Double Saber Camos

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Revision as of 19:16, 6 January 2021 by Jared Dejicai (talk | contribs) (text adjustment)
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Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (NGS)
SwordSword Camos Wired LanceWired Lance Camos PartizanPartizan Camos Twin DaggersTwin Dagger Camos Double SaberDouble Saber Camos KnucklesKnuckle Camos KatanaKatana Camos Dual BladesDual Blade Camos GunslashGunslash Camos
Assault RifleAssault Rifle Camos LauncherLauncher Camos Twin MachinegunsTwin Machine Gun Camos Bullet BowBullet Bow Camos
RodRod Camos TalisTalis Camos WandWand Camos Jet BootsJet Boot Camos TaktTakt Camos

Multi-Type Camos

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
7 UIItem*BlueHeart.png *Blue Heart
SwordDouble Saber AC Scratch: Eccentric Party (7/8/2015~8/5/2015)
8 UIItem*RedSaber.png *Red Saber
Double SaberWand Xie's Festa 2016 Exchange Shop (2/10/2016~3/9/2016)
Weapons Badge 2016 Exchange Shop (3/9/2016~4/24/2019)
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 4 (4/24/2019~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*IgnitionFlare.png *Ignition Flare
LauncherDouble Saber AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side A] (4/6/2016~5/11/2016)
AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side A] (4/5/2017~5/10/2017)
7 UIItem*CEKutuneShirka.png *CE-Kutune Shirka
WandDouble Saber AC Scratch: Battle Line Clash (7/11/2018~8/8/2018)
7 UIItem*GaeBolg.png *Gae Bolg
PartizanSwordDouble Saber AC Scratch: Imitate Phantasm (5/13/2015~6/10/2015)
7 UIItem*BerserkersAxeSword.png *Berserker's Axe-Sword
Double SaberSwordPartizan AC Scratch: Imitate Phantasm (5/13/2015~6/10/2015)
7 UIItem*BloodScythe.png *Blood-Scythe
SwordDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Versus BlazBlue (8/5/2015~9/9/2015)
7 UIItem*JunkyardDog.png *Junkyard Dog
SwordDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Versus Guilty Gear (8/26/2015~9/24/2015)
7 UIItem*GuardianGoddesssLSword.png *Guardian Goddess's L. Sword
SwordPartizanDouble Saber AC Scratch: Mega Dimension Heroines (9/24/2015~10/28/2015)
7 File:UIItem*MagicDragonFluteGrabinett.png *Magic Dragon Flute Grabinett
PartizanSwordDouble Saber AC Scratch: Shining Live Encore (1/13/2016~2/10/2016)
AC Scratch: Shining Revival (4/18/2018~5/1/2018)
7 UIItem*Deathbringer.png *Deathbringer
SwordPartizanDouble Saber AC Scratch: Eorzea Selection (7/6/2016~8/10/2016)
8 UIItem*Zantetsuken.png *Zantetsuken
SwordPartizanDouble Saber Odin (Lv. 1+)
8 UIItem*DivineSwordCrosstrease.png *Divine Sword Crosstrease
Double SaberSwordKatana ARKS ORDERS RUSH Panel Reward (8/24/2016~9/14/2016)
9 UIItem*ClaiomhSolais.png *Claiomh Solais
SwordPartizanDouble Saber Weekly Famitsu August 24, 2017 Merged Issue item code
7 UIItem*LogyAlchemicSword.png *Logy Alchemic Sword
GunslashDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Alchemist Replica (10/25/2017~11/22/2017)
8 UIItem*CuentinRod.png *Cuentin Rod
RodDouble SaberWand Limited Time Buster Medal Exchange (11/22/2017~9/26/2018)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*CarolHoliness.png *Carol Holiness
Double SaberRodWand Patty (Christmas) CO Reward (12/6/2017~1/10/2018)
8 UIItem*LilliRopes.png *Lilli Ropes
RodDouble SaberKatana PSO2 6th Anniv. ARKS GLORY RACE Panel Reward
8 UIItem*BurningZeroElzeSword.png *Burning Zero Elze Sword
SwordDouble SaberWand Partnya's Hunting Stone Exchange Shop (11/7/2018~12/5/2018)
8 UIItem*BurningZeroElzeAxe.png *Burning Zero Elze Axe
SwordPartizanDouble Saber Partnya's Hunting Stone Exchange Shop (11/7/2018~12/5/2018)
7 UIItem*RodHayate.png *Rod (Hayate)
RodDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic (2/6/2019~3/6/2019)
13 UIItem*TrunkHunt.png *Trunk Hunt
Twin MachinegunsDouble SaberDual Blades Descente Draal (Lv. 91+)
Ultra Exploration: Forest
Ultra Exploration: Tundra
Ultra Exploration: Ruins
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
10 UIItem*HarrietSword.png *Harriet Sword
SwordDouble SaberWand SG Scratch: Astral Guardian (6/19/2019~12/11/2019)
SG Scratch: Roots of Darkness (8/11/2020~1/20/2021)
This item is Account Bound
10 UIItem*LaconiumSword.png *Laconium Sword
SwordDouble SaberWand SG Scratch: Astral Guardian (6/19/2019~12/11/2019)
SG Scratch: Roots of Darkness (8/11/2020~1/20/2021)
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItem*CavalierTagliente.png *Cavalier Tagliente
PartizanDouble SaberRod Special Training: Episode 5
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
13 UIItem*SorcererMors.png *Sorcerer Morts
RodDouble SaberWand Special Training: Episode 5
Corruption Course Trial: Excluder
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
8 UIItem*CarolHowaisha.png *Carol Howaisha
Double SaberRodWand Christmas Bingo 2019 Reward (12/18/2019~1/8/2020)
Christmas Bingo 2020 Reward (12/23/2020~1/26/2021)
8 UIItem*AileStarlight.png *Aile Starlight
Double SaberDual BladesWand Road To Etoile Twitter Campaign Reward (12/25/2019~1/25/2020)
Limited Arks Quest (11/11/2020~11/25/2020)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*ChampionsBladesLahar.png *Champion's Blades Lahar
Dual BladesDouble SaberWand Space Magatsu Destroyers Panel Reward (2/26/2020~3/4/2020)
8 UIItem*SakuraBladePurukuraisu.png *Sakura Blade Purukuraisu
WandDouble SaberDual Blades Space Magatsu Destroyers Panel Reward (2/26/2020~3/4/2020)
7 UIItem*AmamiyaKunisada.png *Amamiya Kunisada
KatanaDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue
7 UIItem*XM8Doom.png *XM-8 Doom
*XM-8 ドゥーム
SwordTwin DaggersDouble Saber AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side A (6/10/2020~7/8/2020)
7 UIItem*RainbowSword.png *Rainbow Sword
SwordDouble SaberKatana AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B (6/24/2020~7/21/2020)
10 UIItem*HeavenEnderRitavrata.png *Heaven Ender Ritavrata
SwordDouble SaberKatana SG Scratch: Roots of Darkness Scratch Bonus (8/11/2020~1/20/2021)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*GridmanCalibur.png *Gridman Calibur
SwordDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Wake Up Gridman (10/14/2020~11/11/2020)
7 UIItem*MiyabiBlackSword.png *Miyabi Black Sword
SwordDouble SaberKatana AC Scratch: Senran Shinobi Dance (11/11/2020~12/9/2020)
7 UIItem*BlueDragonCrescentBlade.png *Blue Dragon Crescent Blade
PartizanDouble SaberRod AC Scratch: Rising Dragon (1/6/2021~2/10/2021)
7 UIItem*MagnoliaEclair2.png *Magnolia Eclair 2
KatanaSwordDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Versus Guilty Gear (8/26/2015~9/24/2015)
7 UIItem*AquaPlanet.png *Aqua Planet
Double SaberPartizanRodWand AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side B] (5/11/2016~6/8/2016)
AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
7 UIItem*Type3SpearType3Blade.png *Type-3 Spear/Type-3 Blade
PartizanSwordDouble SaberRod AC Scratch: Automata Replica (3/10/2017~4/5/2017)
AC Scratch: Automata Revival (4/15/2020~5/13/2020)
7 UIItem*RagingBeat.png *Raging Beat
Twin DaggersPartizanDouble SaberDual Blades AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side B] (5/10/2017~6/7/2017)
7 UIItem*ElyAccordi.png *Ely Accordi
RodSwordPartizanDouble Saber AC Scratch: Eccentric Girls (6/21/2017~7/26/2017)
AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble (11/24/2020~12/23/2020)
9 UIItem*WhiteDisaster.png *White Disaster
RodSwordPartizanDouble Saber Monthly Shonen Ace September issue item code
8 ElderPainIcon.png *Elder Pain
SwordPartizanDouble SaberWand Omnibus Quest EP2-6
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*SophieStaff.png *Sophie Staff
RodPartizanDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Alchemist Replica (10/25/2017~11/22/2017)
7 UIItem*EschaStaff.png *Escha Staff
RodPartizanDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Alchemist Replica (10/25/2017~11/22/2017)
8 UIItem*FirstApproach.png *First Approach
Double SaberSwordKatanaWand Enga (White Day) Client Order Reward (3/7/2018~4/4/2018)
Note: Must Clear Och (Valentines)'s Client Order: "The Key Event to Success is…?"
between (2/7/2018~3/7/2018) to make this Client Order appear.

Treasure Shop
8 UIItem*BurningZeroElzeSpada.png *Burning Zero Elze Spada
KatanaSwordDouble SaberWand Partnya's Hunting Stone Exchange Shop (11/7/2018~12/5/2018)
8 UIItem*VitaTBlade.png *Fighter's Order
Twin DaggersDouble SaberKnucklesGunslash Weapons Badge 2019 Exchange Shop (1/1/2019~1/8/2020)
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 1 (1/8/2020~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*RHEstrea.png *RH Estrea
RodPartizanDouble SaberWand AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic (2/6/2019~3/6/2019)
7 UIItem*SpearofLonginus.png *Spear of Longinus
PartizanSwordDouble SaberRod AC Scratch: Evangelion Scratch (11/20/2019~12/18/2019)
8 UIItem*VitaDSaber.png *Etoile's Order
Double SaberDual BladesGunslashWand Weapons Badge 2019 Exchange Shop (12/18/2019~1/8/2020)
Weapons Badge SP Exchange Shop 1 (1/8/2020~Current Date)
This item is Account Bound
9 UIItem*StarsForge.png *Stars Forge
PartizanDouble SaberAssault RifleRod V Jump February 2020 issue item code (12/21/2019~12/31/2020)
7 UIItem*SeijuroKamiyamaSword.png *Seijuro Kamiyama Sword
Dual BladesDouble SaberKatanaWand AC Scratch: A Storm of Romance! Imperial Combat Revue
8 UIItem*AsunasRapier.png *Asuna's Rapier
Double SaberSwordKatanaWand Kirito's CO Reward (12/16/2020~1/6/2021)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*SevenLillipans.png *Seven Lillipans
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
ARKS Unity Festival 2014 Event Reward (3/12/2014~4/2/2014)
ARKS Unity Festival II 2015 FUN Shop (1/14/2015~2/25/2015)
7 UIItem*HUnewearl.png *HUnewearl
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
ARKS Festa 2014 (2nd Anniversary) Event Reward (7/23/2014~7/22/2015)
ARKS Unity Festival II 2015 FUN Shop (1/14/2015~2/25/2015)
7 UIItem*FOnewearl.png *FOnewearl
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
ARKS Festa 2014 (2nd Anniversary) Event Reward (7/23/2014~7/22/2015)
ARKS Unity Festival II 2015 FUN Shop (1/14/2015~2/25/2015)
7 UIItem*SingerMic.png *Singer Mic
Double SaberWand
PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 Character Song CD ~ Song Festival ~
Item code (8/27/2014~8/31/2016)
7 UIItem*SeraphyPillow.png *Seraphy Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Seraphy's Exchange Shop (3/25/2015~4/22/2015)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*GenePillow.png *Gene Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Gene's Exchange Shop (ES 2nd Anniversary) (3/23/2016~6/8/2016)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*EnkanNoSou.png *Enkan-no-Sou
PartizanSwordDouble Saber
AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 [Side A] (4/6/2016~5/11/2016)
AC Scratch: Winners Design 4 [Side A] (4/5/2017~5/10/2017)
7 UIItem*SorceryKingExcalibur.png *Sorcery King Excalibur
KatanaSwordDouble Saber
AC Scratch: Million Arthur Collection (10/19/2016~11/24/2016)
8 UIItem*AnnettePillow.png *Annette Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Annette's Exchange Shop (11/24/2016~1/11/2017)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*VirtuousContractBeastlord.png *Virtuous Contract/Beastlord
Double SaberWand
AC Scratch: Automata Replica (3/10/2017~4/5/2017)
AC Scratch: Automata Revival (4/15/2020~5/13/2020)
7 UIItem*QuinaSpica.png *Quina Spica
Double SaberWand
AC Scratch: Eccentric Girls (6/21/2017~7/26/2017)
AC Scratch: Melodic Ensemble (11/24/2020~12/23/2020)
8 UIItem*YamigarasuPillow.png *Yamigarasu Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Yamigarasu's Exchange Shop (9/6/2017~10/25/2017)
This item is Account Bound
10 UIItem*ThorsHammer.png *Thor's Hammer
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope (12/13/2017~6/13/18)
SG Scratch: Advent of Mother (10/17/2018~12/12/2018)
SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory (10/23/2019~12/11/2019)
SG Scratch: Earth Memory (10/7/2020~1/20/2021)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*MasterSword.png *Master Sword
SwordDouble SaberKatana
Title Reward
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*HopeNekosword.png *Hope Nekosword
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
AC Scratch: Bravery Hunter (11/7/2018~12/5/2018)
7 UIItem*Desperate.png *Desperate
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
AC Scratch: Familia Historia (1/9/2019~2/6/2019)
13 UIItem*CamladioAmok.png *Camladio Amok
GunslashSwordDouble Saber
Quest Trigger: Specter of Tragedy (XH+)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
7 UIItem*BDHornet.png *BD Hornet
Double SaberWand
AC Scratch: Lyrical Magic (2/6/2019~3/6/2019)
8 UIItem*Akht arPillow.png *Akhtar Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Akhtar's Exchange Shop (ES 5th Anniversary) (3/20/2019~5/15/2019)
8 UIItem*LeinPillow.png *Lein Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Akhtar's Exchange Shop (ES 5th Anniversary) (3/20/2019~5/15/2019)
8 UIItem*SummerGenePillow.png *Summer Gene Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Gene (Summer 2019)'s Exchange Shop (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
8 UIItem*SummerAnnettePillow.png *Summer Annette Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Gene (Summer 2019)'s Exchange Shop (8/7/2019~9/4/2019)
8 RuinMirageIcon.png *Nornir Retage
SwordDouble SaberAssault Rifle
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 RuinLoweIcon.png *Lazwar Retage
SwordDouble SaberAssault Rifle
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*ImperialCrimson.png *Imperial Crimson
Dual BladesSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberWand
AC Scratch: IDOLA First Anniversary (11/6/2019~12/4/2019)
AC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary (12/2/2020~1/13/2021)
7 UIItem*ImperialCrimson2.png *Imperial Crimson 2
Dual BladesSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberWand
AC Scratch: IDOLA Chaos Creed (1/22/2020~2/19/2020)
AC Scratch: Idola Second Anniversary (12/2/2020~1/13/2021)
8 UIItem*KhorshidPillow.png *Khorshid Pillow
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
Khorshid's Exchange Shop (ES 6th Anniversary) (3/25/2020~5/20/2020)
7 UIItem*NeiSwordRF.png *Nei Sword RF
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
AC Scratch: Phantasy Star Legend (12/20/2017~1/24/2018)
8 UIItem*TougenYuusen.png *Tougen Yuusen
KatanaSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberDual BladesRod
Kyokuya (White Day) CO Reward (3/4/2020~3/25/2020)
13 SeigaSwordIcon.png *Oracle Squadron Seigas
SwordWired LancePartizan
Double SaberLauncherBullet Bow
Divide Quest
8 UIItem*KiritosTwinSwords.png *Kirito's Twin Swords
Dual BladesSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberKatanaWand
Kirito's CO Reward (12/16/2020~1/6/2021)
This item is Account Bound
7 UIItem*Type3FistsType3Sword.png *Type-3 Fists/Type-3 Sword
KnucklesSwordTwin DaggersDouble Saber
KatanaDual BladesWand
AC Scratch: Automata Replica (3/10/2017~4/5/2017)
AC Scratch: Automata Revival (4/15/2020~5/13/2020)
8 UIItem*WovalEdge.png *Woval Edge
Double SaberPartizanTwin DaggersDual Blades
LauncherTwin MachinegunsRod
Xie (Easter 2020) CO Reward (4/8/2020~4/22/2020)
7 UIItem*BixuSanjikou.png *Bixu Sanjikou
KatanaSwordTwin DaggersDouble Saber
Dual BladesRodWand
AC Scratch: Integrate Luster (9/16/2020~10/14/2020)
7 UIItem*IllustriousBlade.png *Illustrious Blade
KatanaSwordTwin DaggersDouble Saber
Dual BladesRodWand
AC Scratch: Integrate Luster (9/16/2020~10/14/2020)
10 UIItem*CalamityStaffRequiem.png *Calamity Staff Requiem
Dual BladesSwordPartizan
Twin DaggersDouble SaberKatana
SG Scratch: Bright Dark Heroine (12/14/16~6/14/2017)
SG Recycle Shop (12/14/2016~6/14/2017)
SG Scratch: Darkness Conviction (11/1/17~12/13/2017)
SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory (10/23/2019~12/11/2019)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*MiracleMagic.png *Miracle Magic
Double SaberKatanaRod
WandJet Boots
Xiera (Halloween) CO Reward (10/10/2018~11/7/2018)
8 UIItem*FelicateEdel.png *Felicate Edel
TaktSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberKatanaDual Blades
Aru (Christmas) CO Reward (12/5/2018~1/9/2019)
7 UIItem*ImperialArmyStdEquipment.png *Imperial Army Std. Equipment
KatanaSwordTwin Daggers
Double SaberDual BladesAssault Rifle
Twin MachinegunsWand
AC Scratch: Alternative Selection (6/12/2019~7/10/2019)
7 UIItem*AlteredDivide.png *Altered Divide
Double SaberSwordPartizan
Twin DaggersKatanaDual Blades
AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B (6/26/2019~7/24/2019)
AC Scratch: Winners Design 7 Side B (6/24/2020~7/21/2020)
7 UIItem*HvareKhshaeta.png *Hvare-khshaeta
Dual BladesPartizanTwin Daggers
Double SaberTwin MachinegunsBullet Bow
AC Scratch: Earnest Desire (3/25/2020~4/22/2020)
13 BitterSongIcon.png *Concert Master
GunslashSwordDouble Saber
KatanaDual BladesLauncher
Divide Quest
8 UIItem*GunbladeLance.png *Gunblade Lance
SwordPartizanTwin Daggers
Double SaberDual BladesGunslash
Assault RifleRodWand
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Replica (6/17/2017~7/5/2017)
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
10 UIItem*Laevateinn.png *Laevateinn
Dual BladesSwordWired Lance
PartizanTwin DaggersDouble Saber
SG Scratch: Aether Mother Hope (12/13/2017~6/13/18)
SG Scratch: Advent of Mother (10/17/2018~12/12/2018)
SG Scratch: Dark Bright Memory (10/23/2019~12/11/2019)
SG Scratch: Earth Memory (10/7/2020~1/20/2021)
This item is Account Bound
13 DalzSoleidIcon.png *Dalz Legein
SwordPartizanDouble Saber
GunslashAssault RifleBullet Bow
TalisWandJet Boots
Incarnation of Knowledge (H+)
Rebirth of Desire (XH+)
Campaign Quest Event
8 RossoWelkerIcon.png *Crimson Macht
Wired LancePartizanTwin Daggers
Double SaberKnucklesGunslash
LauncherBullet BowTalis
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 TideValgerIcon.png *Coffin Macht
Wired LancePartizanTwin Daggers
Double SaberKnucklesGunslash
LauncherBullet BowTalis
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItem*CoatEdge.png *Coat Weapon
SwordDouble SaberKatana
Dual BladesAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
Zieg (Weapon Camo Exchange)
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*ReppleLaMer.png *Repple La Mer
PartizanWired LanceDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowTalisWand
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 UIItem*SolisLaMer.png *Solis La Mer
PartizanWired LanceDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaAssault RifleTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowTalisWand
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItemLandedorOrb.png *Caliente Orb Megis
PartizanDouble SaberKatanaGunslash
Assault RifleTwin MachinegunsRod
WandJet BootsTakt
Limited Time Arks Mission Reward (11/20/2019~12/18/2019)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
This item is Account Bound
13 UIItemLandedorDusk.png *Iltheon Dusk Megis
PartizanDouble SaberKatanaGunslash
Assault RifleTwin MachinegunsRod
WandJet BootsTakt
The Sixth Angel (UH) (11/20/2019~2/5/2020)
Title Reward No longer Available
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
7 UIItem*MegaSlashEdge.png *Mega Slash Edge
GunslashSwordPartizanTwin Daggers
Double SaberKnucklesKatanaDual Blades
Assault RifleBullet BowWand
AC Scratch: Frame Arms Reload (8/29/2018~9/26/2018)
13 UIItem*EvilShioinaruyanpe.png *Evil Shioinaruyanpe
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Campaign Quest Event
The Cosmic Calamity (Limited Quest) (1/8/2020~2/5/2020)
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
13 KeenCyclerIcon.png *Wilk Sente
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
The Desert Nightmare
Special Mission: Tokyo[Rainbow]
8 BioGlionIcon.png *Bio Celluar
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 LiveGlionIcon.png *Live Celluar
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 MomijihimeIcon.png *Akikaze Ichiyo
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Drag Rappy (Lv. 1+)
This item is Account Bound
13 DainsleifOrbitIcon.png *Randle Orbit
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Base Defense Training: VR (UH)
13 UIItemDainsleifMirage.png *Randle Mirage
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Base Defense Training: VR (UH)
13 UIItemDainsleifNova.png *Randle Nova
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Base Defense Training: VR (UH)
13 InvadeCaliburIcon.png *Invade Destroy
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
13 AustereCaliburIcon.png *Austere Lightness
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
8 UIItem*ReiganRearm.png *Reigan Rearm
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet Boots
Arks Autumn Function 2020 Web Panel Reward (10/28/2020~11/18/2020)
9 UIItem*StealthWeapon.png *Stealth Weapon
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
PSO2 Fashion Catalog 2017-2018 Item Code (12/28/2018~12/31/2020)
13 UIItemNemesisCalibur-NT.png *Nemesis Celica
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Trick or Treat 2020! (10/28/2020~11/25/2020)
Merry Christmas on Ice 2020 (12/23/2020~1/26/2021)
13 UIItemSlaveCalibur-NT.png *Slave Celica
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Trick or Treat 2020! (10/28/2020~11/25/2020)
Merry Christmas on Ice 2020 (12/23/2020~1/26/2021)
13 ZeinesisCaliburIcon.png *Zenesis Angajima
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
13 QliphadCaliburIcon.png *Qliphad Ressentiment
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
13 UIItemProfoundDimenxion.png *Profound Sinixion
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
13 UIItemCelestialDimenxion.png *Celestial Pleaxion
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
13 UIItemLightstreamDimenxion.png *Lightstream Creaxion
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Ultimate Quest: The Space-Time Rift
13 AresSwordIcon.png *Ares Krieger
SwordWired LancePartizanTwin DaggersDouble SaberKnuckles
KatanaDual BladesGunslashAssault RifleLauncherTwin Machineguns
Bullet BowRodTalisWandJet BootsTakt
Merry Christmas on Ice 2020 (12/23/2020~1/27/2021)