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Difference between revisions of "Phantoms"

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(Updated Tokyo to EnemyHeader + added drop info to Yamato)
(52 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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{| class="wikitable table-bordered" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"
|- style="background-color:""
| [[Aberrations]]|| [[Darkers]]|| [[Dragonkin]]|| [[Mechs]]|| [[Natives]]|| [[Oceanids]]|| [[Phantoms]]|| [[Special Enemies]]|| [[Titans]] || [[Demons]] || [[Luminmechs]]
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left;"
! class="unsortable" | Image
! style="width: 170px;"| Name
{{EnemyRow|ratphamut|[[File:RatPhamut.png|128px]]|Rat Phamut|ラットファムト|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Head|???|Attacks by spinning itself then throwing itself at the player.}}
! | Area
! | Drop List
{{EnemyRow|mousephamut|[[File:MousePhamut.png|128px]]|Mouse Phamut|マウスファムト|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Head|???|Rare Version of Rat Phamut does more damage and has more health.}}
! | Weakness
! | Breakpoints
{{EnemyRow|crowphamut|[[File:CrowPhamut.png|128px]]|Crow Phamut|クロウファムト|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Head||Flies around throwing phantom crows at the players.}}
! | Weakpoints
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
<!--Image-->| <span id="ratphamut">[[File:RatPhumat.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|dosuzombie|[[File:DosuZombie.png|128px]]|Dosu Zombie|ドスゾンビ|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Head||Melee attacks the player, has swords pop up from the center of the body then charges and tries to jump on the player. Falls onto the ground after use.}}
<!--Name-->| ラットファムト<br>Rat Phamut
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Notes-->| Attacks by spinning itself then throwing itself at the player.
<!--Image-->| <span id="mousephumat">[[File:MousePhumat.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|chakazombie|[[File:ChakaZombie.png|128px]]|Chaka Zombie|チャカゾンビ|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Head||Attacks the player from a distance by shooting at them, can do a charge shot, has a minigun appear from the center of the body and shoots wildly at the player. Falls over after use.}}
<!--Name-->| マウスファムト<br>Mouse Phamut
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Notes-->| Rare Version of Rat Phumat does more damage and has more health.
<!--Image-->| <span id="crowphumat">[[File:CrowPhumat.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|brownbear|[[File:BrownBear.png|128px]]|Brown Bear|ブラウンベア|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil<br>Head||Melee attacks the player and does a special attack that make a bear head pop up and charges at the player. If the player does enough damage to the head during the use the skill stop and the bear fall over making the weakpoint appear.}}
<!--Name-->| クロウファムト<br>Crow Phamut
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Notes-->| Flys around throwing shard things at the players.
<!--Image-->| <span id="dosuzombie">[[File:DosuZombie.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|polarbear|[[File:PolarBear.png|128px]]|Polar Bear|ポーラーベア|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil||Melee attacks the player and does a special attack that makes bear arms pop up and shoots a ball of energy at the player. If the player does enough damage to the head during the use the skill stop and the bear fall over making the weakpoint appear.}}
<!--Name-->| ドスゾンビ<br>Dosu Zombie
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Notes-->| Melee attacks the player, has swords pop up from the center of the body then charges and tries to jump on the player.Fall onto the ground after use.
<!--Image-->| <span id="chakazombie">[[File:ChakaZombie.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|trex|[[File:T.Rex.png|128px]]|T. Rex|T・レックス|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil<br>Head|Tail|Attacks the player with melee attacks and has a skill that makes a T. Rex skull pop out of its chest that shoots a laser beam, during this its weakpoint is exposed. If the player break the Tail it lose a melee attack}}
<!--Name-->| チャカゾンビ<br>Chaka Zombie
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Notes-->|Attacks the player from a distance by shooting at them, can do a charge shot, has a minigun appear from the center of the body and shoots wildly at the player. Falls over after use.
<!--Image-->| <span id="brownbear">[[File:BrownBear.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|rexnoir|[[File:RexNoir.png|128px]]|Rex Noir|レックスノワール|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil<br>Head|Tail|Rare version of T. Rex does more damage and has more health.}}
<!--Name-->| ブラウンベア<br>Brown Bear
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil<br> Head
<!--Notes-->| Melee attack the player and does a special attack that make a bear head pop up and charges at the player. If the player does enough damage to the head during the use the skill stop and the bear fall over making the weakpoint appear.
<!--Image-->| <span id="polarbear">[[File:PolarBear.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|roadroller|[[File:RoadRoller.png|128px]]|Road Roller|ロードローラー|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil||It attacks the player by charging at them. It also can spin its wheel causing gravel to appear hurting anyone near it. It can also flip a big slab of concrete at the player.}}
<!--Name-->| ポーラーベア<br>Polar Bear
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->| Melee attack the player and does a special attack that makes bear arms pop up and shoots a ball of energy at the player. If the player does enough damage to the head during the use the skill stop and the bear fall over making the weakpoint appear.
<!--Image-->| <span id="trex">[[File:T.Rex.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|redroller|[[File:RedRoller.png|128px]]|Red Roller|レッドローラー|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil||Rare version of Road Roller does more damage and has more health.}}
<!--Name-->| T・レックス<br>T. Rex
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Tail
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil <br> Head
<!--Notes-->| Attacks the player with melee attacks and has a skill that makes a dino head pop out of its chest that shoots a laser beam. If the player break the Tail it lose a melee attack
<!--Image-->| <span id="rexnoir">[[File:RexNoir.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|snakeheli|[[File:SnakeHelicopter.png|128px]]|Snake Helicopter|スネークヘリ|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil|Tail Rotor|Attacks the player by shooting its guns at the player, Firing rockets at the player, using its Rotor as a weapon and charging at the player. After the Rotor charge it take a few seconds to recover from it. Breaking the Tail Rotor will force the helicopter to land which is when it's blue sigil is revealed.}}
<!--Name-->| レックスノワール<br>Rex Noir
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Tail
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil <br> Head
<!--Notes-->| Rare version of T. Rex does more damage and has more health.
<!--Image-->| <span id="roadroller">[[File:RoadRoller.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|blacksnake|[[File:BlackSnakeIcon.png|128px]]|Black Snake|ブラックスネーク|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil||Rare version of Snake Helicopter does more damage and has more health.}}
<!--Name-->| ロードローラー<br>Road Roller
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil<br> Head
<!--Notes-->| It attacks the player by charging at them. It also can spin its whell causing gravle to appear hurting anyone near it. It can also flip a big slab of concrete at the player.
<!--Image-->| <span id="redroller">[[File:RedRoller.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|type15tank|[[File:Type-15Tank.png|128px]]|Type-15 Tank|15式戦車|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Ice}}{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil|Wheels<br>Gun(not the normal one)|Attack by using the main gun to attack the player. The gun can be one of four things. The normal gun that it used for range, The flame thrower that is used to keep melees away, the Missile launcher that tries to bombard the player, then the missile that if not stopped nukes the area. Besides the first one the other three guns can be broken. If they are stuns the tank. Breaking the road wheels temporarily stuns the enemy.<br><br>if frozen effect happens the top gun is stuck where it was aiming.}}
<!--Name-->| レッドローラー<br>Red Roller
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->| Rare Version of Road Roller
<!--Image-->| <span id="snakehelicopter">[[File:SnakeHelicopter.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|armoredtype15|[[File:ArmoredType-15.png|128px]]|Armored Type-15|アーマード15式|Tokyo<br>[[Riding Quest]]||{{icons|Ice}}{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil|Wheels<br>Gun(not the normal one)|Rare version of Type-15 Tank does more damage and has more health.}}
<!--Name-->| スネークヘリ<br>Snake Helicopter
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Tail Rotor
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->| Attacks the player by shooting its guns at the player, Firing rockets at the player, using its Rotor as a weapon and charging at the player. After the Rotor charge it take a few seconds to recover from it. Breaking the Tail Rotor will force the helicopter to land which is when it's blue sigil is revealed.
<!--Image-->| <span id="blacksnake">[[File:BlackSnakeIcon.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|trainghidoran|[[File:TrainGhidoran.png|128px]]|Train Ghidoran|トレイン・ギドラン|[[Train Ghidoran Suppression]]<br>[[Free Exploration: Tokyo]]<br>[[Riding Quest]]|
<!--Name-->| ブラックスネーク<br>Black Snake
*{{Rarity|13}}{{Icons|Eggs}}[[Wanda]]|{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil|Doors on heads<br>Door on Tail|This boss fights in two phases.
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
Phase one the bosses attacks are quick and the stop between attacks are short. The attacks it can do are slam the ground (blue car) attack at a distance (yellow car) suck the player in (red car) and slam the ground and shocking it (tail).<br>
<!--Drop List-->|  
When it's low on health it goes into Phase Two where it roars and charges up.
All attacks now do more damage and last longer, but the wait time between them increases as well.<br>
<!--Breakpoints-->| Tail Rotor
When enough damage is done to the feet the enemy becomes stunned temporarily, but the feet have a higher defense than the body. Also stunned by mirage.}}
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->| Same as Snake Helicopter.
<!--Image-->| <span id="type15tank">[[File:Type-15Tank.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|doctorghidoran|[[File:DoctorGhidoran.png|128px]]|Doctor Ghidoran|ドクトル・ギドラス|[[Train Ghidoran Suppression]]<br>[[Free Exploration: Tokyo]]<br>[[Riding Quest]]|
<!--Name-->| 15式戦車<br>Type-15 Tank
*{{Rarity|13}}{{Icons|Eggs}}[[Wanda]]|{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil|Doors on heads<br>Door on Tail|Rare version of Train Ghidoran does more damage and has more health. Stunned by mirage.}}
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Breakpoints-->| Wheels<br>Gun(not the normal one)
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->|Attack by using the main gun to attack the player. The gun can be one of four things. The normal gun that it used for range, The flame thrower that is used to keep melees away, The Missile launcher that tries to bombard the player, Then the missile that if not stopped nukes the area. Besides the first one the other three guns can be broken. If they are stuns the tank. Breaking the road wheels temporarily stuns the enemy.<br><br>if frozen effect happens the top gun is stuck where it was aiming.
<!--Image-->| <span id="armoredtype15">[[File:ArmoredType-15.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|yamato|[[File:Yamato.png|128px]]|Phantasmal Battleship Yamato|幻創戦艦・大和|[[Unleashed Prestige]]<br>[[Magisterial Onslaught]]<br>[[Quintessence of Steel]]|Lv. 1+
<!--Name-->| アーマード15式<br>Armored Type-15
*{{Props|Toh'oh Soul}}
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
*{{Props|Yamato Factor}}
<!--Drop List-->|  
Lv. 76+
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Swords}} [[D-A.I.S Saber]]
<!--Breakpoints-->| Wheels<br> Gun(not the normal one)
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Wired Lance}} [[Seiga Shield]]
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Partizan}} [[Seiga Javelin]]
<!--Notes-->| Rare version of Type-15 Tank does more damgage and has more health.
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Double Saber}} [[Seiga Blade]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Quotz Vidya]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Phantom Ship Artillery]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Mercenary Schwarz]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Dual Blades}} [[S.CN Mantis]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[Valkyrie A30]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[D-A.I.S. Vulcan]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Launcher}} [[D-A.I.S. Blaster]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Phantom Triple Cannon]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Bullet Bow}} [[Seiga Archer]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Phantom Radar]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Quotz Laura]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{Icons|Eggs}} [[Viola]]<br><br>
Magisterial Onslaught<br>
Lv. 76+
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Material}} Ether Fuse<br><br>
Holy Echo: Phantasmal Battleship Yamato<br>
Lv. 76+
*{{Rarity|7}}{{Icons|Material}} Ether Fuse
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Swords}} [[Seikaiser Sword]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Wired Lance}} [[Seikaiser Shield]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Partizan}} [[Seikaiser Javelin]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Twin Daggers}} [[S.CN Arbor Stag]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Double Saber}} [[Seikaiser Blade]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Knuckles}} [[Glycina Vidya]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Gunslash}} [[Mercenary Starlord]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Katana}} [[HFB Kamaitachi Letz]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Dual Blades}} [[S.CN Arbor Mantis]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Assault Rifle}} [[Valkyrie A30S]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Launcher}} [[Seikaiser Launcher]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} [[Valkyrie R25S]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Bullet Bow}} [[Seikaiser Archer]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Rods}} [[Glycina Laura]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Talis}} [[Glycina Lithos]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Wand}} [[Glycina Cane]]
*{{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Jet Boots}} [[Glycina Keyless]]|{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil<br>Blue Beacons<br>Bridge Tower|Large Turrets<br>Medium Turrets<br>Small Turrets<br>Blue Sigils<br>Blue Beacons|Fought in an AIS. <br><br> Main deck is protected by a barrier until the Blue Sigils on the hull sides are destroyed. After they are destroyed, the deck will be accessible and the Blue Beacons will appear.<br>
Once both Blue Beacons are destroyed Yamato will summon a ring of large missiles - the barrier will be restored at this point.<br>
Destroying the missiles will stun Yamato, failing to do so will unleash a large AoE (but you can just respawn after 5 seconds).
Either way, the Bridge Tower will be vulnerable afterwards.  
<br><br> Large turrets (46cm triple main battery guns) are vulnerable to Freeze - prevents them from traversing/elevating and firing.}}
<!--Image-->| <span id="trainghidoran">[[File:TrainGhidoran.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|gurenzombie|[[File:UIEnemyGurenZombie.png|128px]]|Guren Zombie|グレンゾンビ|[[Unleashed Prestige]]<br>[[Magisterial Onslaught]]<br>[[Solo Training: Bounds of Corruption]]||{{icons|Wind}}|Head||Has higher HP and attack than other Zombie enemies.<br>Attacks have high rate of causing Shock.}}
<!--Name-->| トレイン・ギドラン<br> Train Ghidoran
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->| {{Rarity|13}}{{Icons|Eggs}}[[Wanda]]
<!--Breakpoints-->| Doors on heads<br>Door on Tail
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->| This boss fights in two phases. Phases one the bosses attacks are quick and the stop between attacks are short. The attacks it can do are slam the ground(blue car) attack at a distance(yellow car) suck the player in(red car) and slam the ground and shocking it (tail). When its low on health it goes into phase two where it roars and charges up. All attacks now do more damage and last longer but the wait time between them increases as well. When enough damage is done to the feet the enemy becomes stunned temporarily. But the feet have a higher defense than the body.<br><br>Stunned by mirage.
<!--Image-->| <span id="doctorghidoras">[[File:DoctorGhidoran.png]]</span>
{{EnemyRow|hagithphemut|[[File:UIEnemyHagithPhemut.png|128px]]|Hagith Phemut|ハギト・フェムト|[[Unleashed Prestige]]<br>[[Magisterial Onslaught]]<br>[[Solo Training: Bounds of Corruption]]||{{icons|Wind}}{{icons|Light}}|||In [[Unleashed Prestige]] or [[Magisterial Onslaught]], Hagith Phemut will appear in three set intervals. He is impervious to damage during the third appearance.<br>Fights primarily with projectiles. Capable of a swift spread shot aimed at players that is repeated twice in succession, as well as firing a triad of slow-moving orbs that inflict Stun when they strike players.<br>May occasionally teleport and enter a pose where he holds his head in his hands, which is followed by him spawning missiles that fly outwards in all directions twice. Hagith Phemut is left vulnerable for a short period after using this attack.}}
<!--Name-->| ドクトル・ギドラス<br> <span id="doctorghidoras">Doctor Ghidoras</span>
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->| {{Rarity|13}}{{Icons|Eggs}}[[Wanda]]
<!--Breakpoints-->| Doors on heads<br>Door on Tail
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Notes-->| Rare version of Train Ghidoran does more damgage and has more health.<br><br>Stunned by mirage.
<!--Image-->| <span id="yamato">[[File:Yamato.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| 幻創戦艦・大和<br>Phantom Battleship Yamato
<!--Area-->| Japanese Waters
<!--Drop List-->|Lv.1+
* {{Props|Toh'oh Soul}}
* {{Props|Yamato Factor}}
* {{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Swords}}[[D-A.I.S Saber]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:WiredLanceSmall.png]][[Seiga Shield]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:PartizanSmall.png]][[Seiga Javelin]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:DoubleSaberSmall.png]][[Seiga Blade]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:KnucklesSmall.png]][[Quotz Vidya]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:KnucklesSmall.png]][[Phantom Ship Artillery]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:GunslashSmall.png]][[Mercenary Schwarz]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:DualBladeSmall.png]][[S.CN Mantis]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:AssaultRifleSmall.png]][[Valkyrie A30]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:AssaultRifleSmall.png]][[D-A.I.S. Vulcan]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:LauncherSmall.png]][[D-A.I.S. Blaster]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:TwinMachinegunSmall.png]][[Phantom Tripple Cannon]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:BulletBowSmall.png]][[Seiga Archer]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:RodSmall.png]][[Phantom Radar]]
* {{Rarity|13}}[[File:RodSmall.png]][[Quotz Laura]]
* {{Rarity|13}}{{Icons|Eggs}}[[Viola]]
<!--Breakpoints-->| Large Turrets<br>Medium Turrets<br>Small Turrets<br>Blue Sigils<br>Blue Beacons
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil<br>Blue Beacons<br>Bridge Tower
<!--Notes-->| Fought in an AIS. <br><br> Main deck is protected by a barrier until the Blue Sigils on the hull sides are destroyed. After they are destroyed, the deck will be accessible and the Blue Beacons will appear. Once both Blue Beacons are destroyed Yamato will summon a ring of large missiles - the barrier will be restored at this point. Destroying the missiles will stun Yamato, failing to do so will unleash a large AoE (but you can just respawn after 5 seconds). Either way, the Bridge Tower will be vulnerable afterwards. <br><br> Large turrets (46cm triple main battery guns) are vulnerable to Freeze - prevents them from traversing/elevating and firing.
Line 224: Line 114:
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
<!--Image-->| <span id="boxerphantom">[[File:BoxerPhantomIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="boxerphantom">[[File:BoxerPhantomIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ボクサーファムト<br>Boxer Phantom
<!--Name-->| ボクサーファムト<br>Boxer Phamut
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Notes-->| melee attacks the player. (Didn't spawn for me after trying for over 1.5hours).
<!--Notes-->| melee attacks the player.
<!--Image-->| <span id="vulturephantom">[[File:VulturePhantomIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="vulturephantom">[[File:VulturePhantomIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| バルチャファムト<br>Vulture Phantom
<!--Name-->| バルチャファムト<br>Vulture Phamut
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
Line 247: Line 136:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
Line 256: Line 145:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
<!--Weakpoints-->| Head
Line 265: Line 154:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->| Driver
<!--Weakpoints-->| Driver
Line 274: Line 163:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
Line 283: Line 172:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
Line 292: Line 181:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->|none(that I could find)  
<!--Weakpoints-->|none(that I could find)  
Line 301: Line 190:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->| none(that I could find)
<!--Weakpoints-->| none(that I could find)
Line 310: Line 199:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Breakpoints-->|Side car.  
<!--Breakpoints-->|Side car.  
<!--Weakpoints-->|none(couldn't find any)
<!--Weakpoints-->|none(couldn't find any)
Line 319: Line 208:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Breakpoints-->| Side car
<!--Breakpoints-->| Side car
<!--Weakpoints-->|none(couldn't find any)  
<!--Weakpoints-->|none(couldn't find any)  
Line 328: Line 217:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue sig  
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue sig  
Line 337: Line 226:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
Line 346: Line 235:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Breakpoints-->| Wheels
<!--Breakpoints-->| Wheels
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
<!--Weakpoints-->| Blue Sigil
Line 355: Line 244:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Weakpoints-->|Blue sig<br>broken legs
<!--Weakpoints-->|Blue sig<br>broken legs
Line 364: Line 253:
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Breakpoints-->| Legs<br>Tail
<!--Breakpoints-->| Legs<br>Tail
<!--Weakpoints-->|Blue sig<br>broken legs
<!--Weakpoints-->|Blue sig<br>broken legs
Line 371: Line 260:
<!--Image-->| <span id="maxwellsdemon">[[File:MaxwellsDemonIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="maxwellsdemon">[[File:MaxwellsDemonIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| マクスウェルの悪魔<br>Maxwell's Demon
<!--Name-->| マクスウェルの悪魔<br>Maxwell's Demon
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| {{#simple-tooltip: Tokyo*|Only after you've completed EP4 CH5 Part 2}}<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Notes-->| shoot balls of energy at the player. When killed will wait a couple of seconds and go to where the player is at and blow up.
<!--Notes-->| Shoots balls of energy at the player. When killed will wait a couple of seconds and go to where the player is at and blow up.
<!--Image-->| <span id="laplacesdemon">[[File:LaplacesDemonIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="laplacesdemon">[[File:LaplacesDemonIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ラプラスの悪魔<br>Laplace's Demon
<!--Name-->| ラプラスの悪魔<br>Laplace's Demon
<!--Area-->| Las Vegas
<!--Area-->| {{#simple-tooltip: Tokyo*|Only after you've completed EP4 CH5 Part 2}}<br>Las Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Drop List-->|  
<!--Notes-->|This boss has two phases. Both phases has a sheild that can only be broken by using one of the Maxwell' Demon suicidal bomb skill. It attack by punching and a laser eye When low on health its eyes glow red and it attack quicker and does more damage.
<!--Notes-->|This boss has two phases. Both phases has a shield that can only be broken by using one of the Maxwell' Demon suicidal bomb skill. It attack by punching and a laser eye When low on health its eyes glow red and it attack quicker and does more damage.
==Esca Darkers==
==ESC-A Darkers==
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left;"
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left;"
! class="unsortable" | Image
! class="unsortable" | Image
Line 401: Line 289:
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
! style="width: 170px;" | Notes
<!--Image-->| <span id="gachas">[[File:GachasIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="gachas">[[File:GachasIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ガッチャス<br>Gachas
<!--Name-->| ガッチャス<br>Gachas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Dagacha]].
<!--Image-->| <span id="paraspicos">[[File:ParasPicosIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="paraspicos">[[File:ParasPicosIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| パラス・ピコス<br>Paras Picos
<!--Name-->| パラス・ピコス<br>Paras Picos
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Parata Picoda]].
<!--Image-->| <span id="rancavareze">[[File:RancaVarezeIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="rancavareze">[[File:RancaVarezeIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ランカ・ヴァレース<br>Ranca Vareze
<!--Name-->| ランカ・ヴァレース<br>Ranca Vareze
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Lanz Vareda]].
<!--Image-->| <span id="varecerancas">[[File:UIEnemyVareceRancas.png |128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ヴァレス・ランカース<br>Varece Rancas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| Rare version of Ranca Vareze.
<!--Image-->| <span id="bontabearatus">[[File:BontaBearatusIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="bontabearatus">[[File:BontaBearatusIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ボンタ・ベアタス<br>Bonta Bearatus
<!--Name-->| ボンタ・ベアタス<br>Bonta Bearatus
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Bonta Bearadda]]. Has shockwaves from its claw attacks. Can deploy miniature versions of itself which explode.
<!--Image-->| <span id="platidorus">[[File:PlatidorusIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="platidorus">[[File:PlatidorusIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| プラチドーラス<br>Platidorus
<!--Name-->| プラチドーラス<br>Platidorus
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Darkers|Goldrahda]]. Causes freeze explosion effect if the back is not destroyed before it death. In addition to the Sword, Launcher and Wand forms of the standard Goldrahda, can also equip itself with Jet Boots for a powerful forward rush attack, and fire photon blades like a Dual Blades bouncer.
<!--Image-->| <span id="vidoluze">[[File:Vido LuzeIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="granidorus">[[File:UIEnemyGranidorus.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| グラニドーラス<br>Granidorus
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| Rare version of Platidorus.
<!--Image-->| <span id="vidoluze">[[File:VidoLuzeIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| ヴィドルース<br>Vido Luze
<!--Name-->| ヴィドルース<br>Vido Luze
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Vidoluda]].
<!--Image-->| <span id="decolmalluze">[[File:DecolMalluzeIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="decolmalluze">[[File:DecolMalluzeIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| デコル・マリューズ<br>Decol Malluze
<!--Name-->| デコル・マリューズ<br>Decol Malluze
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|Lv. 1+
* {{Props|Escarde Soul}}
Lv. 76+
* {{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Launcher}}[[Welk Nacell]]
* {{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Wand}}[[Welk Rudder]]
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Decol Malluda]].
<!--Image-->| <span id="escaragnus">[[File:EscaRagnusIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="escaragnus">[[File:EscaRagnusIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| エスカ・ラグナス<br>Esca Ragnus
<!--Name-->| エスカ・ラグナス<br>ESC-A Ragnus
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Area-->| Tokyo<br>Vegas
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|Lv. 1+
* {{Props|Escarde Soul}}
Lv. 76+
* {{Rarity|10}}{{icons|Launcher}}[[Cannon Legacy]]
* {{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Sword}}[[Welk Radome]]
* {{Rarity|13}}{{icons|Jet Boots}}[[Welk Airelon]]
<!--Notes-->| ESC-A Darker version of [[Dark Ragne]]. ESC-A Ragnus will not be down if one leg is broken, all legs must be broken. Jumps backwards and deploys a wall of webbing before using its disc projectile attack.
<!--Image-->| <span id="escafalzmother">[[File:EscaFalzMotherIcon.jpg|128px]]</span>
<!--Image-->| <span id="escafalzmother">[[File:EscaFalzMotherIcon.png|128px]]</span>
<!--Name-->| エスカファルス・マザー<br>Esca Falz Mother
<!--Name-->| エスカファルス・マザー<br>[[ESC-A Falz Mother]]
<!--Area-->| Earth's Moon
<!--Drop List-->|
<!--Drop List-->|[[ESC-A_Falz_Mother#Drops| Drop List]]
<!--Notes-->| Combines all previous<br>Falz fights into one.
<!--Notes-->| Combines all previous Dark Falz fights into one.
{{EnemyRow|esanges|[[File:EnemyEsAngesIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Es Anges|エス・アンジェス|Yggdrasil
*Story Quest 4-8|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
{{EnemyRow|esopsis|[[File:EnemyEsOpsisIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Es Opsis|エス・オプシス|Yggdrasil
*Story Quest 4-8|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
{{EnemyRow|essantorus|[[File:EnemyEsSantorusIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Es Santorus|エス・サントルス|Yggdrasil
*Story Quest 4-8|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
{{EnemyRow|deushunas|[[File:EnemyDeusHunasIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Deus Hunas|デウス・ヒューナス|Yggdrasil
*Story Quest 4-8|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
{{EnemyRow|deusanges|[[File:EnemyDeusAngesIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Deus Anges|デウス・アンジェス|Yggdrasil|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
{{EnemyRow|deusescazephyros|[[File:EnemyDeusESC-AZephyrosIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Deus ESC-A Zephyros|デウスエスカ・ゼフィロス|Yggdrasil|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Light}}{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
{{EnemyRow|deusescagracia|[[File:EnemyDeusESC-AGraciaIcon.png|128px|link=]]|Deus ESC-A Gracia|デウスエスカ・グラーシア|Yggdrasil|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Light}}{{icons|Dark}}|<!--Weakpoints-->|<!--Breakpoints-->|<!--Notes-->}}
==Mother Cluster==
{{EnemyRow|aratronphemut|[[File:AratronPhemutIcon.png|128px]]|Aratron Phemut|アラトロン・フェムト|Emergency Quests|<!--Drop List-->|{{icons|Wind}}|Chest Core|Hammer<br>Chest|This enemy is guarded by an impenetrable barrier.<br>The barrier can be dispelled permanently by breaking the hammer.}}
{{EnemyRow|sixthangel|[[File:UIEnemyTheSixthAngel.png|128px]]|The Sixth Angel|第6使徒|The Sixth Angel|Lv. 1+
* {{rarity|10}} Dio-NT Series
* {{rarity|12}} Nox-NT Series
* {{rarity|8}} {{icons|Tool}} Cobalt Medal
Lv. 70+
* {{rarity|13}} Alta Series
* {{rarity|13}} AIS Series
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Egg}} All Pets
* {{rarity|11}} {{icons|Sub}} Solid Barrier
Lv. 85+
* {{rarity|14}} Awake Series
* {{rarity|15}} Orb Series
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Rear}} Avion Orb
* {{rarity|14}} {{icons|Egg}} All Pets
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Candy}} Super Doki Doki Parfait
Lv. 96+
* {{rarity|15}} Dusk Series
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Rear}} Avion Dusk
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Weapon Camo}} *Iltheon Dusk Megis
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Ticket}} Avion Dusk Thruster
* {{rarity|13}} {{icons|Ticket}} Avion Dusk Wing|N/A|Core|A.T. Field|A massive Phantom in the image of the 6th Angel, Ramiel. Destroy its A.T. Fields to reveal its core.<br>Ramiel targets ARKS missile bases and EVA Unit 01 with various attacks. If EVA Unit 01 is destroyed, the quest fails.}}
{{EnemyRow|lizethghidour|[[File:UIEnemyLizethGhidour.png|128px]]|Lizeth Ghidour|リーゼス・ギドール|Piper of Disharmony|Lv. 91+
*{{rarity|15}}{{icons|Takt}} [[Aqua Ripple]] |{{icons|Wind}}|Blue Sigil|Doors|Ultra Variant of Train Ghidoran. Attacks have additional vertical reach.}}

Latest revision as of 17:17, 18 May 2021

Aberrations Darkers Dragonkin Mechs Natives Oceanids Phantoms Special Enemies Titans Demons Luminmechs


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
Rat Phamut
??? Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Head
Attacks by spinning itself then throwing itself at the player.
Mouse Phamut
??? Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Head
Rare Version of Rat Phamut does more damage and has more health.
Crow Phamut
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Head
Flies around throwing phantom crows at the players.
Dosu Zombie
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Head
Melee attacks the player, has swords pop up from the center of the body then charges and tries to jump on the player. Falls onto the ground after use.
Chaka Zombie
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Head
Attacks the player from a distance by shooting at them, can do a charge shot, has a minigun appear from the center of the body and shoots wildly at the player. Falls over after use.
Brown Bear
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Melee attacks the player and does a special attack that make a bear head pop up and charges at the player. If the player does enough damage to the head during the use the skill stop and the bear fall over making the weakpoint appear.
Polar Bear
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Melee attacks the player and does a special attack that makes bear arms pop up and shoots a ball of energy at the player. If the player does enough damage to the head during the use the skill stop and the bear fall over making the weakpoint appear.
T. Rex
Tail Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Attacks the player with melee attacks and has a skill that makes a T. Rex skull pop out of its chest that shoots a laser beam, during this its weakpoint is exposed. If the player break the Tail it lose a melee attack
Rex Noir
Tail Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Rare version of T. Rex does more damage and has more health.
Road Roller
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
It attacks the player by charging at them. It also can spin its wheel causing gravel to appear hurting anyone near it. It can also flip a big slab of concrete at the player.
Red Roller
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Rare version of Road Roller does more damage and has more health.
Snake Helicopter
Tail Rotor Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Attacks the player by shooting its guns at the player, Firing rockets at the player, using its Rotor as a weapon and charging at the player. After the Rotor charge it take a few seconds to recover from it. Breaking the Tail Rotor will force the helicopter to land which is when it's blue sigil is revealed.
Black Snake
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Rare version of Snake Helicopter does more damage and has more health.
Type-15 Tank
Gun(not the normal one)
Weak to:
  • IceWind


  • Blue Sigil
Attack by using the main gun to attack the player. The gun can be one of four things. The normal gun that it used for range, The flame thrower that is used to keep melees away, the Missile launcher that tries to bombard the player, then the missile that if not stopped nukes the area. Besides the first one the other three guns can be broken. If they are stuns the tank. Breaking the road wheels temporarily stuns the enemy.

if frozen effect happens the top gun is stuck where it was aiming.
Armored Type-15
Gun(not the normal one)
Weak to:
  • IceWind


  • Blue Sigil
Rare version of Type-15 Tank does more damage and has more health.
Train Ghidoran
Doors on heads
Door on Tail
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
This boss fights in two phases.

Phase one the bosses attacks are quick and the stop between attacks are short. The attacks it can do are slam the ground (blue car) attack at a distance (yellow car) suck the player in (red car) and slam the ground and shocking it (tail).
When it's low on health it goes into Phase Two where it roars and charges up. All attacks now do more damage and last longer, but the wait time between them increases as well.
When enough damage is done to the feet the enemy becomes stunned temporarily, but the feet have a higher defense than the body. Also stunned by mirage.

Doctor Ghidoran
Doors on heads
Door on Tail
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Rare version of Train Ghidoran does more damage and has more health. Stunned by mirage.
Phantasmal Battleship Yamato
Lv. 1+
  • Ability.png Tohoh Soul
  • Ability.png Yamato Factor

Lv. 76+

Magisterial Onslaught
Lv. 76+

  • 7Material Ether Fuse

Holy Echo: Phantasmal Battleship Yamato
Lv. 76+

Large Turrets
Medium Turrets
Small Turrets
Blue Sigils
Blue Beacons
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
    Blue Beacons
    Bridge Tower
Fought in an AIS.

Main deck is protected by a barrier until the Blue Sigils on the hull sides are destroyed. After they are destroyed, the deck will be accessible and the Blue Beacons will appear.

Once both Blue Beacons are destroyed Yamato will summon a ring of large missiles - the barrier will be restored at this point.
Destroying the missiles will stun Yamato, failing to do so will unleash a large AoE (but you can just respawn after 5 seconds). Either way, the Bridge Tower will be vulnerable afterwards.

Large turrets (46cm triple main battery guns) are vulnerable to Freeze - prevents them from traversing/elevating and firing.

Guren Zombie
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Head
Has higher HP and attack than other Zombie enemies.
Attacks have high rate of causing Shock.
Hagith Phemut
Weak to:
  • WindLight


In Unleashed Prestige or Magisterial Onslaught, Hagith Phemut will appear in three set intervals. He is impervious to damage during the third appearance.
Fights primarily with projectiles. Capable of a swift spread shot aimed at players that is repeated twice in succession, as well as firing a triad of slow-moving orbs that inflict Stun when they strike players.
May occasionally teleport and enter a pose where he holds his head in his hands, which is followed by him spawning missiles that fly outwards in all directions twice. Hagith Phemut is left vulnerable for a short period after using this attack.

Las Vegas

Image Name Area Drop List Weakness Breakpoints Weakpoints Notes
BoxerPhantomIcon.png ボクサーファムト
Boxer Phamut
Las Vegas Wind melee attacks the player.
VulturePhantomIcon.png バルチャファムト
Vulture Phamut
Las Vegas Wind Head Tries to grab the player if caught every Vulture Phantom will attack the player.
JugglerClownIcon.png ジャグラーピエロ
Juggler Pierrot
Las Vegas Wind Head Tosses swords at player,gets on a ball and tries to run over the player.
ChainsawClownIcon.png チェーンソーピエロ
Chainsaw Pierrot
Las Vegas Wind Head Attacks with melee and makes and let go ballons.
CircusCarriageIcon.png サーカスキャリッジ
Circus Carriage
Las Vegas Wind Driver Attack by charging at the player,shooting fire balls in the air, throw rings of fire at the player, sucking the player in so they can be shot far away.
SniperNeonIcon.png スナイパーネオン
Sniper Neon
Las Vegas Wind Attacks from a distance tries to jump on the player if they get to close.
LauncherNeonIcon.png ランチャーネオン
Launcher Neon
Las Vegas Wind Shots rockets from a distance tries to jump on the player if they get to close.
SkullBuffaloIcon.png スカルバファロー
Skull Buffalo
Las Vegas Wind none(that I could find) If melee they try to jump on the player and chomp on them. If they are at a range they transform into a bull and rush towards the player while stomping.
BuffaloHeadIcon.png バファローヘッド
Buffalo Head
Las Vegas Wind none(that I could find) Rare version of Skull Buffalo does more damage and has more health.
DullahanRiderIcon.png デュラハンライダー
Dullahan Rider
Las Vegas Wind Side car. none(couldn't find any) Attack the player with a melee attack, attacks by using the side car, revving up its engine to cause an aoe that damages any near the creature. If side car is destory it can't use the the attack using the side car.
RedDuriderIcon.png レッドデュライダー
Red Durider
Las Vegas Wind Side car none(couldn't find any) Rare Version of Dullahan Rider does more damage has more health.
UFOIcon.png U.F.O
Las Vegas Wind Blue sig Attacks by summoning an explosion, sucking the player in so it can grab them, summon aliens that attack around it and slowly descends a bit after each shot. If enough damage is dealt during the alien attack cause the ufo to fall to the ground with the blue sig showing
DevilsTrailerIcon.png デビルズトレーラー
Devil’s Trailer
Las Vegas Wind Wheels Blue Sigil Boss attacks by Ramming the player,throwing cars at the player while running away,make a trailer that opens up and spawns clowns,makes a trailer that spews ice all over the area and breaks it causing the freeze effect if hit.
MurderTrailerIcon.png マーダートレーラー
Murder Trailer
Las Vegas Wind Wheels Blue Sigil Rare version of Devil’s Trailer does more damage and has more health.
VegasIllusiaIcon.png ベガス・イリュージア
Vegas Illusia
Las Vegas WindLightning Legs
Blue sig
broken legs
Boss attacks by jumping into the air and slamming into the ground at the player position.,charging at the player, shooting up into the air and many strikes coming down.
NightmareVegasIcon.png ナイトメア・ベガス
Nightmare Vegas
Las Vegas WindLightning Legs
Blue sig
broken legs
Rare version of Vegas Illusia does more damage and has more health.
MaxwellsDemonIcon.png マクスウェルの悪魔
Maxwell's Demon
Las Vegas
Wind Shoots balls of energy at the player. When killed will wait a couple of seconds and go to where the player is at and blow up.
LaplacesDemonIcon.png ラプラスの悪魔
Laplace's Demon
Las Vegas
Wind Head This boss has two phases. Both phases has a shield that can only be broken by using one of the Maxwell' Demon suicidal bomb skill. It attack by punching and a laser eye When low on health its eyes glow red and it attack quicker and does more damage.

ESC-A Darkers

Image Name Area Drop List Weakness Breakpoints Weakpoints Notes
GachasIcon.png ガッチャス
WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Dagacha.
ParasPicosIcon.png パラス・ピコス
Paras Picos
WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Parata Picoda.
RancaVarezeIcon.png ランカ・ヴァレース
Ranca Vareze
WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Lanz Vareda.
UIEnemyVareceRancas.png ヴァレス・ランカース
Varece Rancas
WindLight Rare version of Ranca Vareze.
BontaBearatusIcon.png ボンタ・ベアタス
Bonta Bearatus
WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Bonta Bearadda. Has shockwaves from its claw attacks. Can deploy miniature versions of itself which explode.
PlatidorusIcon.png プラチドーラス
WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Goldrahda. Causes freeze explosion effect if the back is not destroyed before it death. In addition to the Sword, Launcher and Wand forms of the standard Goldrahda, can also equip itself with Jet Boots for a powerful forward rush attack, and fire photon blades like a Dual Blades bouncer.
UIEnemyGranidorus.png グラニドーラス
WindLight Rare version of Platidorus.
VidoLuzeIcon.png ヴィドルース
Vido Luze
WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Vidoluda.
DecolMalluzeIcon.png デコル・マリューズ
Decol Malluze
Lv. 1+
  • Ability.png Escarde Soul

Lv. 76+

WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Decol Malluda.
EscaRagnusIcon.png エスカ・ラグナス
ESC-A Ragnus
Lv. 1+
  • Ability.png Escarde Soul

Lv. 76+

WindLight ESC-A Darker version of Dark Ragne. ESC-A Ragnus will not be down if one leg is broken, all legs must be broken. Jumps backwards and deploys a wall of webbing before using its disc projectile attack.
EscaFalzMotherIcon.png エスカファルス・マザー
ESC-A Falz Mother
Earth's Moon Drop List WindLight Combines all previous Dark Falz fights into one.


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
Es Anges
  • Yggdrasil
  • Story Quest 4-8
Weak to:
  • Dark


Es Opsis
  • Yggdrasil
  • Story Quest 4-8
Weak to:
  • Dark


Es Santorus
  • Yggdrasil
  • Story Quest 4-8
Weak to:
  • Dark


Deus Hunas
  • Yggdrasil
  • Story Quest 4-8
Weak to:
  • Dark


Deus Anges
  • Yggdrasil
Weak to:
  • Dark


Deus ESC-A Zephyros
  • Yggdrasil
Weak to:
  • LightDark


Deus ESC-A Gracia
  • Yggdrasil
Weak to:
  • LightDark


Mother Cluster

Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
Aratron Phemut
  • Emergency Quests
Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Chest Core
This enemy is guarded by an impenetrable barrier.
The barrier can be dispelled permanently by breaking the hammer.


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
The Sixth Angel
  • The Sixth Angel
Lv. 1+
  • 10 Dio-NT Series
  • 12 Nox-NT Series
  • 8 Tool Cobalt Medal

Lv. 70+

  • 13 Alta Series
  • 13 AIS Series
  • 13 Egg All Pets
  • 11 Sub Unit Solid Barrier

Lv. 85+

  • 14 Awake Series
  • 15 Orb Series
  • 13 Rear Unit Avion Orb
  • 14 Egg All Pets
  • 13 Candy Super Doki Doki Parfait

Lv. 96+

  • 15 Dusk Series
  • 13 Rear Unit Avion Dusk
  • 13 Weapon Camo *Iltheon Dusk Megis
  • 13 Ticket Avion Dusk Thruster
  • 13 Ticket Avion Dusk Wing
A.T. Field Weak to:
  • N/A


  • Core
A massive Phantom in the image of the 6th Angel, Ramiel. Destroy its A.T. Fields to reveal its core.
Ramiel targets ARKS missile bases and EVA Unit 01 with various attacks. If EVA Unit 01 is destroyed, the quest fails.


Enemy Area Drop List Breakpoints Weakness Notes
Lizeth Ghidour
  • Piper of Disharmony
Lv. 91+ Doors Weak to:
  • Wind


  • Blue Sigil
Ultra Variant of Train Ghidoran. Attacks have additional vertical reach.