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Dual Blades Photon Arts

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  • Similar to Double Saber PAs, Dual Blades Arts specialize in racking up staggering amounts of damage with individually weak hits.
  • Specialize in aerial combat, making Shifta Air Attack Boost extremely viable.
  • Very committal compared to most weapons; many Arts cannot be cancelled out of without the use of Weapon Action.
  • Quite a few Arts give super armor while being performed; combined with the aforementioned limitations in cancelling, Dual Blades Arts tend to be fairly risky due to the potential to eat multiple hits while attacking and being unable to cancel. However, this also means they can sustain DPS without being interrupted.

Distraction Wing

Name Description
Distraction Wing
Dual Blades photon art. Flies forward and slices the target twice.
Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Common Drop
Sil Sadinian
Big Vardha
Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
Power (%) 678 685 692 699 706 713 720 727 734 741 748 755 762 769 776 783 823
PP Cost 25
Video DEX Multiplier 100%
Charge -
Boosting Potential Potential.png Destruction Rook

Weapons with PA 7 Grand Cross / Licht, 11 Grans Hall, 12 Sigma Touren, 13 Philodemos
  • Dashes forwards, then performs a cross slash with both blades.
    • If used at zero range, you might pass through the target, missing the attack.
    • Does not track vertically at all.
  • Basic gap loser PA.
  • Despite having a "disappearing" animation similar to Asagiri-Rendan, this PA does not possess iframes.
  • Can be used for fast movement in combination with weapon action while in the air.
  • Does 2 hits. Each hit does 50% of noted power.
    • Gear increases the power of each hit to 53% at 1/3, 55% at gear 2/3, and 60% at maximum gear.

Dispersion Shrike

Name Description
Dispersion Shrike
Dual Blades photon art. Glides gracefully as photon blades strike everything in your path.
Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Common Drop
Quartz Dragon
Dragon Ex
Biol Meduna
Dark Falz Elder
Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
Power (%) 1020 1032 1044 1056 1068 1080 1092 1104 1116 1128 1140 1152 1164 1176 1188 1200 1260
PP Cost 30
Video DEX Multiplier 100%
Charge -
Boosting Potential Potential.png Ray Dispersion

Weapons with PA 7 Ignis / Licht, 11 Schalkpanis, 12 Ignis
  • Does a somersault, then slowly moves forwards in the air while shooting photon blades all around you in a wide area.
    • Maintains altitude if used in the air.
    • It is possible to steer left and right while moving.
  • The photon blades animations are just for show. The PA actually hits everything inside the circular aoe at the same time.
  • Area of effect is fairly long both vertically and horizontally.
  • All hits are considered to be aerial, even if the PA is used on the ground. As such, skills and potentials that require air time, such as Shifta Air and Potential.png Divine Radiance work with the whole PA even if used in the ground.

    • Immunity to flinch throughout the entire animation
    • Main mobbing PA of dual blades.
    • Does 9 hits. Each hit does 11.5% of noted power.
      • Gear increases the power of each hit to 11.7% at 1/3, 12.1% at gear 2/3, and 13.4% at maximum gear.
      • Because it does so many hits on a wide area, it fills up gear extremely fast.

    Heavenly Kite

    Name Description
    Heavenly Kite
    Dual Blades photon art. Leap into the air with a spinning volley of photon blades, launching any enemy in your way.
    Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Common Drop
    Vol Dragon
    Snow Banter
    Dark Ragne
    Decol Malluda
    Cougar NX
    Dark Falz Elder
    80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
    Power (%) 1032 1044 1056 1068 1080 1092 1104 1116 1128 1140 1152 1164 1176 1188 1200 1212 1273
    PP Cost 25
    Video DEX Multiplier 100%
    Charge -
    Boosting Potential Potential.png Rising Phoenix

    Weapons with PA 11 Rabbit Blade, 12 Furnish Blade, 13 Astral Blaze
    • Does an upward slash, then follows with a jumping slash with vertically spinning photon blades.
      • The upward slash throws enemies into the air. The PA follows as normal even if the enemy can't be launched.
    • Gains altitude even if used in the air.
    • Does 10 hits. Each hit does 10% of the noted power.
      • Gear increases the power of each hit to 10.5% at 1/3, 11% at gear 2/3, and 12% at maximum gear.

    Justice Crow

    Name Description
    Justice Crow
    Dual Blades photon art. Forms the ARKS symbol with photon blades and fires it at the enemy.
    Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Common Drop
    Za Oodan
    Sol Deegalla
    Set Sadinian
    Bal Rodos
    Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
    Power (%) 984 994 1004 1015 1025 1036 1046 1056 1067 1077 1088 1098 1108 1119 1129 1140 1197
    PP Cost 20
    Video DEX Multiplier 100%
    Charge -
    Boosting Potential Divine Justice Weapons with PA 11 Shena Alice, Victo Alice
    • Draws a star shaped mark (the ARKS symbol) in the air, then throws it forwards.
      • Once the star is thrown, it explodes upon connecting to any valid target, hitting anything caught in the explosion.
      • The star only travels horizontally.
    • Cannot move while drawing the star, but can change directions.
    • Maintains altitude while drawing the star.
    • Does 5 hits while drawing the star, then 1 hit with the explosion.
      • Each line of the star does 7.5% of the noted power, increased to 7.8% at 1/3 gear, 8.25% at 2/3 gear, and 9% at maximum gear, for a total of 37.5/39/41.25/45%.
      • The explosion does 55% of the noted power, increased to 57.7% at 1/3 gear, 60% at 2/3 gear, and 66% at maximum gear.

    Starling Fall

    Name Description
    Starling Fall
    Dual Blades photon art. Gathers up a barrage of photon blades before firing them around you, launching you high into the air.
    Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Common Drop
    El Dagan
    Vol Dragon
    Snow Banther
    Big Vardha
    Falz Arm
    Falz Hunar
    Cougar NX
    Gigur Gunne-Gam
    Apos Dorios
    Vid Gillos
    Mad Jelly
    Gift from Katori
    Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
    Power (%) 2446 2474 2502 2530 2558 2586 2614 2642 2670 2698 2726 2754 2782 2810 2838 2866 3010
    PP Cost 30
    Video DEX Multiplier 100%
    Charge -
    Boosting Potential - Weapons with PA -
    • Generates 12 photon blades around you, then explodes them and throws them upwards while jumping high in the air.
      • Each photon blade only hits what it touches, so it's hard to hit all of them in a single target, as they are separated from each other.
      • Jumping height is about the same as a double jump from Jet Boots.
    • Does not maintain altitude when used in the air.
    • Has iframes starting when the photon blades are generated, until the end of the jump.
    • It is possible to generate gear even when hitting objects, such as the bases in Mining Base Defense Emergency Quests.
    • Does 12 hits.
      • Each blade does 7.5% of the noted power, increased to 7.8% at 1/3 gear, 8.3% at 2/3 gear, and 9% at maximum gear, for a total of 90/93.6/99.6/108%.
      • The jumping explosion does 10% of the noted power, increased to 10.5% at 1/3 gear, 11% at 2/3 gear, and 12% at maximum gear.

    Kestrel Rampage

    Name Description
    Kestrel Rampage
    Dual Blades photon art. Strike relentlessly at the enemy in a dance of blade and photons, dropping a rain of photon blades at the end of it.
    Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Common Drop
    Knight Gear
    Gift from Katori
    Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
    Power (%) 2844 2877 2909 2942 2974 3006 3039 3071 3104 3136 3168 3201 3233 3266 3298 3330 3496
    PP Cost 40
    Video DEX Multiplier 100%
    Charge -
    Boosting Potential Potential.png Rampaging Falcon

    Weapons with PA 9 Kongoushi, 11 Fradskunoth, 13 Yoi Ver2
    • Continuously slashes forwards, then finishes with a rain of photon blades.
      • The slashes have very small range, but the rain hits the target wherever it is, with a very long range limit.
      • The rain does not track enemies. Once it starts, it will fall in that area until it ends, so fast moving targets may evade it.
    • Moves forwards slowly while slashing, even when used in the air.
      • Maintains altitude when used in the air.
    • The JA ring appears as soon as the photon blade rain starts, and the rain will not cancel if another attack is done before it ends.
    • Cannot be cancelled by Mirage Step, but can be cancelled by Weapon Action.
      • If it is cancelled before the rain starts, it will not start at all.
    • Although the damage is high, dps is low due to the slow animation.
    • Does 19 slashes, then 6 hits with the photon blade rain.
      • Each hit does 4% of the noted power, increased to 5% at 2/3 gear or higher, for a total of 100/125%.

    Kestrel Rampage Type-0

    Name Description
    Kestrel Rampage Type-0
    Dual Blades photon art. Strike relentlessly at the enemy in a dance of blade and photons, dropping a rain of photon blades at the end of it.
    Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Crafted Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
    Power (%) 2271 2384
    PP Cost 40
    Video DEX Multiplier 100%
    Charge -
    Craft type Merit Demerit Special
    Type 0 Power +0~238% PP +0~+10
    • No longer generates gear at all.
    • Consumes all the gear gauge when used.
      • Gear increases the size and range of the blades, overall power, and animation speed.
      • Power is increased by 250% when at maximum gear.

    Immortal Dove

    Name Description
    Immortal Dove
    Dual Blades photon art. Gathers a line of photon blades before slamming them into the ground, impaling anything in it's way.
    Drop Info Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    Area drop in Corruption Survey: Lilipa Req. S-ATK 80 90 120 160 200 235 270 290 320 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
    Power (%) 651 659 667 674 681 688 696 704 711 718 726 733 741 748 755 763 800
    PP Cost 20
    Video DEX Multiplier 100%
    Charge -
    Boosting Potential - Weapons with PA 9 Kasentori Haruka, 12 Rig Touren
    • Generates photon blades above and drops them in a small range forwards.
      • Blades can hit multiple times while going downwards, similarly to Fall Nocturne.
    • The range is about 2 Steps worth of distance, but is very narrow.
    • When used in the ground, does 1 hit while the blades go upwards, and another hit when they come down. When used in the air, does only 1 hit when dropping the blades, and forces an immediate loss of altitude.
      • On the ground, the upward strike does 30% of the noted power, and the downward strike does 70%. Increases to 35%/70% at 1/3 gear, 35%/75% at 2/3 gear, and 40%/80% at maximum gear.
      • In the air, does 100% of the noted power in 1 hit. Increases to 105% at gear 1/3, 110% at gear 2/3, and 120% at maximum gear.