Twin Machine Gun Camos (NGS): Difference between revisions

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{{WpnCamo|9|NGSUIItem*Lumigarack.png|*Lumigarack|*リュミガラク<br>''<small>{{icons|NGS Field Race}}Usable in Base PSO2</small>''|{{icons|NGS Twin Machineguns}}|NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)<br>NGS Special Scratch (6/7/2023~TBA)<br>'''This item is Account Bound'''}}
{{WpnCamo|9|NGSUIItem*Lumigarack.png|*Lumigarack|*リュミガラク<br>''<small>{{icons|NGS Field Race}}Usable in Base PSO2</small>''|{{icons|NGS Twin Machineguns}}|NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)<br>NGS Special Scratch (6/7/2023~TBA)<br>'''This item is Account Bound'''}}

{{WpnCamo|8|NGSUIItem*GuldMilla.png|*Guld Milla|*ガルド・ミラ<br>''<small>{{icons|NGS Field Race}}Usable in Base PSO2</small>''|{{icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}|{{#simple-tooltip: Giga Strugment Exchange Shop|Giga Strugment x500}}}}
{{WpnCamo|8|NGSUIItem*GuldMilla.png|*Guld Milla|*ガルド・ミラ<br>''<small>{{icons|NGS Field Race}}Usable in Base PSO2</small>''|{{icons|NGS Twin Machine Guns}}|{{#simple-tooltip: Gigas Stragment Exchange Shop|Gigas Stragment x500}}}}

Revision as of 23:22, 20 July 2023

NGS Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS)Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS)Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS)Partizan Camos Twin Daggers (NGS)Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS)Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS)Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS)Katana Camos Dual Blades (NGS)Dual Blade Camos
Assault Rifle (NGS)Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS)Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Machine Gun Camos Bullet Bow (NGS)Bullet Bow Camos Gunslash (NGS)Gunslash Camos
Rod (NGS)Rod Camos Talis (NGS)Talis Camos Wand (NGS)Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS)Jet Boot Camos Takt (NGS)Takt Camos

Twin Machine Gun Camos

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
7 File:NGSUIItem*CheitTheCancer.png *Cheit the Cancer
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
7 File:NGSUIItem*Electifinis.png *Electifinis
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: New Years Memories (12/28/2022~1/10/2023)
9 File:NGSUIItem*ArbBoa.png *Arb Boa
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch Bonus: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: New Year! Mag & Weapon Camo Memory
7 File:NGSUIItem*SpectralDanceAurora.png *Spectral Dance Aurora
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories (1/25/2023~2/7/2023)
7 File:NGSUIItem*FeatherlyLewis.png *Featherly Lewis
Color Variant (NGS) Color Matches [In] / Outfit
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
8 File:NGSUIItem*KlothovM238.png *Klothov M238
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) PSO2: Story Quest Clear Campaign (7/21/2021~8/4/2021)
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay (7/20/2022~8/31/2022)
This item is Account Bound
7 File:NGSUIItem*TensionBlaster.png *Tension Blaster
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Mag & Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
7 File:NGSUIItem*OrthrusMk2.png *Orthrus Mk.2
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Mag & Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
9 File:NGSUIItem*ReedButterfly.png *Reed Butterfly
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (6/8/2022~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
10 File:NGSUIItem*FrereaMachineguns.png *Fleiri Machine Guns
Twin Machineguns (NGS) Previous Scratches
NGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 10 (1/18/2023~2/15/2023)
NGS SG Scratch: Halpha Revival Jul'23 (7/5/2023~7/11/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemRelicObsidian.png *Relic Obsidian
Twin Machineguns (NGS) Autumn '22 Special Scratch (11/2/2022~12/6/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (1/25/2023~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemRelicObsidian.png *Relic Obsidian CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Twin Machineguns (NGS) Xiemmy's Seasonal Item Exchange Shop (11/2/2022~12/13/2022)
This item is Account Bound
9 File:NGSUIItem*Lumigarack.png *Lumigarack
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
NGS Special Scratch (6/7/2023~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 File:NGSUIItem*GuldMilla.png *Guld Milla
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS) Gigas Stragment Exchange Shop

Multi-Type Camos

IconNameSupported TypesDrop Info
7 NGSUIItem*VenomReactor.png *Venom Reactor
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Knuckles (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
7 NGSUIItem*MuseBreath.png *Muse Breath
Color Variant (NGS) Color Matches [In] / Outfit
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
7 File:NGSUIItem*EM9Luxation.png *EM-9 Luxation
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*GravilCrootz.png *Gravil Crootz
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Wand (NGS) NGS Special Scratch (10/13/2021~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
7 File:NGSUIItem*MatriarchsMachinegun.png *Matriarch's Machine Gun
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Mag & Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*CurioPhantomBullet.png *Clio Phantom Bullet
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
This item is Account Bound
7 NGSUIItem*JumboTwin.png *Jumbo Twin
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Knuckles (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
7 NGSUIItem*DesperadoCase.png *Desperado Case
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Launcher (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories (11/30/2022~12/13/2022)
7 NGSUIItem*PlasmaHand.png *Plasma Hand
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Wired Lance (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) Previous Scratches
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful (5/10/2023~6/14/2023)
NGS Special AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]
7 NGSUIItem*DemonicGunbladesAmphisbaena.png *Twin Gunblades Amphisbaena
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Mag & Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
8 NGSUIItem*SophistisObs.png *Sophistis Obs
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Katana (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS) Wauron Geo (2/22/2023~4/4/2023)
Pre-announced Emergency Quests Campaign (3/29/2023~4/4/2023)
Special Exercise: Green Hill Sprint (Rank 2) (6/21/2023~7/5/2023)
7 NGSUIItem*SeburoM5.png *Seburo M-5
*セブロ M-5
Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: Ghost In The Shell SAC_2045 Style (6/28/2023~7/25/2023)
7 NGSUIItem*MotokoKusanagisHandgun.png *Motoko Kusanagi's Handgun
Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: Ghost In The Shell SAC_2045 Style (6/28/2023~7/25/2023)
7 File:NGSUIItem*BlitzHorizon.png *Blitz Horizon
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories (12/14/2022~12/27/2022)
7 NGSUIItem*TrimmindRyvit.png *Trimmind Ryvit
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
7 File:NGSUIItem*JuveCaddle.png *Juve Caddle
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Bullet Bow (NGS)Katana (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Wand (NGS) NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary! Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories (1/25/2023~2/7/2023)
8 File:NGSUIItem*RoseOrnament.png *Rose Ornament
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Assault Rifle (NGS)Sword (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Wand (NGS)Takt (NGS)
PSO2: Story Quest Clear Campaign (7/21/2021~8/4/2021)
PSO2 10th Anniversary: PSO2 Replay (7/20/2022~8/31/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemCatoriaSword.png *Catoria Armati
Sword (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Wand (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Subdue the Overseer-type DOLL (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemQuintelSword.png *Quintel Armati
Sword (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Talis (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Snidael Vera Subjugation (Rank 2)
Lenus Vera Subjugation (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemCatoriaSword.png *Catoria Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Wand (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Mt. Magnus (Rank 5)
8 NGSUIItemFrostelWire.png *Frostel Armati
Wired Lance (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Rod (NGS)
Wand (NGS)
1st Anniversary Seasonal Point Exchange Shop
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemFrostelWire.png *Frostel Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Wired Lance (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Rod (NGS)
Wand (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (8/3/2022~10/5/2022)
This item is Account Bound
7 File:NGSUIItem*HvareKhshaeta.png *Hvare-khshaeta
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Dual Blades (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)
Double Saber (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Wand (NGS)
NGS AC Scratch: New Year! Mag & Weapon Camo Memory
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23 (5/1/2023~5/10/2023)
8 NGSUIItemTerseusSword.png *Terseus Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (6/8/2022~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*AuraArmati.png *Aura Armati
Wired Lance (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Wand (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemGreisenSword.png *Greisen Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)
Knuckles (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)
1st Anniversary Seasonal Point Exchange Shop
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemGreisenSword.png *Greisen Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)
Knuckles (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (8/3/2022~10/5/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemTerseusSword.png *Terseus Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)
Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (1/25/2023~4/4/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 File:NGSUIItemFlammelSpear.png *Franmel Armati
Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)
1st Anniversary Seasonal Point Exchange Shop
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemObscuralSpear.png *Obscural Armati
Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Title Reward
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*CurioCoatWeaponD.png *Clio Coat Weapon D
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)
PSO2 10th SP Scratch (7/6/2022~11/1/2022)
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 File:NGSUIItemFlammelSpear.png *Franmel Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (10/5/2022~12/6/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*ShinonomeTayou.png *Shinonome Tayou
Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Katana (NGS)
Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Autumn '22 Special Scratch (11/2/2022~12/6/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemObscuralSpear.png *Obscural Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (12/7/2022~1/24/2023)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (1/25/2023~4/4/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*StelkArmati.png *Stelk Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)
Knuckles (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemStraggaSword.png *Stragga Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Aelio Devastators (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemEvoloverSword.png *Evolover Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (1/25/2023~4/4/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemStraggaSword.png *Stragga Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Simulation: Plateau Mop-Up Operation (2/8/2023~2/15/2023)
Pre-announced Emergency Quests Campaign (3/29/2023~4/4/2023)
Special Exercise: Green Hill Sprint (Rank 2) (6/21/2023~7/5/2023)
8 NGSUIItemEvolclisSword.png *Evoleclis Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*SerpentArmati.png *Serpent Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Dark Falz Interception Battle
8 NGSUIItem*YozakuraTayou.png *Yozakura Tayou
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemGretiggaSword.png *Gretigga Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Retem Devastators (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemEvolclisSword.png *Evoleclis Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Kvaris Expedition Ticket Exchange (6/8/2022~7/5/2022)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
NGS Special Scratch (6/7/2023~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemEvoloverSword.png *Evolover Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
Title Reward
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*FornisArmati.png *Fornis Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
PSO2 10th SP Scratch (7/6/2022~11/1/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemColdicSword.png *Coldic Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Reward
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemKoukloziatSword.png *Koukloziat Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Mining Rig Defense: Retem (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemPrimSwordLibra.png *Prim Armati Libra
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Stia Expedition Ticket Exchange (12/7/2022~1/24/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemKoukloziatSword.png *Koukloziat Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Neusen Plant
8 NGSUIItem*RayArmati.png *Ray Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*PhobosArmati.png *Phobos Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemRoxRagpheneSword.png *Rox Waffle Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
NGS Special Scratch (6/7/2023~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemGretiggaSword.png *Gretigga Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (4/5/2023~6/6/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemColdicSword.png *Coldic Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (4/5/2023~6/6/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*ShienTayou.png *Shien Tayou
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
13 NGSUIItem*InvadeDestroy.png *Invade Destroy
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23
13 NGSUIItem*AustereLightness.png *Austere Lightness
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23
9 NGSUIItem*StealthWeapon.png *Stealth Weapon
NGS Field RaceUsable in Base PSO2
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Previous Scratches
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Reminiscence Collection 3 (1/1/2023~1/10/2023)
NGS AC Scratch Bonus: Weapon Camo Collection May '23
8 NGSUIItem*GoldPrimArmati.png *Gold Prim Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Special Scratch (10/13/2021~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 File:NGSUIItem*SilverPrimArmati.png *Silver Prim Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Special Scratch (10/13/2021~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemEvolcoatSword.png *Evolcoat Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Mining Rig Defense: Aelio (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemPrimSword.png *Prim Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (6/8/2022~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 File:NGSUIItemSuviaSword.png *Tsuvia Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (6/8/2022~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemResurgeSword.png *Resurge Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS Special Scratch (6/8/2022~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*CeredinoArmati.png *Ceredino Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '22 Special Scratch (3/9/2022~4/5/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemCinquemSword.png *Cinquem Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Dark Falz Interception Battle (Rank 2) Trigger
8 NGSUIItem*EvledaArmati.png *Evleda Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
PSO2 10th SP Scratch (7/6/2022~11/1/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*SetsuhyouTayou.png *Setsuhyou Tayou
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
PSO2 10th SP Scratch (7/6/2022~11/1/2022)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemPrimSword.png *Prim Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (8/3/2022~10/5/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemKaiseramSword.png *Kaiseram Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Mining Rig Defense: Kvaris
8 NGSUIItemKaiseramSword.png *Kaiseram Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Mining Rig Defense: Kvaris
8 File:NGSUIItemSuviaSword.png *Tsuvia Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (10/5/2022~12/6/2022)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemSechstylSword.png *Sechstyl Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Kvaris Devastators (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemCrystiaSword.png *Crystia Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Reward
Slayer Ticket Exchange (4/5/2023~6/7/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemResurgeSword.png *Resurge Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (12/7/2022~1/24/2023)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (1/25/2023~4/4/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemKouklophisSword.png *Kouklophis Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Stia Exchange Shop
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemSeigayouSword.png *Seigayou Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Stia Devastators
8 NGSUIItemSeigainSword.png *Seigain Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Reward
Slayer Ticket Exchange (4/5/2023~6/7/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemKouklophisSword.png *Kouklophis Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Neusen Plant
8 NGSUIItemGunblazeSword.png *Gunblaze Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Neusen Plant
8 NGSUIItemNeosAstreonSword.png *Neos Astreon Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
The Battle of Halphiria Lake
8 NGSUIItemSechstylSword.png *Sechstyl Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Simulation: Old City Mop-Up Operation (2/15/2023~2/22/2023)
Pre-announced Emergency Quests Campaign (3/29/2023~4/4/2023)
Special Exercise: Green Hill Sprint (Rank 2) (6/21/2023~7/5/2023)
8 NGSUIItemObsidiaSword.png *Obsidia Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Geometric Labyrinth (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemNeosJustilonSword.png *Neos Justilon Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Geometric Labyrinth (Rank 2)
8 NGSUIItemTrunkleSword.png *Trunkle Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Reward
Slayer Ticket Exchange (4/5/2023~6/7/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*HomuraTayou.png *Homura Tayou
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*NovelArmati.png *Novel Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemRuggedSword.png *Rugged Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS Spring '23 Special Scratch (3/8/2023~4/11/2023)
NGS Special Scratch (6/7/2023~TBA)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemCrystiaSword.png *Crystia Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (4/5/2023~6/6/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemRevitaSword.png *Revita Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Reward
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*JutusArmati.png *Jutus Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*DimArmati.png *Dim Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
NGS 2nd SP Scratch (4/19/2023~6/13/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemCinquemSword.png *Cinquem Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (6/7/2023~8/1/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemSeigainSword.png *Seigain Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (6/7/2023~8/1/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemTrunkleSword.png *Trunkle Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange (6/7/2023~8/1/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemRenessaSword.png *Renessa Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
ARKS Record Badge Exchange
This item is Account Bound
13 NGSUIItem*NemesisCelica.png *Nemesis Celica
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
2 Big Campaigns to Support Beginners (6/7/2023~TBA)
13 NGSUIItem*SlaveCelica.png *Slave Celica
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Gunslash (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Bullet Bow (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
2 Big Campaigns to Support Beginners (6/7/2023~TBA)
8 NGSUIItemRevolcoatSword.png *Revolcoat Armati
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Title Reward
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*CurioZeinesisAngajima.png *Clio Zeinesis Angajima
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItem*CurioQliphadRessentiment.png *Clio Qliphad Ressentiment
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
PSO2 11th SP Scratch (7/5/2023~8/9/2023)
This item is Account Bound
8 NGSUIItemNeosJustilonSword.png *Neos Justilon Armati CV
Color Variant (NGS) Color Variant
Sword (NGS)Wired Lance (NGS)Partizan (NGS)Twin Daggers (NGS)Double Saber (NGS)Knuckles (NGS)
Katana (NGS)Dual Blades (NGS)Assault Rifle (NGS)Launcher (NGS)Twin Machineguns (NGS)Bullet Bow (NGS)
Gunslash (NGS)Rod (NGS)Talis (NGS)Wand (NGS)Jet Boots (NGS)Takt (NGS)
Remnants of Ambition
NGS Weapon CamoWeapon Camos | Multi-type Weapon Camos | Weapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS)Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS)Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS)Partizan Camos Twin Daggers (NGS)Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS)Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS)Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS)Katana Camos Dual Blades (NGS)Dual Blade Camos
Assault Rifle (NGS)Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS)Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS)Twin Machine Gun Camos Bullet Bow (NGS)Bullet Bow Camos Gunslash (NGS)Gunslash Camos
Rod (NGS)Rod Camos Talis (NGS)Talis Camos Wand (NGS)Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS)Jet Boot Camos Takt (NGS)Takt Camos