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! Title Name !! Requirement !! Reward | ! Title Name !! Requirement !! Reward | ||
|- | |- | ||
| 実直なる銃弾 || Grind {{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Assault Rifles}} [[Full Cylinder]] to +10 || {{Icons|Tool}} [[Synthesizer]] x5 | | 実直なる銃弾<br>Steady Shot || Grind {{Rarity|7}}{{icons|Assault Rifles}} [[Full Cylinder]] to +10 || {{Icons|Tool}} [[Synthesizer]] x5 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| 猛々しき長銃 || Grind {{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Assault Rifles}} [[Tigredor]] to +10 || {{Icons|Tool}} [[Synthesizer]] x5 | | 猛々しき長銃 || Grind {{Rarity|9}}{{icons|Assault Rifles}} [[Tigredor]] to +10 || {{Icons|Tool}} [[Synthesizer]] x5 |
Revision as of 03:55, 10 December 2019
Player Titles | Item Titles | Quest Titles | Character Titles | Community Titles | Crafting Titles | Gathering Titles | Skill Ring Titles |
Rare Items Collected
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
新米コレクター Budding Collector |
Obtain 20 unique rare items | Tri-Boost +50% x1 |
駆け出しコレクター Amateur Collector |
Obtain 100 unique rare items | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
熱血コレクター Passionate Collector |
Obtain 200 unique rare items | Tri-Boost +100% x1 |
著名コレクター Esteemed Collector |
Obtain 300 unique rare items | Tri-Boost +100% x2 |
Note: Rare items are items of rarity ★7 or higher.
Swords Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
鋭き刃の奏者 Sharp Instrumentalist |
Grind Coat Edge to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
暴風の担い手 Bearer of Gales |
Grind Tarnada to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
猛々しき刃 Ferocious Edge |
Grind Ardillo to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
勇壮なる改刃 Majestic Revised Edge |
Grind Lambda Ardillo to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
研ぎ澄まされし刃 Ground Edge |
Grind Aristin to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
先鋭たる改刃 Acute Revised Edge |
Grind Lambda Aristin to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
粉砕する刃 Crushing Edge |
Grind Zaxe to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
凍てつく大斧 Freezing Great Axe |
Grind Blizaxe to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
残りしもの That Which Remains |
Grind Last Survivor to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
斬り潰すもの That Which Slays |
Grind Zanba to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
生命の防人 Soldier of Life |
Grind Ikutachi to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
生命の先刃 Cleaver of Life |
Grind Kagudachi to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
龍族の模倣者 Dragonkin Imitator |
Grind Dinia Edge to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
龍族の認知者 Dragonkin Cognizance |
Grind Sadiena Edge to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
磁炎龍の認めし者 Acknowledged By The Firedrake |
Grind Vol Scale to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
雄々しき龍の朋友 Friend Of The Gallant Dragons |
Grind Burn Spada to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
宇宙で一本釣り Space Fisherman |
Grind Space Tuna to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
宇宙の大漁旗 Galactic Fisherman |
Grind Freeze Tuna to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
気品を漂わせる者 Elegant Drifter |
Grind Madam's Umbrella to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
龍を屠りし者 Slaughterer of Dragons |
Grind Dragon Slayer to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし先刃 Discarded Cleaver |
Grind Ruin Charm to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし重刃 Discarded Hatchet |
Grind Ruin Gloam to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
【巨躯】を断つ者 One Who Suppressed [Elder] |
Grind Elder Pain to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Wired Lances Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
星雲担う戦士 Warrior Shouldering Nebulas |
Grind Kuscha Nebula to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
星雲抱く武人 Soldier Embracing Nebulas |
Grind Lambda Kuscha Nebula to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
自在なる猛然の槍 Savage Wired Lance |
Grind Jagriath to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
自在なる猛りの改槍 Ferocious Revised Wired Lance |
Grind Lambda Jagriath to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
自在なる先鋭の槍 Acute Wired Lance |
Grind Hyperion to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
自在なる尖鋭の改槍 Radical Revised Wired Lance |
Grind Lambda Hyperion to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
自在なる豪壮の槍 Splendid Wired Lance |
Grind Belcard to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
自在なる剛勇の改槍 Brave Wired Lance |
Grind Lambda Belcard to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
陽光の繰り手 Spun Daylight |
Grind Daylight Scar to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
泡沫の使役者 Causative Bubbling |
Grind Gudda Skela to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
機械の制御者 Machine Mastery |
Grind Belk Welker to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
無骨なる改槍 Boorish Revised Wired Lance |
Grind Rosso Welker to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
龍鱗の繰り手 Dragonscale Binder |
Grind Curldranser to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
堅鱗の繰り手 Steelscale Winder |
Grind Catadranser to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
光晶の繰り手 Light Crystal Winder |
Grind Razrail to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
巨獣を手懐けた者 Tamer of Giant Beasts |
Grind Malmoth Fang to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
鉄球魔神 Morningstar Devil |
Grind Gigas Spinner to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
命の刈り手 Life Mower |
Grind Assassin Claw to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
ケンダマスター Kendamaster |
Grind Blade Ball to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
彼女の面影 Fal´s Vestige |
Grind Falclaw to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
鮮やかなる死の改槍 Vibrant Death's Wired Lance |
Grind Diabolic Gauntlet to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
禁忌の先刃 Forbidden Cleaver |
Grind Brute Gift to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
撃ち貫く鋏槍 Piercing Scissor Lance |
Grind Gwanahda Lance to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
神魔鉄腕 Deific Strong Arm |
Grind Rocket Punch to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
巨象の大津波 Mammoth's Great Tsunami |
Grind Dal Mal Fang to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
宝晶の繰り手 Bejeweled Winder |
Grind Crysrail to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Partizans Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
猛々しき長槍 Ferocious Spear |
Grind Raizenolk to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する猛る長槍 Revised Ferocious Spear |
Grind Lambda Raizenolk to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
研ぎ澄まされし長槍 Well-Polished Spear |
Grind Patty Lumeria to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する尖鋭の長槍 Revised Radical Spear |
Grind Lambda Patty Lumeria to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
破砕する長槍 Crushing Spear |
Grind Basilleon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する破断の長槍 Reformed Rupturing Spear |
Grind Lambda Basilleon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
穿ち砕きしもの Drillbreaker |
Grind Rhongomyniad to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
ひとつを貫くもの That Which Pierces |
Grind Lambda Rhongomyniad to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
魂を捧げしもの Sacrificer of Souls |
Grind Soul Eater to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
爆砕の申し子 Prayer Answerer |
Grind Knight Lancer to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
選ばれし王の長槍 King-Maker Spear |
Grind Regal Lancer to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
二叉の舞い手 Bifurcating Dancer |
Grind Gungnata to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
錆びてなお硬きもの Rusty Yet Rigid |
Grind Rust Device to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
古より硬きもの Old Yet Rigid |
Grind Old Device to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
漆黒の穿殺者 Jet-Black Impaler |
Grind Ragne Answerer to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
機甲の槍手 Armored Spear |
Grind Spardion to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
おそうじ大好き Sweeping Lover |
Grind Clean Brush to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
おそうじ名人 Sweeping Master |
Grind Blue Brush to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
高貴なる担い手 High Class Bearer |
Grind Imperial Pick to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
炎磁の振るい手 Thermomagnetic Swinger |
Grind Digg Pillar to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
炎磁装者 Thermomagnetic Guise |
Grind Diggnutts Pillar to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
富貴の力 Power of Wealth and Fame |
Grind Vjaya to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
強襲する長槍 Violent Spear |
Grind Gekitsnata to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
狂気に打ち勝つ者 Conqueror of Madness |
Grind Chrome Odio to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Twin Daggers Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
抉り穿つ双刃 Hollowing Blades |
Grind Legzaga to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する穿孔の双刃 Perforating Twin Edges |
Grind Lambda Legzaga to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
死角なき双手 Deathless Blades |
Grind Astella to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する隙なき双手 Revised Invincible Blades |
Grind Lambda Astella to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
刃に心奪われた者 Enchanted by Blades |
Grind Oboro to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
麗しの刃を抱く者 Beautiful Blade Bearer |
Grind Nishiki to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
圧壊の双刃 Crushing Twin Blades |
Grind Religiou to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
潰滅の双刃 Annihilating Twin Blades |
Grind Lambda Religiou to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
流麗剣舞 Elegant Swords Dancer |
Grind Blade Dance to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
十字を背負いし者 Cross Bearer |
Grind Cross Scar to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
円剣の繰り手 Circular Blade Wielder |
Grind Twin Chakram to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
突き穿つ錐刃 Piercing Stiletto |
Grind Blitz Slugger to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
霊妙なる繰り手 Spirit Wielder |
Grind Floating Edges to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
清白なる双刃 Pure White Twin Blades |
Grind Messer Agate to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
真朱なる双刃 True Red Twin Blades |
Grind Lava Seeker to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
凍刃の円舞 Frozen Blades Waltz |
Grind Cruel Flouga to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
焼灼の氷晶刃 Cauterizing Icicle Blades |
Grind Clavelnix to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
俊敏双狗 Agile Hounds |
Grind Nagel Banther to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
烈斬双刃 Ferocious Twin Blades |
Grind Nagel Ong to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
業火双炎 Twin Hellfires |
Grind Fin Volg to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
焔炎双刃 Twin Flameblades |
Grind Draal Volg to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
斬り裂く双鋏 Tearing Twin Scissors |
Grind Gwanah Dagger to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Double Sabers Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
流麗なる両剣舞 Elegant Double Sword Dancer |
Grind Failnaught to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
秀麗たる剣舞 Graceful Sword Dancer |
Grind Lambda Failnaught to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
裁断の舞踏 Cutting Dancer |
Grind Spirtia to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
絶断の舞踏 Severing Dancer |
Grind Lambda Spirtia to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
実直なる戦闘舞 Steadfast Battle Dancer |
Grind Hellfret to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
翼を束ねし者 Controller of Wings |
Grind Feather Edge to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
翼を舞わせし者 Dancer with Wings |
Grind Lambda Feather Edge to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
原初の漕ぎ手 Ancient Ferryman |
Grind Double Saber Legacy to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
神のいたずら Divine Mischief |
Grind Mehrennenka to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
斉天大聖 Great Sage Equal to Heaven |
Grind Monkey King Bar to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
無為無縫の演舞者 Effortless Performer |
Grind Demolition Comet to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
青き旋風 Blue Tornado |
Grind Twin Brand to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
万象斬滅 Destroyer of All |
Grind Stag Cutlery to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
合理の両刃 Rational Double Blade |
Grind Noise Bullova to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
順道の両刃 Methodical Double Blade |
Grind Stray Bullova to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
無慈悲なる両鋸 Ruthless Double Saw |
Grind Excelan Blade to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
晶の刃 Crystal Blade |
Grind Quartz Calibur to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
駆け抜けし霹靂 Running Thunder |
Grind Jinrai to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
七天大聖 Seven Great Sages of Heaven |
Grind Black King Bar to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし猛き両刃 Discarded Furious Blades |
Grind Fossil Tricks to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし砕く両刃 Discarded Crushing Blades |
Grind Fossil Victor to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
噛み砕く鋏拳 Chewing Scissor Fist |
Grind Gwanah Double to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
圧倒する両鋸 Overwhelming Double Saw |
Grind Kingdom Blade to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
宝輝の刃 Precious Shining Blade |
Grind Crys Calibur to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Knuckles Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
喰らう拳 Consuming Fist |
Grind Bietiger to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
鋭利なる空拳 Sharpened Fists |
Grind Aevind to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
斬滅の空拳 Decapitating Fists |
Grind Lambda Aevind to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
穿孔の熟達者 Drill Master |
Grind Riddle Mole to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
撃ち貫く両の拳 Penetrating Fists |
Grind Lambda Riddle Mole to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
星を掲げし者 Star Carrier |
Grind Star Hand to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
青光の担い手 Blue Light Bearer |
Grind Polar Hand to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
冷厳なる一撃 Heartless Striker |
Grind Sacred Duster to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
勇気のかたち Model of Courage |
Grind Brave Knuckle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
有名ランカー Renowned Boxer |
Grind Eight Ounce to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
白煙纏いし者 Wreathed in Steam |
Grind Steam Knuckles to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
穿孔する大釘の主 Perforating Nail Lord |
Grind Spike Slugger to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
礫の継承者 Stone Successor |
Grind Gravel Core to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
研磨の礫 Polished Stone |
Grind Aurava Core to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
幾何なる手 Geometric Hand |
Grind Jade Racion to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
純なる赤き拳 Pure Crimson Fist |
Grind Rubeus Racion to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
新たなる乱暴者 Fresh Rioter |
Grind Rock Knuckle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
再臨する乱暴者 Returning Rioter |
Grind Rogbelt Knuckle to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
堅牢なる黒手 Sturdy Black Hand |
Grind Wolgah Hands to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
重機動の剛腕 Transformer's Strongarm |
Grind Mizer Claw to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
重機王の鉄槌 Mech King's Hammer |
Grind Zexia Claw to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
【巨躯】に並ぶ者 One Who Equalled [Elder] |
Grind Elder Fist to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Gunslashes Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
鋭き銃刃を抱く者 | Grind Twizzler to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する鋭き銃刃 | Grind Lambda Twizzler to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
猛き銃刃を抱く者 | Grind Jareid to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する猛き銃刃 | Grind Lambda Jareid to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
煌めく銃刃を抱く者 Sparkling Gunblade |
Grind Sarhaling to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
蒼き光刃の主 | Grind Neigling to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
荒々しき戦士 Fierce Warrior |
Grind Vraolet to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
豪胆なる戦士 Valorous Warrior |
Grind Lambda Vraolet to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
原初を見た者 | Grind Gunslash Zero to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
機械の心を知る者 | Grind Ein Mazurka to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
忘れがたき形見 | Grind Axeon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
澄明なる清刃 Shining Ghostly Blade |
Grind Ray Duplex to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
原初を守りし者 | Grind Neigling Zero to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
冷たき彼方の狩人 | Grind Cruel Coffin to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
凍てつく緋の狩人 Cold-Blooded Hunter |
Grind Rouge Coffin to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
質実剛健の体現者 Discipline and Strength |
Grind Block Bellow to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
豪然たる銃刃 | Grind Roelia Bellow to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
機甲の制覇者 | Grind Signo Braver to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
風情の理解者 High-Class Connoisseur |
Grind Karakasa Jikomi to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
旧時を垣間見る者 | Grind Vraolet Zero to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
旧き信念を持つ者 | Grind Nersir to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
負の利用者 | Grind Daganslash to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
眠りより覚めし者 | Grind Deo Mazurka to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
友の記憶 | Grind Lord Axeon to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
大切なもの | Grind Emperor Axeon to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
舞い降りし者 | Grind Clear Duplex to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Assault Rifles Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
実直なる銃弾 Steady Shot |
Grind Full Cylinder to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
猛々しき長銃 | Grind Tigredor to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する猛き長銃 Fierce Rifle |
Grind Lambda Tigredor to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
流麗なる長銃 | Grind Schwann to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する美妙の長銃 | Grind Lambda Schwann to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
閃光の射手 | Grind Strauss to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する光輝の長銃 | Grind Lambda Strauss to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
憧憬を受けし存在 Nostalgic Presence |
Grind Yasminkov 3000R to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
無慈悲なる射手 Ruthless Marksman |
Grind Firearms to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
飛刃の狙撃手 Blade Sniper |
Grind Edge Blazer to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
噴火の権化 Volcanic Avatar |
Grind Divulcan to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
漆黒の業火 | Grind Divulnigel to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
聖光の射手 | Grind Holy Ray to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
真紅の復讐者 | Grind Avenger to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし輝く長銃 | Grind Latria Rain to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし煌く長銃 | Grind Gloam Rain to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
花嫁の蒼き腕 | Grind Blue Bouquet Rifle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
秘めたる殺意 | Grind Funny Bouquet Rifle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
堅牢なる機甲の長銃 | Grind Signo Head Gun to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
【巨躯】を留めし者 One Who Vanquished [Elder] |
Grind Elder Rifle to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
狂気を狙い撃つ者 | Grind Chrome Via to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Launchers Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
猛々しき大砲 Fierce Cannon |
Grind Ridultiv to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
静かなる大砲 Subdued Cannon |
Grind Adrastea to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する静謐の大砲 Revised Subdued Cannon |
Grind Lambda Adrastea to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
流麗なる大砲 Elegant Cannon |
Grind Verethragna to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する美妙の大砲 Revised Elegant Cannon |
Grind Lambda Verethragna to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
研ぎ澄まされし大砲 Honed Cannon |
Grind Saint Kilda to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する錬磨の大砲 Revised Honed Cannon |
Grind Lambda Saint Kilda to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
古代の伝承者 Ancient Historian |
Grind Shot Legacy to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
由緒正しき伝承者 Learned Historian |
Grind Spread Legacy to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
実直なる砲撃手 Steady Cannoneer |
Grind Photon Launcher to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
幸福の爆弾 Happiness Bomb |
Grind Barrel Rappy Cannon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
絶叫マシン Thrill Ride |
Grind Al Rappy Cannon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
わくわくダイブ Exciting Dive |
Grind Love Rappy Cannon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
ゆかいな祝砲 Amusing Salute |
Grind Frey Viper to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
龍族に近い存在 Close to the Dragonkin |
Grind Dinia Launcher to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
龍族の隣人 Neighbor to the Dragonkin |
Grind Sadiena Launcher to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
巨大機甲の制御者 Controller of Giant Mechs |
Grind Vardha Cannon to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
弩級砲身 Dreadnought Barrel |
Grind King Cannon to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
劫火の射手 Infernal Shooter |
Grind Flame Visit to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
古の射手 Second-Hand Shooter |
Grind Cannon Legacy to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
破壊の探求者 Seeker of Destruction |
Grind SSPN Launcher to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
一掃する射手 Eradicating Shooter |
Grind Inferno Bazooka to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
正統なる伝承者 Authentic Historian |
Grind Launcher Legacy to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
罪科の熱線 Punishment Heat Ray |
Grind Guilty Light to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし破砕の大砲 Discarded Shattered Cannon |
Grind Plosion to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし破壊の大砲 Discarded Destroyed Cannon |
Grind Craft Plosion to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
禁忌の殲滅砲 Forbidden Annihilation Cannon |
Grind Illegal Bomber to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
堅牢なる機甲の大砲 Robust Armored Cannon |
Grind Signo Head Launcher to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Twin Machineguns Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
豪胆なる双銃射手 | Grind Radiegle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する猛き双銃士 Raging Akimbo Hitman |
Grind Lambda Radiegle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
究理の双銃射手 | Grind Sarcueid to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新する究理の双銃士 | Grind Lambda Sarcueid to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
森羅の認識者 | Grind Fuyusion to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
万象の理解者 | Grind Lambda Fuyusion to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
頑健の体現者 | Grind Aresvis to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
英気滾りし者 Overflowing with Willpower |
Grind Lambda Aresvis to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
凍える絶佳 | Grind H&S25 Justice to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
格式を守る者 Preserver of Prestige |
Grind Twin Yasminkov 2000H to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
実直の極致 | Grind Yasminkov 9000M to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
命を紡ぐ射手 Life-Weaving Marksman |
Grind Ishurai to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
災厄を秘めし射手 Disaster-Harboring Marksman |
Grind Surukurai to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
幾何の行使者 Geometry Wielder |
Grind Tourmalinca to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
幾何を刻まれし者 | Grind Fleetmalinca to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
白狼を超えし者 | Grind Banshee's Roar to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
古代文明の使者 | Grind Sparmachinegun to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
禁忌の双怨銃 | Grind Acidase to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
変形せし機甲の双銃 | Grind Mizer Bullet to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
自在なる機甲の双銃 | Grind Zexia Bullet to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
銀狼を打倒せし者 | Grind Elena's Roar to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Rods Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
流麗なる長杖 | Grind Red Processor to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
白光抱く長杖 | Grind Siege Processor to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
清廉たる長杖 | Grind Garland to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
清廉潔白たる長杖 | Grind Lambda Garland to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
専心守護の救世主 | Grind Salvador to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
守護の福音 | Grind Lambda Salvador to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
愛らしさの具現 | Grind Stella Twinkle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
星のきらめきを抱く者 | Grind Milky Twinkle to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
翼を抱きし存在 | Grind Clarita Visas to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
魔女っ子気分 | Grind Strike Broom to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
明月の担い手 | Grind Twilight Rune to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
生命の守人 | Grind Seitenweise to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
生命を生み出す者 | Grind Seitenheise to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
凍土結晶の操主 | Grind Vifroze to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
絶対零度の操主 | Grind Meliofroze to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
テスラウォーカー Tesla Walker |
Grind Gramascient to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
幾何描く指先 | Grind Rubiascient to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
龍族の協調者 | Grind Dinia Rod to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
龍族に近しき者 | Grind Sadiel Rod to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
一流ミュージシャン First-Class Musician |
Grind Mic Stand to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
大翼に憧れし者 | Grind Windy Shaft to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
不幸の招き手 | Grind Demonic Fork to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
気まぐれないたずら者 | Grind Pumpkin Rod to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
我はアンブラであーる I am Umblla! |
Grind Umblla Stick to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
原初の理 | Grind Psycho Wand to +10 | Photon Sphere x10 |
ツッコミ役 | Grind Pico Pico Hammer to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
【巨躯】を封じる者 One Who Sealed [Elder] |
Grind Elder Rod to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
狂気を制す者 | Grind Chrome Evol to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Talises Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
猛々しき導具 | Grind Visburn to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新せし猛き導具 | Grind Lambda Visburn to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
華美流麗なる導具 | Grind Rosa Crane to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
空色の旅人 | Grind Blue Crane to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
実直堅牢なる導具 | Grind Hard Quartz to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新せし質実の導具 | Grind Lambda Hard Quartz to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
遊び心の具現存在 | Grind Wonder Collet to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
遊戯じゃすまない | Grind Bloomy Collet to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
古典の担い手 | Grind Talis Legacy to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
奇怪なる祈祷師 | Grind Hitogata to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
今代の陰陽師 | Grind Onmyou Kikami to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
熱狂する決闘者 Fanatical Duelist |
Grind Duel Gaze to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
喝采する決闘者 Acclaimed Duelist |
Grind Green Duel Gaze to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
熱砂を超えし導き手 Desert Nomad |
Grind Metali Solidom to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
陽炎に揺蕩う導き手 | Grind Metali Ignis to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
幸福のしるべ | Grind Rappy Fan Fan to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
天幸のしるべ | Grind White Rappy Fan to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
春幸のしるべ Friend of Spring Fortune |
Grind Pink Rappy Fan to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
幸祐のしるべ Friend of Charity |
Grind Blue Rappy Fan to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
一球入魂 | Grind Solid Straight to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
古式の呪い師 | Grind Mahu to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
華美なる踊り子 | Grind Maisen to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
機甲素子の操手 | Grind Vardha Bit to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
練り上げられし思念 | Grind Gadianna to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし太古の導具 | Grind Liewen Book to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
遺されし伝承の導具 | Grind Ebel Book to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
大王機甲の操手 | Grind King's Bit to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
Wands Upgraded To +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
遺物の担い手 | Grind Regalia to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
強固なる短杖 | Grind Cless Digger to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
愛らしい短杖 | Grind Carino Light to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
夢見る者の短杖 | Grind Carino Dessert to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
剛健なる導士 | Grind Hexagraph to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
改新せし剛健の導具 | Grind Lambda Hexagraph to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
ラブ&ピース Love & Peace |
Grind Magical Wand to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
爆炎の操手 Conductor of Flame |
Grind Club of Laconium to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
氷冷の操手 Conductor of Cold |
Grind Mace of Adaman to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
雷光の操手 Conductor of Lightning |
Grind Club of Zumiuran to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
古の具象 Embodiment of Antiquity |
Grind Elysion to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
導士に金棒 | Grind Konsaikon to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
伝承を顕現する者 | Grind Divine Tsukuyomi to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
清白なる短杖 | Grind Schmidtore to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
打ち砕く短杖 | Grind Komlotore to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
寒威担う杖 Cold-Manipulating Cane |
Grind Cornelia to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
凍れる結晶の短杖 | Grind Remilnelia to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
発振する導杖 | Grind Guarditorch to +10 | Synthesizer x5 |
禁忌の夢杖 | Grind Grim Grin to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
蒼き龍の使役者 | Grind Baridran Wand to +10 | Ability Success Rate +10% x3 |
★7 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
装一葉勲章 Fifth Class Equipment |
Grind 1 7★ weapon to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
装双葉勲章 Fourth Class Equipment |
Grind 3 7★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
装三葉勲章 Third Class Equipment |
Grind 5 7★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
装四葉勲章 Second Class Equipment |
Grind 10 7★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
装五葉勲章 First Class Equipment |
Grind 15 7★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
装一星勲章 First Star Equipment |
Grind 20 7★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
★8 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
大装一葉勲章 Fifth Class Great Equipment |
Grind 1 8★ weapon to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
大装双葉勲章 Fourth Class Great Equipment |
Grind 3 8★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
大装三葉勲章 Third Class Great Equipment |
Grind 5 8★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
大装四葉勲章 Second Class Great Equipment |
Grind 10 8★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
大装五葉勲章 First Class Great Equipment |
Grind 15 8★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
大装一星勲章 First Star Great Equipment |
Grind 20 8★ weapons to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
★9 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
権装一葉勲章 Fifth Class Major Equipment |
Grind 1 weapon of rarity ★9 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
権装双葉勲章 Fourth Class Major Equipment |
Grind 3 weapons of rarity ★9 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% |
権装三葉勲章 Third Class Major Equipment |
Grind 5 weapons of rarity ★9 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
権装四葉勲章 Second Class Major Equipment |
Grind 10 weapons of rarity ★9 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
権装五葉勲章 First Class Major Equipment |
Grind 15 weapons of rarity ★9 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
権装一星勲章 First Star Major Equipment |
Grind 20 weapons of rarity ★9 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
★10 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
力装一葉勲章 Fifth Class Mighty Equipment |
Grind 1 weapon of rarity ★10 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
力装双葉勲章 Fourth Class Mighty Equipment |
Grind 3 weapons of rarity ★10 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
力装三葉勲章 Third Class Mighty Equipment |
Grind 5 weapons of rarity ★10 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
力装四葉勲章 Second Class Mighty Equipment |
Grind 10 weapons of rarity ★10 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x3 |
力装五葉勲章 First Class Mighty Equipment |
Grind 15 weapons of rarity ★10 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x3 |
力装一星勲章 First Star Mighty Equipment |
Grind 20 weapons of rarity ★10 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x4 |
★11 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
能装一葉勲章 Fifth Class Supreme Equipment |
Grind 1 weapon of rarity ★11 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x3 |
能装双葉勲章 Fourth Class Supreme Equipment |
Grind 3 weapons of rarity ★11 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x4 |
能装三葉勲章 Third Class Supreme Equipment |
Grind 5 weapons of rarity ★11 to +10 | Tri-Boost +50% x5 |
能装四葉勲章 Second Class Supreme Equipment |
Grind 10 weapons of rarity ★11 to +10 | Tri-Boost +100% |
能装五葉勲章 First Class Supreme Equipment |
Grind 15 weapons of rarity ★11 to +10 | Tri-Boost +100% x2 |
能装一星勲章 First Star Supreme Equipment |
Grind 20 weapons of rarity ★11 to +10 | Tri-Boost +100% x3 |
★12 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
主装一葉勲章 Fifth Class Prime Equipment |
Grind 1 weapon of rarity ★12 to +10 | Excube x2 |
主装双葉勲章 Fourth Class Prime Equipment |
Grind 3 weapons of rarity ★12 to +10 | Excube x3 |
主装三葉勲章 Third Class Prime Equipment |
Grind 5 weapons of rarity ★12 to +10 | Excube x5 |
主装四葉勲章 Second Class Prime Equipment |
Grind 10 weapons of rarity ★12 to +10 | Excube x5 |
主装五葉勲章 First Class Prime Equipment |
Grind 15 weapons of rarity ★12 to +10 | Excube x10 |
主装一星勲章 First Star Prime Equipment |
Grind 20 weapons of rarity ★12 to +10 | Excube x15 |
★13 Weapons Upgraded to +10
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
座装一葉勲章 | Grind 1 weapon of rarity ★13 to +10 | Lambda Grinder x1 |
座装双葉勲章 | Grind 3 weapons of rarity ★13 to +10 | Lambda Grinder x1 |
座装三葉勲章 | Grind 5 weapons of rarity ★13 to +10 | Lambda Grinder x1 |
座装四葉勲章 | Grind 10 weapons of rarity ★13 to +10 | Lambda Grinder x2 |
座装五葉勲章 | Grind 15 weapons of rarity ★13 to +10 | Lambda Grinder x2 |
座装一星勲章 | Grind 20 weapons of rarity ★13 to +10 | Lambda Grinder x3 |
Weapon Encyclopedia
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
新米武器収集家 Rookie Weapon Collector |
Register 10 weapons to your Weapon Library | Tri-Boost +50% |
ひよっこ武器収集家 Immature Weapon Collector |
Register 50 weapons to your Weapon Library | Tri-Boost +50% x2 |
駆け出し武器収集家 Novice Weapon Collector |
Register 150 weapons to your Weapon Library | Heart Key Spellstone |
ビギナー武器収集家 Beginner Weapon Collector |
Register 200 weapons to your Weapon Library | Bloody Moon Spellstone |
中級武器収集家 Intermediate Weapon Collector |
Register 250 weapons to your Weapon Library | Phantom Night Spellstone |
新進気鋭の武器収集家 Advanced Weapon Collector |
Register 300 weapons to your Weapon Library | Phantom Night Spellstone |
若手武器収集家 Young Weapon Collector |
Register 350 weapons to your Weapon Library | Phantom Night Spellstone |
上級武器収集家 Senior Weapon Collector |
Register 400 weapons to your Weapon Library | Bloody Moon Spellstone |
有名武器収集家 Famed Weapon Collector |
Register 450 weapons to your Weapon Library | Heart Key Spellstone |
大物武器収集家 Star Weapon Collector |
Register 500 weapons to your Weapon Library | Heart Key Ore x50 |
高名武器収集家 Prominent Weapon Collector |
Register 600 weapons to your Weapon Library | Bloody Moon Ore x50 |
稀代の武器収集家 Rare Weapon Collector |
Register 700 weapons to your Weapon Library | Phantom Night Ore x50 |
Class-Specific Weapon Log
Title Name | Requirement | Class Weapons | Reward |
ハンターウェポン・ホルダー Hunter Weapon Holder |
Register 20 different Hunter weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ハンターウェポン・サポーター Hunter Weapon Supporter |
Register 25 different Hunter weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ハンターウェポン・フリーク Hunter Weapon Freak |
Register 40 different Hunter weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ハンターウェポン・セレクター Hunter Weapon Selector |
Register 70 different Hunter weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
レンジャーウェポン・ホルダー Ranger Weapon Holder |
Register 15 different Ranger weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
レンジャーウェポン・サポーター Ranger Weapon Supporter |
Register 20 different Ranger weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
レンジャーウェポン・フリーク Ranger Weapon Freak |
Register 30 different Ranger weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
レンジャーウェポン・セレクター Ranger Weapon Selector |
Register 50 different Ranger weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
フォースウェポン・ホルダー Force Weapon Holder |
Register 15 different Force weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
フォースウェポン・サポーター Force Weapon Supporter |
Register 20 different Force weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
フォースウェポン・フリーク Force Weapon Freak |
Register 30 different Force weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
フォースウェポン・セレクター Force Weapon Selector |
Register 50 different Force weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ファイターウェポン・ホルダー Fighter Weapon Holder |
Register 20 different Fighter weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ファイターウェポン・サポーター Fighter Weapon Supporter |
Register 25 different Fighter weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ファイターウェポン・フリーク Fighter Weapon Freak |
Register 40 different Fighter weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ファイターウェポン・セレクター Fighter Weapon Selector |
Register 70 different Fighter weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ガンナーウェポン・ホルダー Gunner Weapon Holder |
Register 15 different Gunner weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ガンナーウェポン・サポーター Gunner Weapon Supporter |
Register 20 different Gunner weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ガンナーウェポン・フリーク Gunner Weapon Freak |
Register 30 different Gunner weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ガンナーウェポン・セレクター Gunner Weapon Selector |
Register 50 different Gunner weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
テクターウェポン・ホルダー Techer Weapon Holder |
Register 15 different Techer weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
テクターウェポン・サポーター Techer Weapon Supporter |
Register 20 different Techer weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
テクターウェポン・フリーク Techer Weapon Freak |
Register 30 different Techer weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
テクターウェポン・セレクター Techer Weapon Selector |
Register 50 different Techer weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ブレイバーウェポン・ホルダー Braver Weapon Holder |
Register 10 different Braver weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ブレイバーウェポン・サポーター Braver Weapon Supporter |
Register 10 different Braver weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ブレイバーウェポン・フリーク Braver Weapon Freak |
Register 20 different Braver weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
ブレイバーウェポン・セレクター Braver Weapon Selector |
Register 30 different Braver weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
バウンサーウェポン・ホルダー Bouncer Weapon Holder |
Register 10 different Bouncer weapons of rarity ★7~9 to your Weapon Library |
| |
バウンサーウェポン・サポーター Bouncer Weapon Supporter |
Register 10 different Bouncer weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
バウンサーウェポン・フリーク Bouncer Weapon Freak |
Register 20 different Bouncer weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
| |
バウンサーウェポン・セレクター Bouncer Weapon Selector |
Register 30 different Bouncer weapons of rarity ★10~12 to your Weapon Library |
- Buying/trading weapons with other players does not register them to your Weapon Library. You need to acquire them through drops or quest rewards.
- Gunslashes do not count for any class' weapon database, but will benefit from the damage bonus as if it was a class weapon regardless of class.
- Summoner does not possess titles of this category, therefore it cannot benefit of its bonuses, not even from Gunslashes.
New-Type Weapons
Title Name | Requirement | Reward | |
類い稀なる新世の創造主 Artisan of the New Generation |
Grind 1 New-Type weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
サモナーペット育成の開拓者 Pioneer of Pet Development |
Level any Pet of rarity ★13 or higher to Lv.120 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
盤石なる防具の創造主 Creator of Solid Defense |
Equip a ★12+ Arm, Leg and Rear unit, each with a grind value of +10 | 10 Star Gems x3 | |
堅牢なる防具の創造主 | Grind 1 Unit of rarity ★13 or higher to +10 | Tri-Boost +100% | |
金城鉄壁 | Equip a ★13+ Arm, Leg and Rear unit, each with a grind value of +10 | Ability Success Rate +45% | |
新世強化の道を歩む者 | Grind 1 New-Type weapon to +30 | Great Grind Success +20% x1 | |
新世強化の標となる者 | Grind 1 New-Type weapon to +35 | Great Grind Success +20% x2 | |
新世強化の導き手 | Grind 10 New-Type weapons to +35 | Great Grind Success Rate +20% x3 | |
類い稀なる新世の創造主 | Grind 1 New-Type weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
真なる力の解放者 | Unlock the Special Ability Factor of 1 weapon | 10 Star Gems | |
真なる力を研ぐ者 | Unlock the Special Ability Factor of 5 weapons | 10 Star Gems | |
真なる力を極めし者 | Unlock the Special Ability Factor of 10 weapons | 20 Star Gems | |
Title Name | Requirement | Weapon Types | Reward |
ハンター新世強化の開拓者 ※ Pioneer of Hunter NT Upgrades |
Grind any New Type Hunter weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
レンジャー新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Ranger NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Ranger weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
フォース新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Force NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Force weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
ファイター新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Fighter NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Fighter weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
ガンナー新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Gunner NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Gunner weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
テクター新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Techer NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Techer weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
ブレイバー新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Braver NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Braver weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
バウンサー新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Bouncer NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Bouncer weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 | |
ヒーロー新世強化の開拓者 Pioneer of Hero NT Upgrades ※ |
Grind any New Type Hero weapon of rarity ★13 or higher to +35 | 20 Star Gems x2 |
※ These titles are required to unlock the Lv. 80 cap for their class.
Collection File
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
武装記録者 Armed Recorder |
Complete 5 Collection File sheets | Tri-Boost +100% x1 |
武装収集者 Armed Collector |
Complete 10 Collection File sheets | Tri-Boost +100% x2 |
Weapon-Specific Upgrades
Title Name | Requirement | Reward |
バル・リノベーター Val Renovator |
Grind any Val Series Weapon to +35 | Time Reversal Stone Chronos x1 |