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Subdue Za Oodan

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Subdue Za Oodan
Quest Objective Subdue the hostile Za Oodan!
Quest Type ARKS Quest
Quest Details
Location Planet Naberius - Forest
Quest Category Single Party Quest
Quest Requirements
N No Level Requirement
H Main Class Lv.20+
Complete a certain Client Order.
VH Main Class Lv.40+
Complete a certain Client Order.
SH Main Class Lv.50+
Possess a Super Hard License.
XH Main Class Lv.70+
Possess a Super Hard License.
UH Main Class/Subclass Lv.85+
Possess a Super Hard License.
Time Limit None
Damage Cap None
Lv. Adjustment None
Trigger Quest Item {{{triggeritem}}}

Subdue Za Oodan is an ARKS Quest.



This quest consists of one area and ends with an E-Trial involving Za Oodans in the deepest part.

With a party of 4, the number of Za Oodans to subdue is 7.

With a party of 3, the number of Za Oodans to subdue is 5.

With a party of 1-2, the number of Za Oodans to subdue is 4.


This is one of the easiest ARKS Quests to S rank as the required amount of "kill points" to get a high rank is low.