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Template Documentation

Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.


This template can be used to provide an alert textbox in 4 contextual cases. This template can display the following alerts:

  1. A warning alert
  2. A danger alert
  3. A dark alert
  4. And a normal alert


The Classic Light Alert

The following displays the light alert text box. You can follow this with whatever text/images/markup you like.

Wiki code:

{{Alerts|A simple light alert—check it out!}}
The Warning Alert

The following displays the warning alert text box. You can follow this with whatever text/images/markup you like.

Wiki code:

{{Alerts|warning|A simple warning alert—check it out!}}
The Danger Alert

The following displays the danger alert text box. You can follow this with whatever text/images/markup you like.

Wiki code:

{{Alerts|danger|A simple danger alert—check it out!}}
The Dark Alert

The following displays the dark alert text box. You can follow this with whatever text/images/markup you like.

Wiki code:

{{Alerts|dark|A simple dark alert—check it out!}}

You may also include a title for the alerts. But not for the light alert.

Wiki code using the warning alert:

{{Alerts|warning|title=This is a simple title!|A simple warning alert—check it out!}}