Titles (NGS)/Player Titles
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Titles: | Player | Enemy | Items | Quest | Task | Communication | Map | Limited Time |
プレイヤー/Player | 141 tasks / 153 titles
称号総数/Title Collector (12 tasks / 14 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
称号スターター Title Starter |
5 | Play "PSO2: NGS". | 新人 / の / アークス Rookie / of / ARKS |
5SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅰ Title Collector Ⅰ |
5 | Earn 50 titles. | 星渡り Meteorn |
5SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅱ Title Collector Ⅱ |
5 | Earn 100 titles. | 降り立つもの Descender |
5SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅲ Title Collector Ⅲ |
10 | Earn 150 titles. | 噂 Rumor |
10SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅳ Title Collector Ⅳ |
10 | Earn 200 titles. | 話題 Hot Topic |
10SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅴ Title Collector Ⅴ |
10 | Earn 250 titles. | 新進気鋭 Up-and-Coming |
10SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅵ Title Collector Ⅵ |
20 | Earn 300 titles. | 有名 Famous |
20SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅶ Title Collector Ⅶ |
20 | Earn 350 titles. | コレクター Collector |
20SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅷ Title Collector Ⅷ |
20 | Earn 400 titles. | マニア Mania |
20SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅸ Title Collector Ⅸ |
20 | Earn 450 titles. | 愛好家 Enthusiast |
20SG |
称号コレクター・Ⅹ● Title Collector Ⅹ● |
20 | Earn 500 titles. | 貪欲 Avaricious |
20SG |
称号マニア・Ⅰ Title Mania Ⅰ |
20 | Earn 750 titles. | 豊富 Abundance |
20SG |
ハンター/Hunter (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ハンター稼業・Ⅰ Professional Hunter Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Hunter(* Main Class Only) | ハンター Hunter |
5SG |
ハンター稼業・Ⅱ Professional Hunter Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 狩人 Huntsman |
5SG |
ハンター稼業・Ⅲ Professional Hunter Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 突撃 Attack |
5SG |
ハンター稼業・Ⅳ Professional Hunter Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 強靭 Tough |
5SG |
ハンター稼業・Ⅴ Professional Hunter Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 狩猟 Hunting |
5SG |
ハンター稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Hunter Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 仕留める | 5SG |
練達への道:ハンター・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Hunter Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 力 Strength |
N-Hu Excube x1 |
練達への道:ハンター・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Hunter Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Hunter(* Main Class Only) | 強力 Powerful |
N-Hu Excube x1 |
レンジャー/Ranger (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
レンジャー稼業・Ⅰ Professional Ranger Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Ranger(* Main Class Only) | レンジャー Ranger |
5SG |
レンジャー稼業・Ⅱ Professional Ranger Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 狙撃手 Sniper |
5SG |
レンジャー稼業・Ⅲ Professional Ranger Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 距離 Range |
5SG |
レンジャー稼業・Ⅳ Professional Ranger Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 泣き所 Weak Point |
5SG |
レンジャー稼業・Ⅴ Professional Ranger Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 遊撃 Raid |
5SG |
レンジャー稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Ranger Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 射貫く | 5SG |
練達への道:レンジャー・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Ranger Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 一点 Point |
N-Ra Excube x1 |
練達への道:レンジャー・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Ranger Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Ranger(* Main Class Only) | 集中 Concentration |
N-Ra Excube x1 |
フォース/Force (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
フォース稼業・Ⅰ Professional Force Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Force(* Main Class Only) | フォース Force |
5SG |
フォース稼業・Ⅱ Professional Force Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Force(* Main Class Only) | 術士 Technician |
5SG |
フォース稼業・Ⅲ Professional Force Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Force(* Main Class Only) | テクニック Technique |
5SG |
フォース稼業・Ⅳ Professional Force Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Force(* Main Class Only) | 相性 Affinity |
5SG |
フォース稼業・Ⅴ Professional Force Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Force(* Main Class Only) | 発動 Invoke |
5SG |
フォース稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Force Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Force(* Main Class Only) | 詠唱 | 5SG |
練達への道:フォース・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Force Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Force(* Main Class Only) | 技 Art |
N-Fo Excube x1 |
練達への道:フォース・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Force Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Force(* Main Class Only) | 術式 Technique |
N-Fo Excube x1 |
ファイター/Fighter (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ファイター稼業・Ⅰ Professional Fighter Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Fighter(* Main Class Only) | ファイター Fighter |
5SG |
ファイター稼業・Ⅱ Professional Fighter Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 闘士 Fighter |
5SG |
ファイター稼業・Ⅲ Professional Fighter Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 滞空 Aerial |
5SG |
ファイター稼業・Ⅳ Professional Fighter Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 極限 Limit |
5SG |
ファイター稼業・Ⅴ Professional Fighter Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 武闘 Armed |
5SG |
ファイター稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Fighter Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 演舞 | 5SG |
練達への道:ファイター・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Fighter Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 衝撃 Impact |
N-Fi Excube x1 |
練達への道:ファイター・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Fighter Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Fighter(* Main Class Only) | 貫通 Penetration |
N-Fi Excube x1 |
ガンナー/Gunner (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ガンナー稼業・Ⅰ Professional Gunner Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Gunner(* Main Class Only) | ガンナー Gunner |
5SG |
ガンナー稼業・Ⅱ Professional Gunner Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Gunner(* Main Class Only) | 銃士 Gunslinger |
5SG |
ガンナー稼業・Ⅲ Professional Gunner Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Gunner(* Main Class Only) | チェイン Chain |
5SG |
ガンナー稼業・Ⅳ Professional Gunner Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Gunner(* Main Class Only) | 連鎖 Link |
5SG |
ガンナー稼業・Ⅴ Professional Gunner Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Gunner(* Main Class Only) | 発射 Firing |
5SG |
ガンナー稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Gunner Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Gunner (* Main Class Only) | 狙い撃ち | 5SG |
練達への道:ガンナー・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Gunner Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Gunner(* Main Class Only) | 曲芸 Acrobatics |
N-Gu Excube x1 |
練達への道:ガンナー・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Gunner Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Gunner(* Main Class Only) | 舞踊 Dancing |
N-Gu Excube x1 |
テクター/Techter (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
テクター稼業・Ⅰ Professional Techter Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Techter(* Main Class Only) | テクター Techter |
5SG |
テクター稼業・Ⅱ Professional Techter Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Techter(* Main Class Only) | 業士 Artisan |
5SG |
テクター稼業・Ⅲ Professional Techter Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Techter(* Main Class Only) | エレメント Element |
5SG |
テクター稼業・Ⅳ Professional Techter Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Techter(* Main Class Only) | 補助 Support |
5SG |
テクター稼業・Ⅴ Professional Techter Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Techter(* Main Class Only) | 祈祷 Exorcism |
5SG |
テクター稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Techter Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Techter(* Main Class Only) | 祓う | 5SG |
練達への道:テクター・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Techter Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Techter(* Main Class Only) | 祈り Prayer |
N-Te Excube x1 |
練達への道:テクター・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Techter Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Techter(* Main Class Only) | 奇跡 Miracle |
N-Te Excube x1 |
ブレイバー/Braver (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ブレイバー稼業・Ⅰ Professional Braver Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Braver(* Main Class Only) | ブレイバー Braver |
5SG |
ブレイバー稼業・Ⅱ Professional Braver Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Braver(* Main Class Only) | 勇者 Hero |
5SG |
ブレイバー稼業・Ⅲ Professional Braver Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Braver(* Main Class Only) | テンポ Tempo |
5SG |
ブレイバー稼業・Ⅳ Professional Braver Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Braver(* Main Class Only) | 闘争 Conflict |
5SG |
ブレイバー稼業・Ⅴ Professional Braver Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Braver(* Main Class Only) | 冒険 Adventure |
5SG |
ブレイバー稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Braver Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Braver(* Main Class Only) | 向こう見ず | 5SG |
練達への道:ブレイバー・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Braver Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Braver(* Main Class Only) | 撃剣 Fencing |
N-Br Excube x1 |
練達への道:ブレイバー・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Braver Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Braver(* Main Class Only) | 射手 Archer |
N-Br Excube x1 |
バウンサー/Bouncer (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
バウンサー稼業・Ⅰ Professional Bouncer Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | バウンサー Bouncer |
5SG |
バウンサー稼業・Ⅱ Professional Bouncer Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | 用心棒 Bodyguard |
5SG |
バウンサー稼業・Ⅲ Professional Bouncer Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | ダウン Down |
5SG |
バウンサー稼業・Ⅳ Professional Bouncer Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | 打倒 Defeat |
5SG |
バウンサー稼業・Ⅴ Professional Bouncer Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | 雇われ Hired |
5SG |
バウンサー稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Bouncer Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | マーシャルアーツ | 5SG |
練達への道:バウンサー・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Bouncer Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | 荒くれ Rowdy |
N-Bo Excube x1 |
練達への道:バウンサー・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Bouncer Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Bouncer(* Main Class Only) | 無法者 Outlaw |
N-Bo Excube x1 |
ウェイカー/Waker (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ウェイカー稼業・Ⅰ Professional Waker Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Waker(* Main Class Only) | 召喚 Summon |
5SG |
ウェイカー稼業・Ⅱ Professional Waker Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Waker(* Main Class Only) | 契約 Contract |
5SG |
ウェイカー稼業・Ⅲ Professional Waker Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Waker(* Main Class Only) | 妖精 Fairy |
5SG |
ウェイカー稼業・Ⅳ Professional Waker Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Waker(* Main Class Only) | 幻獣 Mythical Beast |
5SG |
ウェイカー稼業・Ⅴ Professional Waker Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Waker(* Main Class Only) | 精霊 Spirit |
5SG |
ウェイカー稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Waker Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Waker(* Main Class Only) | 呼び覚ます | 5SG |
練達への道:ウェイカー・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Waker Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Waker(* Main Class Only) | 結界 Barrier |
N-Wa Excube x1 |
練達への道:ウェイカー・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Waker Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Waker(* Main Class Only) | 幻影 Phantom |
N-Wa Excube x1 |
スレイヤー/Slayer (8 tasks / 8 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
スレイヤー稼業・Ⅰ Professional Slayer Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.20 as Slayer(* Main Class Only) | スラッシュ | 5SG |
スレイヤー稼業・Ⅱ Professional Slayer Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.35 as Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 素早い | 5SG |
スレイヤー稼業・Ⅲ Professional Slayer Ⅲ |
5 | Reach Lv.40 as Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 機動力 | 5SG |
スレイヤー稼業・Ⅳ Professional Slayer Ⅳ |
5 | Reach Lv.45 as Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 俊敏 | 5SG |
スレイヤー稼業・Ⅴ Professional Slayer Ⅴ |
5 | Reach Lv.60 as Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 剣撃 | 5SG |
スレイヤー稼業・Ⅵ● Professional Slayer Ⅵ● |
5 | Reach Lv.70 as Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 鋭敏 | 5SG |
練達への道:スレイヤー・Ⅰ Road to Mastery: Slayer Ⅰ |
5 | Reach Lv.30 with Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 銃床 | N-Sl Excube x1 |
練達への道:スレイヤー・Ⅱ Road to Mastery: Slayer Ⅱ |
5 | Reach Lv.50 with Slayer(* Main Class Only) | 銃撃 | N-Sl Excube x1 |
エクスキューブ/Excube (3 tasks / 3 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
力の求道者・Ⅰ Power Seeker Ⅰ |
5 | Obtain 1 N-Excube for reaching the level limit. | キューブ Cube |
5SG |
力の求道者・Ⅱ Power Seeker Ⅱ |
5 | Obtain 10 N-Excubes for reaching the level limit. | 蓄積 Accumulate |
5SG |
力の求道者・Ⅲ● Power Seeker Ⅲ● |
10 | Obtain 30 N-Excubes for reaching the level limit. | 貯蔵庫 Storehouse |
5SG |
アドオンスキル/Add-on Skill (2 tasks / 2 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
技能の求道者・Ⅰ Skill Seeker Ⅰ |
5 | On any class, add-on skill level reaches level 10. ※1 |
スキル Skill |
5SG |
技能の求道者・Ⅱ Skill Seeker Ⅱ |
5 | On any class, add-on skill level reaches level 20. ※1 |
おまけ Bonus |
5SG |
※1 Add-on Skill: Main Only
戦闘力/Combat Power (8 tasks / 9 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅰ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅰ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 830 or higher. | いっぱし / は Competent |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅱ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅱ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 950 or higher. | 戦闘員 Combatant |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅲ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅲ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 1100 or higher. | 頼れる Dependable |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅳ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅳ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 1243 or higher. | 強者 Powerful |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅴ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅴ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 1474 or higher. | 頑健 Robust |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅵ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅵ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 1898 or higher. | 博識 Knowledgeable |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅶ Combat Power Pursuit Ⅶ |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 2049 or higher. | 勇敢 Heroic |
5SG |
戦闘力の追求者・Ⅷ● Combat Power Pursuit Ⅷ● |
5 | Increase Combat Power to 2878 or higher. | 遊侠 | 5SG |
プレイ時間/Play Time (7 tasks / 9 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅰ Meteorn's Footprint Ⅰ |
5 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 10 hours. | ネット / まで / 到達 Network / until / Reaching |
5SG |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅱ Meteorn's Footprint Ⅱ |
5 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 100 hours. | 接続 Connection |
5SG |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅲ Meteorn's Footprint Ⅲ |
5 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 300 hours. | 時間 Time |
5SG |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅳ Meteorn's Footprint Ⅳ |
10 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 600 hours. | 電子 Electronic |
10SG |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅴ Meteorn's Footprint Ⅴ |
10 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 1000 hours. | 長年 Many Years |
10SG |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅵ Meteorn's Footprint Ⅵ |
20 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 2000 hours. | 継続 Continuation |
20SG |
星渡りの足跡・Ⅶ● Meteorn's Footprint Ⅶ● |
20 | Cumulative playtime in "PSO2: NGS" reaches 4000 hours. | 永遠 Eternity |
20SG |
移動距離/Distance Traveled (13 tasks / 14 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
疾走のアークス・Ⅰ Sprinting ARKS Ⅰ |
5 | Travel a total distance of 30,000m. | 第一歩 / 初めて First Step / First Time |
5SG |
疾走のアークス・Ⅱ Sprinting ARKS Ⅰ |
5 | Travel a total distance of 250,000m. | 散歩 Walk |
5SG |
疾走のアークス・Ⅲ Sprinting ARKS Ⅲ |
5 | Travel a total distance of 1,000,000m. | ウォーカー Walker |
5SG |
疾走のアークス・Ⅳ Sprinting ARKS Ⅳ |
10 | Travel a total distance of 3,000,000m. | ハイキング Hiking |
10SG |
疾走のアークス・Ⅴ● Sprinting ARKS Ⅴ● |
20 | Travel a total distance of 6,000,000m. | ランナー Runner |
20SG |
滑空のアークス・Ⅰ Gliding ARKS Ⅰ |
5 | Glide a total distance of 1,500m. | 滑空 Gliding |
5SG |
滑空のアークス・Ⅱ Gliding ARKS Ⅱ |
5 | Glide a total distance of 45,000m. | グライダー Glider |
5SG |
滑空のアークス・Ⅲ● Gliding ARKS Ⅲ● |
10 | Glide a total distance of 150,000m. | 空 Sky |
10SG |
長距離グライダー・Ⅰ Long Distance Glider Ⅰ |
5 | Travel 500m in one glide. | 飛行 Flying |
5SG |
長距離グライダー・Ⅱ Long Distance Glider Ⅱ |
5 | Travel 1,000m in one glide. | ジャンパー Jumper |
5SG |
長距離グライダー・Ⅲ● Long Distance Glider Ⅲ● |
10 | Travel 1,500m in one glide. | 流れ星 Falling Star |
10SG |
遠泳のアークス Long Distance Swimmer |
5 | Travel 2,000m by swimming. | スイマー Swimmer |
5SG |
雪上の滑走者 Snow Skier |
5 | Travel 200,000m by floating board. | フローティング | 5SG |
マイショップ購入回数/Number of purchases in My Shop (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
マイショップの常連・Ⅰ My Shop Regular Ⅰ |
5 | Shop once at My Shop. | 通りすがり / こそ Passing by / For sure |
5SG |
マイショップの常連・Ⅱ My Shop Regular Ⅱ |
5 | Shop 10 times at My Shop. | お客さん Customer |
5SG |
マイショップの常連・Ⅲ My Shop Regular Ⅲ |
5 | Shop 100 times at My Shop. | 買い物 Shopping |
5SG |
マイショップの常連・Ⅳ My Shop Regular Ⅳ |
10 | Shop 300 times at My Shop. | テイクアウト Take-out |
10SG |
マイショップの常連・Ⅴ● My Shop Regular Ⅴ● |
20 | Shop 500 at My Shop. | マイショップ My Shop |
20SG |
マイショップ購入額/My Shop purchase amount (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
マイショップの目利き・Ⅰ My Shop Connoisseur Ⅰ |
5 | Cumulative spending at My Shop reaches 500,000 N-Meseta. | 商売 / さえ Business / even |
5SG |
マイショップの目利き・Ⅱ My Shop Connoisseur Ⅱ |
5 | Cumulative spending at My Shop reaches 1 million N-Meseta. | お金持ち Wealthy |
5SG |
マイショップの目利き・Ⅲ My Shop Connoisseur Ⅲ |
5 | Cumulative spending at My Shop reaches 3 million N-Meseta. | セレブ Celebrity |
5SG |
マイショップの目利き・Ⅳ My Shop Connoisseur Ⅳ |
10 | Cumulative spending at My Shop reaches 5 million N-Meseta. | 独占 Exclusive |
10SG |
マイショップの目利き・Ⅴ● My Shop Connoisseur Ⅴ● |
20 | Cumulative spending at My Shop reaches 10 million N-Meseta. | 大富豪 Multimillionaire |
20SG |
マイショップ販売回数/Number of sales in My Shop (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
マイショップの紳商・Ⅰ My Shop Gentleman Ⅰ |
5 | One sale in My Shop. | 店員 / など Clerk / and the like |
5SG |
マイショップの紳商・Ⅱ My Shop Gentleman Ⅱ |
5 | 50 sales in My Shop. | 商人 Merchant |
5SG |
マイショップの紳商・Ⅲ My Shop Gentleman Ⅲ |
5 | 300 sales in My Shop. | オーナー Owner |
5SG |
マイショップの紳商・Ⅳ My Shop Gentleman Ⅳ |
10 | 500 sales in My Shop. | ディーラー Dealer |
10SG |
マイショップの紳商・Ⅴ● My Shop Gentleman Ⅴ● |
20 | 1000 sales in My Shop. | 大手 Major Company |
20SG |
マイショップ販売額/My shop sales amount (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
マイショップの豪商・Ⅰ My Shop Wealthy Merchant Ⅰ |
5 | Cumulative earnings at My Shop reaches 1 million N-Meseta. | 目利き / のための Connoisseur / for the purpose of |
5SG |
マイショップの豪商・Ⅱ My Shop Wealthy Merchant Ⅱ |
5 | Cumulative earnings at My Shop reaches 5 million N-Meseta. | 市場 market |
5SG |
マイショップの豪商・Ⅲ My Shop Wealthy Merchant Ⅲ |
5 | Cumulative earnings at My Shop reaches 10 million N-Meseta. | 裏メニュー Secret Menu |
5SG |
マイショップの豪商・Ⅳ My Shop Wealthy Merchant Ⅳ |
10 | Cumulative earnings at My Shop reaches 30 million N-Meseta. | 経済 Economy |
10SG |
マイショップの豪商・Ⅴ● My Shop Wealthy Merchant Ⅴ● |
20 | Cumulative earnings at My Shop reaches 50 million N-Meseta. | 売れ筋 Best Seller |
20SG |
マイショップ:その他/My Shop: Others (2 tasks / 2 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
マイショップの優良購入者 Excellent My Shop Buyer |
10 | Achieve the following conditions. Cumulative play time reaches 300 hours. Shop 500 times at My Shop. Cumulative spending at My Shop reaches 10 million N-Meseta. |
マイショップバイヤー My Shop Buyer |
マイショップ機能解放 10SG My Shop Function Release |
マイショップの優良出品者 Excellent My Shop Seller |
10 | Achieve the following conditions. Cumulative play time reaches 300 hours. 1000 sales at My Shop. Cumulative earnings at My Shop reach 50 million N-Meseta. |
マイショップマスター My Shop Master |
マイショップ機能解放 10SG My Shop Function Release |
* Play time is for the time spent in NGS Block. Your play time for Classic PSO2 Blocks is not counted.
* The title of My Shop Buyer is the number of purchases while the title of My Shop Master is the number of items sold.
If you make a bulk sale of 100 items, the progress towards My Shop Master will increase by 100.
If you make a bulk purchase of 100 items, the progress towards My Shop Buyer will increase by 1 only.
部位破壊/Part Destruction (5 tasks / 6 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
部位破壊の達人・Ⅰ Part Destruction Master Ⅰ |
5 | Destroy enemy parts one time. | 狙い / 推し Aim / Fan |
5SG |
部位破壊の達人・Ⅱ Part Destruction Master Ⅱ |
5 | Destroy enemy parts 500 times. | 弱点 Weakness |
5SG |
部位破壊の達人・Ⅲ Part Destruction Master Ⅲ |
5 | Destroy enemy parts 2000 times. | 分析 Analysis |
5SG |
部位破壊の達人・Ⅳ Part Destruction Master Ⅳ |
10 | Destroy enemy parts 5000 times. | ブレイカー Breaker |
10SG |
部位破壊の達人・Ⅴ● Part Destruction Master Ⅴ● |
20 | Destroy enemy parts 10000 times. | 破壊 Destruction |
10SG |
戦闘支援/Combat Support (3 tasks / 3 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
アークスの救助者・Ⅰ ARKS Rescue Ⅰ |
5 | Revive players 1 time. | 復活 Revival |
5SG |
アークスの救助者・Ⅱ ARKS Rescue Ⅱ |
5 | Revive players 30 times. | 救い Rescue |
5SG |
アークスの救助者・Ⅲ● ARKS Rescue Ⅲ● |
10 | Revive players 100 times. | 蘇生者 Reviver |
5SG |
PSEバースト/PSE Burst (8 tasks / 9 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
PSEバーストの観測者・Ⅰ PSE Burst Observer Ⅰ |
5 | Generate PSE Burst once. | PSE / か but also |
5SG |
PSEバーストの観測者・Ⅱ PSE Burst Observer Ⅱ |
5 | Generate PSE Burst 50 times. | バースト Burst |
5SG |
PSEバーストの観測者・Ⅲ PSE Burst Observer Ⅲ |
5 | Generate PSE Burst 200 times. | ストリーム Stream |
5SG |
PSEバーストの観測者・Ⅳ PSE Burst Observer Ⅳ |
10 | Generate PSE Burst 500 times. | 爆発 Explosion |
10SG |
PSEバーストの観測者・Ⅴ● PSE Burst Observer Ⅴ● |
20 | Generate PSE Burst 1000 times. | クライマックス Climax |
20SG |
PSEバーストfの観測者・Ⅰ PSE Burst f Observer Ⅰ |
5 | Generate PSE Burst f once. | メゾフォルテ Mezzoforte |
5SG |
PSEバーストfの観測者・Ⅱ PSE Burst f Observer Ⅱ |
5 | Generate PSE Burst f 50 times. | フォルテ Forte |
5SG |
PSEバーストfの観測者・Ⅲ PSE Burst f Observer Ⅲ |
5 | Generate PSE Burst f 200 times. | フォルティッシモ Fortissimo |
5SG |
ライブイベント/Live Event (4 tasks / 4 titles)
Task Name | pts | Acquisition Condition | Title | Other Rewards |
ライブファンの鑑・Ⅰ Model Live Fan Ⅰ |
5 | Receive one live boost. | 参戦 Battle-tested |
5SG |
ライブファンの鑑・Ⅱ Model Live Fan Ⅱ |
5 | Receive 30 live boosts. | アンコール Encore |
5SG |
ライブファンの鑑・Ⅲ● Model Live Fan Ⅲ● |
10 | Receive 100 live boosts. | ツアー Tour |
10SG |
ポポナのライブ体験者 Popona Live Experience |
5 | Attend Popona's Live 1 time. | ポポナ Popona |
ムゲンのキセキ レアドロ☆KOI☆恋! ポポナ ver. |