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S-Class Special Ability (Units) (PSO2)

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Special Ability Adding Abilities Special Ability List of Abilities Special Ability Ability Factors (Weapons) Special Ability Ability Factors (Units) S-Class S-Class Special Ability (Weapons) S-Class S-Class Special Ability (Units)

List of Unit S-Class Special Abilities

S6 Tier

S-Class Special Ability Capsule Description Unit Drop Capsule Drop
S Class Ability 6 S6:守護の備
S Class Ability 6 S6:Guardian Armor
Pass S6追加:守護の備
Pass S6 Add: Guardian Armor
Reduces damage taken by 7%. The Scarlet Space Splitter
Mourning of Demise (UH)
Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 6 S6:英雄咆哮
S Class Ability 6 S6:Heroic Howl
Pass S6追加:英雄咆哮
Pass S6 Add: Heroic Howl
Enhances the effect of Hero Boost's damage bonus accumulation rate. Does not work with the "Heroic Victory" potential. Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 6 S6:翔機天舞
S Class Ability 6 S6:Soaring Ballet
Pass S6追加:翔機天舞
Pass S6 Add: Soaring Ballet
Bouncer Weapon Gear fills while airborne. No effect if using weapon with "Angelic Guidance". Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 6 S6:機魂の守護
S Class Ability 6 S6:Guardian's Essence
Pass S6追加:機魂の守護
Pass S6 Add: Guardian's Essence
Hunter Weapon Gear and Katana Gear fills while Guarding. No effect if using weapon with "Zephyr's Edge". The Scarlet Space Splitter Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 6 S6:癒蝕頑強
S Class Ability 6 S6:Ironclad Illness
Pass S6追加:癒蝕頑強
Pass S6 Add: Ironclad Illness
Pass S6追加R:癒蝕頑強
Pass S6 Add R: Ironclad Illness
Become massive for 60 seconds after becoming affected by a status effect. Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Endless Darkness (UH)
In the Driving Rain 2020 (UH)
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Beach Wars 2020! (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
The Chocolate Way 2020 (UH)
Limited AC Recycle
S Class Ability 6 S6:妙技の巧
S Class Ability 6 S6:Wise Skill
N/A Increase Critical Hit Rate by 15%. Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Scarlet Space Splitter
The 6th Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:滅域輝与
S Class Ability 6 S6:Brilliant Ruin
N/A Recover 5 PP when an enemy near you is defeated. The Scarlet Space Splitter
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:打撃上昇
S Class Ability 6 S6:S-ATK Up
N/A S-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Scarlet Space Splitter
The 6th Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:射撃上昇
S Class Ability 6 S6:R-ATK Up
N/A R-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Scarlet Space Splitter
The Piper of Disharmony
S Class Ability 6 S6:法撃上昇
S Class Ability 6 S6:T-ATK Up
N/A T-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Scarlet Space Splitter
The Piper of Disharmony
S Class Ability 6 S6:活器上昇
S Class Ability 6 S6:HP Up
N/A HP +40 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Scarlet Space Splitter
The 6th Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:輝器上昇
S Class Ability 6 S6:PP Up
N/A PP +4 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Scarlet Space Splitter
The 6th Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:回避の口笛
S Class Ability 6 S6:Evasion Whistle
Pass S6追加:回避の口笛
Pass S6 Add: Evasion Whistle
Dodging will cause your Pet to return back to you. The Sixth Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 6 S6:守護乱備
S Class Ability 6 S6:Readying Guard
N/A Gain a 10% chance to reduce damage taken by 70%. The Sixth Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Divide Quest (Supply Route)
S Class Ability 6 S6:修羅の備
S Class Ability 6 S6:Battle Readiness
N/A When your HP is at 50% or lower, damage taken is reduced by 40%. Resets after a brief cooldown. The Sixth Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Divide Quest (Supply Route)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:翔天の翼
S Class Ability 6 S6:Angelic Wings
N/A Increases Jump Power. The Sixth Angel
The Piper of Disharmony
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:長夜の明星
S Class Ability 6 S6:Long Night Star
Pass S6追加:長夜の明星
Pass S6 Add: Long Night Star
Reduce Etoile Boost's decay per second by 50%. Prize Medal Exchange Shop
Utterly Profound (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:超限活器
S Class Ability 6 S6:Overlimit
Pass S6追加:超限活器
Pass S6 Add: Overlimit
Increases maximum HP by 50% while Limit Break is active. Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH) Prize Medal Exchange Shop
A Boisterous White Day 2020 (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:奇跡再演
S Class Ability 6 S6:Wondrous Encore
Pass S6追加:奇跡再演
Pass S6 Add: Wondrous Encore
Reduce Hate Generation while Showtime is active. If the user is attacked while Showtime is active, reduce damage taken and retain One More Time once per Showtime. Prize Medal Exchange Shop
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
S Class Ability 6 S6:累加拡域
S Class Ability 6 S6:Raising Expanse
Pass S6追加:累加拡域
Pass S6 Add: Raising Expanse
Alters the range of Raising Pursuit's bonus attack damage. (15m AoE, not nullified on part break, not treated as an attack from behind) Divide Quest (Step 31-35)
S Class Ability 6 S6:六色の盾
S Class Ability 6 S6:Rainbow's Shield
Pass S6追加:六色の盾
Pass S6 Add: Rainbow's Shield
While Petal, Ocean, Leaf, Moon, Snow or Shadow Flash is active: Grants a chance (~20%) to drastically reduce
damage taken. (Reduced to 1 damage).
Divide Quest (Step 31-35)

S7 Tier

S-Class Special Ability Capsule Description Unit Drop Capsule Drop
S Class Ability 7 S7:輝静の恵
S Class Ability 7 S7:Glowing Grace
Pass S7追加:輝静の恵
Pass S7 Add: Glowing Grace
Pass S7追加R:輝静の恵
Pass S7 Add R: Glowing Grace
Recovers 4 PP per second when standing still for longer than 1 second. Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Endless Darkness (UH)
In the Driving Rain 2020 (UH)
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Beach Wars 2020! (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
The Chocolate Way 2020 (UH)
A Boisterous White Day 2020 (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Limited AC Recycle
S Class Ability 7 S7:攻撃上昇
S Class Ability 7 S7:Attack Up
N/A ATK +25 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:攻撃上昇2
S Class Ability 7 S7:Attack Up 2
N/A ATK +45 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Divide Quest (Supply Route)
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:打撃上昇
S Class Ability 7 S7:S-ATK Up
Pass S7追加:打撃上昇
Pass S7 Add: S-ATK Up
S-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
Divide Quest (Supply Route)
Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 7 S7:打撃上昇2
S Class Ability 7 S7:S-ATK Up 2
N/A S-ATK +50 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:射撃上昇
S Class Ability 7 S7:R-ATK Up
Pass S7追加:射撃上昇
Pass S7 Add: R-ATK Up
R-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 7 S7:射撃上昇2
S Class Ability 7 S7:R-ATK Up 2
N/A R-ATK +50 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:法撃上昇
S Class Ability 7 S7:T-ATK Up
Pass S7追加:法撃上昇
Pass S7 Add: T-ATK Up
T-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 7 S7:法撃上昇2
S Class Ability 7 S7:T-ATK Up 2
N/A T-ATK +50 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:活器上昇
S Class Ability 7 S7:HP Up
N/A HP +40 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:輝器上昇
S Class Ability 7 S7:PP Up
N/A PP +4 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:瞬撃の極
S Class Ability 7 S7:Zenith Impact
Pass S7追加:瞬撃の極
Pass S7 Add: Zenith Impact
Gain a 10% chance to stun the enemy
with a Just Attack.
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH) A Merry Christmas on Ice 2019 (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:薬効増大
S Class Ability 7 S7:Increased Efficiency
Pass S7追加:薬効増大
Pass S7 Add: Increased Efficiency
Boost the effect of recovery items by 30%. Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
Utterly Profound (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:以心伝心
S Class Ability 7 S7:Mind Merge
Pass S7追加:以心伝心
Pass S7 Add: Mind Merge
Automatically answers Sympathy requests during Alter Ego. No effect if using weapon with "Glance of Darkness". Guides of Creation (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:法護の与
S Class Ability 7 S7:Sentinel's Gift
Pass S7追加:法護の与
Pass S7 Add: Sentinel's Gift
Pass S7追加R:法護の与
Pass S7 Add R: Sentinel's Gift
Upon a successful Tech Charge Parry, recover 5% HP and 10 PP. Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH) Wild Easter 2020 (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
Weapons Badge 2021 Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 7 S7:視敵無双
S Class Ability 7 S7:Descried Warrior
Pass S7追加:視敵無双
Pass S7 Add:Descried Warrior
Increase Power by 1%. Reduce damage taken from enemies targeting you by 15%. Primordial Glare from the Void (UH) Primordial Glare from the Void (UH)
S Class Ability 7 S7:六色の巧
S Class Ability 7 S7:Rainbow's Skill
Pass S7追加:六色の巧
Pass S7 Add:Rainbow's Skill
While Petal, Ocean, Leaf, Moon, Snow or Shadow Flash is active: Increases critical hit rate. (30%) Divide Quest (Step 31-35)
S Class Ability 7 S7:注技縮地
S Class Ability 7 S7:Amended Movement
Pass S7追加:注技縮地
Pass S7 Add:Amended Movement
Boosts movement speed while charging PAs. Final Battle: The Space-Time Rift (Depth 41+)

S8 Tier

S-Class Special Ability Capsule Description Unit Drop Capsule Drop
S Class Ability 8 S8:舞空の援
S Class Ability 8 S8:Sky Dance's Boon
Pass S8追加:舞空の援
Pass S8 Add: Sky Dance's Boon
Pass S8追加R:舞空の援
Pass S8 Add R: Sky Dance's Boon
Activates Shifta and Deband every 10 seconds when you stay in the air for longer than 2 seconds. Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
The Endless Darkness (UH)
In the Driving Rain 2020 (UH)
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
Beach Wars 2020! (UH)
Primordial Glare from the Void (UH)
A Boisterous White Day 2020 (UH)
Wild Easter 2020 (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Beach Wars 2020! (UH)
Limited AC Recycle
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:打撃上昇
S Class Ability 8 S8:S-ATK Up
N/A S-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:射撃上昇
S Class Ability 8 S8:R-ATK Up
N/A R-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:法撃上昇
S Class Ability 8 S8:T-ATK Up
N/A T-ATK +30 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:活器上昇
S Class Ability 8 S8:HP Up
Pass S8追加:活器上昇
Pass S8 Add: HP Up
HP +40 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 8 S8:活器上昇2
S Class Ability 8 S8:HP Up 2
N/A HP +60 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:輝器上昇
S Class Ability 8 S8:PP Up
Pass S8追加:輝器上昇
Pass S8 Add: PP Up
PP +4 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
Prize Medal Exchange Shop
S Class Ability 8 S8:輝器上昇2
S Class Ability 8 S8:PP Up 2
N/A PP +6 Ship Infiltration: Large Enemy Battleship
The Piper of Disharmony
Mining Base Defense: VR (UH)
Requiem of The Specter's Grudge (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:服薬強身
S Class Ability 8 S8:Strong Potency
Pass S8追加:服薬強身
Pass S8 Add: Strong Potency
Makes you temporarily invincible while
drinking a -mate item.
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH) Trick or Treat 2019! (UH)
Merry Christmas on Ice 2019 (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:一念滞空
S Class Ability 8 S8:High-Minded
Pass S8追加:一念滞空
Pass S8 Add: High-Minded
Reduce falling speed while charging a
Technique in mid-air.
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
Mourning of Demise (UH)
The Cosmic Calamity (Boost Event)
Raging Dark Arms (Boost Event)
Utterly Profound (Boost Event)
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder (UH)
S Class Ability 8 S8:六色の蝕
S Class Ability 8 S8:Rainbow's Decay
Pass S8追加:六色の蝕
Pass S8 Add: Rainbow's Decay
While Petal, Ocean, Leaf, Moon, Snow or Shadow Flash is active: Makes attacks inflict random status effects. Divide Quest (Step 31-35)