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Marathon Training: Naberius Beginner

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Marathon Training: Naberius Beginner is a Time Attack Quest.


Quest Type Time Attack Quest
Quest Goal Head to the final area!
Single/Multi Party Single
Clearing Conditions -
Failing Conditions All Players Incapacitated/Time Limit Expires
Quest Time Limit 60:00



This Quest is split into four areas.

Area 1

  • A mob of Oodans and Gulfs will spawn. Upon defeating most of them, three Agni will spawn. Defeating them will spawn a group of Za Oodans and Gulfurs. Defeating most of them will spawn four Garongos. Defeat all enemies to continue.
  • The path splits in four directions. Depending on which direction you head in, you will face a different miniboss. Once each player is standing on a button at the Area's end, the players may progress.
Boss Direction Tundra Entrance
Rockbear West North West
De Malmoth North South West
Wolgahda East South East
Gwanahda South North East

Area 2

  • Upon defeating the miniboss and progressing to the next area, players will converge on a central region that spawns three Fangulfs. Defeat the Fangulfs to spawn a horde of Fangulfs. After a few seconds, two Fangulfurs will spawn. Defeat all enemies to continue.
  • The T-junction will spawn various Yedes and Malmoths. Defeat all enemies to continue.
  • The path splits in two. Depending on the path taken, they will fight a different batch of enemies. Once all players are standing on a button, the players may continue.
    • In parties of two or less, it is recommended to not split up the party to achieve faster times.
Tundra Exits
Fang Banther/Fangulfs to the West
Fang Banshee/King Yedes to the East

Area 3

  • After defeating the minibosses, players will progress to the Ruins area, where various mobs of Darkers will appear.
    • At the start, Dagans and Kradha will appear. Defeating them all will spawn Dagash and Dagacha at the ends of the map.
    • After a set period of time, two Cycloneahda will appear at the ends of the map.
    • Defeating all prior enemies will spawn a group of Dicahdas and Predicahdas.
    • Defeating all prior enemies will spawn two Breeahda at the ends of the map.
  • Once all enemies are defeated, a barrier will open to the top of the map. Once all players are standing on a button, the players may continue.

Area 4

  • Several Garongo and Agni will appear here attacking a Dark Ragne. Defeat all enemies to clear the Quest.