Zieg's Exchanges/Get Other Items

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Revision as of 06:50, 26 March 2020 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (edited some camo descriptions.)
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Zieg Exchange Shop Zieg's Exchanges/Upgrade Equipment Zieg's Exchanges/Change Weapon Category Zieg's Exchanges/Obtain New Type Weapons Zieg's Exchanges/Get Other Items

Basic Item Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
5 Tool Pass.png Craftsman's Seal
Zieg CO reward (repeatable)
Featured Quest reward
E-Trial reward from Nagisa
Proof of recognition by the weaponsmith Zieg. Can be exchanged for valuable items.


Rarity Image Name Price Notes
7 Grinder.png Lambda Grinder
Craftman's Seal x1 Material used for enhancing 13 to 15 rarity weapons, and Skill Rings of grind level +10 or higher.
6 Synthesizer.png Synthesizer(5)
Craftman's Seal x3 Material used for enhancing Old Type weapon elements and as currency in the Pet Goods Shop.
5 MeritValue.png Merit Value +30%
Craftman's Seal x30 Increase the merit value by 30% when customizing techniques.
5 DemeritValue.png Demerit Value -30%
Craftman's Seal x30 Decrease the demerit value by 30% when customizing techniques.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Special Abilities Properties
4 Sub UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub / Add Spirita d
Craftman's Seal x10 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Power I
Ability.png Blow Resist I
Ability.png Stamina I

4 Sub UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub / Add Spirita d
Craftman's Seal x10 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Shoot I
Ability.png Shot Resist I
Ability.png Arm I

4 Sub UIItemAddSpiritad.png Sub / Add Spirita d
Craftman's Seal x10 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Technique I
Ability.png Mind Resist I
Ability.png Spirita I


Weapon Camo Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
5 Tool Pass.png Craftsman's Seal
Zieg CO reward (repeatable)
Featured Quest reward
E-Trial reward from Nagisa
Proof of recognition by the weaponsmith Zieg. Can be exchanged for valuable items.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Weapon Types Description/Notes
8 Camo KyoukanIcon.png *Kyoukan
Kyoukan x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Bullet Bow Signature Weapon of the Limited Time NPC: Aioni-bou Oudo. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo GasshourinIcon.png *Gasshourin
Gasshourin x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Jet Boots Jet Boots camo imitating a weapon used by warrior-monks. A weapon of salvation used alongside Vajra.
This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Limited Time NPC: Aioni-hime Shiki.
8 Camo UIItem*Abi.png *Abi
Abi x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Sword Sword camo imitating a weapon used by warrior-monks. A weapon of punishment used alongside Kyoukan.
This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Limited Time NPC: Akeoni-bou Oudo.
8 Camo KongoushiIcon.png *Kougousho
Kougousho x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Dual Blade Signature Weapon of the Limited Time NPC: Akeoni-hime Shiki. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo UIItem*EnergyHuezer.png *Energy Huezer
Energy Huezer x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Wired Lance Signature Weapon given to Huey for winning ARKS Male General Election. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo KlothovM238Icon.png *Klothov M238
Klothov M238 x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Twin Machine Gun Signature Weapon given to Klotho for winning ARKS Male General Election. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo EdelIoIcon.png *Edel Io
Edel Io x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Bullet Bow Signature Weapon given to Io for winning ARKS Female General Election. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo KasentoriHarukaIcon.png *Kasentori Haruka
Kasentori Haruka x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Dual Blade Signature Weapon given to Katori for winning ARKS Female General Election. This Item is Account bound.
7 Camo UIItem*SteelHearts.png *Steel Hearts
Steel Hearts x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Sword Sword Camo whose blade resonates with its user's heart. Legends say it can lead to the god of the Stars.
This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Limited Time NPC: Nagisa. This weapon first appeared in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
7 Camo UIItemRengokutoEnsa.png *Rengokuto Ensa
Rengokuto Ensa x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Katana Signature Weapon of Shizuru Shu from Phantasy Star Portable 2 and Infinity. This Item is Account bound.
7 Camo HeartOfNaberiusIcon.png *Heart of Naberius
Heart of Naberius x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Twin Dagger Originally appeared in Phantasy Star Online as Heart of Poumn (Claws), In PSO2 it is Alis' signature weapon, this weapon was also designed by Mamoru Nagano. This Item is Account bound.
7 Camo UIItemSoulOfWopal.png *Soul of Wopal
Soul of Wopal x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Katana This Item is Account bound. This weapon was designed by Mamoru Nagano.
7 Camo MercyOfLillipaIcon.png *Mercy of Lillipa
Mercy of Lillipa x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Bullet Bow This Item is Account bound. This weapon was designed by Mamoru Nagano.
7 Camo UIItem*WingSpada.png *Wing Spada
Wing Spada x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Sword Weapon camouflage that mimics the luxuriously decorated sword awarded to participants in a certain festival.
This Item is Account bound. Originally appeared in Phantasy Star Portable 2 as a Saber (single-handed sword).
7 Camo CladCannonIcon.png *Clad Cannon
Clad Cannon x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Launcher A colossal launcher-type weapon camouflage that uses the power of its wielder's will to live as energy.
This Item is Account bound. Originally appeared in Phantasy Star Portable 2 as a Laser Cannon.
7 Camo CladRodIcon.png *Clad Rod
Clad Rod x1
Craftman's Seal x10
Rod This rod is based on the Clad 6 resort colony, the hub world of Phantasy Star Portable 2. This Item is Account bound.

Genesis Weapon Camo Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Tool Pass.png Creator's Emblem
Title Reward
SG Recycle Shop
PSO2es Chapter 10 clear reward

Proof of honor given to a person that is suitable for Genesis Weapon reproduction from Zieg.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Weapon Types Description/Notes
8 Camo UIItem*YonohateFu.png *Yonohate Fu
Creator's Emblem x1 Sword Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Yonohate Fu". Used as a sword due to its seal, but it is actually a katana. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Regius.
8 Camo UIItem*YonohateIn.png *Yonohate In
Creator's Emblem x1 SwordKatana Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Yonohate In". This pure and beautiful blade could only be used once. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Regius, this version has the long blade come out of its casing.
8 Camo UIItem*Labrys.png *Reaper's Axe Labrys
Creator's Emblem x1 Partizan Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Reaper's Axe Labrys". The real thing puts all its photons into a single blow. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Maria.
8 Camo UIItem*TransparentBladeMai.png *Transparent Blade Mai
Creator's Emblem x1 Twin Dagger Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Transparent Blade Mai". While it looks like Mai, it lacks its latent abilities. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of a certain assassin.
8 Camo UIItem*RotoRaut.png *Judgement Wings Roto Raut
Creator's Emblem x1 Double Saber Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Judgement Wings Roto Raut". One blades punishes, the other forgives. This Item is Account bound. This weapons has ties to PSO2es, but what could they be?
8 Camo UIItem*BrokenFistWolfram.png *Broken Fist Wolfram
Creator's Emblem x1 Knuckle Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Broken Fist Wolfram". Each of its flame-like blades has been recreated. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Huey.
8 Camo UIItem*Nanaki.png *Guiding Blade Nanaki
Creator's Emblem x1 Gunslash Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Guiding Blade Nanaki". Its two colors represent the beginning and the end. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of a Council of Six member.
8 Camo UIItem*Tsukuriyo.png *Tsukuriyo
Creator's Emblem x1 Katana Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Tsukuriyo". Forged by Zieg, its blade creates a whole new world. This Item is Account bound. Second Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Regius.
8 Camo UIItem*ShiningDanceAurora.png *Shining Dance Aurora
Creator's Emblem x1 Twin Machine Gun Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Shining Dance Aurora". Its dancing, dazzling light can mesmerize anything. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of someone with ties to Apprentice.
8 Camo UIItem*Clarissa.png *Ivory Staff Clarissa
Creator's Emblem x1 Rod Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Ivory Staff Clarissa". Its complex shapes surpass all human knowledge. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the NPC: Matoi.
8 Camo UIItem*ClarissaII.png *Ebony Staff Clarissa II
Creator's Emblem x1 Rod Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Ebony Staff Clarissa II". Created using data left behind by Luther. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Claris Claes.
8 Camo UIItem*ClarissaIII.png *Adamant Staff Clarissa III
Creator's Emblem x1 Rod Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Adamant Staff Clarissa III". Created by Zieg, with Xiao's cooperation. This Item is Account bound. Second Signature Weapon of the NPC: Matoi.
8 Camo UIItem*Florenberg.png *Phospher Engine Florenberg
Creator's Emblem x1 Talis Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Phospher Engine Florenberg". Like the real thing, it throws tiny galaxies. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Casra.
8 Camo UIItem*Reinold.png *Void Wand Reinold
Creator's Emblem x1 WandSwordPartizan Weapon camo of the Genesis Weapon "Void Wand Reinold". Changes weapon type depending on the situation. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the NPC: Theodore.

Embodied Weapon Camo Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Tool Pass.png Phantom Emblem
Title Reward
SG Recycle Shop

An emblem of mystery that shows proof of skill to wield a replica of the embodied weapons from Zieg.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Weapon Types Description/Notes
8 Camo UIItem*CursedSwordGram.png *Cured Sword Gram
Phantom Emblem x1 Sword Sword camo based on Kohri's true weapon, born from her pure heart. Its blade can cut through anything. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo UIItem*AmeNoHabakiri.png *Ame-no-Habakiri
Phantom Emblem x1 Katana First Signature Weapon of the NPC: Hitsugi. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo UIItem*AmeNoMurakumo.png *Ame-no-Murakumo
Phantom Emblem x1 Katana Second Signature Weapon of the NPC: Hitsugi. This Item is Account bound.
8 Camo UIItem*PhantomBullet.png *Phantom Bullet
Phantom Emblem x1 Assault RifleTwin Machine Gun Signature Weapons of the NPC: Enga. This Item is Account bound.

Invade Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
7 Material UIItemPyroxene.png Profound Caligula Fragment
Dio Hunar Lv. 71+
Profound Darkness
Weapon Badge SP Exchange 3
Treasure Shop
Title reward
A corrupted photon crystal fragment found from remains of the [Profound Darkness].


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
13 Sword InvadeCaliburIcon.png Invade Calibur+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Wired Lance InvadeWingIcon.png Invade Wing+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Partizan InvadeSpearIcon.png Invade Spear+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Twin Dagger InvadeFencerIcon.png Invade Fencer+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Double Saber InvadeEdgeIcon.png Invade Edge+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Knuckle InvadeFistIcon.png Invade Fist+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Gunslash InvadeBusterIcon.png Invade Buster+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Katana UIItemInvadeGalland.png Invade Galland+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Dual Blade InvadeSaviorIcon.png Invade Savior+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Assault Rifle InvadeShooterIcon.png Invade Shooter+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Launcher InvadeCannonIcon.png Invade Cannon+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Twin Machine Gun InvadeRainIcon.png Invade Rain+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Bullet Bow InvadeBogenIcon.png Invade Bogen+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Rod InvadeSorcererIcon.png Invade Sorcerer+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Talis InvadeArmIcon.png Invade Arm+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Wand InvadeAxeIcon.png Invade Axe+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Jet Boots InvadeSliderIcon.png Invade Slider+10
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Excube x100
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I


Austere Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
7 Material UIItemPyroxene.png Profound Caligula Fragment
Dio Hunar Lv. 71+
Profound Darkness
Weapon Badge SP Exchange 3
Treasure Shop
Title reward
A corrupted photon crystal fragment found from remains of the [Profound Darkness].
7 Material UIItemPyroxene.png Dark Nero Fragment
Apprentice Doppelganger Lv. 71+
DF Apprentice Gia Lv. 76+
Falz Hunar Lv. 71+
Dark Falz Elder Lv. 76+
Falz Angel Lv. 71+
Dark Falz Loser Lv. 76+
Falz Dourumble Lv. 71+
Dark Falz Double Lv. 76+
Dio Hunar Lv. 71+
Treasure Shop
Title Reward
A negative photon crystal fragment found from remnants of the Dark Falz.
7 Material UIItemCrystal.png Galeru Crystal
Boss Drop (Corruption Survey: Naberius only)
E Trial reward (Corruption Survey: Naberius only)
Casino Prize
Weapons Badge SP Exchange 2
Hans Client Order reward
Franka Client Order reward
Unique photon crystals found only in corrupted regions of Naberius. Can be exchanged for prizes.
7 Material UIItemCrystal.png Yurlungur Crystal
Boss Drop (Corruption Survey: Lilipa only)
E Trial reward (Corruption Survey: Lilipa only)
Casino Prize
Weapons Badge SP Exchange 2
Hans Client Order reward
Franka Client Order reward
Title Reward
Unique photon crystals found only in corrupted regions of Lillipa. Can be exchanged for prizes.
10 Tool Excube.png Excube
Daily ARKS missions (Lv50+)
Recycle Shop
Dark Emperappy
Endless: Eternal Rondo
Ultra Exploration Area Drop
Area Survey: Remnants of Other Worlds
Title reward(One Time Only)
Treasure Shop
NPC Gifts(One Time Only)

A special crystal given to those who seek strength. Material subject to barter.
7 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Photon Booster
Photon Drop Shop
Perennial Apocalypse
The Endless Darkness
Featured Quest reward
Buster Medal Shop
Weapons Badge SP Exchange 2
Challenge Mile Shop
Treasure Shop
Title Reward
Special Mission: Tokyo (Gold)
Solo Training: Heaven and Hell
Solo Training: Bounds of Corruption
Recycle Shop
Any Advanced Quest

Photon Crystals in an excited State. Surrounding Photon activity in certain weapons cause a reaction.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Special Abilities +10 Properties
11 Rear UIItemAustelum.png Rear / Austelum
Rear / Invalum x1
Dark Nero Fragment x50
Photon Booster x50
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

S DEF315
R DEF329
T DEF301
S RES+3%
R RES+3%
T RES+4%
Ice RES+2%
Wind RES+2%
Light RES+2%
Set Bonus

11 Arm UIItemAustend.png Arm / Austend
Arm / Invand x1
Dark Nero Fragment x50
Photon Booster x50
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

S DEF329
R DEF301
T DEF315
S RES+3%
R RES+3%
T RES+4%
Ice RES+2%
Wind RES+2%
Light RES+2%
Set Bonus

11 Leg UIItemAusterif.png Leg / Austerif
Leg / Invarif x1
Dark Nero Fragment x50
Photon Booster x50
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

S DEF329
R DEF301
T DEF315
S RES+3%
R RES+3%
T RES+4%
Ice RES+2%
Wind RES+2%
Light RES+2%
Set Bonus


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
13 Sword AustereCaliburIcon.png Austere Calibur
Invade Calibur x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Wired Lance AustereWingIcon.png Austere Wing
Invade Wing x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Partizan AustereSpearIcon.png Austere Spear
Invade Spear x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Twin Dagger AustereFencerIcon.png Austere Fencer
Invade Fencer x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Double Saber AustereEdgeIcon.png Austere Edge
Invade Edge x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Knuckle AustereFistIcon.png Austere Fist
Invade Fist x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Gunslash AustereBusterIcon.png Austere Buster
Invade Buster x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Katana UIItemAustereGalland.png Austere Galland
Invade Galland x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Dual Blade AustereSaviorIcon.png Austere Savior
Invade Savior x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Assault Rifle AustereShooterIcon.png Austere Shooter
Invade Shooter x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Launcher AustereCannonIcon.png Austere Cannon
Invade Cannon x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Twin Machine Gun AustereRainIcon.png Austere Rain
Invade Rain x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Bullet Bow AustereBogenIcon.png Austere Bogen
Invade Bogen x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Rod AustereSorcererIcon.png Austere Sorcerer
Invade Sorcerer x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Talis AustereArmIcon.png Austere Arm
Invade Arm x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Wand AustereAxeIcon.png Austere Axe
Invade Axe x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Jet Boots AustereSliderIcon.png Austere Slider
Invade Slider x1
Profound Caligula Fragment x100
Dark Nero Fragment x100
Galeru Crystal x50
Yurlungur Crystal x50
Excube x300
Photon Booster x10
Ability.png Darkness Soul
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I


Orbit Series Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
7 Tool UIItemPhotonBooster.png Photon Booster
Photon Drop Shop
Perennial Apocalypse
The Endless Darkness
Featured Quest reward
Buster Medal Shop
Weapons Badge SP Exchange 2
Challenge Mile Shop
Treasure Shop
Title Reward
Special Mission: Tokyo (Gold)
Solo Training: Heaven and Hell
Solo Training: Bounds of Corruption
Recycle Shop
Any Advanced Quest

Photon Crystals in an excited State. Surrounding Photon activity in certain weapons cause a reaction.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Special Abilities +10 Properties
11 Leg UIItemOrbitCell.png Leg / Orbit Cell
Photon Booster x90 Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

S DEF315
R DEF329
T DEF301
S RES+2%
R RES+4%
T RES+4%
Bolt RES+3%
Set Bonus


Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Special Abilities Classes
13 Sword DainsleifOrbitIcon.png Dainsleif Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Knuckle GlayerOrbitIcon.png Glayer Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Dual Blade FafnirOrbitIcon.png Fafnir Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Launcher VitolOrbitIcon.png Vitol Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Twin Machine Gun MistralOrbitIcon.png Mistral Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Bullet Bow GaelsOrbitIcon.png Gaels Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Talis FlotiaOrbitIcon.png Flotia Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I

13 Wand EightreiOrbitIcon.png Eightrei Orbit
Photon Booster x90 Light20
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Vinculum
Ability.png Spirita III
Ability.png Mutation I


Fahren Exchange and Material Return


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
5 Tool Pass.png Master Craftsman's Seal
Zieg's Client Orders Proof of recognition by the weaponsmith Zieg. Can be exchanged for very valuable items.


Rarity Icon Image Name Price Description
5 Tool Pass.png Swordsmith's Emblem
Fahren Weapon x1 Proof of recognition by the weaponsmith Zieg. Entitles you to request Zieg to produce one item.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Special Abilities +10 Properties
11 Rear UIItemFahrenPulse.png Rear / Fahrenpulse
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF320
R DEF282
T DEF282
S RES+4%
R RES+2%
T RES+2%
Flame RES+2%
Wind RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Arm FahrenPauaIcon.png Arm / Fahrenpaua
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF320
R DEF282
T DEF282
S RES+4%
R RES+2%
T RES+2%
Flame RES+2%
Wind RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Leg UIItemFahrenParis.png Leg / Fahrenparis
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Power III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF320
R DEF282
T DEF282
S RES+4%
R RES+2%
T RES+2%
Flame RES+2%
Wind RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Rear UIItemFahrenDarts.png Rear / Fahrendarts
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF282
R DEF320
T DEF282
S RES+2%
R RES+4%
T RES+2%
Ice RES+2%
Light RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Arm FahrenDardIcon.png Arm / Fahrendard
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF282
R DEF320
T DEF282
S RES+2%
R RES+4%
T RES+2%
Ice RES+2%
Light RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Leg UIItemFahrenDyne.png Leg / Fahrendyne
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Shoot III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF282
R DEF320
T DEF282
S RES+2%
R RES+4%
T RES+2%
Ice RES+2%
Light RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Rear UIItemFahrenMyrna.png Rear / Fahrenmyrna
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF282
R DEF282
T DEF282
S RES+2%
R RES+2%
T RES+4%
Bolt RES+2%
Dark RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Arm FahrenMarvIcon.png Arm / Fahrenmarv
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF282
R DEF282
T DEF282
S RES+2%
R RES+2%
T RES+4%
Bolt RES+2%
Dark RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Leg UIItemFahrenMasker.png Leg / Fahrenmasker
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Technique III
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF282
R DEF282
T DEF282
S RES+2%
R RES+2%
T RES+4%
Bolt RES+2%
Dark RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Rear UIItemFahrenTrey.png Rear / Fahrentray
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Ability II
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF295
R DEF295
T DEF295
{S RES+3%
R RES+3%
T RES+3%
Light RES+2%
Dark RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Arm FahrenTreddIcon.png Arm / Fahrentredd
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Ability II
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF295
R DEF295
T DEF295
{S RES+3%
R RES+3%
T RES+3%
Light RES+2%
Dark RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2

11 Leg UIItemFahrenTorque.png Leg / Fahrentorque
Master Craftsman's Seal x1 Ability.png Mutation I
Ability.png Ability II
Ability.png Arm III

S DEF295
R DEF295
T DEF295
{S RES+3%
R RES+3%
T RES+3%
Light RES+2%
Dark RES+2%
Set Bonus 1
Set Bonus 2