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Demon Phaleg
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Demon Phaleg is a Human-type boss enemy.
- This fight may only be attempted on Normal difficulty.
- Usage of Half Dolls and Scape Dolls are prohibited.
- All healing is cut to 20% of its original value.
- Damage limit is 999,999.
- You have 7 minutes to defeat Demon Phaleg, as indicated by the emergency code timer.
- Failure to defeat her before the timer expires will initiate an otherwise unviewable cutscene, and will result in a defeat.
The fight is split up into two phases.
- Phaleg has roughly 5,940,000 HP.
- Phaleg is weak to Ice.
- Will produce an anti-air barrier if attacked from above for an extended period of time, greatly reducing damage taken from aerial attacks. The barrier's effect gradually wears off if fought on ground level.
Phase 1
- During Phase 1, will use the following attacks:
- Dashes twice. Typically followed up by another attack.
- Dashes three times. Vulnerable afterwards.
- Holds a red orb in front of her, then explodes it, inflicting minor damage and Stun. Attack hits in a straight line and almost always connects unless dodged. Typically followed up by another attack. If used to follow the double dash, this attack executes faster.
- Spawns two blades from her hands, then dashes at the player. If she makes contact, she will grab the player and deal multiple hits of minor damage before tossing the player, then flying into the air and stomping the ground. Both the throw and the stomp will inflict heavy damage. The throw cannot be cancelled with Just Reversal. If the attack whiffs, Phaleg will leap into the air and stomp the ground. Vulnerable afterwards.
- Twirls, then dashes quickly at the player. If she makes contact, she attacks with a kick that launches upwards, then stomps the ground. It is possible to recover and avoid the stomp if Air Reversal is used. If the attack misses, Phaleg will leap into the air and stomp the ground. Vulnerable afterwards.
- Kicks twice, firing a shockwave with each kick. Typically followed up by another attack.
Phase 2
A cutscene will play where Phaleg leaps back and destroys the ESC-A Tower with an almighty kick.
- Phaleg gains 50% resistance to the weapon/Technique element most used on her in Phase 1.
- During the remainder of the fight, ESC-A Tower fragments will fall onto the stage at random, marked by large glowing circles on the stage.
- If Phaleg is not forced into Phase 2 within the first 30 seconds of the fight, Phase 2 opens with Phaleg firing three flaming shockwaves interspersed with teleports. If Phaleg is forced into Phase 2 within the first 30 seconds, this attack is skipped. Phaleg can reuse this attack at random at any point during Phase 2.
- Resumes normal attacking phase, with minor changes.
- All stomps have a wider AOE.
- Orb stun attack will now be performed twice.
- Dash grab deals increased damage.
- All other attacks hit for two to three times per attack. Has a high chance of piercing Guards and Automate effects.
- Flame waves are added to normal attacking phase, but occur rarely.