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EX Training: Glacial Machinery
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An Extreme Pass is required in order to play a set of five stages.
- Can obtain Extreme Pass from Pudding every 22 hours.
- Receive Extreme Passes as campaign rewards, bingo rewards or featured quest.
- Exchanging Excubes or Catalysts from Extreme Pass at the Exchange Shops.
Stage Information
Items drops from enemies are sent to virtual storage upon collecting and can choose up to 5 items maximum from the virtual storage if you successfully completed five stages. Failing a stage will reduce the maximum items can be collected from virtual storage.
- Stages highlighted with a light red background in their number are rare stages.
- Stage Orders of the type Do not heal for # seconds only apply to items and Resta technique used manually. Skills such as Automate Halfline or Just Reversal Cover, and potentials such as
Testament to Courage or
Stormy Grafter will not fail the Stage Order.
- Succeeding Stage Orders will cause the resistances of enemies in the next stage to become weaknesses.
- There is a chance of Emergency Code: Test that the flashing tiles will deal damage or Emergency Code: Training that lowers the effectiveness of recovery items. Pressing the button will end the trial but results in failing the stage.
- Row highlighted in red are rare stages.
Stage 1 - 5
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 1 Spardan A x6
SparzyleDefeat 10 enemies in 30 seconds! 2 Spargun x11
Guardine x4
GulfurDefeat 4 Gulfurs in 30 seconds! 3 Gulfur
De MalmothDefeat 1 De Malmoth in 180 seconds! 3 Ol Micda
MicdaDefeat 1 Micda with an attack to its weakpoint! 4 Sparzyle x30 Defeat 12 Sparzyles in 12 seconds! 5 Tranmizer
Gulfur x3Don't heal for 60 seconds! Stage 6 - 10
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 6 Spargun
Guardine x6
Guardinane x2
Gulfur x2
Yede x6Defeat 9 enemies in 120 seconds! 7 Signo Gun x6
Signo Beat x2Don't take any damage for 120 seconds! 7 Rappy x12 Defeat 12 Rappies in 77 seconds! 8 Yede x9
King Yede x3Don't heal for 30 seconds! 9 Signo Gun x2
Guardine x6
De MalmothDestroy 3 parts of De Malmoth in 30 seconds! 10 Signo Gun x4
Snow BansheeDefeat 1 Snow Banshee from the front in 120 seconds! Stage 11 - 15
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 11 Spardan A x10
Signo Beat x2Don't take any damage for 60 seconds! 11 Rappy x12 Defeat 12 Rappies in 77 seconds! 12 Gulfur x2
Yede x4
Micda x4Don't heal for 30 seconds! 13 Yede x6
King Yede
Micda x2
DagachaDefeat 4 Yedes in 30 seconds! All Resist 14 Signo Beat x2
Krabahda x3Defeat 2 Krabahdas from the front in 60 seconds! 15 Big Vardha Don't get incapacitated more than 5 times! All Resist Stage 16 - 20
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 16 Malmoth Defeat 6 enemies from the front in 60 seconds! 17 Gu Wonda
Ga Wonda
Signo BeatDefeat 2 Gu Wondas from behind in 60 seconds! 17 Rappy Defeat 12 Rappies in 77 seconds! 18 Wolgahda
Signo Gun
GulfurDon't heal for 60 seconds! 19 Gu Wonda
Ga Wonda
Signo BeatDon't take any damage for 20 seconds! 19 Micda
Ol MicdaDefeat 1 Micda with an attack to its weakpoint in 30 seconds! 20 Snow Banther
Snow Banshee
DagachaDefeat 1 Snow Banther from the front in 180 seconds! Stage 21 - 25
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 21 Gu Wonda
Ga Wonda
YedeDefeat 3 enemies in 30 seconds! 22 Gilnas Core
KrahdaDon't heal for 60 seconds! 23 Signo Beat
KartargotDefeat 2 Signo Beats from behind in 35 seconds! 23 Dark Agrani Destroy 4 parts of Dark Agrani in 240 seconds! 24 Fangulfur
Ol MicdaDon't take any damage for 30 seconds! 25 Tranmizer
KrabahdaDefeat 2 Krabahdas from the front in 60 seconds! 25 Falz Hunar Don't heal for 60 seconds! Stage 26 - 30
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 26 Cyclonehda
Ol MicdaDefeat 2 Cyclonehdas with an attack to their weakpoint in 60 seconds! 27 Gilnas Core
Signo Blue
MalmothDon't heal for 120 seconds! 27 Dagacha Defeat 2 Dagachas with an attack to their weakpoint in 30 seconds! 28 Yede
King Yede
DicahdaDefeat 2 King Yedes with an attack to their weakpoint in 60 seconds! 29 Kuklonahda
YedeDestroy 4 parts of Kuklonahda in 90 seconds! 30 Gwanahda
GuardinaneDefeat 1 Gwanahda with an attack to its weakpoint in 150 seconds! 30 Falz Arm Don't heal for 60 seconds! Stage 31 - 35
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 31 Dagan
El Ahda
KartargotDefeat 6 Dagans in 120 seconds! 31 Rappy Defeat 12 Rappies in 77 seconds! 32 Micda
Signo Beat
Defeat 1 Micda inflicted with a status effect in 120 seconds! 33 Cyclonehda
SpargunDon't take any damage for 30 seconds! 33 Falz Arm Don't heal for 60 seconds! 34 Predicahda
Signo Beat
MalmothDefeat 2 Predicahdas inflicted with a status effect in 90 seconds! 35 Big Vardha Destroy 24 parts of Big Vardha in 180 seconds! 35 Falz Arm Don't heal for 60 seconds! Stage 36 - 40
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 36 Predicahda
El Ahda
CyclonehdaDon't take any damage for 120 seconds! 37 Micda
Ga Wonda
DahgashDon't heal for 120 seconds! 38 Snow Banther
MicdaDestroy 6 parts of Snow Banther in 100 seconds! 38 Wolgahda Defeat 1 Wolgahda with an attack to its weakpoint in 180 seconds! 39 Gwanahda
Signo GunDefeat 1 Gwanahda with an attack to its weakpoint in 150 seconds! 40 Zeshrayda
Snow BantherDefeat 1 Zeshrayda with an attack to its weakpoint in 180 seconds! 40 Dark Falz Elder Destroy 2 parts of Dark Falz Elder in 600 seconds! Stage 41 - 45
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 41 Dal Malri
Signo GunDefeat 1 Dal Malri with an attack to its weakpoint! 41 Falz Arm Don't get incapacitated more than 3 times! 42 King Yede
Dark RagneDefeat 1 King Yede inflicted with a status effect! 43 Guardine
GilnachDefeat 4 Guardines from behind in 120 seconds! 44 Tranzexia Don't get incapacitated more than 3 times! 44 Big Vardha Defeat 1 Big Vardha in 240 seconds! 45 Snow Banther
Snow Banshee
GwanahdaDefeat 1 Gwanahda in 180 seconds! Stage 46 - 50
Stage Enemies (Lv. 60) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 46 Mi Micda Defeat 10 Mi Micdas with an attack to their weakpoint! 47 Signo Beat
King YedeDon't take any damage for 180 seconds! 48 Rigshrayda
SparzyleDon't heal for 150 seconds! 49 Yede
Bantha ElenaDefeat 12 Yedes in 180 seconds! 49 Fangulfur
GulfurDefeat 34 enemies in 60 seconds! 50 Wolgahda
Chrome DragonDefeat 1 Wolgahda in 90 seconds! 50 Dark Falz Elder Inflict 20,000 damage to Dark Falz Elder 3 times in 600 seconds! Stage 51 - 55
Stage Enemies (Lv. 70) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 51 Fangulfur
Vinto Vargr
Jagd Vargr
Ganon VargrDefeat 6 enemies in 60 seconds! 52 Krahda Defeat 6 Krahdas in 30 seconds! 52 Barbarillipan Defeat 4 Barbarillipans in 60 seconds! 53 Vardha Soma
Dal MalriDestroy 4 parts of Vardha Soma in 60 seconds! 54 Stark Gun
Batra Gun
GilnachDefeat 2 Stark Guns in 40 seconds! 55 Big Vardha Destroy 36 parts of Big Vardha in 210 seconds! 55 Cyclonehda
Ga Wonda
Gu Wonda
Falz ArmDefeat 1 Falz Arm with an attack to its weakpoint in 120 seconds! Stage 56 - 60
Stage Enemies (Lv. 70) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 56 Yede
Custom GuardinaneDon't heal for 120 seconds! 56 Barbarillipan Defeat 6 Barbarillipans in 80 seconds! 57 Yede
King Yedee
Destroy 1 part of Dingell in 60 seconds! 58 Bantha Oran
Bantha Elena
Stark Gun
SpargunDestroy 4 parts of Bantha Oran in 120 seconds! 59 Signo Gun
Ganon Vargr
Custom GuardinaneDon't take any damage for 20 seconds! 60 Tranzexia
Signo Blue
Dinga Polce
Dinga NocheDefeat 1 Tranzexia with an attack to its weakpoint in 150 seconds! 60 Falz Hunar [Persona] Don't get incapacitated more than 5 times! Stage 61 - 65
Stage Enemies (Lv. 70) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 61 Guardinane
Custom Guardinane
Custom KindiddDefeat 16 enemies in 80 seconds! 62 Signo Beat
Gilnas Core
Jagd Dingell
GilnachInflict 2,000 damage to signo beat 3 times! 63 Dagan Nero
Gwanahda Nero
Dinga Polce
Dinga Noche
Predicahda Nero
Signo BlueDefeat 16 enemies in 80 seconds! 64 King Vardha Don't get incapacitated more than 5 times! 64 Vardha Soma Destroy 6 parts of Vardha Soma in 90 seconds! 65 Falz Arm Destroy 7 parts of Falz Arm in 240 seconds! 65 Barbarillipan Defeat 8 Barbarillipans in 100 seconds! Stage 66 - 70
Stage Enemies (Lv. 70) Stage Order Ability Up Resistance Small Medium Large X.Large Weapon Attribute 66 Batra Gun
Jagd Dingell
Signo Beat
King Yede
Jagd Vargr
Vinto VargrDefeat 1 Batra Gun inflicted with a status effect in 120 seconds! 67 Malmoth
Stark Gun
Batra GunDefeat 3 Malmoths with an attack to their weakpoint in 160 seconds! 67 Rappy Defeat 24 Rappies in 120 seconds! 68 Custom Kindidd
Dark AgraniDefeat 15 Custom Kindidds from behind! 69 Vardha Soma
Signo Gun
Ganon VargrDefeat 1 Vardha Soma from the front in 120 seconds! 70 Persona Don't get incapacitated more than 5 times! 70 Dark Falz Elder Defeat the Dark Falz Elder with an attack to its weakpoint in 220 seconds!
Rarity Name Description 6 ハートキーの欠片
Heart Key FragmentFragment of a spellstone. Contains some power but useless in its current state. 6 ハートキーの原石
Heart Key OreCollection of spellstone fragments combined together. Can be traded for a Heart Key spellstone or an armor unit. Weapons