Complex Photon Arts (PSO2): Difference between revisions

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| [[File:UIComplexPAImperialCleaveIcon.png|64px]]
| [[File:UIIconImperialCleave.png|64px]]
| [[Complex Photon Arts|Imperial Cleave]]<br>インペリアルクリーヴ
| [[Complex Photon Arts|Imperial Cleave]]<br>インペリアルクリーヴ
| Power<br>Accuracy<br>Stock Cost<br>Status
| Power<br>Accuracy<br>Stock Cost<br>Status
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| [[File:UIComplexPATempestRaidIcon.png|64px]]
| [[File:UIIconTempestRaid.png|64px]]
| [[Complex Photon Arts|Tempest Raid]]<br>テンペストレイド
| [[Complex Photon Arts|Tempest Raid]]<br>テンペストレイド
| Power<br>Accuracy<br>Stock Cost<br>Status
| Power<br>Accuracy<br>Stock Cost<br>Status
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| [[File:UIComplexPAProminenceAssailIcon.png|64px]]
| [[File:UIIconProminenceAssail.png|64px]]
| [[Complex Photon Arts|Prominence Assail]]<br>プロミネンスアサイル
| [[Complex Photon Arts|Prominence Assail]]<br>プロミネンスアサイル
| Power<br>Accuracy<br>Stock Cost<br>Status
| Power<br>Accuracy<br>Stock Cost<br>Status

Revision as of 02:23, 30 September 2020

Complex Photon Arts are an enhanced form of Photon Arts accessible to certain weapons.

Learning/Gauge Expansion

Learning Complex Photon Arts

Complex Photon Arts can be learned by clearing the Koffie CO "Complex PA Permit Test". Upon completion of the CO, all currently implemented Complex PAs will be automatically learned. All Complex PAs added in future updates will also be learned automatically after the update.

Complex PA Gauge

The Complex PA Gauge starts at a maximum of 3 Stock. The upper limit of the Gauge can be increased by completing certain COs from Koffie.

  • "Complex PA Expansion Test I": Earn the Title "昏き闇を見つめし者" (Clear The Endless Darkness on Ultra Hard difficulty).
  • "Complex PA Expansion Test II": Earn the Title "闇の痕跡を拭う者" (Clear Training: Traces of Darkness on Ultra Hard difficulty).


Complex Photon Arts

Imperial Cleave

Icon Name Stat +1 Charge Obtain List Description
UIIconImperialCleave.png Imperial Cleave
Stock Cost
N/A Koffie (Client Order) Sword Complex PA. Condense Photons into a slash that generates a huge shockwave.
  • Complex Photon Art for Swords. Only usable with a Hunter Main Class.
  • Sunder foes with a mighty slash. Unleashes a shockwave that travels forward, destroying anything in its path.
    • Deals four hits with 12.5% Power notation each, followed by a singular shockwave hit for 50% Power notation.
    • Has a long Guard Point on activation. Triggers Guard-related Skills.
    • Unaffected by Sword Gear. Connecting with Imperial Cleave raises Sword Gear, however.

Tempest Raid

Icon Name Stat +1 Charge Obtain List Description
UIIconTempestRaid.png Tempest Raid
Stock Cost
N/A Koffie (Client Order) Jet Boots Complex PA. Unleash a series of shockwaves around you. Shift Action: Rush in and kick the target.
  • Complex Photon Art for Jet Boots. Only usable with a Bouncer Main Class.
  • Call down a bolt of lightning, then kick three times, releasing a bladed shockwave with each hit.
    • Normal: Finish with a larger, more powerful shockwave that strikes through enemies.
    • Branched Action: Pressing Weapon Action right before the final hit triggers the Branched Action variation. Fly towards your target and deliver an immensely powerful uppercut kick.
      • Lightning bolt deals 10% Power, followed by three shockwaves with 18% Power each. Both Normal and Branched variations deal one final hit with 36% Power.
      • Lightning bolt inflicts Stun on nearby enemies.
      • Branched Action kick launches targets.

Prominence Assail

Icon Name Stat +1 Charge Obtain List Description
UIIconProminenceAssail.png Prominence Assail
Stock Cost
N/A Koffie (Client Order) Launcher Complex PA. Bombard one location with concentrated fire, then launch a powerful grenade.
  • Complex Photon Art for Launcher. Only usable with a Ranger Main Class.
  • Launch high into the air, then unload a stream of precise shots onto a single target. Finish with a massively powerful explosion that decimates all nearby foes.
    • Deals 1% Power to nearby enemies during the jump. Each shot deals 5% Power x 14 shots. Final hit deals 29% Power.
    • Has a Guard Point during the jump. Grants Super Armor while firing.
    • Bullets hit locked-on targets directly. Bullets can still be blocked by environmental obstructions, however.
    • Each bullet has a very small area of effect on impact.