Darkbanisher Ayer Edge
- Darkbanisher Ayer Anchor
- Darkbanisher Ayer Pike
- Darkbanisher Ayer Hanger
- Darkbanisher Ayer Doublis
- Darkbanisher Ayer Knocker
- Darkbanisher Ayer Saber
- Darkbanisher Ayer Glide
- Darkbanisher Ayer Tier
- Darkbanisher Ayer Assault
- Darkbanisher Ayer Cannon
- Darkbanisher Ayer Barrel
- Darkbanisher Ayer Arche
- Darkbanisher Ayer Cane
- Darkbanisher Ayer Talis
- Darkbanisher Ayer Virge
- Darkbanisher Ayer Walker
- Darkbanisher Ayer Reed
| adel = Adel series:
| seiros = Seiros series:
| fimbul = Fimbul series:
| legacy = Legacy Series:
Weapons and units which share a theme. Usually grant an extra effect, such as bonus stats, when worn together.
| vol = Vol Set:
- Vol Scale
- Fin Volg
- Rear/Vol Wing
- Arm/Vol Hands
- Leg/Vol Tail
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +30, +30, +30, PP+3
- With 4 items: +60, +60, +60, PP+6
| burn = Burn Set:
- Burn Spada
- Draal Volg
- Rear/Burn Wing
- Arm/Burn Hands
- Leg/Burn Tail
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +60, +60, +60, PP+3
- With 4 items: +120, +120, +120, PP+6
| fan = Fan Set:
- Aristin
- Hyperion
- Patty Lumeria
- Twizzler
- Lextear
- Arestice
- Rear/Fan Blair
- Arm/Fan Blam
- Leg/Fan Broi
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +45
- With 4 items: +90
| fen = Fen Set:
- Lambda Aristin
- Lambda Hyperion
- Lambda Patty Lumeria
- Lambda P. Lumeria Ver2
- Lambda Twizzler
- Lambda Lextear
- Lambda Arestice
- Rear/Fen Ibiel
- Arm/Fen Urion
- Leg/Fen Aegis
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +22
- With 4 items: +45
| fobi = Fobi Set:
- Dio Aristin
- Dio Hyperion
- Dio Patty Lumeria
- Dio Twizzler
- Dio Lextear
- Dio Arestice
- Rear/Fobi Riss
- Arm/Fobi Rashiram
- Leg/Fobi Resist
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +60
- With 4 items: +120
| quartz = Quartz Set:
- Razrail
- Razrail Ver2
- Quartz Calibur
- Quartz Calibur Ver2
- Rear/Quartz Wing
- Arm/Quartz Hands
- Leg/Quartz Tail
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +60, +60, +60, HP+30
- With 4 items: +120, +120, +120, HP+60
| vardhamizer = Vardha/Mizer Set:
- Mizer Ripper
- Excelan Blade
- Mizer Claw
- Vardha Cannon
- Mizer Bullet
- Vardha Bit
- Rear/Vardha Pack
- Arm/Vardha Arm
- Leg/Vardha Legs
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +45, +45, +45, PP+3
- With 4 items: +90, +90, +90, PP+6
| kingzexia = King/Zexia Set:
- Zexia Ripper
- Kingdom Blade
- Zexia Claw
- King Cannon
- Zexia Bullet
- King's Bit
- Rear/King's Pack
- Arm/King's Arm
- Leg/King's Legs
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +60, +60, +60, PP+3
- With 4 items: +120, +120, +120, PP+6
| vibrace = Vibrace Set:
- Vibrace Lance
- Vibrace Cannon
- Vibrace Bow
- Vibrace Rod
- Rear/Vibrace Colno
- Arm/Vibrace Grief
- Leg/Vibrace Canaz
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +60, +60, +60, PP+3
- With 4 items: +120, +120, +120, PP+6
| elder = Elder set:
- Elder Pain
- Elder Pain Omega (Does not count for set effect)
- Elder Fist
- Elder Rifle
- Elder Rod
- Rear/Elder Aroa
- Rear/Eldihete
- Arm/Elder Blazo
- Arm/Eldial
- Leg/Elder Piedes
- Leg/Eldigahna
- Set effect
- With 3 items: +60, +60, +60, PP+3
- With 4 items: +120, +120, +120, PP+6
| traitor = Traitor set:
- Traitor Linear
- Traitor Glyph
- Kae Traitor
- Glass Traitor
- Till Traitor
- Fran Traitor
- Traitor Peak
- Traitor Cage
- Rear/Far Minion
- Rear/Abyss Minion
- Set effect
- With 2 items: +40, +40, +40, HP+10
| invade = Invade Series:
- Invade Calibur / Invade Calibur-NT
- Invade Wing / Invade Wing-NT
- Invade Spear / Invade Spear-NT
- Invade Fencer / Invade Fencer-NT
- Invade Edge / Invade Edge-NT
- Invade Fist / Invade Fist-NT
- Invade Galland / Invade Galland-NT
- Invade Savior / Invade Savior-NT
- Invade Buster / Invade Buster-NT
- Invade Shooter / Invade Shooter-NT
- Invade Cannon / Invade Cannon-NT
- Invade Rain / Invade Rain-NT
- Invade Bogen / Invade Bogen-NT
- Invade Sorcerer / Invade Sorcerer-NT
- Invade Arm / Invade Arm-NT
- Invade Axe / Invade Axe-NT
- Invade Slider / Invade Slider-NT
- *Invade Destroy
- Rear/Invalum
- Arm/Invand
- Leg/Invarif
- Set effect
- With Rear + Arm: +70 +70 +70 +50 +3% +3% +3% PP+10
- With Leg + OT Weapon: +70 +70 +70 +100 +3% +3% +3%
| austere = Austere Series:
- Austere Calibur / Austere Calibur-NT
- Austere Wing / Austere Wing-NT
- Austere Spear / Austere Spear-NT
- Austere Fencer / Austere Fencer-NT
- Austere Edge / Austere Edge-NT
- Austere Fist / Austere Fist-NT
- Austere Galland / Austere Galland-NT
- Austere Savior / Austere Savior-NT
- Austere Buster / Austere Buster-NT
- Austere Shooter / Austere Shooter-NT
- Austere Cannon / Austere Cannon-NT
- Austere Rain / Austere Rain-NT
- Austere Bogen / Austere Bogen-NT
- Austere Sorcerer / Austere Sorcerer-NT
- Austere Arm / Austere Arm-NT
- Austere Axe / Austere Axe-NT
- Austere Slider / Austere Slider-NT
- *Austere Lightness
- Rear/Austelum
- Rear/Austerios
- Rear/Austehazara
- Arm/Austend
- Arm/Austende
- Arm/Austerico
- Leg/Austerif
- Leg/Austology
- Leg/Austerevel
- Set effect
- With Rear + Arm: +60, +60, +60, +50, +3%, +3%, +3%, HP+50, PP+20
- With Leg + OT Weapon: +50, +80, +80, +80, +3%, +3%, +3%
- With Rear + Arm: +80, +80, +80, +50, +3%, +3%, +3%, HP+50, PP+20
- With Leg + Weapon-NT: +50, +100, +100, +100, +3%, +3%, +3%
| astra = Astra set:
- Astra Separ
- Astra Adom
- Astra Gorge
- Astra Punish
- Astra Diren
- Astra Break
- Astra Reap
- Astra End
- Astra Diffie
- Astra Tremb
- Astra Bellow
- Astra Screa
- Astra Snarl
- Astra Ridic
- Astra Hate
- Astra Depri
- Astra Drive
- Rear/Astra Gres (Does not count for set effect)
- Arm/Astra Pioh
- Leg/Astra Rise (Does not count for set effect)
- Set effect
- With 2 items: +60
| ray = Ray set:
- Ray Sword
- Ray Lance
- Ray Partizan
- Ray Twin Dagger
- Ray Double Saber
- Ray Knuckle
- Ray Katana
- Ray Dual Blade
- Ray Slash
- Ray Rifle
- Ray Launcher
- Ray Twin Machinegun
- Ray Bow
- Ray Rod
- Ray Talis
- Ray Wand
- Ray Jet Boots
- Rear/Circu Ray
- Arm/Circa Ray
- Leg/Circ Ray
- Set effect:
- With Arm+Weapon: +60
| gix = Gix set:
- Gix Zangulum
- Gix Gilminadu
- Gix Jinraod
- Gix Jhikdrenn
- Gix Zelvran
- Gix Disanga
- Gix Bascht
- Gix Khutriv
- Gix Granas
- Gix Shadoke
- Gix Verata
- Gix Kafir
- Gix Viset
- Gix Jeud
- Gix Ernoe
- Gix Renan
- Gix Karina
- Arm/Gix Khudu
- Set effect:
- With 2 items: +20, +2, +2
| zeinesis = Zeinesis Series:
- Zeinesis Calibur
- Zeinesis Lance
- Zeinesis Valdis
- Zeinesis Baselard
- Zeinesis Vapen
- Zeinesis Breackle
- Zeinesis Sheath
- Zeinesis Saber
- Zeinesis Gunscissor
- Zeinesis Laser
- Zeinesis Cannon
- Zeinesis Vulcan
- Zeinesis Arrow
- Zeinesis Clutch
- Zeinesis Fidell
- Zeinesis Scepter
- Zeinesis Gear
- Zeinesis Pick
- *Zenesis Angajima
- Rear/Zeinesis Ganaf
- Arm/Zeinesis Lita
- Leg/Zeinesis Rem
- Set effect:
- With Arm + Weapon: +60
| qliphad = Qliphad Series:
- Qliphad Calibur
- Qliphad Lance
- Qliphad Valdis
- Qliphad Baselard
- Qliphad Vapen
- Qliphad Breackle
- Qliphad Sheath
- Qliphad Saber
- Qliphad Gunscissor
- Qliphad Laser
- Qliphad Cannon
- Qliphad Vulcan
- Qliphad Arrow
- Qliphad Clutch
- Qliphad Fidell
- Qliphad Scepter
- Qliphad Gear
- Qliphad Pick
- *Qliphad Ressentiment
- Rear/Qliphad Ganaf
- Arm/Qliphad Lita
- Leg/Qliphad Rem
- Set effect:
- With Arm + Weapon: +60
| union = Union series:
- Union Sword
- Union Lance
- Union Partizan
- Union Twin Dagger
- Union Double Saber
- Union Knuckle
- Union Katana
- Union Dual Blade
- Union Slash
- Union Rifle
- Union Launcher
- Union Twin Machinegun
- Union Bow
- Union Rod
- Union Talis
- Union Wand
- Union Jet Boots
- Rear/Circu Union
- Arm/Circa Union
- Leg/Circ Union
- Set effect:
- None
| evleda = Evleda series:
- Evleda Hander
- Evleda Haddat
- Evleda Rangia
- Evleda Janbiya
- Evleda Kijal
- Evleda Sadi
- Evleda Bazera
- Evleda Battadia
- Evleda Buechse
- Evleda Tradir
- Evleda Calvin
- Evleda Dinares
- Evleda Gender
- Evleda Medina
- Evleda Phossele
- Evleda Karinza
- Evleda Serbs
- Evleda Anhks
- Rear/Evleda Kibbs
- Arm/Evleda Ret
- Leg/Evleda Serb
- Set effect:
- None
| cleasis = Cleasis series:
- Cleasis Hander
- Cleasis Haddat
- Cleasis Rangia
- Cleasis Janbiya
- Cleasis Kijal
- Cleasis Sadi
- Cleasis Bazera
- Cleasis Battadia
- Cleasis Buechse
- Cleasis Tradir
- Cleasis Calvin
- Cleasis Dinares
- Cleasis Gender
- Cleasis Medina
- Cleasis Phossele
- Cleasis Karinza
- Cleasis Serbs
- Cleasis Anhks
- Rear/Cleasis Kibbs
- Arm/Cleasis Ret
- Leg/Cleasis Serb
- Set effect:
- None
| schvelle = Schvelle series:
- Schvelle Hander
- Schvelle Haddat
- Schvelle Rangia
- Schvelle Janbiya
- Schvelle Kijal
- Schvelle Sadi
- Schvelle Bazera
- Schvelle Battadia
- Schvelle Buechse
- Schvelle Tradir
- Schvelle Calvin
- Schvelle Dinares
- Schvelle Gender
- Schvelle Medina
- Schvelle Phossele
- Schvelle Karinza
- Schvelle Serbs
- Schvelle Anhks
- Rear/Schvelle Kibbs
- Arm/Schvelle Ret
- Leg/Schvelle Serb
- Set effect:
- None
| atlas = Atlas Series:
- Atlas Farder
- Atlas Weiss
- Atlas Vict
- Atlas Roke
- Atlas Vire
- Atlas Body
- Atlas Varua
- Atlas Slecht
- Atlas Ars
- Atlas Drache
- Atlas Volare
- Atlas Radda
- Atlas Agria
- Atlas Zemus
- Atlas Retra
- Atlas Eyth
- Atlas Exocet
- Atlas Tahat
- Rear/Atlas Sumer
- Arm/Atlas Shatan
- Leg/Atlas Kuvale
- Set effect:
- None
| celestial = Celestial Xion Series:
- Celestial Dimenxion
- Celestial Alluxion
- Celestial Adoraxion
- Celestial Obsessxion
- Celestial Resurrecxion
- Celestial Asserxion
- Celestial Floraxion
- Celestial Creaxion
- Celestial Intenxion
- Celestial Ambixion
- Celestial Vacillaxion
- Celestial Execuxion
- Celestial Obligaxion
- Celestial Salvaxion
- Celestial Oraxion
- Celestial Aspiraxion
- Celestial Bendixion
- Celestial Canxion
- *Celestial Pleaxion
- Rear/Celestial Mixion
- Arm/Celestial Luxion
- Leg/Celestial Dixion
- Set effect:
- None
| orgei = Orgei Series:
- Orgei Malice
- Orgei Rancor
- Rear/Orgei Grudge
- Set effect:
- None
| equdic = Equdic Series:
- *Equdic Malice
- *Equdic Rancor
- Rear/Equdic Grudge
- Set effect:
- None
| orb = Orb series:
- Landedor Orb
- Torbion Orb
- Repushuten Orb
- Bayonect Orb
- Aplos Orb
- Giamorta Orb
- Talishante Orb
- Kuwadarka Orb
- Teah Patella Orb
- Milliorazi Orb
- *Caliente Orb Megis
- Rear/Avion Orb
- Set effect:
- None
| dusk = Dusk series:
- Landedor Dusk
- Torbion Dusk
- Repushuten Dusk
- Bayonect Dusk
- Aplos Dusk
- Giamorta Dusk
- Talishante Dusk
- Kuwadarka Dusk
- Teah Patella Dusk
- Milliorazi Dusk
- *Iltheon Dusk Megis
- Rear/Avion Dusk
- Set effect:
- None
| novel = Novel Series:
- Novel Sword
- Novel Lance
- Novel Partizan
- Novel Dagger
- Novel Double Saber
- Novel Knuckle
- Novel Katana
- Novel Dual Blade
- Novel Slash
- Novel Rifle
- Novel Launcher
- Novel T. Machinegun
- Novel Bow
- Novel Rod
- Novel Talis
- Novel Wand
- Novel Jet Boots
- Novel Takt
- Rear/Novel Full
- Arm/Novel One
- Leg/Novel Mass
- Set effect:
- None
| liberate = Liberate Series:
- Liberate Sword
- Liberate Lance
- Liberate Partizan
- Liberate Dagger
- Liberate Double Saber
- Liberate Knuckle
- Liberate Katana
- Liberate Dual Blade
- Liberate Slash
- Liberate Rifle
- Liberate Launcher
- Liberate T. Machinegun
- Liberate Bow
- Liberate Rod
- Liberate Talis
- Liberate Wand
- Liberate Jet Boots
- Liberate Takt
- Rear/Liberate Full
- Arm/Liberate One
- Leg/Liberate Mass
- Set effect:
- None
| lightstream = Lightstream Xion Series:
- Lightstream Dimenxion
- Lightstream Alluxion
- Lightstream Adoraxion
- Lightstream Obsessxion
- Lightstream Resurrecxion
- Lightstream Asserxion
- Lightstream Floraxion
- Lightstream Creaxion
- Lightstream Intenxion
- Lightstream Ambixion
- Lightstream Vacillaxion
- Lightstream Execuxion
- Lightstream Obligaxion
- Lightstream Salvaxion
- Lightstream Oraxion
- Lightstream Aspiraxion
- Lightstream Bendixion
- Lightstream Canxion
- *Lightstream Creaxion
- Rear/Lightstream Mixion
- Rear/Lightstream Vixion
- Arm/Lightstream Luxion
- Arm/Lightstream Paxion
- Leg/Lightstream Dixion
- Leg/Lightstream Raxion
- Set effect:
- None
| cras = Lightweaver Cras Series:
- Lightweaver Cras Edge
- Lightweaver Cras Anchor
- Lightweaver Cras Pike
- Lightweaver Cras Hanger
- Lightweaver Cras Doublis
- Lightweaver Cras Knocker
- Lightweaver Cras Saber
- Lightweaver Cras Glide
- Lightweaver Cras Tier
- Lightweaver Cras Assault
- Lightweaver Cras Cannon
- Lightweaver Cras Barrel
- Lightweaver Cras Arche
- Lightweaver Cras Cane
- Lightweaver Cras Talis
- Lightweaver Cras Virge
- Lightweaver Cras Walker
- Lightweaver Cras Reed
- Rear/Cras Dyne
- Arm/Cras Noom
- Leg/Cras Ment
- Set effect:
- None