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User:Jared Dejicai/Zieg's Exchange

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Ayer Series Upgrade

Material Required

Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemSaphard.png Diard
Desynthesize ★15 Weapons
Divide Quests
Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for rare weapons.
7 Material UIItemModuleVaruna.png Raw Dark Stone Deimos?
15 Material UIItemModuleVaruna.png God Gray Eye?
15 Material UIItemLuminmechGrainneCrystal.png Luminmech Grainne Crystal
Limited Arks Mission
Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
Large data fragment generated from battle analysis of Luminmechs. Used to create certain rare weapons.
10 Tool Excube.png Class Excube
Leveling up at level cap (Currently Lv. 95)
Treasure Shop
Area Survey: Remnants of Other Worlds
Raging Dark Arms (UH)
Utterly Profound (UH)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
A special crystal given to those who seek strength. Material subject to barter.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
15 Sword UIItemLightweaverCrasEdge.png Lightweaver Cras Edge
Darkbanisher Ayer Edge +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Hu/Hr Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemLightweaverCrasAnchor.png Lightweaver Cras Anchor
Darkbanisher Ayer Anchor +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Hu Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Hunter
15 Partizan 64px Lightweaver Cras Partizan
Darkbanisher Ayer Partizan +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Hu Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Hunter
15 Twin Dagger 64px Lightweaver Cras Dagger
Darkbanisher Ayer Dagger +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Fi Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemLightweaverCrasDoublis.png Lightweaver Cras Doublis
Darkbanisher Ayer Doublis +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Fi/Et Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities FighterEtoile
15 Knuckle UIItemLightweaverCrasKnocker.png Lightweaver Cras Knocker
Darkbanisher Ayer Knocker +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Fi Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Fighter
15 Gunslash UIItemLightweaverCrasTier.png Lightweaver Cras Tier
Darkbanisher Ayer Tier +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Any Class Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana 64px Lightweaver Cras Katana
Darkbanisher Ayer Katana +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Br/Ph Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities BraverPhantom
15 Dual Blade 64px Lightweaver Cras Dual Blade
Darkbanisher Ayer Dual Blade +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Bo/Et Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities BouncerEtoile
15 Assault Rifle UIItemLightweaverCrasAssault.png Lightweaver Cras Assault
Darkbanisher Ayer Assault +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Ra/Gu/Ph Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities RangerGunnerPhantom
15 Launcher 64px Lightweaver Cras Launcher
Darkbanisher Ayer Launcher +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Ra Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Ranger
15 Twin Machine Gun 64px Lightweaver Cras T. Machinegun
Darkbanisher Ayer T. Machinegun +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Gu/Hr Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities GunnerHero
15 Bullet Bow 64px Lightweaver Cras Bow
Darkbanisher Ayer Bow +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Br Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Braver
15 Rod 64px Lightweaver Cras Rod
Darkbanisher Ayer Rod +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Fo/Ph Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities ForcePhantom
15 Talis 64px Lightweaver Cras Talis
Darkbanisher Ayer Talis +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Fo/Te/Hr Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities ForceTecherHero
15 Wand 64px Lightweaver Cras Wand
Darkbanisher Ayer Wand +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Te/Et Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities TecherEtoile
15 Jet Boots 64px Lightweaver Cras Jet Boots
Darkbanisher Ayer Jet Boots +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Bo Excube x200
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Bouncer
15 Takt 64px Lightweaver Cras Takt
Darkbanisher Ayer Takt +35 x1
Diard x50
Material X x150
Material X x1
Gráinne Crystal x4
Su Excube x200
Grind carries over Summoner

Ayer Series Exchange

Material Required

Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
5 Material UIItemNia.png Plamia
Desynthesize ★14~15 Striking Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Striking Weapons.
5 Material UIItemDest.png Plamdest
Desynthesize ★14~15 Ranged Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Ranged Weapons.
5 Material UIItemGrimo.png Plamgrimo
Desynthesize ★14~15 Tech Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Tech Weapons.
5 Material UIItemSaphard.png Emerard
Desynthesize ★13~14 Weapons Required for Crafting Recipes. Material for Weapons.
7 Material UIItemModuleVaruna.png Raw Dark Stone Deimos?
10 Material UIItemLuminmechEmerFragment.png Luminmech Emer Fragment
Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
Small data fragment generated from battle analysis of Luminmechs. Used to create certain rare weapons.
12 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Ultimate Booster
Photon Shop
Ultimate Quest Boss Drop
The Endless Darkness S rank (UH)
Treasure Shop
Divide Medal Shop
Divide Quests
By promoting other photons to enter the same state, this allows for a targeted energy level concentration.
Used for unlocking Ultimate Potentials.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
15 Sword UIItemDarkbanisherAyerEdge.png Darkbanisher Ayer Edge
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Wired Lance UIItemDarkbanisherAyerAnchor.png Darkbanisher Ayer Anchor
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Partizan 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Partizan
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Twin Dagger 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Dagger
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Double Saber UIItemDarkbanisherAyerDoublis.png Darkbanisher Ayer Doublis
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Knuckle UIItemDarkbanisherAyerKnocker.png Darkbanisher Ayer Knocker
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Gunslash UIItemDarkbanisherAyerTier.png Darkbanisher Ayer Tier
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Katana 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Katana
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Dual Blade 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Dual Blade
Plamia x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Assault Rifle UIItemDarkbanisherAyerAssault.png Darkbanisher Ayer Assault
Plamdest x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Launcher 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Launcher
Plamdest x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Twin Machine Gun 64px Darkbanisher Ayer T. Machinegun
Plamdest x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Bullet Bow 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Bow
Plamdest x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Rod 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Rod
Plamgrimo x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Talis UIItemDarkbanisherAyerTalis.png Darkbanisher Ayer Talis
Plamgrimo x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Wand 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Wand
Plamgrimo x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Jet Boots 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Jet Boots
Plamgrimo x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
Light 60
Ability.png Ability V
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
15 Takt 64px Darkbanisher Ayer Takt
Plamgrimo x100
Emerard x50
Material X x20
Excube x200
Luminmech Emer Fragment x200
Ultimate Booster x30
None Summoner

Prize Medal Exchange

Buster Medal Shop


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemBusterMedal.png Buster Medal
Buster Quest Free Match Proof that one Participated in a Buster Quest. You can Trade it in for various prizes

Available Items

Rarity Image Name Price Notes
8 UIItemPhotonBooster.png Turquoise Rappy Suit
Buster Medal x200 Photon Crystals in an excited state. Surrounding Photon activity in certain weapons cause a reaction.
Used for unlocking Hidden Potentials.
8 PhotonSphere.png Rappy Star Dress
Buster Medal x200 Large crystallized photon. Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
8 Ticket.png Rappy Star Band
Buster Medal x100 Large crystallized photon. Solidified photons used as materials for trading.
12 UIItemRappyShine.png Rear/Rappy Shine+10
Buster Medal x200 Ability.png Rappy Soul
Ability.png Spirita II
Ability.png Arm V
Ability.png Blow Resist V
Ability.png Shot Resist V
Ability.png Mind Resist V
7 UIItemDemonBooster.png Cleasis Booster
Buster Medal x10 Material which was said to connect night and soul. Used as material for certain weapons.
5 UIItemOmegaCrystal.png Omega Crystal
Buster Medal x5 Formed on Another World Omega. Material used for Timed Ability installations.
4 UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub/Add Spirita d
Buster Medal x100 Ability.png Sentence Receptor
Ability.png Stamina I
Ability.png Spirita I
Ability.png Arm I
Ability.png Ability I
Ability.png Mutation I
4 UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub/Add Spirita d
Buster Medal x200 Ability.png Sentence Power
Ability.png Stamina I
Ability.png Spirita I
Ability.png Arm I
Ability.png Ability I
Ability.png Mutation I
4 UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub/Add Spirita d
Buster Medal x200 Ability.png Sentence Shoot
Ability.png Stamina I
Ability.png Spirita I
Ability.png Arm I
Ability.png Ability I
Ability.png Mutation I
4 UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub/Add Spirita d
Buster Medal x200 Property Sentence Technique isn't defined. Add it here: [[1]]
Ability.png Stamina I
Ability.png Spirita I
Ability.png Arm I
Ability.png Ability I
Ability.png Mutation I
7 GreatSuccessGrindRate50.png Great Grind Success +50%
Buster Medal x15 Material used on NT Weapons. During weapon grinding, success probability rate boosted by 50%.
7 UIItemPhotonBooster.png Photon Booster
Buster Medal x10 Photon Crystals in an excited State. Surrounding Photon activity in certain weapons cause a reaction.
7 Grinder.png Lambda Grinder
Buster Medal x10 Material used to improve equipment. The performance of equipment can be pushed beyond its limit.
Used for enhancing 13 to 15 rarity weapons, and Skill Rings of grind level +10 or higher.
{6 ExtremePass.png Extreme Pass
Buster Medal x10 A pass that allows you entry in Extreme Quests. You can receive one every 22 hours.
5 Ticket.png 15,000 EXP Ticket
Buster Medal x10 Use to immediately receive 15,000 EXP.

Limited Time Buster Medal Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
7 Material UIItemBusterMedal.png Buster Medal
Buster Quest Free Match Proof that one Participated in a Buster Quest. You can Trade it in for various prizes
7 Material UIItemBusterMedalA.png Buster Medal A
Buster Quest Free Match Proof that one Participated in a Buster Quest. You can Trade it in for various prizes
7 Material UIItemBusterMedalB.png Buster Medal B
Buster Quest Free Match Proof that one Participated in a Buster Quest. You can Trade it in for various prizes

Available Items

Rarity Image Name Price Notes
5 UIItemStarGem.png 10 Star Gems
Target: Buster Medals x40 When received immediately awards 10 Star Gems.
5 UIItemStarGem.png 5 Star Gems
Target: Buster Medals x40 When received immediately awards 5 Star Gems
6 TriBoost3.png Triboost 100%
Target: Buster Medals x70 Boost item that boosts Rare Drop Rate, Meseta, and EXP by 100%. Lasts 30 minutes.
12 UIItemEvledaKibbs.png Rear/Evleda Kibbs
Target: Buster Medals x50 Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Ability III
Ability.png All Resist III
12 UIItemEvledaRet.png Arm/Evleda Ret
Target: Buster Medals x50 Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Ability III
Ability.png All Resist III
12 UIItemEvledaSerb.png Evleda Serb
Target: Buster Medals x50 Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Ability III
Ability.png All Resist III
5 UIItemMiningStaminaDrink.png Harvesting Stam. Drink 20
Target: Buster Medals x4 Nutritional Supplement that was developed for Gathering. Recovers 20 Harvesting Stamina when used.
5 UIItemFishingStaminaDrink.png Fishing Stam. Drink 20
Target: Buster Medals x4 Nutritional Supplement that was developed for Gathering. Recovers 20 Fishing Stamina when used.
5 UIItemGoodPickaxe.png Good Pickaxe
Target: Buster Medals x4 A tool for Harvesting. Rare Collect Rate +5%
5 UIItemGoodFishingRod.png Good Fishing Rod
Target: Buster Medals x4 A tool for Fishing. Rare Fishing Rate +5%
6 UIItemAdvanceCapsule.png Advance Capsule a (10)
Target: Buster Medals x1 Required for VH Advanced Quests: Forest, Tunnels, Urban, Coast, & Facility.
6 UIItemAdvanceCapsule.png Advance Capsule b (10)
Target: Buster Medals x1 Required for VH Advanced Quests: Volcanic Caverns, Tundra, Ruins, Quarry, & Kuron.
6 UIItemAdvanceCapsule.png Advance Capsule c (10)
Target: Buster Medals x1 Required for VH Advanced Quests: Desert, Skyscape, Sanctum, Seabed, & Shironia.
6 UIItemAdvanceCapsule.png Advance Capsule d
Target: Buster Medals x1 Required for SH Advanced Quests: Forest, Tunnels, Urban, Coast, & Facility.
5 UIItemAdvanceCapsule.png Advance Capsule e
Target: Buster Medals x1 Required for SH Advanced Quests: Volcanic Caverns, Tundra, Ruins, Quarry, & Kuron.
6 UIItemAdvanceCapsule.png Advance Capsule f
Target: Buster Medals x1 Required for SH Advanced Quests: Desert, Skyscape, Sanctum, Seabed, & Shironia.
6 Grinder.png Grinder
Target: Buster Medals x1 Material used to improve equipment. The performance of equipment can be pushed beyond its limit.
Used for enhancing weapon and armor units.
6 Synthesizer.png Synthesizer
Target: Buster Medals x1 Material used for enhancing Old Type weapon elements. Also used in the Pets Goods Shop.

Armada Medal Shop






Cobalt Medal Shop




Divide Medal Shop


