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===All ATK Up===
===All ATK Up===
Raises the Strike-Attack, Ranged-Attack and Tech-Attack of your Dark Blast transformation.
Raises the {{Icons|S-ATK}}S-ATK, {{icons|R-ATK}}R-ATK and {{icons|T-ATK}}T-ATK of your Dark Blast transformation.


Revision as of 23:25, 16 April 2018

Dark Blast is a Skill that allows the player to unleash dark power and assume a Darker-like form, granting them exceeding combat prowess and insurmountable power.



In a moment of grave crisis, Schlegger has possessed Melphonsina with the power of Ephemera and struck down both Gettemhart and the player. When Schlegger moves in for the killing blow against the player, Gettemhart suddenly steps in and takes the hit, absorbing a critical wound from Melphonsina's Twin Daggers. Despite his grave injury, Gettemhart refuses to go down easily, and decides to use what is left of his power and transfer it to the player. Upon doing so, the player absorbs the record of Gettemhart from the Oracle universe, who recounts his past with the player before bestowing to them the power of Dark Falz [Elder]. Using their newfound strength, the player unleashes a power that transforms them into a Darker-like humanoid being, and proceeds to engage Schlegger in combat with the support of Gettemhart and Melphonsina. Schlegger, despite his overwhelming strength in his Omega Hunar form, is quickly defeated by the player's Dark Blast, and dissipates from Melphonsina's body.


After resorting to an Ephimera Flower to shatter the Evil Red Dragon's protection, Luther's mind starts being corroded by the Ephimera's aftereffects. At first it seemed like simple exaustion from employing so much strenght in the deed, but one night Loser takes over and kidnaps Harriet, flying away on his new dark wings. After tracking down Loser to a hidden cave shown to the player via memories of Luther's past, it is revealed that Loser was attempting to use Harriet as a vessel to revive Shion. After being found, Loser becomes angry at the sight of the player, as ARKS foils his plans for a second time. Here, Loser remembers his identity fully and takes on the form of Omega Angel to deal with the player once and for all. The fight rages on as Loser summons Avian Darkers to fight for him. As the player clashes with one of Loser's minions, Harriet resolves herself to vanquish Loser as an enemy of her kingdom. One last shred of Luther's past self surfaces to accept the killing blow. Now dying on the arms of Harriet, Luther pleads the player to protect his beloved sister and grants them the power of Dark Blast Loser.

Unlocking Dark Blast

Each Dark Blast form can be unlocked in one of two ways:


  • Defeat any Omega Hunar (Lv. 70+)
  • Clear EPISODE 5 Chapter 2 Part 3 "The Rebellion to Elder"


  • Clear the Emergency Quest "Incarnation of Knowledge" on Super Hard difficulty or higher
  • Clear "EPISODE 5" Chapter 3 "Researching Another World"

Once Dark Blast is unlocked, it become available to all characters on the given account. Dark Blast Exp is shared between characters of the same account, but acquired skills will be specific to the character.


Once unlocked, Dark Blast can be installed to the subpalette.

Dark Blast has a default duration of 60 seconds and can only be used once per Quest. If your HP drops to 0 while in Dark Blast, you will be forced out of the transformation prematurely.

Dark Blast Gauge

To activate Dark Blast, the player must charge the Dark Blast Gauge by inflicting damage and defeating enemies, in similar vein to a Photon Blast or Compound Technique. This Gauge has properties different that of either.

  • Dark Blast Gauge can only charge a maximum of 5% every 2.5s.
  • Damage required to hit 5% varies by difficulty. For example, Normal difficulty requires 3000 damage to charge 5% of the gauge, while Super Hard difficulty requires roughly 95,000 damage.
  • Damage inflicted against bosses fills the Dark Blast Gauge slower (1/6th speed for mini-bosses, 1/12th speed for large bosses).
  • Dark Blast Gauge fill rate is dependent on the elapsed time in a Quest.
    • Quest Start ~ 2:30 = 1/8x Gauge Fill
    • 8:00+ = 3x Gauge Fill
    • 10:00+ = 9x Gauge Fill
    • 12:00+ = 27x Gauge Fill

Dark Blast is charged once the icon lights up, and can be activated by selecting the icon from the subpalette, hovering the cursor over the icon of the desired Form, then pressing Confirm when the Dark Blast image appears. This will cause the player to invoke a transformation sequence preceded by a set Lobby Action, which will transform the player into the Dark Blast form. The default selected Dark Blast form will be memorized from the last time Dark Blast was activated.


  • Immunity to all forms of knockback and status effects. However, Guar Zigmorde's instant death attack will still trigger normally and kill you if you are affected by it prior to transformation.
  • Immunity to field gimmicks, such as tornadoes.
  • While Dark Blasting, the player's voice is replaced with a voice unique to Dark Blast. This voice can be disabled in Options.
  • Unable to interact with certain field objects, such as turrets.
  • Dark Blast will be deactivated if the player changes Areas.

Dark Blast EXP

Once Dark Blast is learned, a portion of all EXP accumulated will be added to Dark Blast as "Dark Blast EXP". You can earn Dark Blast EXP even if you do not transform in a Quest. Dark Blast EXP is tallied at the end of a Quest; leaving prematurely will not add Dark Blast EXP to your total. Once earned, Dark Blast EXP can be spent to level up Dark Blast Skills.

Depending on the field, Dark Blast EXP is typically set to convert at a rate of 10% of the normal EXP earned (all decimal points are rounded down). However, certain enemies in certain fields can dispense a greater ratio of EXP, up to 30% of their EXP payout, as Dark Blast EXP.

Dark Blast EXP is earned on an account-wide basis, allowing all characters on the same account to receive Dark Blast EXP simultaneously. However, Dark Blast EXP can be distributed on a per-character basis, allowing you to freely determine Dark Blast growth for each individual character on the same account.


Elder Form

Photon Arts/Skills

Skill Explanation

Add Basic Attack Combo 1

Adds a 4th move to your Basic Attack Combo. An uppercut that launches you upward.


  • Defeat a total of 30 enemies while using Elder Dark Blast

Note: Skills that require a specific number of enemies defeated during Dark Blast will always keep track of progress throughout any number of quests where Dark Blast is activated. This means you are not forced to attain the total number of kills in a single Dark Blast activation. This also applies to skills that require multiple usage of other skills to unlock.

Add Basic Attack Combo 2

Adds a 5th move to your Basic Attack Combo. A vicious dunk downward that destroys whatever's on the point of impact.


  • Perform the 4th move of a Basic Attack Combo a total of 10 times.
  • Defeat a total 130 enemies during Elder Dark Blast.

Physical Dash

Activated skill that makes you run as thought you used a Speed Panel. You can turn and jump without interrupting the Dash. Attacking during the Dash will launch a strong lunging punch forward, prematurely ending the Dash.


  • Activate Elder Dark Blast transformation during a Buster Quest.

Punishment Short Charge

Reduces the charge time of the Dark Blast PA "Punishment Knuckle".


  • Defeat a total of 10 enemies by using a fully charged "Punishment Knuckle" PA

Ultimate Impact

An activated skill that briefly channels dark power and then releases it in a devastating blast that obliterates anything in a large cone in front of you. This skill can only be activated once per Dark Blast transformation.


  • Use the activated skill "Darkness Wall" once
  • Use the activated skill "Physical Dash" a total of 10 times
  • Defeat a total of 500 enemies during Elder Dark Blast

Darkness Wall

An activated skill that erects a temporary ethereal barrier that blocks enemy attacks and attracts enemies to itself. The barrier cannot be damaged and is only duration-based.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Note: The barrier attracts enemies not by "pulling them in" like the Tech Zondeel but instead by drawing their aggro similar to the Hunter skill "Warcry".

Bloody Heal

An activated skill that restores your HP and the HP of all allies within range. This skill has no animation and can be activated at any moment, even during combos.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)


Raises the maximum HP of your Dark Blast transformation


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)


Raises the maximum PP of your Dark Blast transformation.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

All ATK Up

Raises the S-ATKS-ATK, R-ATKR-ATK and T-ATKT-ATK of your Dark Blast transformation.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

All DEF Up

Raises the S-DEFS-DEF, R-DEFR-DEF and T-DEFT-DEF of your Dark Blast transformation.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

D Attack Advance

Increases the base damage of your Basic Attacks during Dark Blast.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Tyrant Strike Up

Increases the base damage of the Dark Blast PA "Tyrant Strike".


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Infinity Rush Up

Increases the base damage of the Dark Blast PA "Infinity Rush".


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Punishment Knuckle Up

Increases the base damage of the Dark Blast PA "Punishment Knuckle"


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

PP Save

Reduces the PP consumption of all your Dark Blast PA's.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Escalation Power

After activating Dark Blast transformation, gradually increases your damage dealt by all sources over time up to a cap. Also reduces your damage taken by all sources in the same way.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Violence Step

Deals contact damage to enemies while using Step during Dark Blast and adds a Just Attack Window to your step.


-(No other requirements besides spending Dark Blast EXP)

Note: Using Step during Dark Blast consumes PP.

Loser Form

Photon Arts/Skills

Skill Explanation