Equipment Grinding: Difference between revisions

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(Added Attribute Grinding)
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==Grinding Overview==

== Grinding Support Items ==
=== Grinding Support Items ===

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|FUN Scratch<br>Quest Drop
|FUN Scratch<br>Quest Drop<br>[[Challenge Mile Shop|CM Points Exchange]]<br>[[Excube Shop|Excube Exchange]]<br>[[Zieg Exchange]]<br>[[Casino|Casino Coins Exchange]]<br>[[Treasure Shop]]<br>[[Titles|Title Reward]]<br>[[Story Board]]
|An item used in the process of strengthening items such as units, weapons, candies and more.<br>For higher rarity items, more than one may be used.<br>Even if the grinding fails, the grinders will still be used.
|An item used in the process of strengthening items such as units, weapons, candies and more.<br>For higher rarity items, more than one may be used.<br>Even if the grinding fails, the grinders will still be used.
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==Old Type (OT) Weapon Grinding==
===Old Type (OT) Weapon Grinding===

==New Type (NT) Weapon Grinding==
===New Type (NT) Weapon Grinding===

==Unit Grinding==
===Unit Grinding===

==Attribute Grinding==
==Attribute Grinding Overview==
===Attribute Grinding Support Items===
{| class="wikitable"
! Rarity !! Icon !! Image !!Name !! Source !!Description
|FUN Scratch<br>Quest Drop<br>[[Challenge Mile Shop|CM Points Exchange]]<br>[[Excube Shop|Excube Exchange]]<br>[[Zieg Exchange]]<br>[[Casino|Casino Coins Exchange]]<br>[[Treasure Shop]]<br>[[Titles|Title Reward]]<br>[[Story Board]]
|Attribute Enhance +5%<br>属性強化+5%
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. <br> Increases weapon attribute by 5%.
|Attribute Enhance +10%<br>属性強化+10%
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. <br> Increases weapon attribute by 5%.<br>'''Can not be traded.'''
|Attribute Change (Fire)<br>属性変化(炎属性)
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Fire.
|Attribute Change (Ice)<br>属性変化(氷属性)
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Ice.
|Attribute Change (Lightning)<br>属性変化(雷属性)
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Lightning.
|Attribute Change (Wind)<br>属性変化(風属性)
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Wind.
|Attribute Change (Light)<br>属性変化(光属性)
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Light.
|Attribute Change (Dark)<br>属性変化(闇属性)
|AC Scratch
|Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Dark.

Revision as of 07:29, 24 December 2016

Grinding Overview

Grinding Support Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Source Description
6 GrinderMini.png Grinder.png Grinder
FUN Scratch
Quest Drop
CM Points Exchange
Excube Exchange
Zieg Exchange
Casino Coins Exchange
Treasure Shop
Title Reward
Story Board
An item used in the process of strengthening items such as units, weapons, candies and more.
For higher rarity items, more than one may be used.
Even if the grinding fails, the grinders will still be used.
7 LambdaGrinderMini.png LambdaGrinder.png Lambda Grinder
CM Points Exchange
Excube Exchange
Zieg Exchange
Casino Coins Exchange
Treasure Shop
Title Reward
Story Board
An item used in the process of strengthening items such as units, weapons, candies and more.
For higher rarity items, more than one may be used.
Even if the grinding fails, the grinders will still be used.
Typically used with 13* weapons and candies.
Cannot be traded or sold.
5 GrindRiskReduction1Mini.png GrindRiskReduction1.png Grind Risk Reduction +1
FUN Scratch
FUN Shop
Photon Exchange Shop
NetCafe Point Exchange
ARKS Bingo Card
ARKS Ship Competition
Reduces Grind Risk by 1.
Used with the 2nd support item slot
5 GrindRiskReduction2Mini.png GrindRiskReduction2.png Grind Risk Reduction +2
FUN Exchange
CM Points Exchange
NetCafe Point Exchange
NPC Presents
ARKS Bingo
Reduces Grind Risk by 2.
Used with the 2nd support item slot.
Cannot be traded.
7 GrindRiskReductionFullMini.png GrindRiskReductionFull.png Grind Risk Reduction (FULL)
AC Scratch Reduces Grind Risk to 0.
Used with the 2nd support item slot.
5 GrindSuccessRate5Mini.png GrindSuccessRate5.png Grind Success Rate +5%
FUN Scratch
NetCafe Point Exchange
ARKS Ship Competition
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 5%
Used with the 1st support item slot.
5 GrindSuccessRate10Mini.png GrindSuccessRate10.png Grind Success Rate +10%
FUN Exchange
NetCafe Point Exchange
NPC Present
ARKS Bingo Card
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 10%
Used with the 1st support item slot.
5 GrindSuccessRate20Mini.png GrindSuccessRate20.png Grind Success Rate +20%
Recycle Shop
NetCafe Point Exchange
Chip Exchange
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 20%
Used with the 1st support item slot.
5 GrindSuccessRate30Mini.png GrindSuccessRate30.png Grind Success Rate +30%
Excube Exchange
Casino Coins Exchange
NetCafe Point Exchange
NPC Present
ARKS Bingo Card
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 30% Used with the 1st support item slot.
Cannot be traded or sold.
5 GrindSuccessRate100Mini.png GrindSuccessRate100.png Grind Success Rate (100%)
Title Reward Boosts Grind Success Rate to 100%
Used with the 1st support item slot.
Cannot be traded.
5 GrindSkip5Mini.png GrindSkip5.png Grind Skip(→5)
Treasure Shop Instantly grinds item to +5.
Used with the 1st support item slot.
Cannot be traded or sold.
5 GrindSkip7Mini.png GrindSkip7.png Grind Skip(→7)
Recycle Shop Instantly grinds item to +7.
Used with the 1st support item slot.
Cannot be traded or sold.
5 GreatSuccessGrindRate20Mini.png GreatSuccessGrindRate20.png Great Success Grind Rate +20%
FUN Scratch
Title Rewards
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 10%.
Used with the 1st support item slot.
7 GreatSuccessGrindRate30Mini.png GreatSuccessGrindRate30.png Great Success Grind Rate +30%
Login Stamp
ARKS Bingo Card
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 10%.
Used with the 1st support item slot.
7 GreatSuccessGrindRate50Mini.png GreatSuccessGrindRate50.png Great Success Grind Rate +50%
NetCafe Point Exchange
Login Stamp
Boosts Grind Success Rate by 10%.
Used with the 1st support item slot.
7 GreatSuccessGrindRate100Mini.png GreatSuccessGrindRate100.png Great Success Grind Rate (100%)
AC Scratch Boosts Grind Success Rate by 10%.
Used with the 1st support item slot.

Old Type (OT) Weapon Grinding

New Type (NT) Weapon Grinding

Unit Grinding

Attribute Grinding Overview

Attribute Grinding Support Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Source Description
6 SynthesizerMini.png Synthesizer.png Synthesizer
FUN Scratch
Quest Drop
CM Points Exchange
Excube Exchange
Zieg Exchange
Casino Coins Exchange
Treasure Shop
Title Reward
Story Board
7 AttributeEnhance5Mini.png AttributeEnhance5.png Attribute Enhance +5%
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes.
Increases weapon attribute by 5%.
7 AttributeEnhance10Mini.png AttributeEnhance10.png Attribute Enhance +10%
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes.
Increases weapon attribute by 5%.
Can not be traded.
7 AttributeChangeFireMini.png AttributeChangeFire.png Attribute Change (Fire)
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Fire.
7 AttributeChangeIceMini.png AttributeChangeIce.png Attribute Change (Ice)
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Ice.
7 AttributeChangeLightningMini.png AttributeChangeLightning.png Attribute Change (Lightning)
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Lightning.
7 AttributeChangeWindMini.png AttributeChangeWind.png Attribute Change (Wind)
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Wind.
7 AttributeChangeLightMini.png AttributeChangeLight.png Attribute Change (Light)
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Light.
7 AttributeChangeDarkMini.png AttributeChangeDark.png Attribute Change (Dark)
AC Scratch Used when grinding attributes. Changes weapon attribute to Dark.