Collection File (PSO2)

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Revision as of 07:33, 25 February 2021 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (added the Steel Prestige Collection)
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Collection File is a system introduced in the April 2016 update. It is a system where players can work to obtain powerful weapons by repeatedly defeating enemies and bosses.


To begin a Collection File, a player must visit Equipment Manager Pudding and access the Collect File menu. A list of available Sheets will be displayed here. Accessing any of the Sheets will open up a list of available Files. To begin a File, select it to access the File overview, then select the left button to take the File. You can hold up to three Files on your docket by default, but an additional two slots will be opened with a Premium Set, and two extra permanent slots can be unlocked by paying 700 Star Gems each.

A File is made up of various minor Files. Each of these smaller Files displays a target Item, as well as a recommended enemy with a target level. Below the target Item is a progress bar that displays how far you have to go before the target Item drops automatically. The goal of a Collect File is to fill all of the smaller Files. Once all the slots have been marked as "COMPLETE!", a large "CONGRATULATIONS!" notification appears onscreen, and the File's weapon is deposited into your inventory. The File will then go on Cooldown, during which it cannot be taken. Cooldown can be reset manually by paying Star Gems.

Files additionally have an Expiration Date. Once a File expires, it can no longer be taken, and if no Files from that set are being taken, it will be removed from Pudding's list. An Expired File will stay in your docket and can still be completed, but cannot be retaken if cancelled.

Progress Bars

You can increase a progress bar in four ways.

  • Progress bars will fill when the recommended enemy with a level higher than the target level is defeated.
  • Progress bars will fill when an enemy that can drop the target item is defeated, regardless of whether or not it is the recommended enemy. Not all bars can be filled this way.
  • A progress bar will complete instantly if the target Item is picked up as a random drop.
  • Using the Collect Search feature in Phantasy Star Online 2es will increase a random, incomplete progress bar on the selected File by a randomized value. Once a progress bar has reached 100%, you will be required to defeat either the recommended enemy or an enemy that can drop the item to complete the File. It is possible to increase multiple progress bars through this method, albeit rare. This action can be performed once per day, and resets at 5AM JST, but up to two additional daily tries can be purchased with ARKS Cash. It is not possible to increase the progress of an Expired File via this method.

When a progress bar reaches 100%, defeating any enemy that can drop the item or the recommended enemy will cause the target Item to drop. This is indicated by a notification appearing at the bottom of the screen. The target item additionally has a white field icon and blinks. Picking up this item will mark that File as "COMPLETE!", after which you are no longer required to keep the item.

Boost Items

  • These items boost all the Progress bars when used on a Collection File (Non-Expired). Like Collection Search once a progress bar has reached 100%, you will be required to defeat either the recommended enemy or an enemy that can drop the item to complete the File.
Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Pass Pass.png Collection File Gauge (Small)
SG Shop (During PSO2 Day)
Limited Time Campaigns
Increases Collection File gauge. Raise the CF gauge by 10%.
8 Pass Pass.png Collection File Gauge (Medium)
SG Shop (During PSO2 Day)
Limited Time Campaigns
Increases Collection File gauge. Raise the CF gauge by 25%.
8 Pass Pass.png Collection File Gauge (Big)
Limited Time Campaigns Increases Collection File gauge. Raise the CF gauge by 50%.

List of Collection Files

2020 Collection File

2020 Collection Files
File Name Weapons Eggs Time Period
Valentines 2020 Collection 13Wired LanceFlow Razor
13Twin DaggersFornis Beset
13Dual BladesTactio Ampacia
13Bullet BowTactio Frazen
13RodTactio Hastein
14EggMelon S
14EggJinga S
14EggAero S
14EggPopple S
14EggRedran S
February 5th, 2020 to February 18th, 2020
White Day 2020 Collection 13SwordFornis Diene
13PartizanStrategeo Smothered
13KnucklesStrategeo Mate
13LauncherL&K38 Combat
13LauncherStrategeo Casrook
13Jet BootsFornis Fanado
March 4th, 2020 to March 24th, 2020
Easter 2020 Collection 13PartizanCalamity Stinger
13KnucklesCalamity Smasher
13Dual BladesCalamity Blazer
13LauncherTridia Yato
13Twin MachinegunsTridia Shooter
13Bullet BowTridia Isera
13RodVades Zapper
13WandVades Scythe
13Jet BootsVades Greaves
April 8th, 2020 to April 21st, 2020
Rainy 2020 Collection 13Wired LanceMars Dellwogg
13KnucklesMars Megawoga
13KatanaMars Zanshou
13Dual BladesMars Valzzarg
13Assault RifleMars Regalus
13Twin MachinegunsMars Diazuth
13RodMars Estour
13WandMars Verhaar
13EggWanda S
13EggTorim S
13EggCery S
13EggMaron S
13EggViola S
13EggSynchro S
June 24th, 2020 to July 7th, 2020
Beach Wars 2020 Collection 13PartizanCalamity Stinger
13KnucklesCalamity Smasher
13KnucklesFornis Ghennes
13Dual BladesCalamity Blazer
13Assault RifleFornis Ronbell
13LauncherTridia Yato
13Twin MachinegunsTridia Shooter
13Bullet BowTridia Isera
13RodVades Zapper
13RodFornis Telnaze
13WandVades Scythe
13Jet BootsVades Greaves
14EggMelon S
14EggJinga S
14EggAero S
14EggPopple S
14EggSynchro S
August 19th, 2020 to Septemeber 1st, 2020
Viva Las Vegas Collection 13Double SaberAcht Lian
13KatanaFornis Reng
13Assault RifleAcht Ien
13LauncherFornis Lugia
13WandAcht Coure
September 30th, 2020 to October 13th, 2020
Trick or Treat 2020 Collection 13Wired LanceGlorious Parfait
13Wired LanceFornis Gulls
13Twin DaggersChocolat Du Kuchen
13Double SaberFornis Gennon
13KnucklesSpike Revolucio
October 28th, 2020 to November 24th, 2020
Christmas 2020 Collection 13SwordFornis Diene
13Wired LanceFornis Gulls
13PartizanFornis Gunath
13Twin DaggersFornis Beset
13Double SaberFornis Gennon
13KnucklesFornis Ghennes
13GunslashFornis Halube
13KatanaFornis Reng
13Dual BladesFornis Zalque
13Assault RifleFornis Ronbell
13LauncherFornis Lugia
13Twin MachinegunsFornis Physis
13Bullet BowFornis Esvia
13RodFornis Telnaze
13TalisFornis Ogend
13WandFornis Ratioed
13Jet BootsFornis Fanado
14EggWanda S
14EggTorim S
14EggCery S
14EggMaron S
14EggMelon S
14EggViola S
14EggSynchro S
14EggJinga S
14EggAero S
14EggPopple S
14EggRedran S
December 23rd, 2020 to January 27th, 2021

2017 Collection Files

2017 Collection Files
File Name Weapons Eggs Time Period
Phantom God Collection 13SwordZeinesis Calibur
13Wired LanceZeinesis Lance
13PartizanZeinesis Valdis
13Twin DaggersZeinesis Baselard
13Double SaberZeinesis Vapen
13KnucklesZeinesis Breackle
13GunslashZeinesis Gunscissor
13KatanaZeinesis Sheath
13Dual BladesZeinesis Saber
13Assault RifleZeinesis Laser
13LauncherZeinesis Cannon
13Twin MachinegunsZeinesis Vulcan
13Bullet BowZeinesis Arrow
13RodZeinesis Clutch
13TalisZeinesis Fidell
13WandZeinesis Scepter
13Jet BootsZeinesis Gear
13TaktZeinesis Pick
None Available:
April 19th, 2017 to November 1st, 2017
Revolucio Collection 2 13SwordSword Revolucio
13Wired LanceLance Revolucio
13PartizanSpear Revolucio
13Twin DaggersThrust Revolucio
13Double SaberStorm Revolucio
13KnucklesSpike Revolucio
13KatanaSaika Revolucio
13Dual BladesBlade Revolucio
13GunslashSlash Revolucio
13Assault RifleShot Revolucio
13LauncherCannon Revolucio
13Twin MachinegunsBullet Revolucio
13Bullet BowArch Revolucio
13RodShaft Revolucio
13TalisCard Revolucio
13WandEdge Revolucio
13Jet BootsShoes Revolucio
13EggWanda Available:
March 8th, 2017 to March 7th, 2018

2016 Collection Files

Steel Prestige Collection: May 11, 2016~August 10, 2016
Weapons Required Items
13SwordD-A.I.S. Saber 12SwordSustain Rock
10SwordCrusade Lore-NT
12Wired LanceBird Cage
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13Wired LanceSeiga Shield 12Dual BladesSpruecoll
10Wired LanceHeretic End-NT
12Wired LanceBird Cage
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13PartizanSeiga Javelin 12SwordSustain Rock
12PartizanYogri Spear
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13Double SaberSeiga Blade 12Double SaberSackbuts
10Double SaberLangritter
12KnucklesAdel Baphor
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13KnucklesPhantom Ship Artillery 12KatanaIsku 440hz
10KnucklesPao Nerian-NT
12KnucklesAdel Baphor
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13KnucklesQuotz Vidya 12Double SaberSackbuts
10Twin DaggersIblis Blood-NT
12Wired LanceBird Cage
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13GunslashMercenary Schwarz 12GunslashBitter Song
12Wired LanceBird Cage
9Bullet BowBeldrea
13Dual BladesS.CN Mantis 12Dual BladesSpruecoll
10Dual BladesKadolph-NT
12KnucklesAdel Baphor
10PartizanGrizzlan Spear
13Assault RifleD-A.I.S. Vulcan 12WandMetal Bran
10Assault RifleArao Cylinder-NT
12PartizanYogri Spear
9Bullet BowBeldrea
13Assault RifleValkyrie A30 12LauncherHard Noise
12PartizanYogri Spear
9Bullet BowBeldrea
13LauncherD-A.I.S Blaster 12LauncherHard Noise
10LauncherAgni Bazooka-NT
11KnucklesAdel Baphor
9Bullet BowBeldrea
13Twin MachinegunsPhantom Triple Cannon 12GunslashBitter Song
10Twin MachinegunsBran Mirrors-NT
12Wired LanceBird cage
9Bullet BowBeldrea
13Bullet BowSeiga Archer 12KatanaIsku 440hz
10Bullet BowSusano Hiki-NT
12KnucklesAdel Baphor
9Bullet BowBeldrea
13RodShaft Revolucio 12RodScroll Klavier
12PartizanYogri Spear
10Jet BootsDio Roundibul
13RodShaft Revolucio 12RodScroll Klavier
12PartizanYogri Spear
10Jet BootsDio Roundibul
Driving Rain Collection 2016: April 27, 2016~June 08, 2016
Weapons Required Items
13KnucklesThunder Bite Tagamikouga 12PartizanHalva Tornado
11Twin DaggersOptrelieto
13KatanaThunder Crack Tagamikouga 12PartizanHalva Tornado
11KatanaBeuray Earl
11Wired LanceSaint Gloss
11Twin DaggersTwin Filphin
13Twin MachinegunsThunder Gun Tagamikouga 12Twin MachinegunsNox Chario-NT
11LauncherFran Traitor
11LauncherSaint Lorio
9Twin DaggersDio Religiou
13Jet BootsHyper Sunlight 12Jet BootsChvaia Tiger
11Twin MachinegunsMachina Filph
11Assault RifleHurio Sniff
10Double SaberWeddle's Edge
13Jet BootsThunder Claw Tagamikouga 12Jet BootsChvaia Tiger
11Twin MachinegunsAttache Nic
11Double SaberUluru Crescent
10TalisSeimei Kikami
Revolucio Collection: April 20th, 2016~August 10th, 2016
Weapons Required Items
13SwordSword Revolucio 12SwordNox Kvelle-NT
10SwordMadam's Umbrella
10SwordDragon Slayer-NT
9SwordAzzurro Ringer
8SwordCoat Edge
13Wired LanceLance Revolucio 12Wired LanceNox Jirak-NT
11Wired LanceNepto Anchor
11Wired LancePhyteuma
10Wired LanceWeisse Butte
10Wired LanceBelk Welker
9Wired LanceDio Kuscha Nebula
8Wired LanceRazrail
8Wired LanceHyperion
13PartizanSpear Revolucio 12PartizanNox Rozan-NT
11PartizanRodos Surge
11PartizanCrepe Ruflan
10PartizanDigg Pillar
13Twin DaggersThrust Revolucio 12Twin DaggersNox Nesis-NT
11Twin DaggersArk Flan
11Twin DaggersFubuki Senga
10Twin DaggersMarie Nails
10Twin DaggersFear Meiner
9Twin DaggersCruel Flouga
9Twin DaggersLegzaga-NT
8Twin DaggersNagel Banther
13Double SaberStorm Revolucio 12Double SaberNox Cadina-NT
11Double SaberAncient Quartz
11Double SaberExaweed
10Double SaberDio Feather Edge
10Double SaberTwin Brand
9Double SaberDio Hellfret
9Double SaberDio Spirtia
8Double SaberHellfret
13KnucklesSpike Revolucio 12KnucklesNox Destime-NT
11KnucklesGigur Jihro
11KnucklesWrap Cruller
10KnucklesDrill Knuckles
10KnucklesFighting Beat-NT
9KnucklesJade Racion
9KnucklesLambda Bietiger
8KnucklesRock Knuckle
13GunslashSlash Revolucio 12GunslashNox Schdyx-NT
11GunslashHawk Fiamma
10GunslashSonic Laser
9GunslashCruel Coffin
13KatanaSaika Revolucio 12KatanaNox Sagephus-NT
11KatanaFubuki Kizan
10KatanaLambda Lacruico
9KatanaDio Sigalga
13Dual BladesBlade Revolucio 12Dual BladesNox Dinas-NT
12Dual BladesSpruecoll
11Dual BladesYs Alice
10Dual BladesShanefrisa
10Dual BladesMillioblight
10Dual BladesTwin Agito-NT
9Dual BladesFuretokuru
9Dual BladesEscafrisa
13Assault RifleShot Revolucio 12Assault RifleNox Shooteyr-NT
11Assault RifleChurroster
11Assault RifleRodos Cylinder
10Assault RifleDio Schwann
10Assault RifleHoly Ray-NT
9Assault RifleSphere Tron
9Assault RifleDio Strauss
8Assault RifleFirearms
13LauncherCannon Revolucio 12LauncherNox Crahd-NT
11LauncherGalette Chocolat
10LauncherLauncher Legacy
10LauncherInferno Bazooka-NT
10LauncherDio Adrastea
9LauncherDio Verethragna
13Twin MachinegunsBullet Revolucio 12Twin MachinegunsNox Chario-NT
11Twin MachinegunsLamia Shnicov
11Twin MachinegunsMadullard Varis
10Twin MachinegunsDio Fuyusion
8Twin MachinegunsTwin Yasminkov 2000H
10Twin MachinegunsNyxbel
9Twin MachinegunsRadiegle-NT
8Twin MachinegunsSarcueid
13Bullet BowArch Revolucio 12Bullet BowNox Lexio-NT
11Bullet BowGigur Kashi
11Bullet BowNavtors
10Bullet BowHanmateri
10Bullet BowDio Turbulas
9Bullet BowFauve
9Bullet BowTigrebow-NT
8Bullet BowAlteri
13RodShaft Revolucio 12RodNox Lipher-NT
11RodRodos Korge
11RodLuce Flash
10RodVega Twinkle
10RodWindy Shaft
8RodLambda Salvador
13TalisCard Revolucio 12TalisNox Krieg-NT
11TalisCrater Bee
9TalisSerata Crane
8TalisLambda Hard Quartz
13WandEdge Revolucio 12WandNox Qucross-NT
11WandSeras Cure
11WandGlass Macaro
10WandCarino Colau
10WandBaridran Wand
9WandCless Digger-NT
8WandCarino Dessert
13Jet BootsShoes Revolucio 12Jet BootsNox Placis-NT
11Jet BootsRose Flotz
11Jet BootsSoutenkou
10Jet BootsStarcardia
10Jet BootsJighiry Balti
10Jet BootsDio Grevahn
8Jet BootsGrevahn
8Jet BootsHaltbliz
1TaktTakt Revolucio 7GunslashVraolet
7Double SaberMonkey King Bar

Special Collection File

Special Collection Files are Collection Files that allow the player to acquire rare and powerful or pre-upgraded weapons via the Collection File system. They follow many of the same rules of Collection Files, with certain restrictions.

  • SP Collection Files have no expiration date.
  • You can only take one SP Collection File at a time. Once the current SP Collection File is removed from the docket, a different SP Collection File can be taken in its place.
  • The progress bars of SP Collection Files can only be filled in Emergency Quests. This includes Trigger variations of all Emergency Quests except for The Endless Darkness.
  • Having an active Premium Set passively boosts the fill rate of a SP Collection File's progress bars.

List of SP Collection Files

Special Collection Sheet (SP): No End Date
Weapons/Eggs Required Items
14SwordSilent Tree 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15SwordChaval Eubelle 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14Wired LanceQuelle Glitter 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14PartizanRA Stinger 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15PartizanCorrupt Spear Epitemia 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14Twin DaggersRanphecy 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15Double SaberFraulein Rose 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14KnucklesPowerful Blow 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14GunslashSign Burn 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15GunslashLumigunny 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15Dual BladesRA Blade 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14Dual BladesTwin Crea Saber 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14Assault RifleExacrimav 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15Assault RifleSatellite Starmine 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14LauncherExium Bunker 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15LauncherCorrupted Cannon Tishia 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15Twin MachinegunsAestria 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14Bullet BowRadius Arca 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15Bullet BowQuelle Vesper 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14RodQuelle Neigea 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14TalisEclucio Culte 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15TalisHalo 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14WandUransara 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15WandChaval Melm 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
15WandPromessa Pagina 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14Jet BootsQuelle Styx 5PassAbility Success +40%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14EggGlass Egg 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%
14EggVulcan Egg 5PassAbility Success +45%
5PassAbility Success +30%
7PassGreat Grind Success +50%