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User:Jared Dejicai/Zieg's Exchange

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★15 Sage Crest Exchange

Material Exchange/Limited

Rarity Icon Image Name Price Description
15 Material UIItemLiberateUnlocker.png Liberate Unlocker
Sage Crest x1200 (Only 1) A crypto-key that releases the limiter on the Novel series. It can fully unlock its potential to its maximum.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
15 Sword UIItemDyneHespera.png Dyne Hespera
Sage Crest x250 Light 60
Ability.png Ability IV
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Vinculum
15 Talis UIItemDyneAffectus.png Dyne Affectus
Sage Crest x250 Light 60
Ability.png Ability IV
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Vinculum
15 Jet Boots 64px Serpen Plenzer
Sage Crest x250 Light 60
Ability.png Ability IV
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Vinculum
15 Wand UIItemClarteDolce.png Clarte Dolce
Sage Crest x250 Light 60
Ability.png Ability IV
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Vinculum
15 Bullet Bow UIItemHardCrossBullet.png Hard Cross Bullet
Sage Crest x250 Light 60
Ability.png Ability IV
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Vinculum
15 Knuckle UIItemShihouGenbu.png Shiho Genbu
Sage Crest x250 Light 60
Ability.png Ability IV
Ability.png Stamina III
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Vinculum

Puras weapon series

Material Required

Rarity Icon Image Name Drop Info Description
15 Material 64px Gráinne Crystal
Limited Arks Mission
7 Material UIItemPurePhoton.png Pure Photon
Gal Gryphon (Lv. 1+)
The Chocolate Way 2020 (XH+)
Divide Medal Shop
A pure photon crystal created rarely when using Photons in battle. Can be imbued with various properties.
12 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Ultimate Booster
Photon Shop
Ultimate Quest Boss Drop
Divide Medal Shop
By promoting other photons to enter the same state, this allows for a targeted energy level concentration.
Used for unlocking Ultimate Potentials.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Special Abilities Properties
13 Rear UIItemLiberateFull.png Rear / Liberate Full
Rear / Novel Full x1
Goldiarias x500
Promechit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Special Abilities carry over HP+60
S ATK+75
R ATK+75
T ATK+75
S RES+4%
R RES+5%
T RES+4%
13 Arm UIItemLiberateOne.png Arm / Liberate One
Arm / Novel One x1
Goldiaams x500
Promechit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Special Abilities carry over HP+60
S ATK+75
R ATK+75
T ATK+75
S RES+5%
R RES+4%
T RES+4%
13 Leg UIItemLiberateMass.png Leg / Liberate Mass
Leg / Novel Mass x1
Goldialegs x500
Promechit x50
Pure Photon x50
Ultimate Booster x30
Grind/Special Abilities carry over HP+60
S ATK+75
R ATK+75
T ATK+75
S RES+4%
R RES+4%
T RES+5%


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
15 Sword UIItemGenPuras.png Gen Puras
Oblisana Wuft +35 x1
Dyne Hespera +35 x1
Dim Sword +35 x1
Gráinne Crystal x2
Emer Fragment x200
Pure Photon x200
Ultimate Booster x20
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities HunterHero
15 Wired Lance UIItemLiberateLance.png Liberate Lance
Novel Lance +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Hu Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Hunter
15 Partizan UIItemLiberatePartizan.png Liberate Partizan
Novel Partizan +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Hu Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Hunter
15 Twin Dagger UIItemLiberateDagger.png Liberate Dagger
Novel Dagger +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Fi Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Fighter
15 Double Saber UIItemLiberateDSaber.png Liberate Double Saber
Novel Double Saber +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Fi/Et Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities FighterEtoile
15 Knuckle UIItemLiberateKnuckle.png Liberate Knuckle
Novel Knuckle +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Fi Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Fighter
15 Gunslash UIItemLiberateSlash.png Liberate Slash
Novel Slash +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Any Class Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities HunterFighterBouncer
15 Katana UIItemLiberateKatana.png Liberate Katana
Novel Katana +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Br/Ph Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities BraverPhantom
15 Dual Blade UIItemLiberateDBlade.png Liberate Dual Blade
Novel Dual Blade +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamia x500
Excube x500
Bo/Et Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities BouncerEtoile
15 Assault Rifle UIItemLiberateRifle.png Liberate Rifle
Novel Rifle +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Ra/Gu/Ph Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities RangerGunnerPhantom
15 Launcher UIItemLiberateLauncher.png Liberate Launcher
Novel Launcher +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Ra Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Ranger
15 Twin Machine Gun 64px Liberate T. Machinegun
Novel T. Machinegun +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Gu/Hr Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities GunnerHero
15 Bullet Bow UIItemLiberateBow.png Liberate Bow
Novel Bow +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamdest x500
Excube x500
Br Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Braver
15 Rod UIItemLiberateRod.png Liberate Rod
Novel Rod +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Fo/Ph Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities ForcePhantom
15 Talis UIItemLiberateTalis.png Liberate Talis
Novel Talis +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Fo/Te/Hr Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities ForceTecherHero
15 Wand UIItemLiberateWand.png Liberate Wand
Novel Wand +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Te/Et Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities TecherEtoile
15 Jet Boots UIItemLiberateJBoots.png Liberate Jet Boots
Novel Jet Boots +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Bo Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities Bouncer
15 Takt UIItemLiberateTakt.png Liberate Takt
Novel Takt +35 x1
Liberate Unlocker x1
Diard x10
Plamgrimo x500
Excube x500
Su Excube x200
Ultimate Booster x50
Grind carries over Summoner

Puras Series Upgrade

Material Required


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
15 Sword UIItemGenStil.png Gen Stil
Gen Puras +35 x1
Emer Fragment x500
Gráinne Crystal x6
Module / Varuna x25
Module / Mitra x25
Module / Execour x50
Carries over the equipment's Grind, Attribute and Special Abilities HunterHero

Prize Medal Exchange

Buster Medal Shop




Armada Medal Shop




